


Hawaii profiles


Population (Population) :

1054000 在50个州内,列第40位。

1054000 in 50 states inside, listed the 40th


Area (Area) :

6450平方英里(16705平方千米) 在50个州内,列第47位。

6450 square miles (16705 square kilometers) within the 50 states, listed the first 47 bits


Altitude (Elevation) :


4,205 meters - 0 meters

州府(State Capitol):

State (State jobs) :

檀香山 Honolulu

Honolulu Honolulu

州花(State Flower):

State Flower (State acted) :

芙蓉 Hibiscus

Lotus Hibiscus

州树(State Tree):

State Tree (State Tree) :

榛树 Kukui

Hazel tree Kukui

州鸟(State Bird):

State Bird (State Bird) :

夏威夷鹅 Nene

Hawaii goose Nene


Humanistic history:

夏威夷州名称来自波里尼西亚语,意为“原始的家”Original home。

Hawaii name from Polynesian language means "Original home" reprographic systems home


A thousand years ago polynesians to state every island settlement


In 1900 merges into the United States


August 21, 1959 became the 50th state

该州的别名叫做“爱洛哈之州”Aloha State(夏威夷人向人问候或离别之时,常说:“爱洛哈”。其意义为爱)。

The State's alias called "aurora ha State" Aloha State (Hawaiian toward the person regards or absence, often said: "aurora ha" Its significance for love)

该州的箴言:“守正义则存”The Life Of The Land Is Perpetuated In Righteousness。

The state's motto: "defend justice stand" The act Of The Land Is Perpetuated In Righteousness


Geographical environment:


Hawaii is located in the north Pacific, whole is a volcanic island, is the only one complete by islands constitute state


It has 132 island, this is the Pacific seafloor on a tall volcanic cone, exposing the sea part


Pacific bottom happen fissure, lava outflows, forming the tall volcano, there are many craters, formed many mountains


Some peaks exposing the sea, which has become islands


In the Pacific extensions for 1500 miles (about 240 km)


These islands have long ago volcanic island was formed, most Marine long-term scour become small, only eight big island remained


These islands distance California more than 2000 miles (about 3,200 km) away


Hawaii distance about 3846 kilometers southwest of California


The islands extends from northwest to southeast, about 2451 kilometers long


Hawaii's eight major islands is: nehemiah hao island (Niihau), an island Kauai), (love) on Oahu (Oahu, Molokai (Molokai), Lanai (Lanai), MAO appropriate island (Maui), card HuLa wei island (Kahoolawe) and Hawaii (Hawaii)


The total area is about eight islands for 16760 square kilometers


The state and twenty four other island, are not inhabited small atolls


The Hawaiian islands are formed by volcanic activities, in fact, the islands are one of the large-scale mountain is located in the deep sea top


All islands of internal are mountains, and the coast of the terrain is rugged cliffs or beach


Monash LuoYaShan and gilardino towering mountains are active volcanoes, they are situated in the Hawaiian islands


From these volcanic eruption of lava Pour in the seas


Lava in seawater in cooling, lava became hard, and the island increased gradually




Hawaii is located in the tropical climate but, although very gentle


Due to the northeast sea breeze blowing from the state's temperature is moderate


Because the relationship between near the equator, Hawaii throughout the day and night is the same length


Seasonal alternate, the changes in temperature is fixed


Lowland areas of temperature in Celsius throughout the year all ℃ between 21 to 29


The mountainous areas can be very cold, especially in winter

在夏威夷最高的山脉茂纳基亚山顶(Mauna Kea),冬季时的雪量多得足以供人滑雪。

The highest mountain in Hawaii metallocene Mauna Kea mountain (nano kia joorabchian, during the winter snow) amount more than enough for people skiing


Hawaii belongs to the tropical climate


This makes the United States have cold (Alaska), wen (the continental United States 48 states), thermal (Hawaii) three zones of territory


Islands climate belongs to the regression model, because it is located on the tropic of cancer, the northeast trawind near the influence, windward slopes more rain, a protected little rain

州府(State Capitol)檀香山 Honolulu的常年气温:

State (jobs) State Honolulu perennial temperature, Honolulu:

春天(Spring Temperature): 21C / 26C (Honolulu)

Spring (are) : Temperature 21C / 26C (Honolulu)

夏天(Summer Temperature): 23C / 28C (Honolulu)

Summer (is) : 23C/Temperature 28C (Honolulu)

秋天(Fall Temperature): 23C / 28C (Honolulu)

Autumn (fell) : 23C/Temperature 28C (Honolulu)

