

aum的新片Badarn Jai英文:“The Nether Mind”中文:无谓的心

主演:AUM Aitchar和Margie Rasee


主人公是精神分裂的一个人也就是我们的AUM了,因为他挚爱的未婚妻在国外因车祸而死。 Aum饰演一个疯狂的人,而Margie饰演的女主人公用爱和支持,帮助他走出阴影,恢复了清醒的头脑。

在Badarn Jai的开始,我们的pra’ek Sakkarn穿上亚洲梭鱼服装,把自己与真实的世界隔绝,他的暴躁行为把他的家人吓坏了。 Sakkarn对他未婚妻Aeuy的死极悲痛又沮丧。 他的母亲十分担心,并从跟她老朋友探讨该怎么办。她的朋友有一个女儿。

觉得唯一的方式来愈合她儿子的伤口就是让他找到新的所爱,于是她安排了Sakkarn和她的朋友的女儿, Purimarn之间的婚姻。 为了强制她的儿子结婚, Sakkarn以死相劝。

结婚了的这对夫妇。 他们搬入Sakkarn的房子并且在不同的房间睡觉。 Purimarn讨好Sakkarn真是太困难了。 她努力改变他的生活,把花搬进家,以求让他的生活更明朗。 但是他对她的公司感兴趣,但是假装恨她。(这是什么意思?偶也没看懂,直译了哈)

在Sakkarn和Purimarn的婚礼上, Aeuy妹妹回到泰国。 Ransitha长得很像她的姐妹Aeuy。 多年来,因为Sakkarn爱的是他的她的姐妹, Ransitha一直暗恋着Sakkarn,但是守口如瓶。

在她的姐妹Aeuy死了之后,她发现了与Sakkarn的机会。 Ransitha开始混进Sakkarn和Purimarn的生活,期望破坏他们的关系。

可在线观看网站: http://wwwyoukucom/playlist_show/id_1990967html

《大**Dao Lhong Fah》连英字都没,中字就没什么希望了,你可以去ATM中文网去问问他们会不会做这剧的中字


Aum  as Domm

Cherry as Wan

Dodo Yuthapichye Charnlekha as Character Name

Kob Songsit Rungnopakunsi as Character Nam



Wan (Namwan)是一个从小被宠坏的富家千金, 跟奶奶, 妈妈及两个Aunt 住在一起 她的母亲从她小时候起便一直告诉Wan 她的父亲是一个坏人, 抛弃了她们与另一个女人住在一起, 所以Wan 自小便憎恨父亲及他的另一个家庭, 并且相信父亲从不爱她 Domm 是Wan 家老仆妇的孙子, 两人从小一块长大, 是一对小冤家, 经常互相捉弄对方又互不相让 Wan 毕业后进入娱乐圈成为女明星, 除了开始结交男朋友之外, 她亦被迫要花时间去应酬她的父亲及继母, 而每次见面, wan 都表现得很无礼并且十分不尊重她那位个性慈和的继母 因为Wan 相信就是她的继母一手拆散了她的家庭, 害她从小便缺乏父爱 Wan 也同时介入了3 个原本幸福的家庭中, 她妒忌这些美满的家庭, 并且她亦想试探男人是不是都会喜新厌旧的, 为了她而抛妻弃子 於是她诱惑这些男人, 给予他们虚假的爱情和希望 她这种行为大大伤害了这几个男人的妻子 这些妻子们为了抢回丈夫不惜经常去骚扰Wan, 但她从来不在意, 在她未得到满足前是不会停止这种行为的

终於有一天, Wan 把真相告诉了这几个男人使他们伤透了心, 有的打算回去妻子身边 但其中一个男人的妻子却来到了Wan 的拍摄现场生事, 让Wan 十分不快於是她开车离开那里, 车上还有她的母亲及两个Aunt, Wan 最终因高速驾驶而发生意外, 除她自己外, 车上所有人都死了, Wan 也因此而毁容

