Picasso, Pablo Ruiz y (1881-1973), Spanish painter, sculptor, printmaker, draughtsman, designer, and ceramicist who spent most of his career in France He was the most famous and prolific artist of the 20th century and exercised enormous influence on his contemporaries
II Early Life and Work
Picasso was born in Málaga on October 25, 1881, the first child of a middle-class family His father José Ruiz Blasco was a mediocre painter who earned his living as a teacher of drawing Like many Spaniards, Picasso took his mother's family name as his surname
Picasso showed artistic talent at an early age His first surviving drawings were done when he was nine By his early teens, it was clear that he was exceptionally gifted In 1895 his family had moved to Barcelona, and from 1896 to 1897 he studied at the School of Fine Arts there His large academic canvas Science and Charity (1897, Museo Picasso, Barcelona), depicting a doctor, a nun, and a child at a sick woman's bedside, won a gold medal when it was exhibited in Málaga He then spent a few months at the Academy of Fine Arts in Madrid, but by this time—aged only 16—he already had his own studio in Barcelona and was eagerly experimenting with a variety of styles
III The Blue Period
In 1900 Picasso made his first visit to Paris, the goal of every ambitious artist, and for the next four years he divided his time between there and Barcelona He found the bohemian street-life of Paris fascinating, and his pictures of people in dance halls and cafés show how he assimilated the Post-Impressionism of Paul Gauguin and of the Symbolist painters called the Nabis The themes he found in the work of Edgar Degas and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, as well as the style of the latter, exerted the strongest influence Picasso's Blue Room (1901, Phillips Collection, Washington, DC) reflects the work of both these painters and, at the same time, shows his evolution towards the Blue Period, so called because various shades of blue, well suited to the melancholic subjects that he favoured at that time, dominated his work for the next few years (1901-1904) Expressing human misery, the paintings portray blind people, beggars, alcoholics, and prostitutes, their somewhat elongated bodies reminiscent of the style of El Greco
IV The Rose Period
