cAthena - 完整GM命令,2004-10-1 更新
/b <信息> ---- 发送服务器公告,并且包括发送人姓名,为**字
/lb <信息> ---- 发送本地图公告,并且包括发送人姓名,为**字
/nb <信息> ---- 发送服务器公告,并且不包括发送人姓名,为**字
/nlb <信息> ---- 发送本地图公告,并且不包括发送人姓名,为**字
@kami <信息> ---- 同/b
@kamib <信息> ---- 发送服务器公告,并且不包括发送人姓名,为蓝色字
@who ---- 显示在线人物信息列表
@who 1 ---- 显示在线人物信息列表(包含职业,等级)
@who 2 ---- 显示在线人物信息列表(包含工会、队伍)
@who 3 ---- 显示在线人物信息列表(仅显示在线的GM)
@where <人物名称> ---- 显示人物当前位置
@whomap <地图名称> ---- 显示指定地图的人物列表
@users ---- 统计所有存在玩家的地图人数
@die ---- 本人自杀
@alive ---- 本人复活
@kill <人物名称> ---- 杀死指定人物
@killid <char_id> ---- 杀死指定人物
@killid2 <account_id> ---- 杀死指定人物
@save ---- 把存储点设为当前位置
@load ---- 回到存储点
@memo ---- 存储记录点
@warp <地图名> <x> <y> ---- 瞬移到指定地点
@rura <地图名> <x> <y> ---- 瞬移到指定地点
@rura+ <地图名> <x> <y> <人物名>---- 瞬移到指定地点
/mm <地图名> <x> <y> ---- 瞬移到指定地点
/mapmove <地图名> <x> <y> ---- 瞬移到指定地点
@warp morocc 150 160 -> 瞬移到梦罗克 (X:150, Y:160)
@rura prontera 50 80 -> 瞬移到普隆德拉 (X:50, Y:80)
@rura+ prontera 50 80 Hack-> 把Hack瞬移到普隆德拉 (X:50, Y:80)
@jump <x> <y> ---- 瞬移到当前地图的X,Y位置
@jumpto <人物名称> ---- 瞬移到指定人物处
@jumptoid <人物char_id> ---- 瞬移到指定人物处
@jumptoid2 <人物account_id> ---- 瞬移到指定人物处
@go <数字> ---- 简化移动命令
0:首都 5:剑士村
1:梦罗克 6:钟楼
2:吉芬 7:圣诞村
3:斐扬 8:克魔岛
4:商人城 9:古城
10:天空之城 11:天津城
12:昆仑山 13:猿人部落
14:死亡之城 15:中国洛阳
@hide ---- GM隐身,完全看不到的隐身
@heal <HP> <SP> ---- 恢复指定量的HP和SP,不指定值则完全恢复
@storage ---- 打开仓库
@gstorage ---- 打开工会仓库
@Lvup [1-255] ---- 基本等级上升
@jobLvup [1-50] ---- 职业等级上升
@jobchange <职业ID> <高阶代码> ---- 0~23职业选择 0-2高阶代码
0:初学者 7:骑士 14:十字军
1:剑士 8:牧师 15:武僧
2:法师 9:魔法师 16:贤者
3:弓箭手 10:铁匠 17:流氓
4:服士 11:猎人 18:炼金术士
5:商人 12:刺客 19:诗人
6:盗贼 13:骑士《骑鸟状态》 20:舞者
21:十字军《骑鸟状态》22结婚造型 23超级初心者
高阶代码 0普通 1进阶二转 2宝宝
@option <x> <y> <z> ---- x y z 改变现有角色状态
x = 01 石化 y = 01 中毒 z = 01 火狩
x = 02 冰冻 y = 02 背后霊 z = 02 隐昵
x = 03 头冒金星 y = 04 沉没状态 z = 04 隐身
x = 04 睡觉 y = 16 周围变暗 z = 08 手推车等级1
x = 06 暗暗 z = 16 带老鹰
z = 32 骑鸟
z = 64 GM隐身
z = 128 手推车等级2
z = 256 手推车等级3
z = 512 手推车等级4
z = 1024 手推车等级5
z = 2048 变身为怪兽
z = 4096 变为结婚造型
z = 8192 光猎
@speed [1-999] ---- 改变移动速度
@model <发型> <发色> <衣服颜色> ---- 转变人物造型
@stpoint [数字] ---- 增加Status point点数
@skpoint [数字] ---- 增加技能点数
@zeny [数字] ---- 增加钱
@str,@agi,@vit,@int,@dex,@luk [数字] ---- 具体属性点上升点数
@spiritball [数字] ---- 蓄气个数[1--1000]之间
@questskill [技能ID] ---- 学习一个新技能
@lostskill [技能ID] ---- 删除一个技能
@allskill ---- 学会所有技能
@monster [召唤出的怪物名称] [怪物代码] [召唤数量] [x坐标] [y坐标]
-- x坐标 y坐标可省略,省略=在当前位置召唤
@mobsearch [怪物名称/怪物代码] ---- 快速召唤指定的一种怪物
@killmonster [地图名] ---- 杀死指定地图上的所有怪,并掉物品
@killmonster2 [地图名] ---- 杀死指定地图上的所有怪,不掉物品
@summon [怪物代码] ---- 将服务器中存在的怪物召唤到身边
@pvpon ---- 开启即时PK
@pvpoff ---- 解除即时pk
@gvgon ---- 开启工会pk
@gvgoff ---- 解除工会pk
@agitstart ---- 开启攻城战
@agitend ---- 关闭攻城战
@guild <工会名> ---- 新建工会
@party <组队名> ---- 新建组队
@guildlvup [数字] ---- 工会等级上升
@gstorage ---- 打开工会共有仓库
@idsearch [物品名称] ---- 搜索物品的ID
@item [物品代码] [数量] ---- 得到物品
@item2 [物品代码][数量][是否鉴定][精练等级][属性][卡片1][卡片2][卡片3][卡片4]
@itemreset ---- 清除物品栏内所有物品
@itemcheck ---- 检查当前装备的合法性
@itemidentify ---- 鉴定身上所有未鉴定的物品
@refine [位置代码] [精炼值] ---- 精炼指定位置的装备
例:@refine 256 10 帽子精练+10
头1 : 256 头2 :512
头3 : 1 身上: 16
右手: 2 左手: 32
肩膀: 4 脚部: 64
装饰: 8 装饰:128
@repairall ---- 修复身上的所有物品
@produce [武器代码] [属性代码] [星星角的数量]
-- 制造武器 属性代码 0=无 1=水 2=地 3=火 4=风 武器代码请参照itemtxt
@hatch [宠物蛋代码] ---- 孵化宠物蛋
@makepet [宠物蛋代码] ---- 制作宠物蛋
@petfriendly [数字] ---- 宠物亲密度変更(0-1000)
@pethungry [数字] ---- 宠物饥饿度(0-100)
@petrename [名字] ---- 宠物改名
@pettalk [内容] ---- 让自己携带的宠物讲话
@chardelitem <物品id> <数量> <人物名> ---- 删除指定人物身上的物品
@charjob <职业ID> <人物名> ---- 改变玩家职业
@charjobid <职业ID> <char_id> ---- 改变玩家职业
@charjobid2 <职业ID> <account_id> ---- 改变玩家职业
@charbaselvl [数字] [玩家名] ---- 调节指定玩家的base等级
@charbaselvlid [数字] [char_id] ---- 调节指定玩家的base等级
