

my dear:

you are like the bundle lilies,frangrance and beatiful for all time in my heard I love you forever !

your dear

breathless —— shayne ward

if our love was a fairy tale 若你我的爱是个童话

i would charge in and rescue you 我就会不顾一切地去挽救你

on a yacht baby we would sail 乘条小船我们将为爱出发

to an island where we'd say i do 漂到某个岛屿后就举办婚礼

and if we had babies they would look like you 若我们有了儿女,每一个面孔都会随你

it'd be so beautiful if that came true 如能实现,这生活该有多美丽

you don't even know how very special you are 你甚至都不曾了解,自己到底有多特别

you leave me breathless 你让我无法呼吸

you're everything good in my life 你就是我生命里的真谛

you leave me breathless 你让我无法呼吸

i still can't believe that you're mine 我仍不敢相信已拥有你

you just walked out of one of my dreams 你就这样从我的梦里走了出来

so beautiful you're leaving me 如此美丽,你已让我

breathless 无法呼吸

and if our love was a story book 若你我的爱是本故事

we would meet on the very first page 刚翻到扉页我们就已经相遇

the last chapter would be about 而最后一章讲的则是

how i'm thankful for the life we've made 我们谱写的生活如何令我感动不已

and if we had babies they would have your eyes 若我们有了儿女,每一双眼睛都会随你

i would fall deeper watching you give life 我会深情地望着你如何赋予新生

you don't even know how very special you are 你甚至都不曾了解,自己到底有多特别

you leave me breathless 你让我无法呼吸

you're everything good in my life 你就是我生命里的真谛

you leave me breathless 你让我无法呼吸

i still can't believe that you're mine 我仍不敢相信已拥有你

you just walked out of one of my dreams 你就这样从我的梦里走了出来

so beautiful you're leaving me 如此美丽,你已让我

you must have been sent from heaven to earth to change me 定是上天派你来这里塑造一个全新的我

you're like an angel 你就像天使一般

the thing that i feel is stronger than love believe me 这种感觉比爱更加强烈,相信我

you're something special 你真的很不平凡

i only hope that i'll one day deserve what you've given me 只盼望某天我能配得上我所有的收获

but all i can do is try 为此我心甘情愿

every day of my life 全力以赴每一天

you leave me breathless 你让我无法呼吸

you're everything good in my life 你就是我生命里的真谛

you leave me breathless 你让我无法呼吸

i still can't believe that you're mine 我仍不敢相信已拥有你

you just walked out of one of my dreams 你就这样从我的梦里走了出来

so beautiful you're leaving me 如此美丽,你已让我

breathless 无法呼吸

you're everything good in my life 你就是我生命里的真谛

you leave me breathless 你让我无法呼吸

i still can't believe that you're mine 我仍不敢相信已拥有你

you just walked out of one of my dreams 你就这样从我的梦里走了出来

so beautiful you're leaving me 如此美丽,你已让我

breathless 无法呼吸

breathless 无法呼吸


首先,可以试试《Could This Be Love》。这首歌是艾薇儿婚礼上的背景音乐,歌曲十分浪漫、动人,歌词大意:……这算爱吗,今早醒来,只是座在床边,早晨8点在我脑海里的第一件是,是心底确定的某个人……。这首歌更像是一个人的内心独白,男生在求婚现场把自己的内心独白,用音乐的形式表现出来,这样的求婚音乐,自然有一种异样的浪漫之感。

其次,这首《Sweet Dream》也不错,这是一首由韩国明星张娜拉演唱的英文歌曲,而且是传唱度非常高,应用十分普遍的一乎英文情歌。许多明星情侣结婚都用这首歌作为背景音乐。

第三,《I do》也可以,这首歌适合求婚的原因不言而喻。I do代表着我愿意。每个男生在求婚现场,把那枚代表着真爱的钻戒戴在女友手上,向女友表白时,他渴望得到的回答就是“I do,我愿意!”用这首歌,作为求婚背景音乐,再合适不过了。

最后,超级经典《Everyday I love you》。“我每天都爱着你,我从没想过愿望会实现,但你证实了那是真的”。当我们还没有遇到真爱之前,我们可能不会相信一辈子只爱一个人,而且是每天都爱着的,而当我们真正遇到那个人之后,我们才知道,原来我们可以和一个人相守一辈子,然后在一辈子当中的每一天去付出我们的爱,当你向她求婚的时候,你需要说出这些爱的誓言,而最真诚的誓言莫过于每天都会爱着她,每天都会像热恋的时候一样疼惜她,这才是一个女人希望拥有的婚姻。


The best feeling is that when I look at you,you are already staring at me


I've given you enough time to run away from me now,it's time


I never thought how to meet love until that day


You and I see each other is a fate,we cherish each other the hard-won feelings


You make my heart smile


When you are here, even the air is sweet 


I love you not because of who you are,but because of who I am when I am with you


In spite of you and me and the silly world going to pieces around us,I love you


If you go away,I'll be blue I'll miss you when you leave


I'll love you as long as I live


That reminds me too much of you


In sending your favorite red rose to feast your eyes upon


I am not affaid that he will follow , but that my heart will not follow my steps




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上一篇 2023-08-10