Wan 变得十分消沉, 因为她害死了母亲及两个Aunt, 她回家了并终日躲起来 


《嫉妒 Rai Risaya》



Aum 去一个岛上渡假时结识了Cherry, 不久他两便共坠爱河, 当Aum 要回家时他要求Cherry 跟他一起回去, Cherry 答应了 但是回到Aum 家时, 才知道Aum 其实是有未婚妻的, 她便是Donut 了 於是Donut 联同Aum 的父母无所不用其极地欺负Cherry, 务求能把她赶走 Aum (作曲家) 也因工作关系认识了Benz (歌手), 她对他一见种情, 但是当她知道Aum 爱的是她的旧同学Cherry 时, 她便妒恨如狂 於是Benz 便跟同样憎恨Cherry 的Donut 联手折磨她 Cherry 是一个很内向的女孩, 而且心地善良, 所以她没有把受欺负的事说出去, 对两女的折磨也一直是逆来顺受的 不过, 从Benz 把她由船上推下海的那刻起, 她便改变了 Cherry 落海后所有人包括Aum 都以为她死了, 但是其实她没有死, 她变成了另一个身份回来向每个曾经伤害过她的人展开复仇



AUM演个富家公子来到一个度假的小岛见到CHERRY,对CHERRY一见钟情。两人在小岛上相爱了,AUM把CHERRY带回了家,可是AUM的父母不喜欢CHERRY,大概认为CHERRY是乡下女孩配不上AUM,所以和另一个女孩(大概是AUM的表妹还是什么的)一起合谋拆散他们,可是两人相爱很深最终在小岛和结婚了。BENZ是一个富家的女孩,也是歌星喜欢AUM,知道AUM跟自己以前学生时期的同学CHERRY(学生时期经常欺侮 CHERRY)结婚怀恨在心,破坏AUM与CHERRY婚后之间的关系。一次AUM和CHERRY一起开游艇出海游玩,BENZ假装碰到,并在AUM喝的酒里面下了安眠药,让AUM失去知觉,引CHERRY到游艇边,抢走CHERRY的结婚戒,并把CHERRY推下了海。(好恶毒),AUM醒来后发现 CHERRY落海想跳海去救她,可是被BENZ死死的抱住不让去,只好上岸后报警。CHERRY的失踪后,AUM很伤心,BENZ每天在他身边安慰他, AUM就和BENZ在一起了(看到这里真是气死人了,有点安慰的是AUM爱的还是CHERRY,所以把所有CHERRY的感情和物品隐藏或封存起来)其实 CHERRY并没有死,她被一个有点像是中国的富豪救了,同时BENZ父亲也是这个富豪的仇敌,当年也是被BENZ父亲陷害用差不多的手法,丢下了海。富豪收CHERRY为干女儿,决定向BENZ和她父亲复仇。在CHERRY干爹的珠宝展上,CHERRY以压轴出场,BENZ父母和AUM(还有那个表妹)被登场的CHERRY吓到了。(从这里CHERRY开始了她的复仇计划,哈哈看得大快人心)此后CHERRY经常以客户的身份引诱AUM,气得BENZ哇哇大叫,最终AUM知道事实真相,BENZ家破产,他父亲被打死,自己坐牢了。最终AUM和CHERRY在一起了。。。




超模娜嘉·奥尔曼Nadja Auermann,71年出生的她如今已经50岁了,她之所以被大家熟知是因为拥有一双112米的超级大长腿。娜嘉·奥尔曼出生在西柏林,父亲是银行家,母亲是名媛大**,家里从小就极其的富有,也赋予了她与生俱来的贵族气质。





" NamTarn Mai " 剧情内容

男主角 : Pawan (AUM)

女主角 : Thuma (AFF)

开拍日期 : 10/24

Here's the story from the novel


Pawan or Pe (Aum) was the only son of the real estate businessman After his mother died, His father fell in love and had the affair with a married woman Later, his father was shot to death by his lover's husband So, Pawan had a bias for the married woman