@charbaselvlid2 [数字] [account_id] ---- 调节指定玩家的base等级
@charjlvl [数字] [玩家名] ---- 调节指定玩家的Job等级
@charjlvlid [数字] [char_id] ---- 调节指定玩家的Job等级
@charjlvlid2 [数字] [account_id] ---- 调节指定玩家的Job等级
@charstats [玩家名] ---- 列出指定玩家的加点情况
@charstatsid [char_id] ---- 列出指定玩家的加点情况
@charstatsid2 [account_id] ---- 列出指定玩家的加点情况
@charoption x y z [玩家名] ---- 调节指定玩家的状态
(如中毒,骑鸟等,参照前面的@option x y z命令)
@charsave [地图名] [x] [y] [玩家名] ---- 指定玩家存储点
@charmodel [玩家名] [数字] [数字] [数字]---- 修改指定玩家的发型、发色、衣服颜色
@charitemlist [玩家名] ---- 在线查看玩家随身物品列表
@charstoragelist [玩家名] ---- 在线查看玩家仓库物品列表
@charcartlist [玩家名] ---- 在线查看玩家手推车物品列表
@charstpoint [玩家名] [数值] ---- 调整指定玩家的属性升级点
@charskpoint [玩家名] [数值] ---- 调整指定玩家的技能升级点
@charstreset [玩家名] ---- 重置玩家属性点
@charskreset [玩家名] ---- 重置玩家技能点
@charreset [玩家名] ---- 重置玩家属性点、技能点
@charquestskill [玩家名] [技能代码] ---- 指定玩家学会一种技能
@charlostskill [玩家名] [技能代码] ---- 删除指定玩家的一种技能
@charzeny [玩家名] [数值] ---- 增加一个玩家的ROZ
@charpetrename [玩家名] ---- 授权指定玩家可以为宠物重命名
@giveitem [物品代码] [数量] [玩家名称] ---- 给指定玩家一种物品
@giveitem [物品代码] [数量] ALL ---- 给服务器所有玩家一种物品
@kick <人物名> ---- 踢指定人物下线
@kickid <char_id> ---- 踢指定人物下线
@kickid2 <account_id> ---- 踢指定人物下线
@recall <人物名> ---- 召唤指定人物到身边
@recallid <char_id> ---- 召唤指定人物到身边
@recallid2 <account_id> ---- 召唤指定人物到身边
@recallall ---- 召唤所有人到身边
@recallguild <工会名> ---- 召唤指定工会的所有在线人物
@recallparty <队伍名> ---- 召唤指定队伍的所有在线人物
@revive <人物名> ---- 复活指定人物
@reviveid <char_id> ---- 复活指定人物
@reviveid2 <account_id> ---- 复活指定人物
@recallguild <工会名/工会id> ---- 召唤指定工会的所有玩家到身边
@recappparty <队伍名/队伍id> ---- 召唤指定队伍的所有玩家到身边
@night ---- 黑夜
@day ---- 白天
@doom ---- 服务器内,除GM外,所有人死亡
@doommap ---- 当前地图,除GM外,所有人死亡
@raise ---- 复活服务器内所有人
@raisemap ---- 复活当前地图内所有人
@kick [玩家名字] ---- 踢指定玩家下线
@kickall ---- 踢所有人下线(包括自己)
@wearth [snow/rain/fog] ---- 改变当前天气为下雪,下雨,落叶
@anticheat <1/0> ---- @anticheat 1 表示打开外挂检测 0 表示关闭
@gat ---- 调试用途,查看周围坐标信息
@packet ---- 调试用途
@npctalk [名称] [内容] ---- 强制一个NPC讲话
@cleanmap ---- 清空当前/制定地图地面的所有物品
@clock ---- 查看当前服务器时间
@mapexit ---- 关闭map-server服务器
@mapinfo ---- 查看当前地图信息
@reloadatcommand ---- 重新载入GM指令权限
@reloadbattle ---- 重新载入battle_athena配置
@reloaditemdb ---- 重新载入物品 item_db
@reloadskilldb ---- 重新载入技能 skill_db
@reloadscript ---- 重新载入所有脚本
@reloadmobdb ---- 重新载入所有怪物 mob_db
@reloadpetdb ---- 重新载入所有宠物 pet_db
@reloadgmaccount ---- 重新载入GM列表
@reloadstatusdb ---- 重新载入职业属性相关、精炼成功率设定
@reloadpcdb ---- 重新载入经验、职业技能树、属性设定
Russian wedding customs
Vary from region to region, Russia There are three traditional wedding, North way, Central, Eastern (Siberian region) The
most popular way for the central part of the Russian-style, consists of
three basic process, namely, marriage, wedding, marriage The
prenuptial ceremony include: matchmaking, blind date, Nace, the church
announced the farewell party, dowry, baked wedding bread, etc; wedding
before the wedding ceremony, wedding, wedding; marriage ceremony
including married the next day ceremony, visited the new Variety of ceremony the Russian people the importance of marriage Look at the link, have different rituals and pay attention
matchmaking to choose a lucky date, the people are the best matchmaking
Day is Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, the traditional superstition that
Wednesday and Friday to marry, he should not be talking about Some places that monthly 3,5,7,9 Day is a festive day of marriage, matchmaking, marriage is good luck these days The 13th day is absolutely taboo, Russian folk called "ghost 13 The best time of day matchmaking for the evening The matchmaker is generally served by the matchmaking living in older women, they widely exchanges, shrewd But also acts as a matchmaker by the man's aunt or grandmother and married older women, which is more prevalent in rural areas In a few rural areas, and even the man's father personally act as a matchmaker However matchmaking must obtain parental consent before
