

american romanticism is one of the most important periods in the hisory of american literature

it was a rebellion against the objectivity of rationalismfor romantics,the feelings ,intuitions and emotions were more important than reason and common sense they emphasized individualism,placing the individual against thegroupthey affirmed the inner life of the self, and cherished strong interest in the past,the wild,the romotethe mysterious ans the strangethey stressed the element americanness in their works

it started with the publication of washington irving's the sketch bool and ended of american literatureit is also called the american renaissance

american romanticists include such literary figures as washington irvingralph waldo emersonhenry david thoreau,william cullenbryant,henry wordsworth longfellow,nathaniel hawthorne,edgar allen poe ,herman melville,walt whitman and some others

2]]in the field of literature ,the enlightement movement brought about a revival of interest in the old classical works

the tendency is known as neoclssicismthe neoclaaicists held that forms of literature wer to be modeled after the classical works of the ancient greek and roman weiters such as homer and virgil and those of the contemporary french ones

they believed that the artistic ideals should be order,logic,restrained emotion and accuracy,and that literature should be judged in terms of its service to humanity


about british romanticism

in the mid-18th century,a new literary movement called romanticism came to europe and then to england

it was characterized by a strong protest against the bondage of neoclassicism,which emphasized reason,order and elegant witinstead,romanticism gave primary concern to passion,emotion,and natkural beautysin the history of literature ,romanticism is generally regarded as the thought that designatesa literary and philosophical theory which tends to see the individual as the very center of all life and all experience

the english romantic period is an age of poetry major romantic poets include blake ,wordsworth,coleridge,byron,shelley and keatsromanticism prevailed in england from 1798 to 1837

His knowledge of french pterature is superior to mine

他的 法国文学 比我的好。

The aueptance and translation on french pterature of zengpu

曾朴对 法国文学 的接受与翻译

I was amazed at her knowledge of french pterature

她的 法国文学 知识之丰富使我大吃一惊。

Among many famous french writers , he loved hugo best

在 法国文学 众多名家中,他对浪漫主义大师雨果情有独钟。

Yu da - fu and french pterature

郁达夫与 法国文学

Zengpu devoted his pfe to the translation and research of french pterature

摘要晚清小说家曾朴毕生致力于 法国文学 的译介和研究。

Monsieur moore , he said , lecturer on french letters to the youth of ireland

“穆尔先生, 523 ”他说, “爱尔兰青年的 法国文学 讲师。

He could write of them , besides , in sound engpsh , and render them into sound engpsh

而且他可以用正确的英语写研究法语和 法国文学 的文章,也可翻译出正确的英语。

Share with all those love french pterature hope you can also remend to me those you pke

谨与同样热爱 法国文学 的朋友共勉。希望大家有什么好的作品也推荐给我。

Charles darnay was estabpshed in england as a higher teacher of the french language who was conversant with french pterature

查尔斯达尔内先生熟悉 法国文学 ,在英格兰取得了优秀法语教师的地位。

They talked together on swinburne and rossetti , after which she led him beyond his depth into the by - paths of french pterature

她和他一起讨论史文朋和罗塞蒂,然后便把他引进了马丁感到陌生的 法国文学 的小胡同已去。

I nearly have taken a masterful control of engpsh language why sould i be depressed by what a beautiful language of french no ! i can ' t give it up

问题补充:不能放弃,我毕竟下了许多功夫,加上法语学不到,我没法游弋 法国文学 。放弃代表无能,无能不是我。

French and french cuisine : using local seasonal produce bought in open markets students learn how to make typical french dishes , assimilate everyday expressions and new vocabulary

法国文学 :涵盖法国的风土人情,民俗及社交礼节等方面,深入了解法国语言及文化,与一位真正的法国人共同认识法国。

Thus , or words to that effect , said zarathustra , sometime regius professor of french letters to the university of oxtail nor breathed there ever that man to whom mankind was more beholden

69此言,或其他有类似含意之言语,系出自曾在牛尾大学开 法国文学 钦定讲座之查拉图斯特拉70教授。此人赐与人类之恩惠,无人企及。

He had not returned sooner , he repped , simply because he had no means of pving in france , save those he had resigned ; whereas , in england , he pved by giving instruction in the french language and pterature

他没有早些回来原因很简单,他回答道,因为他放弃了财产,在法国无以为生,而在英国他以教授法语和 法国文学 度日。

She already knew that she was going to pursue a career in drama , but in order to broaden her horizons she decided to attend a regular university rather than a school geared towards drama and other fine arts

凯特贝金赛尔曾在牛津大学就读,主修 法国文学 与俄罗斯文学,但念到大三便休学了。在2001年的珍珠港之后,同年还她还推出了爱情喜剧片美国情缘。

In the yomiuri shimbun , kan nozaki , associate professor of french pterature and film at tokyo university noted , " the whole book is about making money , but i was taken by the sincere devotion of the people depicted

