




 the pursuit of science needs special courage。


 sport is the source of all life。


 truth may be in the side of a few people。


 surprise is the seed of science。


 only obey natural, can control the nature。


 man is like a seed, various aspects are healthy。


 science is endless, it is an eternal mystery。


 once the science with wings of fantasy, it can win。


 to make scientific, diligence is the mother of success。


 science is the best way to make the person spirit to become so。


 all of the reasons must come from observation and experiments。


 fantasy is the poet's wings, hypothesis is the ladder of science。


 the pursuit of objective truth and knowledge is the highest and eternal goal。


 best assistant is their minds in science, rather than anything else。


 progress in science and morally backward, not forward, but the back。


 thinking the development of the world, in a sense, is constantly out of marvel。


 the development of our thought in some sense often comes from curiosity。


 monotonous climbing action will feel tired, but every step is close to the top。


 every great achievement of science, are bold fantasy as the starting point。


 science is an honest, it depends on many people's labor and accumulated wisdom。


 science is everywhere for the home。 however, any sow not, it will not make its harvest。


 initial deviate from the truth, and in the end will be one false step will make a great difference。


 the truth of the sea, and let not found to lie down in front of my eyes, all things for me to explore。


 history tells us that a new truth: the usual fate is began with heresy, finally superstition。


 my philosophy of life is work, i want to bring out the secrets of the nature and benefit for mankind。



 if there were no independent thinking and independent judgment has to create personal, social development is unimaginable upward。


 i am more than 70 years old, more than 50 years old body, mentality of many years old 30, more than 20 years old muscle elasticity。


 scientific achievement is built up by every little bit, but the long-term accumulation can be fed by intravenous drip of the sea。


 i want to invent a so terrible mass destructive characteristics or machine, that war will thus become impossible forever。


 don't be afraid of failure。 it is better not to do research to those who are afraid of failure, doing research, most of the experiments are failure, not so easy。


 i think, the person is like a seed。 to do a good seed, physical, mental and emotional health。 seed health, everybody's business can we take root, thick guoshuo。


 the benefits of fallacy has the advantage of a temporary, and the truth is permanent; truth have a drawback, these ills is will soon be wiped out, while the fallacy of the ills and false along all the time。


 the secret to happiness is to pursue, hope, good body。 what you pursue, if again how efforts have not hope to achieve, not happy。 day and night thinking of fame and gain, also be unhappy。


 "hard" and so, in the face of cliffs, also don't see a crack in one hundred, but with a chisel, can enter a silly one inch, into a foot into a foot, accumulating, leap will come, break then。




Sir Isaac Newton FRS (4 January 1643 – 31 March 1727 [OS: 25 December 1642 – 20 March 1726])[1] was an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, and theologian who is considered by many scholars and members of the general public to be one of the most influential people in human history His 1687 publication of the Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica (usually called the Principia) is considered to be among the most influential books in the history of science, laying the groundwork for most of classical mechanics In this work, Newton described universal gravitation and the three laws of motion which dominated the scientific view of the physical universe for the next three centuries



Why was Einstein so clever

Was there something special about his brain

In fact scientists have examined Einstein's brain very thoroughly and found that the part of the brain that has to do with visual imaging and mathematical thinking was in fact enlarged However, this does not altogether aount for his greatness

There were other factors that helped nurture this genius Einstein had a very supportive and encouraging environment in which to grow up His parents allowed him to develop his curiosity His mother taught him to play the violin and he played it very well His uncle also encouraged him enormously Einstein, you know, was not very interested in school and would much prefer to think things out for himself

Do you know he even failed at his first attempt to get into a prestigious school in Switzerland He was born in Germany in a town called Wurm on the 14th of March 1879 But his family moved to Switzerland when he was 16 years old Do you know what subject caused him to fail Yes, you guessed it - English! He didn't give up though, and studied hard and tried again, and was aepted the next year Even at university he sometime missed classes because he had too much on his mind and could not tear himself away Fortunately, he had a good friend who took notes for him

Einstein always looked at problems from every angle and was convinced that there is a unifying cause that relates everything together

Of course he is most famous for his theory of relativity Everyone knows the equation E=mc2 You can look in the science section for an explanation for this Einstein liked to use the example of a tall building to explain the understanding behind this equation Imagine you are in an infinitely tall building and you are ing down inside it in an elevator You don't realize you are falling because you are doing everything you can normally do - you can bend over, bounce a ball, talk and so on You won't worry about crashing because, remember, the building is infinite Of course, people outside will be able to see you falling! You won't worry about that - in fact you may think that those people are flying up as you are going down! It all depends on your point of view and its all relative to where you are and how fast you are going!

