例句:a short ferry ride across the bay
例句:The gulf between the cultures was too great
例句:The crowd bayed every time he stumbled or toppled
例句:The yawning valley was gulfed in blackness
例句:This dress is bay
(Personal opinion, only for reference)
The Gulf War after World War II most belligerent, one-time to send troops to the largest investment in most weapons the most advanced and largest air strikes, fighting and an unprecedented intensity and the development of extraordinarily rapid loss of another great disparity in casualties on both sides of a modern high-tech Local war While fighting lasted only 43 days, but it provides a number of local wars of modern fresh experiences and lessons Especially since a large number of high-tech weapons systems for operational use and display the "military technical revolution" is more of concern to countries in the world of military theorists, it has triggered people with new ways of thinking to look at a modern local war theories, laws and operational guidance method Gulf War and the future high-tech war in a peep-hole
First, the reasons for the outbreak of war and background
The outbreak of any war has its specific causes and background The main reason leading to the outbreak of the Gulf War and the background are:
(A) Iraq invasion and occupation of Kuwait
At 1 o'clock on August 2, 1990 (Kuwait time), the Air Force, Navy, amphibious forces and special operations forces in close support and cooperation of the Iraqi Republican Guard in three divisions across the Kuwaiti border to Kuwait, launched a sudden attack on From a mechanized infantry division and an armored division compiled the main attack force along the Safwan - Abdali - Kuwait City, the implementation of the axis of attack, more than 350 tanks under the guidance of the first captured Jiahe December south Yamaguchi, and then folded towards the attack on Kuwait City Matched by an armored division assists woven force, main attack troops attacked south west, in Jiahe December Yamaguchi joined forces with the main attack, the continued south, in the main thoroughfare leading to the Saudi border to establish blocking positions 5:30, main attack forces and special operations forces in Kuwait City to join After about 14 hours of urban combat, 7 pm, the Iraqi army completely occupied the capital of Kuwait Followed by the continued development of attack, steady flow of follow-on force to enter Kuwait August 3 at noon throughout the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait From August 6 to enter the Iraqi army in Kuwait to reach about 20 million people, tanks and more than 2,000 vehicles August 8, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein declared that the annexation of Kuwait, to classify it as Iraq's "19th province" and said it "will always be an integral part of Iraq"
Kuwait is too weak, coupled with the surprise attack on the Iraqi military was not prepared, only a weak resistance KLA some 20,000 people, only more than 5,000 people evacuated to Saudi Arabia, the remaining troops collapsibility or surrender Kuwaiti Emir Jaber Al-Sabah and some of the Saudi royal family to flee by helicopter
Iraq's invasion and occupation of Kuwait's main purpose: To seize Kuwait, write off the huge debt owed to Kuwait, and use the "treasury" to solve due to stretching eight-year Iran-Iraq war to the national economy of the serious crisis; seizing of Kuwait, can be 50 kilometers of its coastline from the extended to 213 kilometers, thereby greatly improving its naval activities in the area and oil exports and other foreign trade sea routes; through the annexation of Kuwait, to resolve their longstanding boundary dispute and the resulting problems the border region's oil exploitation dispute; seizing Kuwait, could be "warning to others," shock and awe to play the Gulf countries and other Middle Eastern countries the role of leadership in the Arab world for its contention, clear the way to dominate the Middle East
Iraqi armed invasion and occupation of Kuwait, triggering the Gulf crisis as a direct trigger the Gulf War
(B) The United States and other countries in the Gulf region, the interests of
The reason why the Gulf region affects the United States and many other countries of the nerves, mainly in the region has an extremely rich in oil and natural gas of resources As of January 1990, the Gulf region has proven oil reserves of 6,517 billion barrels, the world's total proven oil reserves (10,015 billion barrels) and 65%, natural gas, 24 trillion cubic meters of natural gas resources of the world's combined 137% Nissan is about 1,450 million barrels of oil, accounting for the world's daily oil production (6,360 million barrels) of 23%; daily exports of about 1,200 million barrels of oil, accounting for the world's daily oil exports (2,800 million barrels) of 43% Five oil-producing countries in the Middle East (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran and the UAE) are in the Gulf region The world's 20 mega-fields, there are 11 in the Gulf region
