










His adventures as a career, to the cabin for the study, in the pilot's position to deliver on the aspirations of Nietzsche: "You should go beyond themselves, to go further, Tang higher, until the Stars in your feet" This flying over the desert and Marine pilots also followed Kidd's teaching: "Rather than a quiet life, rather than a sad life" him, Saint-Exupery, "The Little Prince" author, in his whole life in reflect on the true meaning of strength and enthusiasm

"It is an always-bao adults with childlike innocence of the children, but also on a large interlinked with his temperament what people say, intimate, he tells them about the adult world and their own perceptions of them live alone"

"It is an always-bao adults with childlike innocence of the children, but also on a large interlinked with his temperament what people say, intimate, he tells them about the adult world and their own perceptions of them live alone"

Mr Zhou Guoping that "The Little Prince" is a genius, is a miracle: "There are only a few works, so beautiful is so simple, so deeply is so accessible, both in content and form was almost perfect, but not Fu Zao down the slightest trace, just like in a nature itself of the Mei-yu "" The Little Prince "is a philosophical fairy tale, very suitable for children to read, but it is addressed to some adults look at, with the author's words, it is the dedicated to those who have a child, and remember that this little adults Mr Zhou Guoping of the "Little Prince" position is,

"It is an always-bao adults with childlike innocence of the children, but also on a large interlinked with his temperament what people say, intimate, he tells them about the adult world and their own perceptions of them live alone"

Live in a small asteroid B612 prince, taking advantage of an opportunity for migratory exodus to various planets to visit The first planet inhabited by a king, in his eyes, the world is very simple: the world that all people are his subjects He ordered the little prince to try a mouse, it can be handed down from time to time to death, but each time after sentencing had to pardon it, because there were only a mouse He continues to retain when the Little Prince put on a commanding demeanor The second planet inhabited by a vanity-loving person, in his eyes, all people are admirers He was funny top hat to pay tribute to the people,

In the "Little Prince", the little prince's naive simplicity of representing the position of children, his visit to a place they were all local to reflect the adult world, and "I", a task in the implementation of the obstacles due to the aircraft was forced to appear pilots to stay in the desert, is a child, and remember that this has done little adults

In addition to praise and glorify, never hear another case Asked the little prince vanity fans worship him, but which he did not do any good The third planet inhabited by a drunkard, he was drinking alcohol in order to forget the shame The fourth planet inhabited by a businessman, he believes he acted serious, no time to chat, and his job was because the number of stars and the locked drawer, but he tells the stars no good Never go out on a trip to visit the geographers, the little prince came to the Earth There are 110 above the Earth King, 7000 geographers, 900,000 businessmen, 7

It There are several brothers What is his weight His father, how much money a month呀 'They think only in this way be considered to understand your new friend "They are always silly to waste time on calculations of futility

Half million alcoholic, and 311 million vanity fan The people there are not even a little imagination, only to repeat what they say; they hurry, but never satisfied with where his place About the author's full of philosophy, but his philosophy is not abstract concepts and doctrine, from those specific, exaggerated characters who, "we may be able to put the book down to a way of life the central idea of the conviction that children should be like With so true to life, in essence, being a direct, rather than, as many adults as for power, vanity, possession, duty, learning things like the surface of

Nothing empty busy That "are too realistic, the lack of imagination, can not read the children's paintings, he will have to explain to someone else; they Yimaoquren, a Turkish astronomer just off the Turkish national costume and wore European clothes, his views on before they get the people's consent; they were simply fascinated by the number of words, "When you talk to them one of your new friend, they never inquired key to your situation They never ask: 'how the voice of his words like呀 He likes what game He collected specimens of butterflies do 'They would ask you:' How old is he

"The Little Prince" describes the true meaning of love and friendship "If a person fell in love with a flower, which plants flower only produces hundreds of millions of stars among the one above, then watch Star enough to make the people feel happy" "I did not understand anything! I should have based on her to judge her behavior, not the mercy of just her She floral lovers, Qin my Heart and give me light I really should not have left her to run out! I should have realized that hidden in her not so clever The trick is a tenderness behind the warmth Flowers how self-contradictory ah! Unfortunately I was too young, do not know how to love her

Living in the adult world of Saint-Exupery feel "is to someone's place, is equally lonely" Because the big people do not understand what is life But even so, should not blame them, "children of the great people should be generous"

"A beautiful rose with thorns symbolizes the appearance of a weak heart strong and beautiful girl, she was the boy's sweetheart, but the innocent girls and boys do not know how true inner thoughts, this is a tragedy of eternal love" forget a friend is sad Not all people have had a friend "" Only the things that people tamed in order for people to know People do not have time anymore to get to know something else has They are always to the merchant to buy ready-made things However, because the world has not sold a friend's shop, so people also have no friends "Confidante hard to find, and the Friends of the

