


 1) 千万个思念,在空气中凝固。扬起风吹向你,带着我的祝福,寂寞我不在乎,你快乐我就满足,想你是我的幸福Thousand of time I have thought of you My heart is going high intothe air and flying with my blessing towards you I don't care loneliness I am satisfied when you are happy and I am happy when Ithink of you!

 2) 不同的时间,不同的地点,不同的人群,相同的只有你和我;时间在变,空间在变,不变的只有对你无限的思念!You and I remains the same in different time, at differentplaces,among different people; time is changing, space is changingand everything is changing except my miss to you!

 3) 我在忧愁时想你,就像在冬天想太阳;我在快乐时想你,就像在骄阳下想树阴。I miss you when I am depressed, just as I miss the sunlight in winter; I miss you when I feel happy, just as I miss the shade inthe hot sun

 4) 一份不渝的友谊,执着千万个祝福,给我想念的朋友,温馨的问候。For our ever-lasting friendship, send sincere blessings and warmgreetings to my friends whom I miss so much

 5) 我不要短暂的温存,只要你一世的陪伴。I prefer having your accompanying for life-long time to the short-time tenderness

 6) 曾经迷惘的心中,是你牵引我走出寂寞。It's you that led me out of the loneliness when I was lost in my mind

 7) 好想,好想你!如果清风有情,请带去我对你的思念,这一生都为你牵挂;如果白云有意,请带去我对你的爱恋,生生世世都愿和你共缠绵!Oh, How much I miss you! If the passionate refreshing breeze knows my heart, it can tell you that I miss you and care you for mylifes time If graceful white cloud knows my heart, it can tellyou I love you and would be together with you forever

 8) 你在时你是一切,你不在时一切是你!You are everything when you are with me, and everything is you when you are not

 9) 我想将对你的感情化作暖暖的阳光,期待那洒落的光明能温暖你的心房。I want that my love to you will turn into bright sunlight so thatto warm your heart

 10) 长长的思念,就像风筝断了线,飘啊飘啊,飘到你的身边。I miss you so deeply that my love just like a kite has broken its line and won't stop flying until it reaches you at last

 11) 你可知我百年的孤寂只为你一人守侯,千夜的恋歌只为你一人而唱。You know my loneliness is only kept for you, my sweet songs areonly sung for you

 12) 如果活着,是上帝赋予我最大的使命,那么活者有你,将会是上帝赋予我使命的恩赐。If living on the earth is a mission from the lord… living with youis the award of the lord

 13) 正是因为爱才悄悄的躲开,躲开的是身影,躲不开的是默默的情怀;今天我终于鼓起勇气,向你表达我的爱。Because of loving you so much that I stood aside Although myfigure left you away, my heart didn't Today I have made up my mindto say “I love you

 14) 在这充满温馨的季节里,给你我真挚的祝福及深深的思念。In such a soft and warm season, please accept my sincere blessing and deep concern for you

 15) 我要幸福的昏倒了!I am too happy to stand faint!

 16) 你知道思念一个人的滋味吗,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。Do you understand the feeling of missing someone It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears

 17) 在这快乐分享的时刻,思念好友的时刻,美梦成真的时刻,祝你—新年快乐,佳节如意!Wish you a happy new year and a good fortune in the coming year when we will share our happiness, think of our good friends, andour dreams come true!

 18) 只要你愿意,当你失落失意的时候,最需要一个肩膀的时候,告诉我,我会立即出现。As long as you are willing, please let me know what I can do foryou When you are unhappy and want to cry on somebodys shoulder, I will stand before you immediately

 19) 难道你怕一个深爱着你的痴情儿Do you fear a love fool who is loving you so deeply

 20) 我想将对你的思念寄予散落的星子,但愿那点点的星光能照进你的窗前,伴你好梦。I send my miss to the scattering stars and wish you a sweet dream under the light shedding through your window

 21) 心要让你听见,爱要让你看见,不怕承认对你有多眷恋;想你的时候,盼你能收到我的真情留言!Listening to my heart beating Seeing how much I love you ,I dareto admit how much I love you When thinking of you, I hope you canreceive the passionat words I left for you!