In 1904 Picasso settled in Paris, living in a shabby building known as the Bateau-Lavoir (“laundry barge”, which it resembled) He met Fernande Olivier, the first of many companions to influence the theme, style, and mood of his work The next year or so of his life is known as his Rose Period, when blue was replaced by pink as the predominant colour in his work His subjects became more cheerful and included many scenes of the circus, which he frequently visited, and circus performers—bohemians outside respectable society—with whom he identified One such painting of this period is Family of Saltimbanques (1905, National Gallery, Washington, DC); in the figure of the harlequin, Picasso represented his alter ego, a practice that he repeated in later works
In 1909 Picasso moved out of the Bateau-Lavoir into an apartment with a maid By this time he had attracted influential patrons, such as the American writer Gertrude Stein, whose portrait he painted (1906, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York), and had gained the support of the art dealer Daniel-Henri Kahnweiler, whom he met in 1907 Kahnweiler introduced Picasso to Georges Braque, another young artist whose work he handled
V Cubist Painting
In the summer of 1906, during a stay in Gosol, a remote Catalan village in the Pyrenees, Picasso's work entered a new phase, marked by the influence of Greek, Iberian, and African art The key work of this early period is Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (1907, Museum of Modern Art, New York); the title comes from the name of a street in the red-light district of Barcelona and the painting depicts five prostitutes, their figures aggressively distorted and the faces of two of them recalling the African masks that Picasso admired and collected at this time So radical in style was this picture—its surface resembling fractured glass—that it was not understood even by contemporary avant-garde painters and critics Spatial depth is absent and the ideal form of the female nude is restructured into facets—the essential features that distinguish Cubism
From the time of their first meeting in 1906 until the outbreak of World War I, Picasso and Braque worked closely together Inspired by the volumetric treatment of form seen in the late work of Paul Cézanne, they began to paint landscapes in a style later described by a critic as being made of “little cubes”, thus leading to the term “Cubism” They were concerned with breaking down and analysing form, and together they developed the first phase of Cubism, known as Analytical Cubism Monochromatic colour schemes were favoured in their depictions of radically fragmented motifs, whose several sides were shown simultaneously Picasso's favourite subjects were musical instruments, still-life objects, and his friends; one famous portrait is Daniel Henry Kahnweiler (1910, Art Institute of Chicago) In 1912, pasting paper and a piece of oilcloth to the canvas and combining these with painted areas, Picasso created his first collage, Still Life with Chair Caning (Musée Picasso, Paris)