Pawan (AUM) , 一是个继承百万遗产的商人, 在他妈妈去世之后, 他的父亲跟一个有夫之妇传出诽闻, 最后, 他的父亲被情妇的丈夫给枪杀了, 所以 Pawan 对结过婚的女人很没有好感

However, he had a crush on Thuma or Bo (Aff), an interior designer in his company When he knew that she was a married woman, he tried to stay away from her, but he couldn't resist her charming

然而, 他却迷恋上他公司内部的一个设计师 Thuma (AFF), 当他知道她已经结婚了, 他曾试着远离她, 但是他却不能降低对她的迷恋

Thuma got married with Tao, her brother's friend because her family had some financial problem and Tao volunteered to help her But After she moved to England with him, she just realized that her husband was gay (queen) and she had to live in the same house with her husband and his boyfriend Later, she couldn't bear that situation anymore, she came back to Thailand and got a job in Pawan's company

Thuma 嫁给了自己哥哥的好朋友 Tao, 因为 Tao 在 Thuma 家里发生财务问题的时候义务的帮助了她们, 但是婚后他们移居到英国, 她才发现她的丈夫是一个同性恋, 并且必须跟丈夫的同性爱人住在同一栋房子里面 最后, 她不能再继续忍受这样的情况, 她回到了泰国并且进入到 Pawan 的公司

Pawan couldn't resist his desire for her, he started to ask Thuma out Thuma was lonely and wanted to have someone, so she dated him They kept dating, fell in love with each other and had the affair In his mind, he still worried that the history would repeat itself He would get the same fate as his father, but he was in love with Thuma so much that he didn't care about anything

Pawan 不能降低对 Thuma 的爱慕, 他开始约Thuma 出去, Thuma 因为寂寞和希望有人陪伴, 所以她开始与 Pawan 约会, 他们持续约会并且坠入爱河并且发生了关系, 在Pawan的心里却担心历史会重复上演, 他会步上他父亲的后尘, 但是他爱Thuma之深已经让他不顾一切了

Pawan met Sathorn, a man who helped him from attacking by a drunk man Sathorn was in debt and saw that Pawan was very rich, so he tried to introduced Nian (Ploy), his daughter to Pawan He asked Pawan to accepted Nian to work in his company He told his daughter to try to seduce Pawan Pawan accepted Nian to work in his company, but he was not interested in Nian more than just a young pretty girl because he loved Thuma so much When Nian saw that Pawan was in love and dating Thuma, she was very jealous and wanted to win him

Pawan 遇上了以前的恩人Sathom, 因为他曾经在一个酒鬼的攻击下救出 Pawan, 可是这时候, Sathom已经是负债累累, 而发现原来 Pawan 是个有钱人, 所以他试着向 Pawan 说希望可以介绍他女儿 Nian (Poly)进去他的公司工作, Sathom却一方面要他的女儿 Nian 勾引Pawan, Pawan 同意 Nian 到公司工作, 但是他对Nian除了觉得是个年轻漂亮的女生以外就没有其他的兴趣, 因为,他深深的爱着 Thuma 当 Nina 看到 Pawan 和 Thuma甜蜜的在一起就会吃醋并且想要赢得他

Pawan told Thuma that he wanted to marry her, so Thuma told him to wait and she would divorce her husband to be with him

Pawan 告诉 Thuma 想要娶她, 所以Thuma 请他给她一段时间, 她会跟她老公离婚之后跟他在一起

Tao came back to Thailand with Aer, his new boyfriend after he had some trouble in England His mother was very angry at him and refused to give him money anymore One day, Aer saw that Thuma dating Pawan They feared that Thuma would divorce Tao and Tao's mother would know that truth and be angrier at her son, so Aer told Tao to threaten Pawan to stay away from Thuma Thuma asked to divorce with Tao but he refused it