The Gulf region's oil production mainly for export The United States, Western Europe, Japan imported oil, a substantial portion comes from the Gulf region According to the US Energy Information statistics, the United States on the first quarter of 1990, net oil imports amounted to 7661 million barrels, of which 2064 million barrels from the Gulf region, accounting for 269%; Western Europe 8235 million barrels per day of imported oil, of which imports of 4276 million from the Gulf region, barrels, accounting for 519%; Japan's 548 million barrels of imported oil, of which imports from 354 million barrels in the Gulf region, accounting for 646%
Oil is the world's economic development, "blood", but also the driving force of modern armies If the Iraqi annexation of Kuwait and then occupation of Saudi Arabia, you can control more than half of the world's oil resources, which is like stuck in the throat of the major Western industrial countries Use the oil weapon in the hands of Saddam Hussein, you can manipulate the economic development of Western industrial countries, and can thus make indiscreet remarks on them This is the United States and other major industrial countries is absolutely intolerable
In addition, Kuwait is the world's few rich countries, its foreign assets of more than 1,000 billion US dollars, another important industry in the West still hold up to several billions of dollars of the shares If these capital and goods have been pulled out of Iraq, but also will result in huge losses in Western economies
(C) the US-Soviet detente, regional conflicts in the shadow of the US-Soviet confrontation disappeared
After the war more than 40 years time, due to social systems and ideological confrontation, as well as the needs of their supremacy in almost all regions of conflicts, people can see the shadow of the US-Soviet rivalry and antagonism Gorbachev came to power to implement reforms and new thinking, and actively move closer to the West in the political, military and diplomatic confrontation with the United States to abandon the position Iraq's move, imperceptibly to further promote contacts between the Soviet Union the United States wishes While Iraq is the Soviet Union in the Middle East for years, one of the few close allies, but in order to avoid the United States and other Western countries in opposing Iran's stance on the Soviet Union would rather sacrifice in Iraq this past allies In Iraq, the attitude of the Soviet Union and the United States on the United States President George W Bush was "very satisfied", saying it was "the US-Soviet conflict in the region for the first time the post-war alliance" The Soviet Union's basic position on the Gulf crisis on the line, so that smooth the UN Security Council sanctions against Iraq through a series of resolutions Although the Soviet Union to send troops did not directly participate in combat in Iraq, but it was a multinational force the United States sent troops to the Gulf of supportive attitude, so the US can take a variety of military action with impunity
(D) The international community strongly opposed to aggression
Of international relations has always been a kind of stake On the first day of Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, US President George W Bush issued a statement condemning Iraq's actions as "naked aggression" against the US national interest "constitute a real threat," and announced a freeze on Iraq and Kuwait in the United States all the assets At the same time made a strong military response, two aircraft carrier battle groups in Iraq, less than 1 hour after the invasion that the Division was ordered to sail the Gulf
The Soviet Union 40 years after the war a changed regional conflicts in the world hold the position with the United States opposing the norm August 3 Soviet Union reached a consensus and issued a "Joint Statement", demanded that Iraq "unconditionally withdraw from Kuwait", "the full restoration of Kuwait's sovereignty and territorial integrity of the legal regime" This is the US policy objectives in Iraq is fully consistent On the same day, the Soviet government stopped the supply of arms to Iraq with military assistance
Rest of the world the vast majority of countries or international organizations to the invasion of Iraq has made a rapid response, the general strongly resisted and condemned Iraq's aggression
