So I'll change the subject and say what I came to say
-Say it, then, and get out!
-What is it
-That I can't go on any longer without you
-You are the most ill-bred man to come here at a time like this -with your filthy--
-I made up my mind that you were the only woman for me
-the first day I saw you at Twelve Oaks
-Now that you've got the lumber mill and Frank's money
-you won't come to me as you did to the jail
-So I see I shall have to marry you
-I never heard of such bad taste
-Would you be more convinced if I fell to my knees
-Turn me loose, you varmint, and get out of here!
-Forgive me for startling you with the impetuosity of my sentiments
-my dear Scarlett I mean, my dear Mrs Kennedy
-But it cannot have escaped your notice that for some time past
-the friendship I have felt for you has ripened into a deeper feeling
-A feeling more beautiful, more pure, more sacred
-Dare I name it Can it be love
-Get up off your knees I don't like your common jokes
-This is an honorable proposal of marriage
-made at what I consider a most opportune moment
-I can't go all my life waiting to catch you between husbands
-You're coarse, and you're conceited
-And I think this conversation has gone far enough
-Besides, I shall never marry again
-Oh, yes, you will, and you'll marry me
-You You!
-I don't love you!
-And I don't like being married
-Did you ever think of marrying just for fun
-Marriage, fun Fiddle-dee-dee Fun for men, you mean
-Hush up! Do you want them to hear you
-You've been married to a boy and an old man
-Why not try a husband of the right age, with a way with women
-You're a fool, Rhett Butler, when you know I shall always love another man
-Stop it! Do you hear me, Scarlett Stop it! No more of that talk
-Rhett, don't, I shall faint
-I want you to faint This is what you were meant for
-None of the fools you've known have kissed you like this, have they
-Your Charles, or your Frank, or your stupid Ashley
-Say you're going to marry me Say "yes" Say "yes! "
-Are you sure you meant it You don't want to take it back
-Look at me and try to tell me the truth
-Did you say "yes" because of my money
-Yes Partly
-Well, you know, Rhett, money does help, and, of course I am fond of you
-Fond of me
-Well, if I said I was madly in love with you, you'd know I was lying
-but you always said we had a lot in common
-Yes, you're right, my dear
-I'm not in love with you any more than you are with me
-Heaven help the man who ever really loves you
-What kind of a ring would you like, my darling
-Oh, a diamond ring And do buy a great big one, Rhett
-You shall have the biggest and the most vulgar ring in Atlanta
-I'll take you to New Orleans for the most expensive honeymoon
-my ill-gotten gains can buy
-Oh, that would be just heavenly
-And I think I'll buy your trousseau for you, too
-Rhett, how wonderful, but
-you won't tell anybody, will you, Rhett
-Still the little hypocrite
音乐之声 Sound Of Music
Well, you can't marry someone when you're in love with someone else I love you你不能娶了某人却是爱着另外一个人。我爱你。
心火 firelight
If you would consider a life in America, I would be proud to take you there, as my wife你肯考虑在美国生活,我很乐意带你去的,把你当作妻子般带去。
Any lady would be fortunate to be courted by you 让你求婚的女士其实都三生有幸。
毕业生 The Graduate
Benjamin, I haven't even said I'll marry you yet 班,我还决定要嫁给你呢。
- I just don't think it would work - Why wouldn't it -我觉得不太可行。-为什么?
阿甘正传 Forrest Gump
Will you marry me I'd make a good husband, Jenny I'm not a smart man, but I know what love is你能嫁给我吗?我会做个好丈夫的,珍妮。我不是很聪明,但我知道什么是爱。
四个婚礼一个葬礼 4 Weddings and 1 Feneral
There l was, standing there in the church and for the first time in my whole life l realized l totally and utterly loved one person And it wasn't the person standing next to me in the veil, it's the person standing opposite me now in the rain The truth of it is… I’ve loved you from the first second l met you 我当时站在教堂里,生平第一次意识到,自己全心全意爱著一个人,却不是身旁戴面纱的那位……而是现在在我面前的这一位……雨中的你。真相是我对你是一见钟情。
问题一:向某人求婚用英语怎么说 propose to
问题二:他向我求婚,我答应了用英语怎么说 He asked for marrying me and I said yes
问题三:英语里求婚要怎么说 求婚句子是:Will you marry me
问题四:求爱上某人的英语词组(例如:fall in love with) 50分 爱上某人
give one's heart to fall in love with
问题五:用英语翻译“信不信由你,他向我求婚!” 翻译:
Believe it or not, he made a propasal to me
make a proposal to 向某人求婚
#英语口语# 导语婚礼是一种宗教仪式或法律公证仪式,其意义在于获取社会的承认和祝福,防止重婚,帮助新婚夫妇适应新的社会角色和要求,准备承担社会责任。下面就由 考 网来说说家庭婚礼的英语口语对话吧!
