

many students don't know more how to deal with some problems among their classmates now because of it arguing and fighting occured from time to time to reduce

the ratio , here are a few suggestions: one, what is that saying "If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow" so everyone should learn toleration anytime and anywhere Two, after arguing or fighting occured and we think about

the reason of what happened to us , we can give apology to each other


Recently I heard that you were arguing with your parents Here are a couple of suggestions I have for you to deal with the relationship with your parents:

You can't compare anybody to them Yes, on days you may feel like saying "I wish my mum is extremely rich", but you don't really mean it, even if you think you do Parents are the people you should love a lot in your life

A nice, simple greeting like "Hello," "Hi," or "Good morning," will brighten their day They just yearn for an "I love you" from you

Take care of them, mentally and physically If they are feeling sick, make them some chicken soup and give them a box of tissues, and if they're feeling stressed, give them a massage and chat to them about the good things in their life

Write/text/email things to them every day, about how much you love them Call them up at work to say hello and check how they're doing Parents love nothing more than talking to you

Hope you will find them helpful

还有就是 我目前上的ABC天卞英语的导师要我明白,就是想学会英语是不难的。绝对需要个适合的研习空间和进修口语对象,老师水平是关键 标准口音才行 坚决每日口语练习 1对1个性化学习才可以有非常好的进步幅度~课程结束后需要复习听取课程录音音频,把所学知识融会贯通~然后要是真的没人帮忙的状况下,可以去旺旺或爱思取得课余学习材料研习 多说多问不知不觉的语感就培养起来 学习成长是绝对最佳的~两个人可以做下来心平气和的好好谈谈,把吵架的原因找出来如果是你错了就要敢与承认错误如果是他错了你就不要计较他的过错把话都说开大家还是好朋友处朋友最怕的就是有什么话不说等忍耐到一定程度大家真的就没发在相处下去

第二。”所以每个人时时刻刻需要学习容忍:第一many students don':现在许多学生不知道如何处理与他们的同学的矛盾, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow", we can give apology to each other to reduce the ratio , here are a few suggestions;t know more how to deal with some problems among their classmates now Two;If you are patient in one moment of anger,我们想想自己的原因。所以吵架和打架时有发生,在争吵或者打架发生过后,老话说得好, after arguing or fighting occured and we think about the reason of what happened to us ;, what is that saying,你会从数百天的悲伤中逃离 翻译 because of it arguing and fighting occured from time to time : one,“如果你在一瞬间能把愤怒转化成耐心 " so everyone should learn toleration anytime and anywhere,有几点建议,为了减少冲突概率,我们可以互相道歉

Everyone has a friend A friend is a person who will help you when you are in difficulty But sometimes we have something unhappy between we and friends Maybe we can quarrel with each other because of something What should we do if we quarrel with our friends Let me tell you Being a friend, you must understand your friend If he has something different from you You should respect your friend's idea and try your best deal with the things But if you really can't get the same idea, ev en quarrel about it I think you should applogize him or her when you get calm Say "sorry" to him or her, and he or she will forgive you You can get on well each other later



原文地址: https://hunlipic.com/qinggan/9836582.html

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