

男靓女:吸引观众的“杀手锏” 北京有线电视台从去年起开始引进韩国偶像剧,到现在已经陆续播出了《星梦奇缘》、《爱是什么》、《我心荡漾》、《青春的陷阱》、《金盏花》、《都市男女》。播出的韩剧中虽然有许多地方完全模仿日剧,但从播出的数量上却已悄然占据优势。安在旭、金喜善、张东健、柳时元、李英爱、元彬、宋承宪、沈银荷、宋慧乔等一大批明星成了不少韩剧迷心中的偶像。 与日剧中的苗条男偶像相比,韩国男星相对更粗犷、朴实。在《天桥风云》中扮演李政的张东健以及正在播出的《背后的男人》中修彬的扮演者柳时元等都已是“哈韩族”的宠爱对象。而韩剧的女明星也不像日剧中的女主角那样火辣奔放,而是颇有些温柔妩媚的特点,让北京的电视观众更易接受。前一阵到京的“韩国第一美女”金喜善见面会的火爆场面则是很好的佐证。金喜善以《妙手情天》一炮走红,而在剧中我见犹怜的微笑简直倾倒众生。《妙手情天》中的另一位大明星安在旭,则更是以亲和形象博得了观众的好感。甚至有观众称:只因为喜欢安在旭的笑脸。在《星梦奇缘》中,他的笑脸迷死了数不清的追星族。而他还在剧中大开金口唱起情歌,展示了不俗的唱功。另一位帅哥张东健在《天桥风云》中把内心复杂多变的李政演得惟妙惟肖,让观众又爱又恨。明星效应是韩国偶像剧立足北京荧屏的“杀手锏”。 情感细腻:留住看客的“吸铁石” 韩国偶像剧虽然理想主义的成分比较多,但它更多地关注普通人的生活,使它与北京电视观众拉近了距离,这也是年轻人爱看的原因之一。《青春的陷阱》讲述了当代青年在金钱和感情发生冲突时如何把握自己。《背后的男人》则直接面对普通人最普通的情感问题。而《泡沫爱情》则描述了一个还有三个月生命的女孩对爱情的复杂心情。韩剧《蓝色生死恋》则充满了童话色彩,恩熙和俊熙大谈纯纯的爱情,即使后来两人私奔,也只进展到盖棉被聊天的程度。不少韩国偶像剧还在催泪上下足功夫,男女主角个个能哭,轻易就让观众在电视机前哭成一团。 韩剧迷们毫不否认故事老套与雷同,但它们注重感情的细腻、心态的转变、生活中的小碰撞、语言上的小幽默等等,与讲求华丽的日剧相比更富于亲情、淳朴,让人欲罢不能,成为吸引铁杆韩剧迷的“吸铁石”。 形象是“脸面”,故事是核心,韩国偶像剧正是因为有了这两大看点,才惹得韩剧迷,甚至更多年轻的观众坐在电视机前细细品味,而遇到知音更是有了聊不完的话题。

我找到了 呵呵 找了好久 River Flows in You 这个 肯定是 给分吧 韩国的作曲家,钢琴家(Yiruma) 李闰珉被称为韩国最擅长描写都会爱情的音乐家

New Age音乐家,拥有卓越的感性和才能,在韩国及海外皆受到众多乐迷的瞩目。从5岁便开始学弹钢琴,后来移民到英国,并在当地音乐学校学习,先后毕业于欧洲音乐英才的摇篮「The Purcell Of Specialist Music School」、「King'sCollege Of London University」,是韩国第一人。Yiruma他的音乐作品里大多展现了兼融东方的抒情与西方的典雅细致的音乐风格,他的琴音纯净清新再加上浓厚的个人情感,深深地打动人们的心,而继冬季恋歌等片子的合作后,YIRUMA已成为韩国影视导演的御用钢琴手欣赏Yiruma的音乐总是透着似曾相识的情怀,碰触到每个心灵底层的声音而从中得到最温暖的抚慰Yiruma演奏的神情让人难忘,优雅的风格,脸上不时浮现些微的腼腆……再加上精致的演奏技巧,予人一种非凡艺术家的深刻印象