Friendship is born, then the two sides will make each other happy, because they are no longer the world's hundreds of thousands of one, but the other one

Love takes time and effort to watering "You see the other side of the wheat it I never eat bread, wheat, no use to me Wheat nor will I have any association This is how sad ah! However, you have a golden yellow hair Once the you tame me, it would be wonderful ah! golden wheat that will make you come to my mind So even then rolling in the wind that Shakes the Barley Lane will also like to hear me "" night, when you look up to the stars, because I live in one of a star, because I was there laughing, then for you, just like all the stars are laughing "Once the two men established a link, but also

"" Only the children know that they are looking for things "" Only soul can know everything, the naked eye can not see the essence of things "" Whether the house, the stars or the desert, making them the beautiful things that are invisible to the naked eye! "" Make the desert become so beautiful where it hidden in a well "" This water, like the festival in general beautiful, sweet This is far more than just a drink of water This water is found in the daytime and the journey is to gin singing, and after work my arms come It is like a gift like comfort with Xintian "These sentences are numerous, as if into the

"The Little Prince" in a number of rich philosophy of life everywhere, pithy sentences "When a people are very sad time, always like to see sunset" "Should require everyone to do the things in his power The authority should first be established on a rational basis" "Judge their own much more difficult than judging others all If you can do with self-knowledge, then you are a true sage about her "" I do not know where to find them wind with them to get around they do not have Gener, which makes them very easy "" People never satisfied with where his place

The narrator of the novel is a pilot who tells the story of the little prince and their friendship The pilot is a fantasy person 

He is not used to those who are too practical adults He likes to get along with children The children are natural and pleasant

The pilot was forced to land in the Sahara Desert due to an aircraft failure, where he met the little prince This encounter with the little prince made the pilot sad and revived himself The little prince left because of emotional entanglement 

He roamed among the planets, visiting the planets of kings, egos, drunkards, merchants, lamplighters, and geographers, and finally came to earth to try to find solutions to loneliness and pain











小王子是一个来自其他星球、有童心的孩子。他住在一颗和一间房子差不多大的小行星上。某天一粒玫瑰种子飘落到他的星球上,并且生根、发芽、成熟。要知道,小王子以前从来没见过玫瑰花!他对这朵有些虚荣玫瑰花很好奇,并且对她唯命是从。但小王子当时还太小,并不明白她虚荣背后的爱意。他并不明白那种爱,心却受了伤。于是,小王子决定离开她,离开这个星球。他先后访问了六个行星,各种见闻使他陷入忧伤,他感到大人们荒唐可笑、太不正常。只有在其中一个点灯人的星球上,小王子才觉得他可以与自己做朋友。但点灯人的天地又十分狭小,除了点灯人他自己,不能容下第二个人。而他拜访的第七个星球,便是地球。 不巧的是,小王子降落的地方是撒哈拉沙漠,所以起初他并没有碰到人类。他遇到的第一个生物是一只毒蛇。但小王子是纯洁且善良的,蛇并没有伤害他。后来,小王子遇到一只小狐狸,小王子驯服了小狐狸,和他交上了朋友。小狐狸把自己心中的秘密——肉眼看不见事物的本质,只有用心灵才能洞察一切——作为礼物,送给小王子。用这个秘密,小王子在撒哈拉大沙漠与遇险的飞行员一起找到了生命的泉水。在此之后,小王子继续着地球的旅行。不知什么时候,小王子想回到自己的行星,回到他魂牵梦绕的家,于是他便回到了之前在撒哈拉降落的地点。在这里,他碰到了因飞机故障而降落在撒哈拉的飞行员,并与之进行了心与心的交流。而在交流之中,飞行员也了解了事情的前因后果。最后,小王子在蛇的帮助下死去,心灵重新回到他的B-612号小行星上。


the Little Prince (Summary)