 22) 在你抑郁的时候,我就是你的开心果。在你忧伤的时候,我愿作你的忘忧树!I will make you happy when you are depressed I will make you delighted when you are in great sorrow!

 23) 过得好么希望世界因你而美丽!How are you getting on I hope that the word will become more beautiful because of you!

 24) 月亮代表我的心!The moonlight stands for my heart!

 25) 想你,是一种美丽的忧伤的甜蜜的惆怅,心里面,却是一种用任何语言也无法表达的温馨。It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can't be expressed with any choice of words

 26) 不是因为寂寞才想你,是因为想你才寂寞。孤独的感觉之所以如此之重,只是因为太想你。I miss you not because of my loneliness but I do feel lonely when Imiss you Only when I miss you deeply I feel so lonely

 27) 你知道么,有个人时时想念着你,惦记你,你含笑的眼睛,象星光闪闪,缀在我的心幕上,夜夜亮晶晶。Do you know there is someone thinking of you and caring you all the time Your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling stars hangingon the curtain of my heart

 28) 但愿会在梦中再见到我心爱的女孩!Wish to meet my angle again lovely girl in my dream!

 29) 我知道你最喜欢这首歌,我也知道你的心思,我想你。I know you like this song most and I know what you are thinking about ,too, I miss you

 30) 遇上一个人要一分钟的时间,喜欢一个人只需一小时的时间,爱上一个人要一天的时间,可要我忘记你却要用上一生的时间。I can meet a person in a minute, like a person in an hour and lovea person in a day, but it will take me a whole life to forgetyou

 31) 没有杯子咖啡是寂寞的没有你我是孤独的。Coffee is lonely without cups I am lonely without you

 32) 思念中我一千次一万次地问鸿雁问明月问春风,愿鸿雁将我的眷恋捎给你;愿明月将我的问候带给你;愿春风将我的关切送给你!I pray for the swan goose, the moonlight and the spring breeze forthousands of times, wishing the swan goose can bring my miss toyou; the moonlight can convey my greeting to you ; the spring breeze can send my care to you!

 33) Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful

 34) 在遇到梦中人之前,上天也许会安排我们先遇到别的人;在我们终于遇见心仪的人时,便应当心存感激。Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile

 35) 纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。Love is not a matter of counting the days It's making the days count

 36) 爱情不是数着日子过去,它让每个日子都变得有意义。I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you

 37) 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation

 38) 从来就是别离时,才知爱有多深。The road to a lover's house is never long

 39) 通往爱人家里的路总不会漫长。I love you not because who you are,but because who I am when I am with you

 40) 我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前是谁。Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence


 1) 爱是永恒的,外表可能改变,但本质永远不变。Where there is love, there are always wishes

 2) 哪里有爱,哪里就有希望。The worst way to miss some one is to be sitting right beside him knowing you can't have him

 3) 想念一个人最糟糕的方式就是坐在他身旁,而知道你不能拥有他。Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you

 4) 在你尝试了解他人和盼望他人了解你之前,先把你变成一个更好的人和了解自己的人。Never frown,even when you are sad,because youn ever know who is falling in love with your smile

 5) 就算你不快乐也不要皱眉,因为你永远不知道谁会爱上你的笑容。let this be my last word , i trust thy love

 6) 这是我的最后一句话,我相信你的爱No man or woman is worth your tears,and the one who is,won't make you cry

 7) 没有男人或女人值得你流泪,值得的那位不会让你哭泣。Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have

 8) 爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式来爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你。The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them

 9) 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。To the world you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world

 10) 在世界上你可能只是某人,但对于某人你可能是世界。First love is unforgettable all one's life





 Lost you, won the world again how


 To be happy! There is only you I together


 Love you, hide in my heart, warm in your heart!


 I like you, like to have no friends!