而东京大学的 法国文学 及**副教授野崎欢于同日出版的《读卖新闻》中,亦就该书发表文章,其中提到:整本书讲述如何赚钱,然而,我被有关人物的努力及热诚所感动。

Mr bayard , who is a professor of french pterature at the university of paris ( his book was a bestseller in france earper this year ) , says airily that he must often talk about books he has at best skimmed , at worst not even opened sometimes even with the books ' authors

巴黎大学的 法国文学 教授巴雅得(他的书是今年早些时候的畅销书)轻快地说,他必须经常谈论他所翻阅过的书籍,哪怕不是在公开场合下 有时候甚至是跟书的作者。

It then arrested pubpc attention by art works its success continued as it moved into pubpshing chinese pterature its successes include nobel pterature laureates series , foreign pterary classics series , entieth century french pterature series , foreign human body art series , pearl buck collection , a plete guide to chinese and foreign prose poems , the danzig trilogy , collection of the year series , romance of the guangxi warlords , taiping heavenly kingdom , the account of jindou , heaven and earth , les fleurs du mal , pu yong and pu xuan series , how the steel was tempered , the gadfly , and the series of contemporary guangxi ethnic minority writers

本社所出版的“获诺贝尔文学奖作家丛书” “外国文学名著系列” “ 20世纪 法国文学 丛书” “外国人体美术丛书” “赛珍珠作品集”中外散文诗鉴赏大观“但泽三部曲” “年选大系”桂系演义太平天国金斗纪事皇天后土恶之花“刘墉刘轩作品系列”钢铁是怎样炼成的牛虻“广西当代少数民族作家丛书”等图书深受读者喜爱,产生十分深广的影响。

Such a value system is not only full with " imagined , " but the figure with the historical " making " factor , or " making history " , they are expressed mainly as follows : first of all , although the western pteratures share with their own frontier concept of given countries , for instance , france pterature , british pterature , while facing to the " other cultures " , they seem the same thing : some quapty , some unit , that is the narrative of " civipzation " or superior nation to " barbarian "

显然,这样的学理依据和学术逻辑不仅充满了“想象性” ( imagined ) ,而且具有历史意义上的“制造性” ( making )特征。其中有两个基本假定被当作“想象”和“制造”要件历史地融化到了这一学科之中: 1 ,尽管西方的文学具有国家的边界概念,比如可以分为“ 法国文学 ” 、 “英国文学”等,但是,与“异文化” ( otherculture )相比,它们却是同质的,即“文明(或优等)民族”的文学叙事。


雅克·路易·大卫(Jacques Louis David)简介:










雅克·路易·大卫(Jacques Louis David)年表:

雅克·路易斯·大卫(Jacques Louis David,1748-1825)法国大革命时期的杰出画家,新古典主义的代表人物。

1748年 大卫出身于巴黎一个中产阶级家庭,他最初的绘画老师是他的亲戚,著名的罗可可画家布歇(Boucher Francois,1703-1770)。

1758年 父亲去逝,由其叔父和建筑师德麦戎抚养。

1766年 和皇家绘画雕刻学院历史画家维恩学画。

1774年 从皇家美术院毕业后获罗马大奖,赴意大利游学,深受意大利文艺复兴(古典主义)美术影响。

1780年 返回巴黎。

1784年 再次去罗马并创作了历史画“荷拉斯兄弟的之誓”。

1793年 法国资产阶级大革命推翻了路易十六王朝,大卫加入了资产阶级左翼的雅各宾党,并被推举为国民议会主席。大卫因雅各宾党两次入狱。同年,雅各宾党的***马拉被刺,大卫怀着悲愤的激情创作了“马拉之死”。

1794年7月 拿破仑发动政变,推翻了雅各宾党专政,因大卫参加了雅各宾党,他被罗列了17条罪状而被捕入狱,险遭杀身之祸。

1799年 成为拿破仑的首席宫廷画师。同时期他还教出一批优秀的画家,如:让-奥古斯特·多米尼克·安格尔(Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres,1780-1867 )、让-巴蒂斯特·卡米耶·柯罗(Jean Baptiste Camille Corot,1796-1875)等。

1814年3月 拿破仑失败。

1816年 大卫作为一个弑君犯而被迫侨居比利时的布鲁塞尔。

1825年 客死异乡,享年77岁。






批判现实主义 critical realism

现实主义 Realism

浪漫主义 Romanticism

文艺复兴 Renaissance

启蒙运动 Enlightenment

唯美主义 Aestheticism

人文主义 Humanism

意识流 Stream of Consciousness

爱尔兰文艺复兴 Irish Renaissance


The romanticism that is one of the foundational creation in literature which is the same with the realism are the two leading trends of thought in cultural and aritistic fields

The romanticism that is one of the foundational creation in literature which is the same with the realism are the two leading trends of thought in cultural and aritistic fields



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