英 [prə’pəʊz]
vt. 建议;打算,计划;求婚
vi. 建议;求婚;打算
propose originally 原先提议
propose aim 定为目标
n (名词)
I'm engaged!
Tonight's the big night, we wanna wish you good luck
big night常用于形容那些重要的日子,求婚这样的人生大事当然是其中之一,现在的年轻人求婚喜欢制造惊喜,少不了朋友的配合,排练各种场景,为的就是伴侣在得知后能又惊又喜地答应求婚,到了当天,记得向你的朋友说声good luck,为TA加油!
I got on one knee, and I popped the question
单膝跪下在英文中的表达为got on one knee,包括在婚纱照中摄影师也常会设计这样的桥段,这是绅士的行为,表达自己在爱情面前的谦卑。pop the question是一个固定搭配,这里的question不是指所有种类的问题,在美语里经常是指“Will you marry me”这个特定的问题。
Will you do me the honor of being my wife
这句话几乎可以讲是最正式最绅士的说法之一了,在国外的舞会上,穿着考究的绅士们会走到心仪的女士身边,然后说"Will you do me the honor of a dance?"很明显除了跳舞,求婚也可以用这个句型。
The rock is the size of my fist
求婚一般都是用一枚带有钻石的戒指作为定情信物。钻石的化学成分是碳,硬度是自然界的,在爱情中象征自己的坚定。无论价格是便宜还是昂贵,钻石本质就是一颗石头,即a piece of rock,所以在口语里人们常用the rock来代替diamond的说法。Diamond的衡量标准有四个C,Carat,Clarity,Color和Cut,即克拉数,净度,色泽和切工,这个句子就是形容钻石很大,像自己的拳头一样,是一种夸张的比喻。
We're meant for each other
命中注定我爱你。恋爱中的人总喜欢把各种巧合比喻为天意,是老天意让两个人在一起,就好像如果两人不想爱的话,会把各种巧合解释为上天不想让两个人在一起一样,怎么解释取决于两个人的心态和愿望。meant for each other一般是固定组合,表示命中注定。有部**叫做《Serendipity》,这个词的意思是意外经历一些幸运的事情,引申为凑巧碰到自己的所爱。恋爱中的人,所有美丽的意外都会被解释为上天幸运的眷顾,统计学意义上的巧合也是提前注定的。
I could throw her off the track first and then surprise her
这个句子来自老友记的Chandler,他想给女友一个惊喜的求婚,所以提前说了很多自己不想结婚的话,为了女友不相信自己近期会求婚,这样突然求婚就会很有效果。throw someone off the track是固定搭配,就是这种故意表演来诱使别人相信另外一件事,但实际是另外有所打算。
We're gonna spend the rest of our lives together
求婚的话很多人会排练很多遍,但到了现场又往往因为大脑空白而忘记,能清醒意识到的就是这一件事,就是两个人将共度余生。英文里有句话是today is the first day of the rest of your life,每一天都是余生的第一天,你找到你愿意与之共度的人了吗?
----How are you gonna ask her
----I'm taking her to her favorite restaurant,I'm gonna get her a bottle of champagne that she really loves, then when the glasses are full, instead of proposing a toast, I'm just gonna propose
求婚有时也是展示自己是否了解自己另一半的一个舞台,去什么餐厅,喝什么酒都充满了个性,你选错餐厅是不了解对方的表现,点错香槟也是不了解对方的表现,所以在求婚前还是做好功课,平时就留心记忆对方的喜好,这样才会有一个Happy Ending。
In the spring of 1971,I met a girl The first time I saw her, we were, appropriately enough, in aclass on political and civil rights She had thick blond hair, big glassesWore no makeup And she exuded this strength of self-possession I found magnetic
After the class, Ifollowed her out, intending to introduce myself I got close enough to touchher back, but I couldn't do it Somehow, I knew this would not be just anothertap on the shoulder, that I might be starting something I couldn't stop I saw herseveral more times the next few days but still didn't speak to her Then onenight in the law library talking to a classmate who wanted me to join the YaleLaw Journal, he said it would guarantee me a job at a big firm or a clerkshipwith a federal judge I really wasn’t interested — I just wanted to go home toArkansas
Then I saw the girlagain, standing at the opposite end of that long room Finally, she was staringback at me So I watched her She closed her book, put it down, and startedwalking toward me She walked the whole length of the library, came up to me,and said, "Look, if you are going to keep staring at me, we at least oughtto know each other's name I'm Hillary Rodham, who are you" I was soimpressed and surprised that, whether you believe it or not, momentarily, I wasspeechless
Finally, I sort ofblurted out my name and we exchanged a few words, and she went away Well, Ididn't join the Law Review, but I did leave that library with a whole new goalin mind A couple days later, I saw her again, wearing a long, white, floweryskirt, and I went up to her and she said she was going to register for classesfor the next term I said I would go too
We stood in line andtalked — you had to do that to register back then I thought I was doing prettywell until we got to the front of the line and the registrar looked up andsaid, "Bill, what are you doing here You registered this morning"
I turned red and shelaughed that big laugh of hers and I thought, well, heck, since my cover hasbeen blown, I asked her to take a walk down to the art museum We have beenwalking, and talking, and laughing together ever since
And we have done it ingood times, through joy and heartbreak We cried together this morning on thenews that our good friend and a lot of your good friend, Mark Weiner, passedaway early this morning We built up a lifetime of memories After the firstmonth and that first walk, I drove her home to Park Ridge, Illinois, to meether family and see the town where she grew up, a perfect example of post-WorldWar II middle-class America Street after street of nice houses, great schools,good parks, a big public swimming pool And almost all white
I really liked herfamily, her crusty, conservative father, her rambunctious brothers, allextolling the virtue of rooting for the bears and the cubs And for the peopleof Illinois here, they even told me what waiting for next year meant — could benext year, guys
Now, her mother wasdifferent She was more liberal than the boys She had a childhood that mademine look like a piece of cake She was easy to underestimate with her softmanner and she reminded me all over again of the truth of that old saying thatyou should never judge a book by its cover Knowing her was one of the greatestgifts Hillary ever gave me
I learned that Hillarygot her introduction to social justice through her Methodist youth minister,Don Jones He took her downtown to Chicago to hear Martin Luther King Jr speakand he remained her friend for the rest of his life This will be the onlycampaign of hers he ever missed
When she got tocollege, her opposition to the Vietnam War compelled her to change parties andbecome a Democrat And then between college and law school, on a total lark,she went alone to Alaska and spent time sliming fish