 I love you, is associated with love, has nothing to do with you


 Since love youTo know the sweet of love


 I can't write love letter, will only write "heart"


 Because you make me a piece of love ripples!


 When thinking of you, I will find you


 You love makes my life there is love, there are tears


 When leaving, I just know there is a feeling called miss


 Not afraid to far away, only to dash away to your side at the moment


 As long as you are, I would like to you alone that day


 I don't know next year's today, I still waiting



 Like you maybe I was wrong, love you I really changed a lot! Fool, I love you!


 Meeting you was fate, and falling in love with you was out of my control


 If possible, I would like to spend every minute of my life with you


 I'll be your ears, listen to the tune


 You are the wind I am sand, I pour you a cup of tea, you doze off my bed, I see you baby baby


 If I can't have you, I will hate myself


 You know my loneliness is only one person waiting for you, thousands of my sweet songs are only sung for you


 Not afraid he will follow up, but I am afraid that my heart did not follow my footsteps


 No plan can eliminateOnly under the brow, but the heart


 I think you are really not a qualified friend, you have to do is to change my wife!


 That day the best day of my life is that thing's happening, and Naoki meet


 My world only you know


 In the vast sea of humanity, to see your shadow, the heart is the first time such a tremor!


 Even if the whole world betrayed you, I will stand beside you betraying the world


 Give me a chance, I will let you live in the sun, I will be your only sun


 I love you, as long as I accompanied


 Honey, will you marry me!


 I already have someone I like


 Do not know if you love is not a good reason


 The thoughts in the night in the rain, people from afar and'll always let up


 The birds sing only once a lifetime, it sings a song of life in the thornsA person's life only love once, he can give up everything to man


 Miss is the roof so tick, is a microwave lake formed, is in the morning mist, is we wake up the confusionI miss you very much at the moment!


 For you, I have unconditional surrender, you will sign the love contract! Otherwise, no one wants me! I'm ready to double my rights


 Happiness is: rainy day can hold up a small umbrella for you; happiness is: hold your little hand and you spend the sunset; happiness is: you always happy happy!


 When you see this message, you have a violent incomparable love poison, the only cure is to marry me, do not take into account the, let's get married!


 I really want to become your phone: always to be hold in your hand, often hear your Xinyu, can take you to see the beautiful, and always put the I in mind


 Girlfriend wanted: character, like you, and you looks identical, appearance and you run in the same groove, lovely roughly the same with you, I feel you perfectness


 The luckiest thing in my life two things: one is the time finally my love for you, one is long, long time ago, one day, I met you


 I really want to hold your hand, walk along the road of happiness, really want to hug your waist, from now on happy and free and unfettered; good want to kiss your face, we accompany forever!


 Back to think of us together, I can't help but a burst of heartache not once said good not to separate it How could you have the heart to leave me like this


 After a short message, miss will become hand and up, at least at the moment of you, know that I am thinking of you, know that there is a love from the pain, in my heart


 If it is true love, do not let go, no money can also be in the feelings of the lost, a lifetime will not come back! Please cherish the people around you, do not forget or regret is your own!


 Love you, but can not with you together, this is a pain; so you do not know the outcome, this is a kind of helpless; for now to have you, for life can together with you


 Walking in the dark night, didn't say goodbyeIf you hear me cry sound, there is no turning back, afraid you see slide off my tears, in the dark of the night I hear the brokenhearted sound


 Even hurt each other, we will not be separated from the humidifier, as long as two people together, although sometimes hurt, the wound will heal, because I hear the voice of his heart


 1You are everything when you are with me,and everything is you when you are not


 2I miss you not because of my loneliness but I do feel lonely when I miss youOnly when I miss you deeply I feel so lonely不是因为寂寞才想你,是因为想你才寂寞。孤独的感觉之所以如此之重,只是因为太想你。

 3I don’t know whether I really love you,but I know I cannot lose youIf the earth is going to be destroyed I want to tell you that you are the only one I want to see我不知道我是否真的爱,但是我知道我不能没有你,如果地球将要毁灭,那么我要告诉你“你是我唯一想见的人”。

 4I will make you happy when you are depressedI will make you delighted when you are in great sorrow! 在你抑郁的时候,我就是你的开心果。在你忧伤的时候,我愿作你的忘忧树!