Go matchmaking to avoid the encounter on the road, even if the encounter of people have to bow to turn a blind eye To
the woman's family, the matchmaker first gently press on to the door
frame, then knocked on the door to get consent before being entered the
room In the matchmaking process, talk to the two sides must sit under the roof beams to allow media thing firmly linked In accordance with the rules, the matchmaker quietly touches everyone sitting around the table legs conversation
the traditional matchmaking prologue similar, general Thus began: "I
went to your government neither yield to the temptation to eat and
drink, also non yangkeng the mooch, but bring festive message you have
to be the word boudoir girl, I have a desire knot luan wind Kenjiro,
let us forge relatives such as her parents agreed to the marriage, will
have to shake hands with the matchmaker clap, or three times around the
table, then Zhangdeng point wax and covered with a tablecloth, put away
the bread, salt, tea, hospitality matchmaker, to agree on a blind date
Two or three days after the blind date matchmaking blind date Blind date the first look at the courtyard, about the man's family was by looking at the courtyard, the woman's parents See the courtyard, the man banquet, hospitality each other Such as the woman's parents agree that a few days after the man's parents did not get married daughter
Blind date consists of two parts, that both men and women to meet and matchmaker negotiate terms with her parents Each other, the parents of the young man went on Future bride parlor wearing costumes, accompanied by a girlfriend or godmother Sometimes accompanied by a homely old lady, in order to set off the girl's beautiful
Beginning blind date first short prayer, and then everyone around the table three times, began to drink tea Tea time, the male and female acquaintances After tea, the woman's father and matchmaker to another room to discuss a dowry to the bride money In some places, such negotiations by both sides father
Blind date, and the girl is the protagonist, but she was silent, reserved, and for three new clothes Sometimes you have to cope with each other's examinations Male
parents will be asked: "girl dexterity it" At this time, the girl
picked up a broom to sweep the floor, sometimes on the spot Performing
weaving skills to show their ingenuity, able to endure hardship According to tradition, the young man with his father in the hall, and exchange views on the girl's steps Since then, the girl handed the young man a cup of honey water, such as the young man gulped and said they liked the girl Otherwise, he just lightly sipping honey, the return of the cup
The young man said certainly after the two sides to talk about next gift The
girl's Gifts: shirts, underwear, two pairs of trousers to the future
mother-in-law of the fabric, as well as gifts to other relatives
handkerchief In rural areas, these gifts girl handmade in the city, bought at the store If both parties agree to discuss Nace engagement date banquet, guests, drink the lad father brought the wine The blind end of the ceremony to the parties and matchmaker prayer and confining the table circling