The technique marked the transition to Synthetic Cubism This second phase of Cubism is more decorative, with colour playing a major role Picasso used Synthetic Cubism throughout his career, but by no means exclusively Two works of 1915 demonstrate his simultaneous work in completely different styles: Harlequin (Museum of Modern Art, New York) is a Synthetic Cubist painting, whereas a fine pencil drawing of his dealer, Vollard (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York), is executed in his Ingresque style, so called because the draughtsmanship emulates that of the 19th-century French Neo-Classical artist Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres
VI Cubist Sculpture
While he was creating this revolution in painting, Picasso was doing almost equally innovative work in sculpture Traditionally there had been two approaches to sculpture—modelling (in which the form is built up from a substance such as clay) and carving (in which the form is created by removing material from a block of stone or other suitable material) Picasso changed this by putting together sculpture from pieces of commonplace material (a development of the collage elements that he sometimes included in his Cubist paintings) An example is Guitar (1912, Musée Picasso, Paris), made of cardboard, paper, and string
Picasso's sculptures in this vein were generally small and almost in the nature of jokes, but the idea was soon taken up by other sculptors in much more ambitious form Among them was the Russian painter and sculptor Vladimir Tatlin, who visited Picasso in 1914 Tatlin's variations on Picasso's method became the foundation of Constructivism, a major movement in abstract art
VII Realism and Surrealism
After the outbreak of war in 1914, Picasso continued to work in Paris In 1917 he visited Rome with the writer Jean Cocteau to meet the Russian ballet impresario Sergei Diaghilev, whose company was preparing for a production of Parade (the storyline of which was by Cocteau and the music by Erik Satie) Picasso designed the costumes and drop curtain One of Diaghilev's dancers, Olga Koklova, became Picasso's first wife In a realist style, Picasso painted several portraits of her around 1917, of their son (for example, Paulo as Harlequin; 1924, Musée Picasso, Paris), and of numerous friends The couple moved into a grand apartment in Paris and Picasso became part of the fashionable world, losing touch with his bohemian youth