因为Tao得新男朋友 Aer 在英国惹了一些麻烦所以他们一起回到了泰国, 他的母亲为此感到很生气并且拒绝再给他任何的金钱, 有一天, Aer 看到了 Thuma 和 Thuma 约会, 他害怕 Thuma 会想要离婚而Tao 的妈妈会知道事情的真相而更加的对儿子生气, 所以 Aer 告诉了 Tao 不只威胁 Pawan 离开 Thuma, 更拒绝了 Thuma 要离婚的提议

Nian created evil scheme She tried to act as an innocent angel and flatter everyone who was close to Pawan, such as Panee, Pawan's aunt and his step-mother, and Pawan's secretary She tried to get close to Pawan until everyone in company thought that she was dating Pawan and would be his wife in the future Pawan couldn't refuse her when she asked him to give her a ride everyday or went out with him because he thought that she was his friend's daughter

Nian 想出了一个邪恶的方法, 她试着扮演一个天真无辜的女孩并且讨好了 Pawan 身边的每一个人, 例如 Pawan 的阿姨, 继母和秘书, 她试着接近 Pawan 并且让公司每一个人都认为她和Pawan 在约会并且是他未来的妻子, 当Nian 每天要求 Pawan 载她或是跟她出去的时候, Pawan 都因为她是他朋友的女儿而无法拒绝

When Pawan's secretary took leave to give birth, Nian was assigned to work as a substitute Nian kept obstructing Thuma and Pawan from seeing and talking each other

当 Pawan 的秘书因为生小孩而离开的时候, Nian 变成了秘书的职务代理人, Nian继续妨碍 Thuma 和 Pawan 的视线交会或是谈话

After Thuma knew that she was pregnant with Pawan, she was very happy and wanted to tell him, but Nian still kept her from meeting him Thuma was very hurt and thought that Pawan was bored of her and didn't want to see her anymore She also heard everybody in company talking about the relationship between Pawan and Nian She tried to send message to make appointment with him, but he didn't get it because of Nian and didn't go to see her Thuma saw that Pawan went out with Nian instead of going to see her, so she decided to quit her job and go to Hawaii to stay with Tik, her youngest brother Anyway, Pawan had no chance to see Thuma's resignation letter because Nian threw it away

当 Thuma 得知她已经怀了 Pawan 的小孩时, 她非常的开心并且想要告诉他, 但是Nian 仍就从中阻扰他们见面, Thuma 因此非常的伤心并且认为 Pawan 已经开始对她厌倦而不想再跟她见面, 她也在公司里面听到每一个同事都在谈论 Pawan 和 Nian 的诽闻, 她尝试传讯息给 Pawan 想要见一面, 可是因为 Nian 的阻扰而 Pawan 没有收到消息也就失约了, 所以她决定辞职并且到夏威夷去跟她弟弟 Tik 在一起, 而Pawan 无法看到 Thuma 的辞职信因为 Nian 把信给丢掉了

Jaengla, Pawan's lawyer friend, worked with Tao'mother accidentally knew that Thuma was going to leave for Hawaii, so he told Pawan Pawan hurried to go and met Thuma at the airport before she left Thuma was very hurt and told him she was going to leave with no return Pawan didn't understand anything and thought that she didn't want him anymore, so he let her go

Jaengla 是 Pawan 的律师朋友, 为 Tao 的妈妈工作, 意外的得知 Thuma 要到夏威夷去, 所以告诉了 Pawan, Pawan 伤心的赶到机场去并且在 Thuma 离开前见到了她, Thuma 伤心的告诉他她不会再回泰国了, Pawan 完全无法了解并且以为 Thuma 不在爱他了, 所以就让她离开了

After Thuma left, Pawan was very sorry He kept drinking, getting drunk and sleeping around One day, when Pawan was drunk and Nian took care of him, he thought of Thuma so much and kept raving about her He thought that Nian was Thuma, so he hugged and kissed her and fell asleep after that Nian was very angry when she heard Thuma's name and nothing happened as what she wanted However, in the next morning, Pawan woke up naked and saw that Nian was crying He though that he raped her Nian tried to say that it was alright She didn't care about it

