《the sound of silence》的中文歌词是什么意思?

《the sound of silence》的中文歌词是什么意思?,第1张

歌名:the sound of silence


歌曲原唱:Paul Simon

the sound of silence-simon garfunkel 寂然之声[毕业生]

hello darkness my old friend嘿,黑夜啊,我的老朋友

i've come to talk with you again我又来找你聊天了

because a vision softly creeping因为有个幻影无声无息地爬过

left its seeds while i was sleeping趁我熟睡时留下了种子

and the vision that was planted in my brain这幻影在我脑海里种下了根

still remains萦绕不去

within the sound of silence !于寂静无声的此刻!

in restless dreams i walked alone在无数浮躁的梦中我茕茕独行

narrow streets of cobble stone行走在鹅卵石铺就的狭窄街道上

'neath the halo of a street lamp头顶上街灯的光晕将我笼罩

i turned my collar to the cold and damp我翻起衣领以抗御此夜的寒冷及潮湿

when my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light当我的眼睛被霓虹灯的闪烁刺痛时

that split the night也划破了夜空

and touched the sound of silence打破了黑夜的沉静

and in the naked light i saw在无遮灯照耀下我看到-

ten thousand people, maybe more数以万记的人,或许更多

people talking without speaking有的人在说着无聊的话语

people hearing without listening有的人在漫不经心的听着别人说

people writing songs that voices never share有的人在写着那些从不会被传唱的歌

and no one dared但没有人敢于去-

disturb the sound of silence打破这份静默

"fools" said i "you do not know"我说道:"愚蠢的人啊,你们不知道"

"silence like a cancer grows"静默会像癌细胞那样扩散

"hear my words that i might teach you"听我的话,我才能教导你

"take my arms that i might reach you"抓紧我的手,我才能救你

but my words like silent rain-drops fell但是我的话却如寂静无声的雨点落下

and echoed in the wells of silence徒然回响在沉静的天井中

and the people bowed and prayed人们仍然顶礼膜拜着

to the neon god they made自己塑造的霓虹灯神像

and the sign flashed out its warning霓虹灯突然闪烁出警兆

in the words that it was forming警告的语句渐渐成型

and the sign said "the words of the prophets预兆显示:先知的预言

are written on the subway walls and tenement halls"都被写在地铁的墙上及出租公寓的走廊上

and whispered in the sounds of silence这告诫也在无声的静默中被轻声传送




内忧外患之际,美国人的精神领袖约翰·肯尼迪(John FKennedy)总统于1963年11月22日在德州的达拉斯遇刺身亡,举世震惊,全国悲恸。

由黑人人权领袖马丁路德金博士(Martin Luther King Jr)所领导的反暴力反种族歧视正如火如荼的展开,国内反越战的声音也日益壮大。


就在这样的时空背景下,美国的民谣歌手保罗·西蒙(Paul Simon)创作了这首家喻户晓、发人深省的歌曲:寂静之声(The Sound Of Silence),献给了动荡的60年代。