In the immediate post-war period Picasso painted for a time in a style that has been called “classical” and that marked a reaction against the experimental fervour of the pre-war years Several of Picasso's most imposing works of this time feature monumentally powerful figures that have something of the solidity and grandeur of ancient sculptures, for example Three Women at the Spring (1921, Museum of Modern Art, New York) Others, such as The Pipes of Pan (1923, Musée Picasso, Paris), were inspired by mythology
This serenity was short-lived, however, for in the mid-1920s Picasso became interested in Surrealism and then started painting violently expressive pictures that reflected his despair at his increasingly unhappy marriage The Three Dancers (1925, Tate Gallery, London) is a key work in this phase of his career
Several Cubist paintings of the early 1930s, stressing harmonious, curvilinear lines and expressing an underlying eroticism, reflect Picasso's pleasure with his newest love, Marie Thérèse Walter, who gave birth to their daughter Maïa in 1935 Marie Thérèse, frequently portrayed sleeping, was also the model for the famous Girl Before a Mirror (1932, Museum of Modern Art) In 1935 Picasso made the etching Minotauromachy, a major work combining his minotaur and bullfight themes; in it the disembowelled horse, as well as the bull, prefigure the imagery of Guernica, a painting often called the most important single work of the 20th century
VIII Guernica
Picasso was moved to paint Guernica shortly after German planes, acting in support of General Franco, bombarded the Basque town of Guernica on April 26, 1937, during the Spanish Civil War Completed in less than two months, Guernica was hung in the Spanish Pavilion of the Paris International Exposition of 1937 The painting does not portray the event; rather, Picasso expressed his outrage by employing such imagery as a bull, a dying horse, a fallen warrior, a mother and dead child, a woman trapped in a burning building, another rushing into the scene, and a figure leaning from a window and holding out a lamp Despite the complexity of its symbolism, and the impossibility of definitive interpretation, Guernica makes an overwhelming impact in its portrayal of the horrors of war It now hangs in Madrid's museum of 20th-century art, the Reina Sofía Art Centre Dora Maar, Picasso's companion at the time, took photographs of Guernica while the work was in progress
IX Later Works
Picasso remained defiantly in Paris during the German occupation of the city in World War II, but after the war he lived mainly in the South of France, in Vallauris from 1948 and at Notre-Dame-de-Vie, a villa in Mougins, from 1961 until his death He continued to be extremely productive to the end of his long life (not least in ceramics, which he took up in 1946), but it is generally agreed that his post-war output is of lesser importance and interest than his earlier work He died on April 8, 1973, aged 91