 5I miss you so deeply that my love just like a kite has broken its line and won’t stop flying until it reaches you at last长长的思念,就像风筝断了线,飘啊飘啊,飘到你的身边。

 6When the words“I love you”were said by you for the first time,my world blossoms第一次听到你对我说”我爱你”,我的世界一瞬间鲜花绽开。

 7Love understands love;it need snotalk相爱的心息息相通,无需用言语倾诉。

 8Love is a fire which burns unseen爱情是无形燃烧的火焰。

 9Do you know there is someone thinking of you and caring you all the time Your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling stars hanging on the curtain of my heart你知道么,有个人时时想念着你,惦记你,你含笑的'眼睛,象星光闪闪,缀在我的心幕上,夜夜亮晶晶。

 10I can meet a person in a minute,like a person in an hour and love a person in a day,but it will take me a whole life to forget you遇上一个人要一分钟的时间,喜欢一个人只需一小时的时间,爱上一个人要一天的时间,可要我忘记你却要用上一生的时间。


 1、Wish you a happy new year and a good fortune in the coming year when we will share our happiness, think of our good friends, andour dreams come true!


 2、Every day I miss youIt is a hard time for me to miss you but itis even harder not to do soIn such a contrary mood, I miss you deeply! A happy Valentines Day to you!



 It's you that led me out of the lonelinewhen I was lost in my mind。


 You are everything when you are with me, and everything is you when you are not


 Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again


 Wish to meet my angle again lovely girl in my dream!


 Thousand of time I have thought of you My heart is going high intothe air and flying with my blessing towards you I don't care lonelinessI am satisfied when you are happy and I am happy when Ithink of you!


 You know my lonelineis only kept for you, my sweet songs areonly sung for you。


 How are you getting on I hope that the word will become more beautiful because of you!


 Listening to my heart beatingSeeing how much I love you ,I dareto admit how much I love you When thinking of you, I hope you canreceive the passionat words I left for you!


 I miyou not because of my lonelinebut I do feel lonely when ImiyouOnly when I miyou deeply I feel so lonely。


 Love you so I don——t wanna go to sleep, for reality is better than a dream


 Do you fear a love fool who is loving you so deeply


 You know my loneliness is only kept for you, my sweet songs are only sung for you

 15、通过四步就能幸福1 你2 我3 我们的心4 在一起。

 There are 4 steps to happiness: 1 you 2 me 3 our hearts 4 together


 I pray for the swan goose, the moonlight and the spring breeze forthousands of times, wishing the swan goose can bring my mitoyou; the moonlight can convey my greeting to you ; the spring breeze can send my care to you!


 The moonlight stands for my heart!


 I will make you happy when you are depressedI will make you delighted when you are in great sorrow!


 Do you understand the feeling of missing someone It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears。


 I miss you not because of my loneliness but I do feel lonely when I miss youOnly when I miss you deeply I feel so lonely


 I miyou so deeply that my love just like a kite has broken its line and won't stop flying until it reaches you at last


 It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can't be expressed with any choice of words


 You are everything to me, and I was so blessed when god sent you here for me


 Because of loving you so much that I stood asideAlthough myfigure left you away, my heart didn'tToday I have made up my mindto say “I love you”


 I don't know whether I really love you, but I know I cannot loseyouIf the earth is going to be destroyed I want to tell you that you are the only one I want to see


 You are everything when you are with me, and everything is you when you are not

 27、Never frown, even when you are sad,because you never know who is falling in love with your smile


 28、For our ever-lasting friendship, send sincere blessings and warmgreetings to my friends whom I miss so much