Todd: So Travis, you said your brother is getting married
Travis: Well, actually not my brother, my cousin is getting married On my family's side of the family, on my father's side of the family, I have quite a few cousins and quite a few uncles and aunts My dad is one of eight children, so we've always been very close and basically we've been a nuclear family around my grandparents of my dad's side, so my cousin, Brian, is going to be getting married in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, and I think that wedding is taking place about August 9th
Todd: Oh, wow
Travis: So we are all going to be going out there as a family Hopefully we'll have as many as maybe forty of us, and whoever the bride invites , and we'll be on the beach for about 3 or 4 days, and have a wedding of Saturday, so it should be pretty exciting
Todd: Mexico, that's an interesting choice I mean, that's pretty far away
Travis: It is pretty far away so it should be kind of expensive for all the guests to get there, which might be planned on my cousin's side because he might be trying to limit the amount of people who come to his wedding, so it won't get to overly large, and Mexico is actually cheaper to have a wedding than the United States because the power of the dollar versus the power of the peso, is you know, quite strong, so you can go down to Mexico and for maybe a third the price have the same lavish wedding you might have in the United States, though Puerto Vallarta might be a little more expensive than a normal Mexican wedding because Puerto Viarta is sort of a tourist and resort community
Todd: Have you been to Puerto Viarta before
Travis: I've never been there before In fact, even though I am from Southern California and from Los Angeles basically, which is only two hours from Mexico, I've never been to Mexico
Todd: I'm from San Francisco and even I've been to Mexico
Travis: Well, Tijuana is a place everybody goes to, and it's never had any big appeal for me Typically, southern Californians will go there, as soon they turn 18, cause at 18 you can drink in Tijuana, and you can't drink in California when you're 18 You have to wait until you are 21, so that's a big reason to go I suppose, but I never made it down there
Todd: Well, I'm sure you'll enjoy Mexico
Travis: I'm sure I will
1 get married
2 get hitched
hitch本意是指车辆后的拖钩,用get hitched表示两个人从此牵在了一起。
3 tie the knot据说来历是因为婚床上的帐子必须用打结的绳子才能支起来哦。
4 walk down the aisleaisle是指婚礼礼堂宾客之间的走廊,走过这段就到了举行仪式的地方。
1 求婚 proposal
2 订婚 engagement
3 订婚戒指 engagement ring
4 旅行婚礼 destination wedding
5 海滨婚礼 beachfront wedding
6 教堂婚礼 chruch wedding
7 草坪婚礼 lawn wedding
8 后花园婚礼 backyard wedding
9 婚宴/室内婚礼 ballroom wedding
10 婚礼筹备 wedding preparations
11 婚礼彩排 wedding rehearsal
12 伴郎 groomsmen
13 伴娘 bridesmaids
14 婚纱 wedding dress
15 结婚戒指 wedding rings
16 喜糖 wedding favors
17 婚宴 reception
18 第一伴郎 best-man
19 第一伴娘 maid of honor
20 抛花球 the bride bouquet
21 抛袜圈 garter
22 新娘送礼会 bridal shower
23 单身晚会 bachelor's party
24 蜜月 honeymoon
25 婚礼誓词 wedding vows
I love your heart until the end of the pany you every day on the market
Are you far apany you to ent you fall in love panied
You hide in my heart deeply
In the vast sea of humanity, to see your shado to know you, you let me feel the pain when you are not around me
You are my life, the most profound feeling!
Day and night will not be able to stop the deep thoughts of both of us!
Looking at your eyes, I saw the sea, the blue sky; more to see the beautiful future!
I want you to be the mother of my children, my child named you oh
Life, the most reluctant to the one page, always hide the deepest
Just because you are too good to be honest I cant tell you that I love you
经典表白的英文句子shmily 用英语求婚如何看到标题可能会有人觉得奇怪,不是经典表白的英文句吗?怎么只有一个单词shmily。如果你不知道这个词,没有关系。静下来听我讲几个故事你就明白了其中的意义。
小朋友可以在浴室镜子上、枕头下的小纸条上、壁炉布满灰尘的台面上,甚至一卷卫生纸上看见这个单词的痕迹。当然,小朋友根本不知道这是什么意思。直到有一天,祖母得了癌症。虽然祖父一直悉心照顾,可祖母还是去世了。在葬礼上,祖父饱含着泪水轻轻趴在祖母的耳边了一句See how much I love you。已经长大成人也饱受过爱情滋味的小朋友,深深的被震撼到了。原来,自己搞不懂含义的小游戏,是把握每一个机会向对方表白。
每次说起一生的相守,说起爱情的感动,总能想到这表白的英语句子See how much I love you,你知道我有多爱你。相爱不易,能让对方能懂得自己的爱,更是不易。
I already have a favorite person
I dont believe in happiness, I believe in you
I panions night, never lonely lonely
First of all, I ent, I have felt your tenderness
Every day for your heart, every moment you touched, every second for you to panied by a blessing the life
As long as you like, me personally give you brew a cup of tea, add a piece of candy, and then injected into a cavity enthusiasm, the love I, a little bit to dissolve into the tea
The snow floating in the blue sky, beautiful shoes leakage of Jiaya, you my acquaintance is a myth, you gently call back!
The reason I live now is to be able to say to you right now, I love you, I will protect you forever
Initial fall in love, goodbye infatuation, all the day care, want to heart, painstakingly, want to have to push the heart, dont you, do not know my heart!
Every time I feel frustrated, have to remember your smile, your encouragement, they make me strong enough to face down, thank you!
Day in different space, miss in different time, no matter how the change of the world, you will always be my favorite
Lost you, fort
This life I only hold your hand Since life have you had enough
If I the fall in love pany
If one day eone love is so beautiful
I dont believe in forever love, because I can only love you more every day
There must be something ime
Dear, I love you, kiss me, beg you, love you love you love you to death
Looking at you smile, suddenly found that I all over the world, just dont want to lose you
Know you know there is a feeling called attachment, there is a feeling called you