

Paris, France: Paris, France, originally known as the "romantic" Valentine's Day, whether it is under the Eiffel Tower or in the Sacred Heart Cathedral Square, close to everywhere couples snuggling with each other figure, who was no one to hug kiss enjoying a happy Valentine's Day

Rome, Italy: Rome, became popular in recent years, a special Valentine's Day ceremony, that Valentine's Day, couples are going to Rome, the famous Mierweiao bridge will be a symbol of soulmate lock hanging on the bridge of lights column After the couples had the key thrown into the river under the bridge to show two lives and never part

New York: Many couples choose to Valentine's Day away from the earth of the noise, to New York's famous Central Park, the carriage, feel comfortable in sightseeing

Rio de Janeiro: couples on Valentine's Day will go to the famous Copacabana Beach According to locals, this is a few years to come to Copacabana Beach to celebrate Valentine's Day couples many of which are from abroad admiring

Singapore: the Valentine's Day as a promotion of young people, dating, marriage and a good opportunity, since 2002, held in February each year "romantic Singapore" activities This year, includes film marathon, all night shopping, treasure hunting, as well as high 165 meters Flyer appointments, and so on

India: couples will be Valentine's Day to those in the northern city of Agra, near the famous Taj Mahal paid homage, because the local people view the Taj Mahal is the best witness of faithful love


The Germans in the wedding will teased couple,the first program is to be a broken dish be jubilant

这里应该是the first program is to break dishes +副词

The wedding date, every guest with a few broken bowl, dish, plate and broken the dishes

every gusest with a few broken bowls, dishes, plates and bottles, and break them madly afterwards

They think that this will help the couple to remove the old trouble and have sweet beginning

白头偕老,and to be together forever

France: Many people said Paris is "the romantic",

romantic city

many girls dream French wedding

dream about the French wedding

In fact French wedding is very simple and dignified White is the romantic French wedding's main tone,

White is the theme color of the romantic French wedding

whether for arrangement of flowers, or a bride's dress, so we can see in French eyes marriage should be pure

so we know marriage is pure from French's point of view

In wedding,

in the wedding

Lady will prepare fine workmanship, symbol of health and prosperity pattern cabinet as dowry, so the cabinet called "Hope chest" General French love on a weekend wedding So that more friends to come to the ceremony

Generally, French love to hold the wedding during the weekend, so more friends could come to the ceremony

ngland : English dish is very “simple” In short, they do the cooking only two ways

only in two ways

One is Put the oven

put stuffs into the oven

another is Put the hot pot to boil They do the cooking pay attention to the seafood and a variety of vegetables

They use mainly seafood and a wide range of vegetables

They like light foods,

They want the taste of food to be lite

they do the cooking without any seasoning, when they eat and like with some salt, pepper or mustard

they would like to put the seasoning such as salt, pepper or mustard according to their own taste when they eat

The British like fried food, like French fries, fried chicken and fish

Germany: The German dish is give priority to with acid and salt,the seasoning is more dense。They cooking method is give priority to with roast,stew

Their cooking method ( or Their way of cooking)

The German like meat especially likes to eat the sausage The German sausage has 1500 kinds of sausage, many species throughout the world

many kinds are very poplur all over the world

Paris is known as the romantic capital

la Tour Eiffel 埃菲尔铁塔

Palais de Chaillot 夏约宫

Ecole Militaire 军校

l’’Hotel des Invalides 荣军院

Statue de la Liberte 自由女神像

Maison de Balzac 巴尔扎克故居

pont Alexandre III 亚历山大三世桥

Grand Palais et Petit Palais 大宫 小宫

les Champs Elysees 香榭丽舍

l’’Arc de Triomple 凯旋门

l’’Opera 歌剧院

la Colonne Vendome 旺多姆圆柱

l’’Eglise de la Madeleine 玛德莲那教堂

Palais de l’’Elysee 爱丽舍宫

la Place de la Concorde 协和广场

Musee du Louvre 卢浮宫

pont des Arts 艺术桥

Institut de France 法兰西学院

Musee d’’Orsay 奥赛美术馆

Montmartre: 蒙玛特区

Sacre-Coeur 圣心教堂

Moulin Rouge 红磨坊

Marais: 玛莱区

la Place des Vosges 孚日广场

Maison de Victro Hugo 雨果故居

la Bastille 巴士底

Hotel de ville 市政厅

Centre Pompidou 蓬皮杜中心

Cite: 西岱

pont Neuf 新桥

la Conciergerie 监狱(这个词音译意译都比较麻烦,监狱算是说明吧)

Notre Dame 圣母院

Tour de Notre Dame 圣母院钟楼

Latin: 拉丁区

Sorbonne 索邦(大学)

le Pantheon 先贤祠

Jardin du Luxembourg 卢森堡公园

Cimetiere du Pere Lachaise 拉雪兹神父公墓

Tour Montparnasse 蒙帕纳斯

Verseilles 凡尔赛

Fontaine bleau 枫丹白露

la Seine 塞纳河

1 I like my school, the environment here is very good, the students are very friendly, here, I have made many good friends

2 There are 4 people in my family, my parents My sister and I I love my family, I love my parents care about me, raising me, gave me life My sister gave me a lot of learning and life to help, I am very grateful to them

3 You can change the subject It embarrassed me

4 I want to be a businesswoman, because I want to earn more money, let my parents are no longer involved, can enjoy the good life

4 I want to go to France ( Tourism ), because there is a romantic, where people are very warm

5 love is giving, is the self pay, and did not expect the return equivalence

6 what is happiness Contentment is happiness

I was 7 grade 6 class of students, I love my class, love my teacher, there is my another home

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大连   [dà lián] [大连]基本解释

[Dalian] 辽宁省的地级市位于辽东半岛南端市区面积1000多平方公里人口150万以上是以造船、纺织、化工、机械等著称的工业城市。 大连港水深港阔冬不封冻为 中国重要外贸口岸和渔业基地


大连,别称滨城,旧名达里尼、青泥洼。位于辽宁省辽东半岛南端,地处黄渤海之滨,背依中国东北腹地,与山东半岛隔海相望。。是中国东部沿海重要的经济、贸易、港口、工业、旅游城市。大连历史悠久,早在6000年前,祖先就开发了大连,1899年开始称大连。第一次鸦片战争、第二次鸦片战争期间,英军对大连地区进行了侵扰。作为甲午战争和日俄战争的主要战场,大连在近代史上曾遭受两次大的战争劫,沦为俄、日殖民地近半个世纪。大连环境绝佳,气候冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,有“东北之窗”“ 北方明珠 ”“浪漫之都”之称,是中国东北对外开放的视窗和最大的港口城市;先后获得国际花园城市、中国最佳旅游城市、国家环保模范城市等荣誉。大连是 更多→ 大连



[大连]相关词语 杭州 日照 郑州 中山 银川 烟台 大同 青岛 昆明 长春 佛山 南昌 [大连]相关搜寻 三点水加个大连的连叫什么 鱼字加一个大连的连的什么 大连海事大学 大连理工大学 五大连池

Luzhou is the place where I grew up, when I was young, I heard about Paris They are vibrant cities Luzhou is located in the southern part of Sichuan Province, it is a historical and cultural city The climate is warm in winter and cool in summer And Paris is the representative of France Luzhou Baita Eiffel Tower in Paris Living in Paris more than Luzhou The number of people who go to Paris every year, but there are also many Luzhou Luzhou is a city in china In France, Paris is romantic Luzhou and Paris are great cities, but I prefer Luzhou来自百度翻译



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