ne du gao u ni psu ri no e bu du ro u ni psu re da ger wo ne (希望我火热的唇可以碰触到你柔软的唇)

ne sa rang i no e ka su me jo ne ji do rok (好让我的爱传达到你心里)

a jik do na e ma u mer mo ru go is so tda myo nun (你还不知道我的心)

i se sang gu nu gu bo da nor sa rang ha ge sso (这世上没人比我更爱你)

nor sa rang ha ge sso on je ga ji na (我爱你 直到永远)

nor sa rang ha ge sso ji gum i sung an cho rom (我爱你 就像此时此刻一般)

i se sang gu nu gu bo da nor sa rang ha ge sso (这世上没人比我更爱你)

or yo un ye gi ro no e ho gi xi mer qa gu kar su do is so (用难懂的话语激起你的好奇心)

ku hu nan yu hi ro i ba mer bo ner su do is so (用常玩的游戏度过这个夜晚)

ha ji man na e ma u mer i je nun a ra jo su myo ne (但是更想你现在能确认我的心意)

i se sang gu nu gu bo da nor sa rang ha ge sso (这世上没人比我更爱你)

  爱情啊,我的爱情啊 ——金亨民 片尾曲

《享受人生》的小不点们(10张) �3�2�3�1 �8�3 -- �8�1�6�8�3�6 ( 美好的路(the good way)-- 金贤中)悲伤插曲  其他音乐 无条件第4集柳镇弹唱的钢琴曲 和我结婚好吗(原唱李胜基)第22集柳镇自弹钢琴求婚歌曲 Rainbow第40集、133集柳镇放给敏淑听的音乐 我爱你(原唱李在勋)第44集镇洙唱的歌曲 I LOVE YOU第118集柳镇弹的钢琴曲 爱情的充电器(洪真英)第1集敏淑的妈妈跳健美操的音乐



求婚用什么歌曲有气氛:《ALL OF ME》-BLAKE

《ALL OF ME 》我的全部,由simon may 作曲,特别献唱于威廉王子和凯瑟林米德尔顿的皇室婚礼,这首歌曲在全球各地广泛播放也使布雷克在特拉法加广场的表演登上美国NBC台的《今日秀》节目,并接受超过了30家电视媒体的采访。