Einstein was also passionately interested in peace and could not live in his homeland after the rise of Hitler He lived in the United States but traveled extensively around the world He was always able to reach out to children and loved to answer their questions He believed that we should share our talents and resources to make our world better He was passionate about social justice and social responsibilities and said that he wanted his life to be guided by Kindness, Beauty and Truth

One of his last acts was to allow his name to be added to a manifesto urging all nations to give up nuclear weapons He died in Princeton, New Jersey, on April 18th 1955 Before he died he stated that he would allow his brain to be preserved for science

Einstein's theories are still valid today For the last 30 years of his life he was working on the Unified Field Theory He was not able to prove this in his lifetime and in fact although great advances have been made in this area of Physics it is still not proven Perhaps you can help to lead us to the answer!



阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦 (Albert Einstein) 1879年3月14日出生在德国巴登-符腾堡州乌尔姆市一个中产阶级犹太人家庭。次年,全家迁往慕尼黑。他的父亲海尔曼·爱因斯坦很有数学天赋,但父母没钱供他上学,只好弃学经商,爱因斯坦的母亲保里诺·爱因斯坦是富有粮商的女儿,很有音乐天赋。年幼时,爱因斯坦就开始学习音乐,六岁开始练习拉小提琴,音乐几乎成了爱因斯坦的"第二职业",小提琴终身陪伴着他。 爱因斯坦幼年并未表现出过人的才华。 5岁时,父亲给了他一个指南针,指针在磁力的无形作用下转动的情景让他惊讶。像牛顿看到掉落的苹果一样,爱因斯坦产生了一种奇怪的感觉,认为自己看到的现象是具有深远意义的。他先在慕尼黑读高中,未毕业就退学,后转入瑞士阿劳市的州立中学。1896年,爱因斯坦进入瑞士苏黎世联邦工业学院学习数学和物理学,毕业后成为一名老师。爱因斯坦喜爱教书育人,但成为一名物理学家却是他无法放弃的梦。 由于不认同权威,爱因斯坦一度被人认为注定一事无成,1902 年大学毕业后无法进入学术机构,只在瑞士伯尔尼专利局找到一份做审查员的临时工作。但在那里,爱因斯坦被正规教育扼杀的科学 终于重新迸发出来,轻松的工作让爱因斯坦得以继续致力于科学研究。1905年,年仅26岁的爱因斯坦发表了三篇论文,在物理学三个不同领域取得了历史性成就,特别是狭义相对论的提出,使人类对于空间、时间和物质运动的认识发生了革命性变化,标志着物理学新纪元的到来。






爱因斯坦不仅是一位伟大的科学家,还是一位和平主义者。他目睹了两次世界大战中对人类文明的摧残,认为和平是人类的首要问题。1955年4月,弥留之际的爱因斯坦签署了《罗素—爱因斯坦宣言》 ,呼吁人们团结起来,防止新的世界大战爆发。




成功等 于?




列夫·尼古拉耶维奇·托尔斯泰(ЛевНиколаевич Толстой)(1828~1910) 19世纪末20世纪初俄国最伟大的文学家,也是世界文学史上最杰出的作家之一,他的文学作品在世界文学中占有重要的地位。代表作有长篇小说《战争与和平》《安娜·卡列尼娜》《复活》以及自传体小说三部曲《幼年》《少年》《青年》。其它作品还有《一个地主的早晨》《哥萨克》《塞瓦斯托波尔故事集》等。他也创作了大量童话。他以自己一生的辛勤创作,登上了当时欧洲批判现实主义文学的高峰。他还以自己有力的笔触和卓越的艺术技巧辛勤创作了“世界文学中第一流的作品”,因此被列宁称颂为具有“最清醒的现实主义”的“天才艺术家”。