冬天(Winter Temperature): 19C- / 5C (Honolulu)

Winter Temperature (it) : 19C - / the 5 cs (Honolulu)




Hawaii has countless museum and cultural center

该州的博物馆有:位於欧胡岛,主要展出波里尼西亚文化的主教博物馆(Bishop Museum)、位於檀香山的教会博物馆(Mission House Museum)、位於希洛的莱曼纪念博物馆(Lyman House Memorial Museum)、以及位於外米亚(Waimea)的卡姆艾拉博物馆(Kamuela Museum)。

The state Museum has: located on oahu, mainly display Polynesian cultural Bishop Museum (Bishop Museum), located in Honolulu church Museum (front), located in what sunshine Museum of lehman Memorial Museum (Lyman Memorial Museum), and what kadhimiya located outside Waimea) card (Tim IRA Museum (Kamuela Museum)

文化中心包括:位於莱以耶(Laie)的波里尼西亚文化中心(Polynesian Cultural Center),以及展出欧洲、亚洲、与夏威夷文化的檀香山艺术学院(Honolulu Academy of the Arts)。

Cultural Center, including: located in lai iye (Laie) the Polynesian Cultural Center (Polynesian Center), and exhibited in Europe, Asia, and the Hawaiian culture of Honolulu art Academy (Honolulu did of the Arts)


Hawaii's music group includes: Hawaii symphony orchestra, we believe, and Hawaii royal Hawaiian band


Oahu has three main troupe: Honolulu community theatre, Honolulu youth theatre, and temperature ward theater guild

Hawaii: Introduction/History

Hawaii is located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and in the middle of the Pacific Plate In this map the major tectonic plates are each given a different color The Pacific Plate is blue

Hawaii is a unique archipelago (island chain) formed from a geologic 'hot spot' (see next section on Geology for details) It will always be changing over millions of years Hawaii arises from the deep ocean floor of the North Pacific Ocean, right in the middle of the Pacific tectonic plate Because of this, its mountain peaks are the highest on Earth - a total of close to 32,000 feet from bottom to top (rising from 18,000 feet below the surface of the ocean to about 14,000 feet above sea level) The Hawaiian island chain is composed of volcanoes in all stages - active erupting ones (sometimes making new acreage), dormant ones eroding away, and dead ones that may have subsided below the ocean Hawaii is one of the most isolated of the islands on Earth - being over 3,000 miles from the closest continental land mass and 2,000 miles from the nearest island

The four main Hawaiian Islands

Today we know four main Hawaiian Islands - Kaui, Oahu, Maui, Hawaii These formed about five million years ago or less Originally the islands were devoid of any life forms

Ocean currents brought marine creatures, in the form of microscopic planktonic larvae, that settled and grew into the bottom dwellers (coral, seastars, sea cucumbers, etc) Once the bottom dwellers (benthos) became established, a whole ecosystem flourished Many fish and large pelagic vertebrates found a niche in the Hawaiian waters, coming here to feed or reproduce during specific seasons

Hawaii's typical vegetation on the wet sides of the islands

On land seeds were brought by winds, currents, or transported on the feathers and feet of visiting birds As plants grew on land any herbivorous (plant eating) animals could survive Some of these animals arrived floating on logs or vegetation mats from the far away continents and flying species arrived by air It was the rare arriving species that could find enough to eat in order to survive in the early days of each island as the vegetation got established In order for a species to continue to exist, these new arrivals needed to arrive with a mate or be a pregnant female Over millions of years animals did arrive and the unique ecosystem of Hawaii's islands established itself

Hawaiian petroglyphs near Waikoloa, Hawaii with the Kings highway (trail) in the background are well preserved and were made sometime between 1400 and 1800

The first people believed to settle in Hawaii came sometime between 300 and 500 AD - probably from the Marquesas Islands (2,500 miles away) Around 1,000-1,300 AD another group of settlers arrived, this time from the Society Islands The early settlers brought pigs, dogs, and their own edible plants that forever changed the native Hawaiian ecosystems

One of the thick walls made of lava used by the early Hawaiians for protection (left) Closeup of the perfect fit of the lava rocks made by the early Hawaiians (right)

Captain Cook is believed to be the first European visitor In 1778 he accidentally ran into the Hawaiian Islands while on his way to Alaska The Hawaiians had an elaborate social class system and strict laws governing behavior Much of this was documented by early visitors The native Hawaiians used the abundant lava rocks to build walls for protection and religious purposes Many of these walls still exist as historic sites The lava rocks were fit together perfectly so there was little space in between