1881 10月25日出生于西班牙南部的马拉加
1888/9 7/8岁 在父亲(美术教师)指导下画画。
1889 8岁 完成第一件油画作品,画的是斗牛士。
1895 14岁 进入巴塞隆纳的隆哈美术学校,其父于该校任教。入学考试是古典艺术与静物写生,依规定可有一个月时间完成,毕加索在一天之内就完成了。
1896 15岁 作品"初次领圣体"参加巴塞隆纳美术与工业展。
1897 16岁 进入马德里圣费南多美术学院就读。但常不去上课,比较喜欢去"普拉多美术馆"参观。在那里,他可以接触到西班牙大师的作品:葛雷柯、委拉斯盖兹及哥雅等。 作品"科学与慈善"获马德里全国美展荣誉奖,后来又在马拉加得到金牌奖。
1898 17岁 经常出入"四只猫"酒馆,开始与前卫艺术圈往来。结织卡萨吉玛斯及日后成为其私人秘书的沙巴特斯。
1900 19岁 在"四只猫"酒馆举行首次个展。与卡萨吉玛斯首次前往巴黎,居住于蒙马特区。
1901 20岁 好友卡萨吉玛斯因失恋自杀,触发毕加索以蓝色调作画,蓝色时期开始。在弗拉画廊举行巴黎首次个展,开幕前就卖出15张画。
1902 21岁 完成"蓝色自画像"。
1903 22岁 完成"人生"。以浓郁的蓝色调表示贫、老与孤独的苦难。1900-1903年间三度回西班牙。
1904 23岁 定居于巴黎"洗衣船"。邂逅费尔南德.奥立维并同居,常去观赏马戏团的演出,粉红色时期开始。
1905 24岁 以马戏团题材创作"卖艺人家"等。画展受到重视。结识洁楚·斯坦因兄妹。
1906 25岁 在罗浮宫看到伊比利亚半岛的雕塑展,印象深刻。结识野兽派大师马蒂斯。
1907 26岁 创作"亚维农的少女"。到民俗博物馆看非洲雕塑。参观两个塞尚回顾展。结识布拉克。
1908 27岁布拉克第一次举行立体派画作展。
1909 28岁 解析立体派开始。与布拉克成为邻居。作"费尔南德头像"。
1911 30岁 首次把印刷字母放到构图中。邂逅艾娃·谷维。
1912 31岁 与费尔南德分手。完成第一个拼贴作品"藤椅静物"。与布拉克合作纸贴画,发展出合成立体主义。
1915 34岁 艾娃因肺结核逝世。
1917 36岁 至意大利为俄罗斯芭蕾舞团作舞台设计,邂逅舞者欧嘉.科克洛瓦。
1918 37岁 与欧嘉结婚。因芭蕾而与上流社会接触。与马蒂斯举行联展。
1919 38岁 认识米罗。
1921 40岁 长子保罗(1921-1975)出世。
1922 41岁 创作"海边奔跑的两个女人"。
1924 43岁 以装饰性立体派风格作许多静物画。
1925 44岁 创作"舞",首次影射与欧嘉的紧张关系。参加超现实主义的首次展出。
1926 45岁 以集合物手法作"吉他"系列。
1927 46岁 邂逅年仅17岁的玛丽-德雷莎·华特。
1929 48岁 与雕塑家贡萨列斯一起创作雕塑和铁线构成。作系列以女人头像为题的攻击性画作,显现姻婚危机。结识达利。
1931 50岁 于柏吉卢城堡设立雕塑工作室。参加超现实主义于美国的首展。
1932 51岁 以玛丽-德雷莎为模特儿。
1933 52岁 以雕塑家工作室为题,创作蚀版画 (佛拉系列版画)。费尔南德.奥立维出版回忆录。
1934 53岁 创作以斗牛为题的作品。发表用织物做模型翻制的雕塑作品。
1935 54岁 6月与欧嘉及保罗分居。9月玛丽-德雷莎与毕加索的女儿玛亚出生。
1936 55岁 邂逅南斯拉夫女摄影师兼画家多拉·玛尔。
1937 56岁 创作"格尔尼卡"。
1939 58岁 同时画玛丽-德雷莎与多拉的同姿势肖像。
1943 62岁 邂逅22岁的方斯华姿·吉洛。作集合物"牛头"。
1944 63岁 加入法国***。
1945 64岁 于慕洛完成第一批石版画。
1946 65岁 与方斯华姿·吉洛同居。访马蒂斯。
1947 66岁 方斯华姿·吉洛生子克罗德。首次在陶艺家哈米耶工作室中制陶,至1948年共作了2000件陶艺。
1949 68岁 方斯华姿·吉洛生女帕乐玛。为世界和平会议作"鸽子"石版海报。
1950 69岁 获颁列宁和平奖章。
1953 72岁 于玛都拉陶艺工作坊邂逅杰奎琳·洛克。
1954 73岁 与方斯华姿·吉洛分手。马蒂斯逝世(毕加索曾说:"只有马蒂斯才是真正的画家")。开始创作德拉克洛瓦的"阿尔及利亚女人"变奏系列。
1955 74岁 欧嘉逝世。
1956 75岁 与克鲁佐共同拍摄**"毕加索之谜"公映。写信给***,抗议俄罗斯入侵匈牙利。
1957 76岁 画委拉斯盖兹"宫女"变奏40余张。
1959 78岁 作马内"草地上的午餐"变奏系列。
1961 80岁 与35岁的杰奎琳结婚。
1963 82岁 绘制"画家与模特儿"系列。巴塞隆纳的毕加索美术馆开幕。布拉克逝世。
1964 83岁 方斯华姿·吉洛出版回忆录,造成毕加索与克罗德及帕乐玛决裂。
1966 85岁 巴黎大皇宫及小皇宫举办大型毕加索回顾展。
1970 89岁 把西班牙家中保存的画作捐赠给巴塞隆纳毕加索美术馆。
1881—1900年 童年时期
1881年 10月25日毕加索出生于西班牙南部的马拉加;
1889年 完成第一件油画作品《斗牛士》;
1895年 进入巴塞罗那的隆哈美术学校;
1897年 进入马德里的皇家圣费南多美术学院就读,油画作品《科学与慈善》获马德里全国美展荣誉奖,后来又在马拉加得到金牌奖;
1900—1903年 蓝色时期
1902年 完成“蓝色自画像”;
1903年 完成《人生》,以浓郁的蓝色调表示贫老与孤独的苦难;
1904—1906年 玫瑰时期
1904年 开始定居巴黎的“洗衣船”,玫瑰时期开始。邂逅费尔南德·奥利维叶,并同居:
1905年 创作《拿烟斗的男孩》并被慈善家约翰·海惠特尼女士以3万美元重金购得;
1906年 结识野兽派大师马蒂斯,为美国作家兼收藏家菖楚·斯坦因画像,《斯坦因画像》是毕加索从“玫瑰时期”跃入“立体主义”的跳板;
1907—1916年 立体主义时期
1907年 结识布拉克,开始立体派风格创作,创作《亚威农少女》;
1909年 解析立体派开始;创作《费尔南德头像》;
1917—1924年 古典时期
1917年 在意大利邂逅舞者欧嘉·科克洛娃,创作《欧嘉的肖像》;
