

Chinese dining culture

Dinner time, people were sitting in their respective ambitions behind, spaced from each other a distance, each having a set of identical food, eat each each This is typical of the separate dining system The famous feast, do it

When food is scarce," per capita" is a more appropriate distribution principle To obtain the average, we need the food before the meal is divided into equal number of copies, which formed the original dining system After all, human interest, tastes, habits, required are also different, the relative abundance of food, people have their own different conditions according to the preferences of choice, ie each takes what he needs"" This is the most suitable for dining together distribution mode

When we eat should not eat with hands, then a kind of rude



  Chapter one: the etiquette on the table

 Today, I learned from my teacher's composition class that the English parents began to teach children stories from the dining table, which gave me great inspiration

 I read carefully, and found that British parents are very careful to encourage children to eat their own meals It's nothing, but the British kids have tried their meals since they're one year old You know, when I was young, want to eat a meal, but time and again come out, mom and dad to coax the thousand million, I can eat it until one or two, primary school, parents to feed me occasionally I also know that British parents in children about five years old child to help dotheir chores in the kitchen, they think that it can not only reduce the burden of parents, but also to train their ability of their own labor Look at me, at the age of seven, did not help their parents in the kitchen to do what happened, sometimes on a whim, to think of it, go to the kitchen a few laps around Originally wanted to put the tableware bar, parents and I fell, to dinner, is a three please four please do not move, my mother called several times, should be a few voices, just unwilling to go out Naturally, pre meal work is not done at all After dinner, "clap your ass" and leave!

 The more I look at it, the more I'm surprised that the kids are so small that they can do something for their parents, but I'm so big that I haven't done anything to help my parents Moreover, the British children grew up learning dining etiquette, for example, have dinner guests at home, British children let guests have dinner first, then is myself, and I do, usually have dinner guests home, I don't care "37 twenty-one", up to a ravenous Usually not so able to eat, the guests as if to compare with the guests like a high and low It's a bit of a shame to think about it

 Originally, he is also let us accept some education ah I suddenly realized, as if wakening from a dream, I must help my mom and dad do things, whether it is on the table, or in life I'm not going to be any younger than I am!

  Chapter two: etiquette on the table

 At noon today, I like the usual way in the school, I have been thinking about what to eat a meal at noon, suddenly mom and dad drove me up, drove to the direction and not the direction to go home, I asked curiously: "Bobbi where we are going" Dad said: "let's go to the Hanguguan farmhouse, and another of my old classmates together" I thought, "what can I do"" Suddenly, I thought about the ritual on the table at noon every day in our school, and I suddenly realized

 We went into the farmhouse saw my classmates are waving to us, we were walking, we walked into a room under his leadership, there are four people, because the bench enough so one must stand up, I do not hesitate to stand up, and said: "children should be given to the legs, multi station" Everyone roar with laughter, I laughed too After all the dishes and the staple food were all together, we began to eat, and I found my mother didn't move the chopsticks I thought, "why doesn't mom eat it" Oh, yeah, at the dinner table, you have to take a bite of your own age, and you can eat it yourself" I think this hand picked up the chopsticks and put it back, in order not to make the scene I won the cup with the embarrassment of drinking, everyone after eating, I began to eat, in an aunt sitting next to me is that in order to express politeness, to every time I eat before he or other people once again give yourself each tea clip; I would look at the others have no water inside the cup, if not I will give him down and then pour yourself All this I did not care, but the uncle looked clearly, said: "this child is really sensible, there is a gentleman" I laughed and said, "nothing That's what every child will do"" To tell the truth, I says, but he is happy in the heart Mom also seemed to be praised, because I was trained by her, so the face has been filled with smiles This meal not only let me eat the taste, but also let me eat a basic principle of being a man

 Etiquette is no size, although it is good to ask, but no etiquette is terrible, so I hope everyone must be etiquette, so that our society can become more peaceful, more harmonious

  Chapter three: table manners

 Since tonight's supper, my mother Give me a set of table manners at home, the mother told me that a bad news: "tonight, you make the performance is not very polite, some gaffe So, I'm going to make you a set of table manners First of all, what do you know about table manners" "Huh" For example, you can't chew and talk" "Yes, very much"!" "Don't talk about disgusting things at dinner"" "Yes, plus ten"! Twenty points! The pass line is one hundred!" "Ah Also! Don't touch the bowl with chopsticks Not with a spoon of soup sucked, rustling, unsightly Don't take chopsticks at home!" "Plus thirty points"! Fifty points! Refuel!" "Don't eat hiccup, other voices will not arise if there sneezing, bowel and other can't help the sound, it is necessary to say" I feel shy" I'm sorry; Please cool the original" Inside words Apology!" That's right! Add very! Okay! Sixty points!" Smoking is not allowed" "This is something children can't do, and adults need to pay attention" Everything will happen inadvertently, and if it's a rude person eating in a restaurant and making a lot of noise, what do you feel

 We've been talking about it for a long time Now I found that eating a meal also has a lot of attention, if you do not pay attention to these problems, it will leave a bad impression on others Even you all do well, is not inferior in this respect, so secretly people will say you do not clean, so ah, sometimes we really should behave themselves, pay attention to your table manners!

  Chapter four: table manners

 A few days ago, after I had finished teaching, my mother and father sent me to the grand hotel for dinner, saying that it was an invitation to an uncle's family

 Soon, the dishes came up, and I had been expecting the fish I liked to come on The waiter just put the fish on the table, and I kept turning the fish to me Mother whispered to me, "Nini, wait for your uncle to drink fish head before you eat fish" How many times have I told you" But uncle and dad always talk, I saw him slowly slowly for 5 minutes is not to drink I ran up to him and said, "uncle, please drink quickly My hands are itchy"!"

 The uncle said, "now I'm finished, you can eat it"" In fact, he didn't finish his drink and intentionally let me I was about to eat, and my mother stopped me Say to uncle: "all right, nothing, you drink, my daughter is not sensible"" He finishes the fish head wine, and I eat it, and eat it, and finish the whole fish

 On the way home, my mother said, the child, a person want to be popular, first of all to be polite, for example, the table also has a lot of etiquette, etc, to the elders are seated, the child was sitting; mouth can't speak loudly with food, avoid food out; can not be separated by several people stood up to take his love Food; elders give you food, even if they do not love to eat or to catch, and say thank you

 Oh, there were so many polite questions after dinner!


 Western refers to Western European countries diet cuisineWestern etiquetteToday, I introduce to you to eat Westernstyle food etiquette

 When seated, the body upright, elbow not placed on, may notUse your fork and knife, fork, the right hand holds the knife; when the cutting things, keep the fork in the left hand hold the food, right hand with a knife cut into small pieces, fork in the entranceDo not sip the soup to eat, chew when to shut upDon't lick the lips or smacking soundOverheating, can be cooled before eating, not mouth blownA cup of coffee when ready to add milk or sugar, add the following to use tsp stirring, TSP will be placed on the coffee saucersDrink cups should put his right, left hand end saucer, direct mouth to drink, do not use a spoon to scoop a spoonful spoonful of drink

 Western food is not only a kind of etiquette, is also a kind of civilizationThe westernstyle food etiquette, you learn








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