求婚用什么歌曲有气氛:《Could This Me 》艾薇儿








歌名:I Really Like You

歌手:Carly Rae Jepsen


后街男孩的《 I will never break your heart》


Ray J - One Wish

damn baby

just don't understand where we went wrong

i gave you my heart

i gave you my soul

i gave you

as a matter of fact i was the one who said i love you first

it was about eight years ago, don't act like you don't know

we were sittin' at home in your mama's livin' room

cause, we couldn't be alone

see your mama knew i was something else, she knew how i felt

back then we were in school; and that's your favorite excuse

growin' up i was a fool; and i can't lie i'm missing you

listen and don't trip

i think i need a bottle with a genie in it

here's my wish list

first one, i would create a heart changing love

second one, ill take yours and fill it all up

third one, but i dont need a lot of wishes cause ill be okay if i get one

if i had one wish, we would be best friends

love would never end, it would just begin

if i had one wish, you would be my boo

promise to love you, trust me i'll trust you

if i had one wish, we would run away

making love all day, have us a baby

if i had one wish, id make you my whole life

and youd be my wife, make it right this time

if i had one wish

one wish, one wish, one wish

one wish, one wish, one wish

one wish, one wish, one wish

one wish, one wish, one wish

now tell me is this the only way i can get you right back in

if so then searchin' ill go, then i can have you for sho

then youll be loving me, holding me, kissing me

so girl dont tell me what im feeling is make believe

i swear if i lose a second chance with you

i wouldnt know what to do

id probably check myself into some kind of clinic

i couldnt be alone because without you im sick

heres my wish list

first one, i would create a heart changing love

second one, ill take yours and fill it all up

third one, but i dont need a lot of wishes cause ill be okay if i get one

if i had one wish, we would be best friends

love would never end, it would just begin

if i had one wish, you would be my boo

promise to love you, trust me i'll trust you

if i had one wish, we would run away

making love all day, have us a baby

if i had one wish, id make you my whole life

and youd be my wife, make it right this time

if i had one wish

i dont even know how we ended upon this road

and, even though we are grown, girl i just want you to know

if i had one wish, we would be best friends

love would never end, it would just begin

if i had one wish, you would be my boo

promise to love you, trust me i'll trust you

if i had one wish, we would run away

making love all day, have us a baby

if i had one wish, id make you my whole life

and youd be my wife, make it right this time



jordin sparks - one step at a time



FS2 CG的背景音乐 有谁知道 可以告诉我嘛

我是光光 假冒必究 我给你

谁知道这个视讯里的背景音乐名字 麻烦告诉我 谢谢啊

miri ben-ari ft fabolous and Kanye West - fly away








有谁知道 笑霸来了 20160502期的背景音乐吗?


歌名:All About That Bass

歌手:Meghan Trainor


MC Hammer的You Can't Touch This

<br>下载地址:<a href=":whitmanhansonbasketball/media/MC_Hammer--0_-_You_Can_t_Touch_Thismp3" target="_blank">:whitmanhansonbasketball/media/MC_Hammer--0_-_You_Can_t_Touch_Thismp3</a>


Mc Hammer - you can't touch this

can't touch this (x2)

Can't touch this (oh-oh oh oh oh-oh-oh) (x2)

My-my-my-my music hits me so hard makes me say oh my Lord

Thank you for blessing me with a mind to rhyme and o hyped feet Feels good when you know you're down

A suped up homeboy from the Oaktown

And I'm known as such

And this is a beat uh u can't touch

I told you homeboy can't touch this

Yeah that's how we're livin' and you know can't touch this

Look in my eyes man can't touch this

You know let me bust the funky lyrics

Fresh new kicks and pants

You got it like that now you know you wanna dance

So move out of your seat

And get a fly girl and catch this beat

While it's rollin' hold on pump a little bit

And let me know it's going on like that like that

Cold on a mission so follow back

Let 'em know that you're too much

And this is a group uh u can't touch

Yo I told you u can't touch this

Why you standing there man can't touch this

Yo sound the bells school is in sucker can't touch this

Give me a song or rhythm

Making 'em sweat that's what I'm giving 'em

Now u know when you talk about the Hammer

You talk about a show that's hyped and tight

Singers are sweatin' so pass them a wipe

Or a tape to learn what it's gonna take

in the 90's to burn

The charts legit either work hard

Or you might as well quit

That's word because you know

Can't touch this (oh-oh oh oh-oh-oh) (x2)

Break it down

(Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh oh-oh) (x2)

S Hammer time

Go with the flow it is said if you can't move to this

Then you probably are dead

So wave your hands in the air

Bust a few moves run your fingers through your hair

This is it for a winner

Dance to this and you're gonna get thinner

Move slide your rump

Just for a minute let's all do the bump

Bump bump bump yeah

Can't touch this

Look man u can't touch this

You'll probably get hyped boy 'cause you know you can't u can't touch


Ring the bell school's back in break it down

(Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh) (x2)

S Hammer time

(Oh-oh oh oh oh-oh-oh) (x2)

(Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh)

(Oh-oh oh oh oh-oh-oh) can't touch this (x3)

(Oh-oh oh oh oh-oh-oh) break it down

(Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh) (x3)

S Hammer time

Every time you see me that Hammer's just so hype

I'm dope on the floor and magic on the mic

Now why would I ever s doing this

With others makin' records they just dont get it

I toured around the world from London to The Bay

It's Hammer go Hammer MC Hammer Yo Hammer

and the rest go and play

Can't touch this (oh-oh oh oh oh-oh-oh)

Can't touch this (oh-oh oh-oh-oh)

Yeah u can't touch this

I told you u can't touch this (oh-oh oh-oh-oh)

Too hype can't touch this

Get me outta here u can't touch this



原文地址: https://hunlipic.com/jiehun/1927816.html

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