 29、To the world you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world


 30、The wrist skin,with your sweet taste



 1I'm totally into you


 2You mean so much to me


 3You complete me


 4I'm in love with you


 5You're my ideal woman/man


 6You're my angel


 7I'm addicted to you


 8You're captivating


 9I've totally fallen for you


 10I've got a crush on you


 11I'm drawn to you


 12I think you're the one


 13I'm burning for you


 14I'm crazy about you


 15You're my everything


 16I can't live without you


 17You're my goddess


 18I can't bear to be apart from you


 19I'm under your spell


 20I can't get over you


 21I'm hooked on you


 22I'm fond of you


 23I fancy you


 24You're my one and only


 25You make me whole


 26You're special to me


 27I feel something for you


 28You're all I see


 29You're on my mind


 30I've been doing a lot of thinking, and the thing is I love you


 You are the girl of my dreams你是我的梦中情人。2下面是我特地为大家整理的一些有关浪漫的英文句子,赶快来围观一下吧!


 Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失

 A heart that loves is always young有爱的心永远年轻。

 At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。

 Brief is life, but love is long生命虽短,爱却绵长。

 Distance makes the hearts grow fonder距离使两颗心靠得更近。

 I miss you so much already and I haven’t even left yet!尽管还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想!

 I need him like I need the air to breathe我需要他,正如我需要呼吸空气。

 If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me如果没有相等的爱,那就让我爱多一些吧。

 If I know what love is, it is because of you因为你,我懂得了爱。

 f I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden


 silkworm die silk, wax torch party ash into tears beginning to dry春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始乾。

 he has made his weapons his gods when his weapons win he is defeated himself 他把他的刀剑当作他的上帝。当他的刀剑胜利的时候他自己却失败了。

 ·don’t wait to have a lot, to share a bit不要等拥有许多后,才开始分享一些。

 i’ll think of you every step of the way我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步。

 i prefer having your accompanying for life-long time to the short-time tenderness不要短暂的温存,只要你一世的陪伴。

 my heart beats for you every day i am inspired by you every minute, and i worry about you every second it is wonderful to have you in my life每一天都为你心跳,每一刻都被你感动,每一秒都为你担心。有你的感觉真好。

 the greater one’s love for a person, the less room for flattery the proof of true love is to be unsparing in criticism 爱一个人爱得越深就越少恭维他,毫无保留的批评才 能验证真的感情。

 i dropped a tear in the ocean, and when i find it thats the day i will stop loving you我的一颗眼泪掉进了海洋,当我找到它的那一天就是我停止爱你的那一天。

 do not waste your time on a nan/woman who is not willing to waste time on you 不要把时间浪费在那些不愿意把时间花在你身上的人。

 to the world you may be just one person to the person you may be the world 对于世界,你可能只是一个人,但对于某个人,你却是整个世界。


 sometimes, the everlasting hate have no unique period天长地久有时尽,此恨绵绵无绝期。

 love does not consist of gazing at each other ,but in looking outward together in the same direction 爱不在于彼此凝视,而是注视着同一个方向。

 no man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won‘t make you cry没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。


 maybe god wants you to meet many wrong people before you meet the right one,so when this happens ,you’ll be thankful也许上帝让你在遇见那个合适的人之前遇见很多错误的人,所以,当这一切发生的时候,你应该心存感激。

 where there is love, there are always wishes哪里有爱,哪里就有希望。

 never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。

 in love folly is always sweet恋爱中,干傻事总是让人感到十分美妙。

 it takes a minute to have a crush on someone, an hour to like someone and a day to love someone but it takes a lifetime to forget someone对一个人有感觉需要一分钟,喜欢一个人需要一小时,爱上一个人需要一天;但是,忘记一个人却要用上一辈子。