The UN Security Council and Member States on the Gulf crisis of unprecedented very rapidly and almost exactly the same response August 2, the UN Security Council by 14 votes in favor, 0 votes against and 1 abstention, adopted a condemnation of the Iraqi violation of the Charter to require the withdrawal of the resolution No 660 From August 2 to November 29, the UN Security Council has passed 12 resolutions of condemnation and sanctions against Iraq These resolutions, so that Iraq's political, economic, military and diplomatic so in an extremely isolated position Resolution No 678 which provides that Iraq must withdraw deadline for January 15, 1991, the deadline to withdraw its troops in Iraq, if not, the resolution authorizes the United Nations Member States could use "all necessary means" to implement the United Nations adopted by the resolutions, which for the US-led 38-nation coalition into the Gulf, using force to resolve the crisis provided a legal basis
In the "final period" before the arrival of the international community to defuse the crisis made a great effort Leaders of many countries to mediate, to design a variety of mediation programs, the United Nations Secretary-General has arrived in Baghdad to do the pro-Iraq in the hope that Iraq withdraw its troops from the Division However, all these efforts have failed to enable Iraq to change its position War is inevitable
歌曲名:Battle Of New Orleans (Remastered Version)
歌手:Harpers Bizarre
专辑:The Secret Life Of Harpers Bizarre
Battle Of New Orleans
Artist : Johnny Horton
In eighteen-fourteen we took a little trip
Along with Colonel Jackson down the mighty Mississipp\'
We took a little bacon and we took a little beans
And we fought the bloody British in the town of New Orleans
We fired our guns and the British kept a comin\'
There wasn\'t nigh as many as there was a while ago
We fired once more and they began to runnin\'
On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico
We looked down the river and we seed the British come
And there must\'ve been a hundred of \'em beatin\' on the drum
They stepped so high and made their bugles sing
We stood beside our cotton bails and didn\'t say a thing
We fired our guns and the British kept a comin\'
There wasn\'t nigh as many as there was a while ago
We fired once more and they began to runnin\'
On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico
Old Hickory said we could take \'em by surprise
If we didn\'t fire our muskets till we looked \'em in the eyes
We held our fire till we seed their faces well
Then we opened up our squirrel guns and really gave \'em hell
We fired our guns and the British kept a comin\'
There wasn\'t nigh as many as there was a while ago
We fired once more and they began to runnin\'
On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico
Yeah they ran through the briars and they ran through the brambles
And they ran through the bushes where a rabbit couldn\'t go
They ran so fast that the hounds couldn\'t catch \'em
On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico
Well we fired our cannon till the barrel melted down
Then we grabbed an alligator and we fought another round
We filled his head with cannonballs and powdered his behind
And when we touched the powder off the \'gator lost his mind
We fired our guns and the British kept a comin\'
There wasn\'t nigh as many as there was a while ago
We fired once more and they began to runnin\'
On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico
They ran through the briars and they ran through the brambles
And they ran through the bushes where a rabbit couldn\'t go
They ran so fast that the hounds couldn\'t catch \'em
On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico
黛西一天天长大,成为了芭蕾舞者。而越来越年轻的本杰明则意外去了俄罗斯,不仅和一名英国间谍的妻子伊丽莎白有了一段情,还卷入了二战风云。战争结束之后,本杰明回到了新奥尔良,又重遇了昔日的小伙伴黛西。他如今面如冠玉,她亦是女性风韵十足;他继承了父亲的遗产和工厂,她则是芭蕾事业腾飞的强势女性。然而时隔30年终于“长”得年龄相仿的两人之间,虽然彼此相爱,却横亘着一道不可跨越的时光之墙:他注定回到年轻小伙,而她却必定会逐渐老去。短暂的好时光之后,痛苦的抉择如期而至,最后他选择离开他,让她找了一个正常男人结了婚直到有一天有人在路上发现已经变成小孩的他,那时他已经没有记忆了送到了她的身边 后来他越来越小变成了一个婴儿,死在了已经成为婆婆的她的怀里
一九零零年的第一天。邮轮维珍尼亚号载着熙熙攘攘的欢呼人群在纽约港靠岸。在梦想的鼓动下黑压压的人流涌下船,迎接充满可能性的美好未来。喧嚣过后,船上除了船员所剩无几。添煤工人Danny Boodman于是偷偷跑到餐厅搜罗客人遗落下的贵重物品,结果一无所获。失望之余,他在钢琴架上发现一个漂亮的婴儿。他抱起婴儿,看见他的目光清澈,皮肤白净。Danny Boodman对这意外收获十分惊喜,于是收留了这个孩子,起名叫1900,纪念这孩子在新世纪的第一天被他收养。
在1900八岁时,Danny Boodman死了,在懵懂的1900于生离死别前迷茫时,突然听见远处传来美妙动人的声音,他回过头,身边一个亚洲女人告诉他,这是音乐。
几日后,1900在夜里偷偷溜进餐厅,来到白天船属乐手演奏娱乐上等乘客的钢琴前,弹起了自己即兴发挥的曲子。歌声吵醒了许多乘客,他们好奇的想去探个究竟,却都陶醉在这小家伙如天籁般的音乐中。直到音乐停下来,船长才过去对他说,“1900,你不可以弹琴,这完全不合规矩。”年幼的1900任性的回答说:“让规矩全都滚蛋。” (fuck the regulations)
即使弹琴胜过爵士乐的始祖Jelly Roll Morto,让1900名声大噪,唱片出版商希望为他录制唱片,并保证他会名利双收,他的内心依然平静,安于生活和音乐带给他的快乐。直到他遇到一个朴素而迷人的女孩。那一天他正在录制唱片,女孩顺着窗子向里看,和他四目相对,他立刻爱上了她。随兴而发弹奏了一曲为爱情的柔情似水的曲子。(那个女子就是手风琴匠的女儿,老人走出了自己的天地,来到了美国。开立了一家鱼店。建立了属于自己新的世界。而1900却始终不能释怀。直到最后一刻。)
童年 在解释为什么能完美答对每道题的同时,贾马尔的生活也在我们眼前徐徐展开。他讲起了认识的一位宝莱坞明星,在一宗教冲突中丧生的母亲,以及他与哥哥沙里姆如何认识了拉媞卡(芙蕾达·平托饰),他一生的挚爱。
本片讲述的是动物与人之间真情流露的感人冒险故事,在空无人烟、遍地冰雪的南极洲大陆,在环境如此恶劣的情况下,一位探险队员Gerry Shepherd与研究学者执行一次研究任务,他们带着八只雪橇狗一同跨越冰原探险,没想到却因为一次意外发生,同行的学者受伤必须立刻送医,Gerry为了要拯救伙伴的性命,被迫必须留下他忠心的雪橇狗而继续前行,Gerry离开时也许下誓言,要尽快赶回来将狗儿们带走。这八只被留在冰天雪地的狗儿们不畏冰雪,依然奋勇求生守在原地,这场生存竞赛是在跟时间赛跑,狗儿们克服风雪的考验,再度跟主人重逢