Nace, Nace is one of the important activities of premarital, usually at each other two or three days in the woman's family Nace also known as engagement, engagement, its procedures depending on family circumstances The next of kin of both men and women are generally required to participate in the the Nace ceremony Wealthy family or the door of the aristocracy often invited renowned and influential, respected participants Nace ceremony, both parents were announced on dowry and bride price, negotiate the date and details of the wedding The talks finished, start Nace Both father each hand the robe hem or handkerchief and handed the other to show that they have decided to become relatives The girl handkerchiefs or scarves to the young man, and then lit candles or oil lamps Both parents each icon, bread and salt to give unmarried couples, said the blessing Nace,
unmarried couples exchange engagement ring, both sides cite the glass,
put the ring people glasses, and then swap the wine glass in one gulp,
wear the ring of the other gifts Or the two sides sit down to the ring on the table intraday exchange plate, that is the exchange of rings Then
both parents to pay tribute to each other, the woman's father
introduced to the visitors the bride and groom, announce their
engagement Some
places, the fiancee parents blessing, went to the threshold of around
seven bow, announced to the neighbors and friends that they have the
rest of your life and use her husband's surname After the end of the etiquette recreational activities In some places also popular custom alcoholism to his fiancee In rural areas, the rich banquet to be extended a few days
to announce that, in accordance with the canons of the Russian Orthodox
Church, ready to marry the person should be written or oral report to
the parish where the priest fiancee's name, title, title, property, and
then by the priest in three recent Sunday or holiday, the end of the
Mass followers announced the name of getting married The purpose of this church premarital inquiries in order to avoid the confusion of marriage Many factors affect marriage, like a family relationship, relatives, parents do not agree and so on Unmarried
men and women is not in the same parish, each application is made to
the host parish, then specialized marriage certificate issued by the
priest Addition to stating the age, family situation, but also indicate that people get married without any obstacles According
to these documents, and pre-marital investigation, the priest in the
the wedding eve or prenuptial queries issued on the same day, this is a
special certificate of the Russian Orthodox Church
Farewell party was only approved after more than Five off, killing six "review, marriage, the girl can hold a farewell party This ceremony was very popular in the countryside The girl girlfriend partner rent a house, baked cookies to entertain the boys there The young man does not come empty-handed, generally come with a variety of sweets, candy, fruits celebrate The party must have a well-decorated a small pine tree, as a symbol of the fiancee beautiful After the party, my fiance the small pine tree to take home In
some places, the girls want to personally woven white embroidered towel
as a lad of pure knot beautiful symbol of the party it draped over his
body Then donated by the girl's best girlfriend fiance, and told him to love her, always friendly living Lad Tibetan embroidery towel into her arms and bowed During the evening, the young people in the organ accompaniment, rejoice
before marriage dowry is generally delivered the main by women,
matchmaker or woman aunt to take the lead, which most grand aunt the