More to the point, bythe time I met her she had already been involved in the law school's legalservices project and she had been influenced by Marian Wright Edelman She tooka summer internship interviewing workers in migrant camps for Sen WalterMondale’s subcommittee She had also begun working in the Yale New Havenhospital to develop procedures to handle suspected child abuse cases
She got so involved inchildren's issues that she actually took an extra year in law school working atthe child studies center to learn what more could be done to improve the livesand futures of poor children She was already determined to figure out how tomake things better
Hillary opened my eyesto a whole new world of public service by private citizens In the summer of1972, she went to Dothan, Alabama, to visit one of those segregated academiesthat enrolled over a half a million white kids in the South The only way theeconomics worked was if they claimed federal tax exemptions to which they werenot legally entitled She got sent to prove they weren't
So she sauntered intoone of these academies all by herself, pretending to be a housewife that justmoved to town and needed to find a school for her son And they exchangepleasantries and finally, she said, "Look, let's get to the bottom lineIf I enroll my son in this school, will he be in a segregated school Yes orno" And the guy said "Absolutely" She had him I’ve seen it athousand times since
And she went back andher encounter was part of a report that gave Marian Wright Edelman the forcethey needed to keep working to get the Nixon administration to take those taxexemptions away and give our kids access to an equal education
Then she went down toSouth Texas, where she met one of the nicest fellows I ever met, the wonderfulunion leader Franklin Garcia, and he helped her register Mexican-Americanvoters I think some of them are still around to vote for her in 2016 Andthen, in our last year in law school, Hillary kept up this work She went toSouth Carolina to see why so many young African-American boys — I mean, youngteenagers — were being jailed for years with adults in men's prisons She fileda report on that, which led to some changes too Always making things better
Meanwhile, let's getback to business I was trying to convince her to marry me I first proposed toher on a trip to Great Britain, the first time she'd ever been overseas Wewere on the shoreline of this wonderful lake, Lake Ennerdale I asked her tomarry me and she said, "I can't do it"
So in 1974, I wenthome to teach in law school and Hillary moved to Massachusetts to keep workingon children's issues This time, trying to figure out why so many kids countedin the census weren't enrolled in school
She found one of themsitting alone on her porch in a wheelchair Once more, she filed a report aboutthese kids and that helped influence ultimately the Congress to adopt theproposition that children with disabilities, physical or otherwise, should haveequal access to public education You saw the result of that last night whenAnastasia Somoza talked She never made fun of people with disabilities Shetried to empower them based on their abilities
Meanwhile, I was stilltrying to get her to marry me The second time I asked, I tried a differenttactic I said, "I really want you to marry me, but you shouldn't doit" She smiled and looked at me like what is this boy up to She said,"That is not a very good sales pitch" I said, "I know but it'strue" And I meant it It was true I said, "I know most of the youngDemocrats our age who want to go into politics, they mean well and they speakwell, but none of them is as good as you are at actually doing things to makepositive changes in people's lives"
So I suggested she gohome to Illinois or move to New York and look for a chance to run for officeShe laughed and said, "Are you out of your mind Nobody would ever votefor me" So I finally got her to come visit me in Arkansas And when shedid, the people at the law school were so impressed, they offered her ateaching position And she decided to take a huge chance
She moved to a strangeplace, more rural and conservative than anywhere she had been Where she knewgood and well that people were wondering what in the world she was like andwhether they could or should accept her Didn't take them long to find out whatshe was like
She loved herteaching She got frustrated when one of her students said, "What do youexpect, I'm just from Arkansas" She said, "Don’t tell me thatYou’re as smart as anybody You just have to believe in yourself and work forit and set high goals" She believed anyone could make it She alsostarted the first legal aid clinic in northwest Arkansas, providing legal aidservices to poor people who couldn't pay for them
One day, I was drivingher to the airport to fly back to Chicago when we passed this little brickhouse that had a for-sale sign on it and she said, "Boy, that's a prettyhouse" It had 1,100 square feet, an attic fan and no air conditioner inhot Arkansas, and a screened-in porch Hillary commented on what a uniquelydesigned and beautiful house it was
So I took a bigchance I bought the house My mortgage was $175 a month When she came back, Ipicked her up and said, "You remember that house you like" I said,"While you were gone, I bought it, and you have to marry me now" Thethird time was the charm We were married in that little house on October 11,1975 I married my best friend