只可惜这样一首针砭时弊的好歌,于1964年发行时,却得不到青睐,人们依旧是听而不闻(hearing without listening) 。


于是史上最优美的二重唱西蒙与加丰科(Simon & Garfunkel)便在这首重新编曲的《寂静之声》中浴火重生。


she is my sin她是我的罪

bye bye beautiful再见美丽


She Is My Sin 她是我的罪 

Take heed, dear heart, once apart 小心留意 亲爱的心 一旦分离 She can touch nor me nor you 她便无法触摸你或我 Dressed as one 剥去身上的皮毛 A wolf will betray a lamb 灰狼将背叛那羊羔 Lead astray the gazers 引导迷途的人们 The razors on your seducing skin 剃刀就在你诱惑的肌肤上 In the meadow of sinful thoughts 抱持罪念的草地 Every flower's perfect world 每朵鲜花都是个完美的世界 To paradise with pleasure haunted 那快感缠绕的天堂 haunted by fear 被恐惧缠绕…… A sin for him 为他犯下的罪 Desire within, desire within 充斥欲望 饱含邪念 A burning veil for the bride too dear for him 深爱他的新娘燃烧着她的面纱 A sin for him 为他犯下的罪 Desire within, desire within 充斥欲望 饱含邪念 Fall in love with your deep dark sin 带着你那深重的罪过坠入爱河 I am the Fallen 我在坠落 You are what my sins enclose 你是引诱我犯罪的圈套 Lust is not as creative As its discovery *欲中找不到发明创造 To paradise with pleasure haunted 那快感缠绕的天堂 haunted by fear 被恐惧缠绕…… A sin for him 为他犯下的罪 Desire within, desire within 充斥欲望 饱含邪念 A burning veil for the bride too dear for him 深爱他的新娘燃烧着她的面纱 A sin for him 为他犯下的罪 Desire within, desire within 充斥欲望 饱含邪念 Fall in love with your deep dark sin 带着你那深重的罪过坠入爱河 Bless me, undress me 祝福我 脱光我 Pick your prey in a wicked way 用那邪恶的方式选择你的祭品 God I must confess 神啊我必须忏悔 I do envy the sinners 我确实嫉妒那些有罪的人 A sin for him 为他犯下的罪 Desire within 饱含欲望 A burning veil For the bride too dear for him 深爱他的新娘燃烧着她的面纱 A sin for him 为他犯下的罪 Desire within, desire within 充斥欲望 饱含邪念 A burning veil for the bride too dear for him 深爱他的新娘燃烧着她的面纱 A sin for him 为他犯下的罪 Desire within, desire within 充斥欲望 饱含邪念 Fall in love with your deep dark sin 带着你那深重的罪过坠入爱河……

bye bye beautiful再见美丽

Finally the hills are without eyes最终山丘不被注视 They are tired of painting a dead man's face red疲于绘画亡者的红脸 With their own blood以他们的血液 They used to love having so much to lose他们过去常喜欢失去如此之多 Blink your eyes just once and see everything in ruins眨眼间看见一切于毁灭中 Did you ever hear what I told you你可曾聆听过我的劝说 Did you ever read what I wrote you你可曾阅读过我的寄语 Did you ever listen to what we played你可曾听到过我们的演奏 Did you ever let in what the world said你可曾在意世界的诉说 Did we get this far just to feel your hate我们曾为了感受到你的恨而远行 Did we play to become only pawns in the game我们的表演可曾变成赌注 How blind can you be, don't you see你有多盲目,你不明白吗 You chose the long road but we'll be waiting你选择了漫长的道路而我们将会等待 Bye bye beautiful再见美丽 Jacob's ghost for the girl in white面向白衣女孩的雅各之灵 Blindfold for the blind盲人的莽撞 Dead siblings walking the dying earth死去的手足正行走于死亡的道路 Noose around a choking heart缠绕窒息心灵的绳套 Eternity torn apart永恒地分离 Slow toll now the funeral bells缓慢地敲响丧钟 "I need to die to feel alive"我需要以死来感受存在 Did you ever hear what I told you你可曾聆听过我的劝说 Did you ever read what I wrote you你可曾阅读过我的寄语 Did you ever listen to what we played你可曾听到过我们的演奏 Did you ever let in what the world said你可曾在意世界的诉说 Did we get this far just to feel your hate我们曾为了感受到你的恨而远行 Did we play to become only pawns in the game我们的表演可曾变成赌注 How blind can you be, don't you see你有多盲目,你不明白吗 You chose the long road but we'll be waiting你选择了漫长的道路而我们将会等待 Bye bye beautiful再见美丽 It's not the tree that forsakes the flower这不是树木背叛了花朵 But the flower that forsakes the tree而是花朵抛弃了树木 Someday I'll learn to love these scars有一天我会学会爱上这些伤疤 Still fresh from the red-hot blade of your words依然在你话语的伤痛后鲜血淋漓 How blind can you be, don't you see你有多盲目,你不知道吗 that the gambler lost all he does not have赌徒最后失去未曾拥有之物 Did you ever hear what I told you你可曾聆听过我的劝说 Did you ever read what I wrote you你可曾阅读过我的寄语 Did you ever listen to what we played你可曾听到过我们的演奏 Did you ever let in what the world said你可曾在意世界的诉说 Did we get this far just to feel your hate我们曾为了感受到你的恨而远行 Did we play to become only pawns in the game我们的表演可曾变成赌注 How blind can you be, don't you see你有多盲目,你不明白吗 You chose the long road but we'll be waiting你选择了漫长的道路而我们将会等待 Bye bye beautiful再见美丽