 离愁渐远渐无穷,迢迢不断如春水。lichou away gradually, such as at continuously infinite

 love without end hath no end情绵绵,爱无边。

 love is like the moon, when it does not increase, it decreases 爱情就像月亮,不增则减。

 never stop smiling, not even when you’re sad,someone might fall in love with your smile永远都不要停止微笑,即使是在你难过的时候,说不定有人会因为你的笑容而爱上你。

 love isn’t just for the smart of talented, but for all the animals god created爱不仅仅是聪明人的专有品,它属于上帝创造的所有生灵。

 the beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them with our own image, otherwise, we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them爱情是让你所爱的那个人可以做回自己,而不是成为你心中的理想形象。否则,你爱的只是从对方身上反映出来的自己。

 if you can hold something up and put it down, it is calledweight-lifting; if you can hold something up but can never put it down,it’s called burden-bearing pitifully, most of people are bearing heavyburdens when they are in love举得起放得下的叫举重,举得起放不下的叫负重。可惜,大多数人的爱情,都是负重的。

 The darkneis no darknewith thee


 I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you


 To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world




 I miyou so much already and I haven't even left yet!


 I'll think of you every step of the way


 Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you


 Every day without you is like a book without pages


 Precious things are very few in this world That is the reason there is just one you


 You make my heart smile In such a soft and warm season, please accept my sincere blessing and deep concern for you For our ever-lasting friendship, send sincere blessings and warm greetings to my friends whom I miso much Wish you a happy new year and a good fortune in the coming year when we will share our happiness, think of our good friends, and our dreams come true!

 我的心因你而笑。 在这充满温馨的季节里,给你我真挚的祝福及深深的思念。一份不渝的友谊,执着千万个祝福,给我想念的朋友,温馨的问候在这快乐分享的时刻,思念好友的时刻,美梦成真的时刻,祝你—新年快乐,佳节如意!

 if they did, and life-long in exist 两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮。

 if equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me如果没有相等的爱,那就让我爱多一些吧。

 first impression of you is most lasting对你最初的印象,久久难以忘怀。

 precious things are very few in this world that is the reason there is just one you在这世上珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一个你。

 love you not because of who you are, but because of who i am when i am with you我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起

 i’ll think of you every step of the way 我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步。

 distance makes the hearts grow fonder 距离使两颗心靠得更近。

 我们付出的爱是我们唯一长久拥有的爱。 the love we give away is the only love we keep

 passionate love is a quenchless thirst热烈的爱情是不可抑制的渴望。






You mean the world to me你对我来说是最重要的。

You take my breath away你让我忘记呼吸

You will have it if it belongs to you,whereas you cann’t kvetch for it if it doesn’t appear in your life 命里有时钟需有 命里无时莫强求

Your kiss still burns on my lips, everyday of mine is so beautiful你的吻还在我的唇上发烫,从此我的日子变得如此美丽。

Your smiling at me is my daily dose of magic你嫣然的微笑是我每日享受到的魅力。

I can’t live without you我没有你活不下去。

I can’t stop loving you 我不能停止爱你

I care about you deeply我非常关心你。

I devote to you 我是你的专有

I feel happy at times we have had angry words but these have been kissed away我们生气争执时,爱的双唇把它们吻得无影无踪,我的心也顿觉甜蜜。

I felicitate the day I found you 我庆幸我找到你的那一天

I find complete love 都是我的真爱

I have a crush on you我对你有点动心。

If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me 如果没有相等的爱,那就让我爱多一些吧。

If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden 假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。

If I know what love is, it is because of you 因为你,我懂得了爱。

If I were to fall in love,It would have to be with youYour eyes, your smile,The way you laugh,The things you say and doTake me to the places,My heart never knewSo,if I were to fall in love,It would have to be with you—— Ed Walter如果说我已陷入情网;我的情人就是你;你的眼睛,你的微笑;你的笑脸;你说的一切,你做的一切;让我的心迷失了方向;所以,如果说我已陷入情网;我的爱人就是你。

If we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other,then I wish we had never encountered 如果只是遇见,不能停留,不如不遇见。

If we dream, everything is possible 敢于梦想,一切都将成为可能。

Look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对我而言意味着什么。

Love ,promised between the fingers Finger rift,twisted in the love 爱情在指缝间承诺 指缝在爱情下交缠。