托尔斯泰自幼接受典型的贵族家庭教育。1844年考入喀山大学东方系,攻读土耳其、 语,(俄罗斯殖民地)准备当外交官。期终考试不及格,次年转到法律系。他不专心学业,迷恋社交生活,同时却对哲学尤其是道德哲学发生兴趣,喜爱卢梭的学说及其为人,并广泛阅读文学作品。受到卢梭、孟德斯鸠等启蒙思想家影响。在大学时代,他已注意到平民出身的同学的优越性。1847年4月退学,回到亚斯纳亚·波利亚纳。这是他母亲的陪嫁产业,在兄弟析产时归他所有,他的漫长的一生绝大部分时间在这里度过。








80年代创作:剧本《黑暗的势力》(1886)、《教育的果实》(1891),中篇小说《魔鬼》(1911)、《伊凡·伊里奇之死》(1886)、《克莱采奏鸣曲》(1891)、《哈泽·穆拉特》(1886~1904);短篇小说《舞会之后》(1903),特别是 1889~1899年创作的长篇小说《复活》是他长期思想、艺术探索的总结,也是对俄国社会批判最全面深刻、有力的一部著作,成为世界文学不朽名著之一。





金冠之谜 赫农王让金匠替他做了一顶纯金的王冠,做好后,国王疑心工匠在金冠中掺了银子,但这顶金冠确与当初交给金匠的纯金一样重,到底工匠有没有捣鬼呢?既想检验真假,又不能破坏王冠,这个问题不仅难倒了国王,也使诸大臣们面面相觑。后来,国王将它交给了阿基米德。阿基米德冥思苦想出很多方法,但都失败了。有一天,他去澡堂洗澡,他一边坐进澡盆里,一边看到水往外溢,同时感到身体被轻轻拖起。他突然恍然大悟,跳出澡盆,连衣服都顾不得穿就直向王宫奔去,一路大声很着“尤里卡”, “尤里卡”(Fureka,我知道了)原来他想到,如果王冠放入水中后,排出的水量不等于同等重量的金子排出的水量,那肯定是掺了别的金属。这就是有名的浮力定律,既浸在液体中的物体受到向上的浮力,其大小等于物体所排出液体的重量。后来,该定律就被命名为阿基米德定律。 The Mystery of Golden Delicious Joseph Wang farmers so that he has done a gold ith for a crown of pure gold, well, the King of suspicion Jinguan craft en in the silver-doped, but the Jinguan gold ith to do with the first gold of the same weight, the craft en in the end there play a trick on them Would like to test both true and false, and they do not damage the crown, this issue is not only deterred the king, but also all looked at each other ministers Later, the king will give it to the Archimedes Archimedes冥思苦想a lot, but have failed One day, he went to Bath to bathe, he got into the bathtub, the side to see the water to spill, while the body is being gently拖起 He suddenly realized, out of bathtub, and even clothes to wear on the vertical gave the palace ran, shouting all the way is a "eureka", "Eureka" (Fureka, I know) that he thought that if the crown Add water, the discharged water does not mean the same weight of gold from the water, then it must surely be the other metal-doped This is the well-known law of buoyancy, both immersed in liquid in the upward by the buoyancy of objects, the size of objects from the weight of liquid Later, the law was named Archimedes law





出生 1879年3月14日


逝世 1955年4月18日


阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein‎,1879年3月14日—1955年4月18日),著名理论物理学家,相对论的创立者。