lead Sometimes men also participate in the rituals, but generally hired to move heavy coachman The wealthy family show and not only, dowry, usually five cars loaded First
car icons and samovar cookware edge the children holding decorated with
ribbon candy and silk-wrapped tea; second car is painted gold silver
salt bottle in your hands by the godparents; third car bedding ; fourth car carpet furniture; hold the line of the fifth car from the matchmaker and aunt, the hands holding a live turkey
The welcome dowry general fiance's mother, sister or married Fiance's mother gave the cloth leader, began an inventory of the gifts At this point, the matchmaker responsible for paving the way for new people to beds Make the bed deliberately put cooked eggs or wooden eggs lay down, to wish the new Early Takako Eggs in bedding delegation of three days, until the new consummated removed after the fourth day of the bride If wooden eggs, the bride want to wrap it in a row wedding wear underwear If cooked eggs, broken feed the chickens In rural areas, the bride price is not so much, a car is enough However, many rural recreation activities, such as: foreclosure dowry holding hen dance, said boards
Baked the wedding breads, baked wedding bread Another activity before marriage The wedding bread usually have two, that is the great circle of bread and comb bread Both breads are circular, but the baked methods, and materials are different Round
bread made with fermented rye or wheat, in southern Russia more
prevalent; comb bread, no salt baked, sometimes put shelled eggs there,
emblazoned beheaded, this bread popular in the northern part of the
wedding Toast mainly by women the main roast, men auxiliary Bread baked with dancing, singing Bread song Customs
in urban or affluent people do not bake wedding bread, required on the
wedding feast of bread is the produced honey bread from the grocery
Before the wedding ceremony, the preparation of the above have done so much, finally ushered in the wedding Morning,
the groom to the bride by the matchmaker to send jewelry tray, placed
inside the veil, blur, wedding candles, engagement ring, comb, perfume,
needles, pins, etc After receiving the jewelry tray, the bride's mother and aunt comb bride last head The bride wore a dress, wearing a red rose to put on the veil and shawl, the little brother of the bride for her shoes In
order to avoid the brides evil and sick, but also the Department of a
bunch of their own braided belt, or a piece of fabric in the skirt hem
seam, clothes put a thimble Sahua the Catalpa fruit, and leaves to the
Worn by the uncle or maternal relatives of the groom's responsibility and a coin on the right foot shoes The
man before the wedding to be held in a special ceremony of the five
copies of tableware, parent, groom, matchmaker, bridesmaids and five
participants About
one hour before the departure of the wedding team, gracefully five
servings of cutlery on the table, and the blessings of the parents to
the groom, everyone around the table circling, and then into a light
meal The groom and welcome happen to the team on the road "highway", "buy banquet, this is a traditional New Year customs The fleet is decorated with flowers, but also hanging bunches bell in order to let the sound of exorcism To the woman's family, the groom to the bride price to pay his father-in-law, father-in-law of the bride to the groom The bride braids matchmaker unlock said she has entered the ranks of the woman Then put on hijab, go to a church wedding