Love is a fabric that nature wove and fantasy embroidered爱情是一方织巾,用自然编织,用幻想点缀。

Love is a fire which burns unseen爱情是无形燃烧的火焰。

Love is a light that never dims爱是一盏永不昏暗的明灯。


1、I love stars, and you're as beautiful as a star我爱天上的星星,因你美丽如它。

2、When angles ask what I loved about life,I’ll say you当天使问我一生中最喜欢什么,我会说最喜欢你。

3、No matter where I go, I always know my way back to you You are where I belong无论我去了哪里,总能找到回到你身边的路。你在的地方,便是我的归属。

4、In your smile I see something more beautiful than the stars在你的笑容里,我看到了比繁星更美的东西。

5、When I heard “I love you” from you for the firsttime, my world burst into blossoms第一次听到你对我说“我爱你”,我的世界瞬间鲜花绽开。

6、Maybe you are just one of millions in the world, but tome, you're the whole world你可能只是这个世界上的一个人,但对于我来说,你就是全世界。

7、What can wake me up in the morning are only my alarm clock and you我早上醒来的原因有两个:闹钟和你。

8、Every love story is beautiful, but ours is my favourite每个爱情故事都很美丽,但我们的确是我的挚爱。

9、Wouldn’t it be the perfect crime if I stole your heart and you stole mine你偷走了我的心,我偷走了你的,这不是最完美的犯罪吗

10、My dream wouldn’t be complete without you in it没有你在,我的梦并不算完整。




1、 To the world you may be just one person To the person you may be the world对于世界,你可能只是一个人,但对于某个人,你却是整个世界。

2、 In love folly is always sweet 恋爱中,干傻事总是让人感到十分美妙。

3 、One word frees us of all the weight and pain in lifeThat word is love 有一个词可以让我们摆脱生活中所有的负担和痛苦,那就是"爱情"。

4、 If you wander off too far, my love will get you home如果你流浪 走得太远 我的爱能把你带回家。

5 、My heart beats for you every day I am inspired by you every minute, and I worry about you every second It is wonderful to have you in my life每一天都为你心跳,每一刻都被你感动,每一秒都为你担心。有你的感觉真好。

6、 The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a womans heart在这个世界上,男人最珍贵的财产就是一个女人的心。

7、 You are everything when you are with me, and everything is you when you are not你在时你是一切,你不在时一切是你!

8 、Precious things are very few in this world That is the reason there is just one you在这世上珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一个你。

9、Love is like the moon, when it does not increase, it decreases爱情就像月亮,不增则减。

10 、Love is a fabric that nature wove and fantasy embroidered 爱情是一方织巾,用自然编织,用幻想点缀。

11、 Dreaming in the memory is not as good as waiting for the paradise in the hell在回忆里继续梦幻不如在地狱里等待天堂。

12、 No man or woman s worth your tears, and the one who s, won‘t make you cry没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。

13、 Wish you a happy new year and a good fortune in the coming year when we will share our happiness, think of our good friends, and our dreams come true!在这快乐分享的时刻,思念好友的时刻,美梦成真的时刻,祝你—新年快乐,佳节如意!

14 、If you look for it, love actually is all around如果你用心寻找,你会发现爱其实无处不在

15 、When the words "I love you" were said by you for the first time, my world blossoms 第一次听到你对我说"我爱你",我的世界一瞬间鲜花绽开。

16、 Love is like a butterfly It goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes 爱情就像一只蝴蝶,它喜欢飞到哪里,就把欢乐带到哪里。

17、 How are you getting on I hope that the word will become more beautiful because of you!过得好么?希望世界因你而美丽!