In the 1800s Hawaii was discovered for its economic value (land, whales, people) and settled by peoples from all over the world The United States annexed Hawaii in 1898 and it became a United States Territory in 1900 The islands became a center for pineapple and sugar production In 1959 Hawaii became the 50th state in the United States of America

City of Refuge (ancient place where outcasts could be safe in Hawaiian culture)

Magic sands beach near Kailua-Kona Hawaii is a favorite local and tourist beach The sand from this beautiful sandy beach dissappears occasionally in big storms but always returns thus the name of the beach as "magic sands"

Hawaii is a popular vacation destination today and a location for unique studies in marine science The Hawaiian customs of hula, luaus, ukulele music and the traditional lei remain as special memories to all who live in or visit Hawaii The unique Hawaiian word 'aloha' is used for both a welcome and a good bye


Introduction to Hawaii

There's no place on earth quite like this handful of sun-drenched, mid-Pacific islands The Hawaii of South Seas literature and Hollywood films really does exist Here you'll find palm-fringed blue lagoons, lush rainforests, hidden gardens, cascading waterfalls, wild rivers running through rugged canyons, and soaring volcanoes And oh, those beaches -- gold, red, black, and even green sands caressed by an endless surf The possibilities for adventure -- and relaxation -- are endless Each of the six main islands is separate, distinct, and infinitely complex There's far too much to see and do on any 2-week vacation, which is why so many people return to the Aloha State year after year

Unfortunately, even paradise has its share of stifling crowds and tourist schlock If you're not careful, your trip to Hawaii could turn into a nightmare of tourist traps selling shells from the Philippines, hokey faux culture like cellophane-skirted hula dancers, overpriced exotic drinks, and a 4-hour time-share lecture before you get on that "free" sailing trip That's where this guide comes in As a Hawaii resident, I can tell the extraordinary from the merely ordinary This book will steer you away from the crowded, the overrated, and the overpriced -- and toward the best Hawaii has to offer No matter what your budget, this guide will help ensure that every dollar is well spent


Welcome to Hawaii, the Aloha state Comprised of eight main islands, Hawaii is home of the world's most active volcano, the crater of Kilauea on Mauna Loa Sandy beaches, towering volcanoes, and lush valleys lure thousands of tourists each year to this tropical paradise

Honolulu, HI

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Hawaii is the most ethnically and racially diverse state of any state in the union, a mix that includes Caucasians, Americans of Japanese descent, and Polynesians, among others Native Hawaiians have held on to many of their customs and traditions despite the influx of non-natives over the years Hawaii is the only state that has an official native language Statehood had been proposed many times throughout Hawaii's history, but it was not until 1959 that Hawaii became the 50th state of the United States


Though Captain James Cook called the islands that he discovered in 1778 the Sandwich islands, this honor to the Earl of Sandwich would be short-lived King Kamehameha I united the islands under his rule by 1819 as the Kingdom of Hawaii

A couple of theories exist on the origin of the name Hawaii One theory has it that the name comes from a combination of the words "Hawa" and "ii" and means a small or new homeland; "Hawa" meaning a traditional homeland and "ii" meaning small and raging The other theory is that the name comes from the traditional discoverer of the islands, Hawaii Loa


Hawaii (Introduction)

In the centre of the Pacific lies the Sandwich Islands This string of vulcanic island overgrown with lush tropical vegetation is better known as the Hawaii Archipel

Hawai'i is full of contrasts and extremes - winter snow lies at the top of Mt Mauna Kea, rainfall can vary hundreds of inches within the space of a few miles and it has the world's tallest sea cliffs and largest Pacific mountain mass

A tropical paradise of turquoise bays, white sandy beaches, waving palms, lush tropical vegetation and balmy sunshine all year round, this beautiful archipelago of soaring volcanic peaks has 21 of the world's 22 climatic zones

There are 120 islands, but tourism is restricted to six of the eight most southerly islands, seven of which are inhabited Each island had its own royal family

















































不管你在夏威夷待多久,一定要花一天时间去MAUNA KEA看星星,这是夏威夷大岛最高的山峰,并且纬度也很低,所以空气很稀薄但是也很干净,这可是北半球最佳观星地。去之前大家一定要在MAUNA KEA官网先查看一下路况和天气信息,大概四点左右到达这里的游客休息区,担心高反的记得提前做一些准备。因为海拔高的原因,这里的温度很低记得准备好厚衣服。



原文地址: https://hunlipic.com/jiehun/1779067.html

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