1918年 与欧嘉结婚,与马蒂斯举行联展;
1920年 手工彩绘珂罗版《三角帽》;
1922年 创作《海边奔跑的两个女人》;
1925—1932年 超现实主义时期
1927年 邂逅年仅17岁的玛丽·德蕾莎·沃尔持,成为毕加索的模特。并生下女儿马姬;
1929年 与雕塑家贡萨列斯一起创作雕塑和铁线结构成。作系列以女人头像为题的攻击性画作,显现婚姻危机,结识达利;
1932—1945年 蜕变时期
1932年 创作《红色扶手椅中的女人》;
1933年 以雕塑家工作室为题,创作蚀版画
1934年 创作以斗牛为题的作品;
1936年 西班牙内战暴发。认识多拉。玛尔,并创作《多拉·玛尔的肖像》;
1937年 创作完成《格尔尼卡》;
1942年 创作版画《大自然的故事》
1943年 邂逅22岁的弗朗索娃·吉洛;
1944年 加入法国***;
1945年 开始尝试石版画创作;
1946—1973年 田园时期
1947年 儿子克洛德降生。在陶艺家哈米耶工作室制陶,至1948年共作了2000件陶艺术品;
1948年 为世界和平会议作“和平之鸽“海报和《贡戈拉的二十首诗》;
1949年 创作《卡门》系列;
1950年 获列宁和平奖章;
1953年 在玛都拉陶艺工作坊邂逅杰奎琳·洛克;
1954年 开始创作德拉克罗瓦的“阿尔及利亚女人”变奏系列;
1956年 与克罗鲁佐共同拍摄**《神秘的毕加索》公映;
1957年 在纽约现代艺术馆举办“毕加索75岁纪念展”,创作版画《斗牛系列》;
1958年 毕加索为设在巴黎的联合国教科文总部大厦创作了壁画《伊卡洛斯的坠落》;
1959年 创作仿马奈《草地上的午餐》变奏系列;
1961年 与35岁的杰奎琳·洛克结婚,并庆祝毕加索80大寿;
1963年 绘制《画家与模特儿》;
1966年 巴黎大皇宫及小皇宫举办大型《毕加索回顾展》。创作《流沙系列》;
1968年 创作《塞莱斯蒂纳》和《可笑的男人》系列版画;
1970年 把西班牙家中保存的近2000件早期作品捐赠结巴塞罗纳毕加索美术馆:
1971年 巴黎国立现代艺术馆举办了《毕加索诞生90同年回顾展》;
1973年 92岁,4月8日逝世于坎城附近的幕瞻市。4月10日葬于佛文纳菊别墅花园里
《鲁邦三世》是日本漫画家Monkey Punch(モンキーパンチ,本名加藤一彦)的漫画系列作品,1967年8月10日在双叶社《周刊漫画Action》创刊号上开始连载,1971年TV动画初登荧屏,已超过50年并仍在放送中,一直保持极高的人气;该作品已被陆续改编为电视动画、剧场版、OVA、游戏等。
“鲁邦三世”有不死传说之喻,漫画作者加藤一彦(Monkey Punch)曾表示,鲁邦三世的冒险精神是他一生追求的,身为漫画家的他,主要的休闲活动就是创作,所有的梦想、幻想都在“鲁邦三世”实现;猴子拳将鲁邦三世塑造成一个让人无法讨厌的怪盗,让读者羡慕鲁邦三世逍遥的生活;鲁邦一行周游于世界各地,不时重操盗窃的老本行。
Lily Franky挑战饰演盲目的贝类学者,与寺岛忍、池松壮亮及桥本爱等豪华的演员阵容共同演出日美合作**『Shell Collector(贝壳收藏家)』。 以贝类学的世界成名的学者,与妻儿分离来到冲绳的离岛过著厌世般的生活。某一日,画家伊津美漂流到岛上,伊津美所罹患的罕见疾病偶然被贝类的毒治好后,学者的生活产生了剧变。 导演由曾获得多项奖项的坪田义史担任;流浪至离岛与学者开始同居生活的画家”伊津美”由寺岛忍饰演;贝类学者的儿子”光”由池松壮亮饰演;和伊津美罹患相同罕病,岛上有权势之人的女儿”嶌子”则由年轻实力派女演员桥本爱饰演。
第一条:本团体的名称为“中国书画收藏家协会”。英文名称:China Collector of Penmanship&Painting Association,英文缩写:CCPPA。
(一) 拥护本团体的章程,承担本团体的义务,维护本团体的信誉,爱国守法;
(二) 有加入本团体的意愿;
(三) 收藏已故和现代著名书画家作品十幅以上;
(四) 在书画艺术界,书画收藏界,有一定的权威和影响。
(一) 提交入会申请书;藏品照片(注明年代作者);
(二) 填写本团体“入会登记表”;
(三) 经常务理事会讨论通过;
(四) 由常务理事会授权秘书处发给会员证。
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(二) 参加本团体的活动;
(三) 获得本团体服务的优先权;
(四) 对本团体工作的批评建议和监督权;
(五) 入会自愿,退会自由。
(一) 执行本团体的决议;
(二) 维护本团体合法权益;
(三) 完成本团体交办的工作;
(四) 按规定交纳会费;
(五) 向本团体反映情况,提供有关资料。
(一) 制定和修改章程;
(二) 选举和罢免理事;
(三) 审议理事会的工作报告和财务报告;
(四) 决定终止事宜;
(五) 决定其他重大事宜。
(一) 执行会员代表大会的决议;
(二) 选举和罢免会长、副会长、秘书长;
(三) 筹备召开会员代表大会;
(四) 向会员代表大会报告工作和财务状况;
(五) 决定会员吸收、除名;
(六) 决定设立办事机构、分支机构、代表机构和实体机构;
(七) 决定副秘书长、各机构主要负责人的聘任;
(八) 领导本团体各机构开展工作;
(九) 制定内部管理制度;
(十) 决定其他重大事项。
(一) 坚持党的路线、方针、政策、政治素质好;
(二) 在本团体业务领域内有较大影响;
(三) 会长、副会长、秘书长最高任职年龄不超过70周岁,秘书长为专职;
(四) 身体健康,能坚持正常工作;
(五) 未受过剥夺政治权利的刑事处罚的;
(六) 具有完全民事行为能力。
(一) 召集和主持理事会或常务理事会;
(二) 检查会员代表大会或常务理事会决议的落实情况;
(三) 代表本团体签署有关重要文件;
(四) 副会长协助会长作好工作。
(一) 主持办事机构开展日常工作,组织实施年度工作计划;
(二) 协调各分支机构、代表机构、实体机构开展工作;
(三) 提名副秘书长,以及各办事机构、分支机构、代表机构和实体机构主要负责人,交常务理事会讨论决定;
(四) 决定办事机构、代表机构、实体机构专职工作人员的聘用;
(五) 处理其他日常事务。
(一) 会费;
(二) 捐赠;
(三) 在核准的业务范围内开展活动或服务的收入;
(四) 利息;
(五) 其他合法收入。