18、 Where there is great love, there are always miracles 哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹。

19 、Love is the greatest refreshment in life爱情是生活最好的提神剂。

20 、to feel the flame of dreaming and to feel the moment of dancing,when all the romance is far away,the eternity is always there感受梦的火焰,感觉飞舞瞬间,当一切浪漫遥远,永恒依然



Choose one old, met a person whitehead


Give me my life, just to give you a half


There is a kind of impulse to love you


What status do you have, you have an ID card


My life, happiness in every smile


I love the people are very love me, very happy


Love just because I want you love me


Ask you to be the treasure in my palm


I choose to love you, but you, but you choose to love her


Love is not to ask, but to give


Miss, become a required course every day


The one I love is my lover


Our love, hope there is no period


Our love can not tolerate other people


If you do not leave, I will always be with you


I want to get a marriage license with her!


I want to grow old with you


What all mind, and what all forgive


The city where you live is the source of my missing


Love leave scars, but also teach people to forget pain


To love or to be loved, in fact, is a kind of joy


I like that, I like you


You accompany me to watch the world slowly to sleep on the roof


Can you put your heart into my heart


Im blocking all the time only love you a person


You said that because of me, so I won the world


You want to fly, I do your safe harbor


Let me hold your hand and walk with you


I have short hair, so dont push me away


Met you, my life is happy


Love doesnt have to be perfect, its enough for you!


You give the care, is the reason for my happy


Sometimes, sleep is also a kind of enjoyment


I dont want to get married but I just want to marry you


It hurts just how outstanding


Unless loess bones, I keep you free time


Love me you say, put in the heart more rough


Follow the steps you through the remotest corners of the globe


Love does not love me deep enough


You are so pleasant that I dont love you


1、The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you You just got to find the ones worth suffering for——事实是,每个人都可能会伤害到你。但你可以选择值得受伤的人。

2、We dont need people who follow the rules We need people with personality 我们不需要循规蹈矩的人,我们需要有个性的人。

3、High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation 高成就永远是在高期待的前提下所产生。 —查尔斯凯特灵

4、Dreams are made possible if you try 只要努力,梦想就会实现。


6、Face the life and job with shiny optimistic attitude,they will reward you with sunshine用阳光乐观的心态去面对生活和工作,它们一样也会回报给你阳光。

7、The good or ill hap of good or ill life, is the good or ill choice of a good or ill wife 生活机遇的好坏,在于选择妻子的好坏。

8、You are here ,theres nothing I fear只要你在这,就无所畏惧。

9、The hardest is to open the door, but once opened, you will see the world of the sunny, warm sunny 最难打开的是心门,可一旦打开,你会看见阳光灿烂的世界,热情明媚的自己。

10、The first to apologize is the bravest The first to forgive is the strongest The first to forget is the happiest —— 最先道歉的人最勇敢;最先原谅的人最坚强;最先释怀的人最幸福。

11、Be thankful for what you haveYoull end up having more If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never ,ever have enough 要学会对拥有的一切怀有感恩之心。最终你会得到更多。如果你总是对那些没有得到的东西耿耿于怀,那么你永远也不会满足。

12、Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear – not absence of fear 勇气是抗拒恐惧,征服恐惧—不是没有恐惧。 —马克吐温

13、Life is a series of commas, not periods 人生是一系列的逗号,不是句号。 —马修·麦康纳


15、Every moment counts Every second matters每一分每一秒都有意义。

16、Everyone is happy But, your happiness is often in the eyes of others —— 每个人都是幸福的。只是,你的幸福,常常在别人眼里。

17、Love,promised between the fingers,Finger rift,twisted in the love爱情…在指缝间承诺 指缝…。在爱情下交缠。

18、Some things, until you sober up, that it was a mistake; some things, until you actually put down, only then knew that it was so heavy ——有些事情,要等到你渐渐清醒了,才明白它是个错误;有些东西,要等到你真正放下了,才知道它原来那么沉重。

19、The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can’t find them, make them能在这个世界上获得成功的人是早晨起床后寻找他们想要的机遇,如果他们找不到的话,就自己创造。

20、When a cigarette falls in love with a match,it is destined to be hurt当香烟爱上火柴时,就注定受到伤害。



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