爱因斯坦一生中最重要的贡献是相对论。1905年他发表了题为《论动体的电动力学》的论文,提出了狭义相对性原理和光速不变原理,建立了狭义相对论。这一理论把牛顿力学作为低速运动理论的特殊情形包括在内。它揭示了作为物质存在形式的空间和时间在本质上的统一性,深刻揭露了力学运动和电磁运动在运动学上的统一性,而且还进一步揭示了物质和运动的统一性(质量和能量的相当性),发展了物质和运动不可分割原理,并且为原子能的利用奠定了理论基础。随后,经过多年的艰苦努力,1915年他又建立了广义相对论,进一步揭示了四维空时同物质的统一关系,指出空时不可能离开物质而独立存在,空间的结构和性质取决于物质的分布,它并不是平坦的欧几里得空间,而是弯曲的黎曼空间。根据广义相对论的引力论,他推断光在引力场中不沿着直线而会沿着曲线传播。这一理论预见,在1919年由英国天文学家在日蚀观察中得到证实,当时全世界都为之轰动。1938年,他在广义相对论的运动问题上取得重大进展,即从场方程推导出物体运动方程,由此更深一步地揭示了空时、物质、运动和引力之间的统一性。广义相对论和引力论的研究,60年代以来,由于实验技术和天文学的巨大发展受到重视。 另外,爱因斯坦对宇宙学、用引力和电磁的统一场论、量子论的研究都为物理学的发展作出了贡献。








One day, Einstein was walking in a street in New Youk His close friend met him and said,"Einstein, you should buy a new coat Look, how old your coat is!" But Einstein answered, "It doesn't matter Nobody knows me here"

After a few years, Einstein bacame a famous csientist in the world But he still wore the old coat

The friend met him again and told him to buy a new coat But Einstein said,"I needn't buy a new one Everyone knows me here"



OuYang Ziyuan

October 1935,he was born in Jiangxi Province,ChinaIn the time of 1956,he attended the College of Beijing Geology for his further study,and later in 1964 he took part in the famous project of China's first A-bomb and sueeded at last In 1988,he was nominated the president of CAS's Chemical DepartmentNow he is working for the the project ChangE




Ernest Rutherford was a British physicist known as the father of nuclear physics He is considered by academics to be the greatest experimental physicist since Michael Faraday


Rutherford first proposed the concept of a radioactive half-life, demonstrating that radioactivity involves transmutation from one element to another 


He then classified the radioactive substances by penetration into alpha and beta rays and proved that the former were helium ions He won the 1908 Nobel Prize in Chemistry "for his studies of elemental disintegration and radiochemistry"



赫农王让金匠替他做了一顶纯金的王冠,做好后,国王疑心工匠在金冠中掺了银子,但这顶金冠确与当初交给金匠的纯金一样重,到底工匠有没有捣鬼呢?既想检验真假,又不能破坏王冠,这个问题不仅难倒了国王,也使诸大臣们面面相觑。后来,国王将它交给了阿基米德。阿基米德冥思苦想出很多方法,但都失败了。有一天,他去澡堂洗澡,他一边坐进澡盆里,一边看到水往外溢,同时感到身体被轻轻拖起。他突然恍然大悟,跳出澡盆,连衣服都顾不得穿就直向王宫奔去,一路大声很着“尤里卡”, “尤里卡”(Fureka,我知道了)原来他想到,如果王冠放入水中后,排出的水量不等于同等重量的金子排出的水量,那肯定是掺了别的金属。这就是有名的浮力定律,既浸在液体中的物体受到向上的浮力,其大小等于物体所排出液体的重量。后来,该定律就被命名为阿基米德定律。 The Mystery of Golden Delicious

Joseph Wang farmers so that he has done a goldsmith for a crown of pure gold, well, the King of suspicion Jinguan craftsmen in the silver-doped, but the top Jinguan goldsmith to do with the first gold of the same weight, the craftsmen in the end there play a trick on them Would like to test both true and false, and they do not damage the crown, this issue is not only deterred the king, but also all looked at each other ministers Later, the king will give it to the Archimedes Archimedes冥思苦想a lot, but have failed One day, he went to Bath to bathe, he got into the bathtub, the side to see the water to spill, while the body is being gently拖起 He suddenly realized, out of bathtub, and even clothes to wear on the vertical gave the palace ran, shouting all the way is a "eureka", "Eureka" (Fureka, I know) that he thought that if the crown Add water, the discharged water does not mean the same weight of gold from the water, then it must surely be the other metal-doped This is the well-known law of buoyancy, both immersed in liquid in the upward by the buoyancy of objects, the size of objects from the weight of liquid Later, the law was named Archimedes law



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