Thuma 离开之后, Pawan 非常的难过, 他开始喝得烂醉, 喝醉了就睡, 醒过来了又继续喝酒 , 一天, Pawan 喝醉了 Nian 照顾他, 他因为太想 Thuma 而把 Nian 当作是 Thuma拥抱和亲吻, 最后醉倒了, 而 Nian 却很生气听到 Pawan 嘴里喊着 Thuma 的名字却没有发生她希望发生的事情, 然而 隔天早上, Pawan 醒了却看到了自己裸体而 Nian 在一旁哭泣, 她以为他强暴了她, Nian 却说没关系, 她不会介意的

But later, Nian's father told Pawan that Nian was pregnant with him and forced him to marry his daughter After marriage, Pawan realized that Nian was a materialist girl He was bored of her and quarrelled with her so often He started going out and sleeping around with a woman in a bar

但是接下来, Nian 的父亲却告诉 Pawan 说 Nian 已经怀孕了并强迫他娶她的女儿, 婚礼之后, Pawan 才知道Nian 是个爱慕虚荣的女生, 他对她感到很厌倦, 并且争吵不休, 并且到处跟酒吧里面认识的女孩发生关系

In Hawaii, Thuma heard the news that Pawan got amrried with Nian She was very hurt She told Tik, her brother about everything and told him that she wanted to get abortion, but after she got the accident and felt that the baby in her belly was moving, she changed her mind to keep the baby She wanted to give birth her baby in Thailand, so she and Tik decided to go back Thailand

在夏威夷, Thuma 听到了 Pawan 和 Nian 结婚的消息, 她非常的伤心, 她告诉弟弟 Tik 所有的事情并且想要去把孩子拿掉, 但是在一次意外中, 她感受到宝宝的胎动, 这改变了她的想法保留了小孩 她希望在泰国生产, 所以她跟 Tik 决定回到泰国

Tik was the first guy that Tao used to sleep with, but at that time, Tik told Tao that he couldn't live his life like that with Tao, so they had to separate Coming back to Thailand this time, they got back their relationship Tik tried to open Tao's eyes seeing that Aer was not a good man Aer was using and pimping him Tik also told Tao about Thuma's baby with Pawan, a guy she loved, so Tao decided to let Thuma free and divorce her

Tik 是 Tao 的初恋情人, 但是在那个时候, Tik 告诉 Tao 他无法这样跟他一起生活, 所以两人就分开了, 这次回到泰国, 他们破镜重圆, Tik 要 Tao张大眼睛看清楚 Aer 并不是一个好人, Aer 只是再利用他, Tik 同时也告诉 Tao 有关 Thuma 爱的是 Pawan并且怀了他的宝宝, 所以 Tao 决定跟 Thuma 离婚放她自由

Nian tried to call for attention from Pawan, so she tried to commit suicide Jaengla, Pawan's friend, could catch that Nian didn't get pregnant and unable to get pregnant anymore for the rest of her life He also saw Thuma in the hospital giving birth a son He knew that her baby was Pawan's baby, so he told Pawan

Nian 想要试着唤起 Pawan 对她的注意力, 所以她故意自杀, Pawan 的律师朋友 Jaengla发现到 Nian 没有怀孕而且她是终身无法怀孕的, 同时他也在医院看到了 Thuma 生了一个儿子, 他知道这个一定是 Pawan 的宝宝, 所以他告诉了 Pawan

Nian asked for a lot of dowry for divorce from Pawan, and Pawan didn't refuse it After divorce, Pawan tried to get back with Thuma and asked for her forgiveness

Pawan 给了一大笔赡养费给 Nian 以取得跟 Nian 的离婚, 并且在离婚之后 Pawan 试着回到 Thuma 的身边并且请求她的原谅

Thuma didn't want to forgive him easily at first, but for the sake of thier son, she forgave him at last They lived together happily after that and she got pregnant again

起先, Thuma 并不想轻易的原谅他, 但是为了他们的儿子她还是原谅了他, 最后, 她们幸福的住在一起并且 Thuma 又再次怀孕了



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