This is me for forever 我一直是 One of the lost ones 一个迷失者 The one without a name 一个无名士 Without an honest heart as compass 没有指南针般的诚心 This is me for forever 我一直是 One without a name 一个无名士 These lines the last endeavor 竭尽全力 To find the missing lifeline 寻找遗失的生命线 Oh how I wish 哦,我多么希望 For soothing rain 来一场心旷神怡的雨 All I wish 我所有的希望 is to dream again 就是再次追逐梦想 My loving heart 我的一片深情 Lost in the dark 迷失在黑暗之中 For hope I'd give my everything 为了希望我愿付出一切 My flower Withered between 我的花朵凋谢在 The pages two and three 书页中 The once and forever bloom 这曾经盛开并将永存的花 bloom gone with my sins 随着我的罪恶而消逝 Walk the dark path 走在黑暗之路上 Sleep with angels 与天使同眠 Call the past for help 向过去求援 Touch me with your love 用你的爱抚摸我 And reveal to me my true name 默示我的真名 Oh how I wish 哦,我多么希望 For soothing rain 来一场心旷神怡的雨 All I wish 我所有的希望 is to dream again 就是再次追逐梦想 My loving heart 我的一片深情 Lost in the dark 迷失在黑暗之中 For hope I'd give my everything 为了希望我愿付出一切 Oh how I wish 哦,我多么希望 For soothing rain 来 一场心旷神怡的雨 All how I wish 我多么希望 is to dream again 再次追逐梦想 Once and for all 永远永远 And all for once 倾尽所有 Nemo my name forever more, Nemo,将是我永恒的名字 Nemo sailing home Nemo, 扬帆回家吧 Nemo letting go Nemo, 上路吧 Oh how I wish 哦,我多么期待 For soothing rain 来一场心旷神怡的雨 All I wish 我所有的希望 is to dream again 就是再次追逐梦想 My loving heart 我的一片深情 Lost in the dark 迷失在黑暗之中 For hope I'd give my everything 为了希望我愿付出一切 Oh how I wish 哦,我多么期待 For soothing rain 来一场心旷神怡的雨 All I wish 我所有的希望 is to dream again 就是再次追逐梦想 Once and for all 永远永远 And all for once 倾尽所有 Nemo my name forever more, Nemo,将是我永恒的名字

分类: 娱乐/明星 >> 动漫




kimi dake ga ne、shitteta boku

kore ga honto no boku nanda

hitori ni natte yosei hitoku natta

zutto kawarenai nakimushi

minna to nara、tanoshisugite、

egao ga jikan、hayameru yo。

kokoro ni aita sukima dake wa、

umaranai kedo。

「mou nakanaide」

mienakutemo、kimi no koe wa kikoeru kara。

kono omoide tachi、

tatoe hitotsubu mo namida de koboshitakunai。

yoru ni nareba yume de aeru。

dare mo shiranai machiawase。

tsuduki ga mitai。

kedone、mou me wo samasanakucha。

asa ga kite、mata boku ga ichinichi otona ni naru you ni。

narenai koto ni、nareru hi datte jikan no mondai。

ugokidasu。machi mo。sora mo。

kono shunkan wo ikiteiru、boku ni shika dekinai koto ga aru。

“mou nakanaide”

mienakutemo、kimi no koe wa kikoeru kara。

kono omoide tachi、

tatoe hitotsubu mo namida de koboshitakunai



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