The wedding, the marriage ceremony was held in the church according to the traditional In addition to the invited guests, participants nearby residents Road convoys to the church speckled flowers, red carpet and the steps leading from the front of the church by Taiwan In order to avoid new in evil, by the best man to clear the way The whole process, new tight embrace, so that the faithful, life together Wedding
prayer by the priest began, and singing hymns, toast to the newlyweds,
the bride and groom with three drink a glass of wine Give a new offer wedding crown, new mutual Wanshou exchange engagement ring
the groom father holding the statue, the mother holding the bread and
salt ceremony, the crowd a couple both bowed to their parents, turn Kiss
parents three times, and then returned home The people spilled grain, hops, petals, coins, they continue to wish them a happy, prosperous
my mother-in-law or a matchmaker furnaces fork pick open the veil of
the bride, and at the same time greetings, gift scarves, belts or money
and goods The wedding in this atmosphere
bread decorated with the moon, sun, pigeon, trees, etc, is the staple
food in the wedding the dishes generally Jidao practice of fish, meat,
chicken The traditional dish is stewed chicken Folklore
chicken and egg, pregnant with the magic of the male sterile female
students, and therefore, this is the first dish newcomers must taste Banquet near the end, the bride should bread cut into small pieces, and then followed by a toast to the guests Wine and champagne, Sam Sun wine Sam Sun wine mixture to pour a little of the wine, honey, home brew beer Drinking after they started dancing Dance late into the night, with the newcomers, both human bridal, wedding ends
Marriage ceremony, the next morning, the groomsmen bathhouse burned warm, waiting for the newlyweds bath They went into the bathroom with the music The groomsmen also responsible to send vodka or beer to groom for the groom while washing while drinking Bathing in some places is the couple divided into the bath, in some places, bathing After the bath, they both rode in the forest or village ride in, or to the parents-in-home tasting Chunbing
On the third day after the wedding, we have to test the bride On this day, the bride To eighteen craft dedicated to the family, such as sweeping, stove Health, pancakes, Ganmian, Article The
meantime, the presence of people continue to give the bride a problem,
such as hay, pour cold water on the garbage to the floor or put into the
chimney, take a look at the bride how to deal with these challenges, in
order to test whether she is a hard-working, capable Xianshu wife
我觉得,如果RO手游真的有一天面临鬼服,关服,那一定不会是交易行的错。RO手游的交易行集防工作室与排行榜show off刺激土豪消费功能于一体,其实是非常成功的一个系统。
可以看出,RO在现存网游交易所上做了一些改良,比如公示期,限制最高最低价等。(我手游玩的少,如果其他游戏也有。我。。。我也没办法= =)看物价的走向,一般游戏都是在前期比较稀缺时价格很高,随着大家等级的提升和物品产出的变多越来越低直到后来低到谷底,反弹的可能性极其微小。但RO现在的制度,一开始在没有人打出一个极品装备以前,它的价格反而非!常!低!(对比起它的价值来说,当然还是比普通装备高的),因为还没有供求关系来协助定价。慢慢地,因为他的稀缺度和抢购热度,价格会稳步升高,而且因为是公示制度,反而普通人也是有机会买到的,不会都被土豪垄断。到后来,等这个东西产出逐渐变多到了供需平衡的时候,价格就会稳定在一个阶段,就算是之后(应该不可能)供大于求了,价格也有一个最低限制,不至于一文不值。我觉得这个制度是经过巧思,很值得点赞的。
至于为什么不加上交易品冻结期,我觉得这里面也许也是有考量的。因为现在RO转金已经有办法了,那就是刷出极品附魔,这样在交易所就能锁定物品,进行转钱。但说起来简单, 你知道极品附魔有多难才能刷出来吗,要刷出极品附魔,可能用的钱比你要转的多多了。对于心动来说,这反而能够帮助他们回收货币,进行经济调控。
2。 策划错误预估玩家升级速度(或是为了抑制通胀),几次大更新下来怨声载道。
1。 策划错误预估了玩家的升级速度,这才开服2个多月,就已经有部分人满级没得玩了,那怎么行那剩下的人,不好意思,反正每次也只能坑你们了,就修改你们的技能,增大蓝耗,让你们不能再那么简单快速地练级了,也属于没有办法的办法。也许有的人会疑惑,为什么还不开放后面的等级和新内容(这个我也有个猜想,放在后面说。)
2。 游戏现在还是有通货膨胀的,理论上这个游戏的系统决定了,每多一个王思聪那样的土豪,游戏里的流动资金会越多,那就会越通货膨胀。
3。 玩法日渐单一,纵向扩展远远大于横向扩展,留不住玩家。几次更新搔不到痒处。