On the surface this book seems like a simple children's story about a mysterious traveler from outer space As you look deeper, however, you see that the book adresses numerous social and moral issues The first issue adressed is the issue of adults being to grown up to see the beauty of things like children do The story begins with a young child drawing a picture He draws a picture of a boa constrictor eating an elephant from the outside and the adults think it is a hat He then draws a picture of the boa eating an elephant from the inside When the adults saw this they advised the young child to lay aside his artistic endeavors and find a more suitable career This discouraged the boy very much He went on to become a pilot but always asked the people he met what they saw in his two drawings Each person he spoke to thought it was a hat so he resorted to speaking to them about things like gold and politics One day he is flying over the Sahara Desert and crashes It is while he is stranded in the desert that he meets the little prince The prince comes to him and requests the young man draw him a sheep The young man insists that he cannot draw and shows the little prince his picture of the boa constrictor The little prince proceeds to tell him that he doesn't want a picture of a boa who has eaten an elephant whole The prince asks again for a sheep and after a few failed attempts the young man draws a box and tells the prince his sheep is inside This pleases the little prince and they become friends The little prince asks many questions but doesn't directly answer any of the young man's questions However, he does tell about his coming to Earth by randomly dropping comments He tells of his planet which is scarcely larger than a house It has three volcanos and has a beautiful flower on it that is very special to the prince The little prince asks the young man why flowers have thorns and the man says that they have thorns just for spite This angers the little prince for he sees that his little flower in naive and truly believes it's thorns are capable of protecting her The young prince tells of his travel to Earth and the people he meets The people a king, a conceited man, a tippler, a businessman, a lamplighter, and a geographer all make a point about society and people's true characteristics The little prince comes to Earth after he has visited these places Soon after arriving he meets a snake who promises to help the prince return to his planet when he is ready The prince walks a while on Earth and sees some flowers He becomes very upset because they look like his flower on his planet and he thought she was the only one like her in the whole universe This makes the prince so upset that he lay down and cried While he's crying a fox appears The prince tries to convince the fox to play with him but the fox says he cannot because he is not tamed From the fox, the prince learns that his flower is the only one truly like it in the world because it is the one he has established ties with and loves The young man becomes very thirsty while trying to fix his plane He and the little prince go to find water They find water and it is unlike any other they have ever had After the young man fixes his plane the prince prepares to return home The little prince asks the young man to make a muzzle for his sheep so it cannot eat his flower The prince then asks the snake to bite him so he can go home The story ends with the young man being scared because he forgot to put a leather strap on the muzzle and does not know it the sheep has eaten the little prince's precious flower


《小王子》的英文名字是《The Little Prince》。



小王子是整个故事的中心,是一个神秘可爱的孩子。他住在被称作B-612 小星球,并且是那个小星球唯一的居民。小王子和玫瑰花出现误会后, 离开了自己的星球和所爱的玫瑰花开始了宇宙旅行,最后来到了地球。在撒哈拉沙漠,小王子遇到小说的叙述者---飞行员,并和他成了好朋友。




在成人世界里,成人们的内心充满了对金钱和权力的欲望,讲求实际和功利,而小王子正是来解救这些迷失在贪婪和欲望的世俗世界的成人灵魂。作者希望人们从小王子身上看到生活纯真质朴的一面, 希望人们从欲望和贪婪中抽离,发现自己的童真和爱。

《Little Prince》was written by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry,a famous

French writerIt has been interpreted into forty-two languages,and read

by every field of people《Little Prince》 is a fairy tale,without any

surprising plots,or amazing actionsHowever,it is still worth reading

because of its special meanings of educationThis story can be divided

into three partsAt first,little prince is quite curious about the world

outside,he has lots of questions in mindThen he tries to find the

answers by travellingHe goes to seven celestial bodies early or

late,facing much lure and hardnessHe doesn’t give up and keeps on

looking for the answersAt the end,he doesn’t find the answer and loses

his lifeWhat a pity!Little prince has a very pure soul and refuses to

obey to the rules set by the societyThe story tells us that we should

keep a pure soul and never give up!


一、夏洛的网《Charlottes Web》


推荐理由:看完《Charlottes Web》之后,我从中学到了友谊的力量和勇敢面对困难的重要性。故事中的夏洛特教会了我如何用善良和智慧来帮助他人。这本书不仅让我感动,还让我思考关于生命和情感的深层次问题。阅读它,你会被故事中的动物角色和夏洛特的智慧所打动。




三、赠予者《The Giver》 


推荐理由:《The Giver》让我思考了社会中权力和自由的问题。故事中揭示了在追求完美社会的过程中可能面临的失去和剥夺。通过乔纳斯的冒险,我认识到每个人都有权利和责任去改变自己所处的环境。这本书引发了我对社会正义和个人选择的思考。




五、纳尼亚传奇 狮子、女巫和魔衣柜《The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe》


推荐理由:《The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe》带我踏入了一个充满奇幻和冒险的世界。故事中的亚斯兰教会我勇敢面对恐惧和保护自己珍爱的人。这本书强调了友谊、信任和勇气的重要性。阅读它,你将陷入一个神秘而令人着迷的故事中,同时学到许多人生的道理。

这五本六年级英语课外阅读书籍带给我无尽的乐趣和启发。从《Charlotte's Web》的友谊,到《The Giver》的权力思考,再到《Wonder》的同理心教育,每本书都教会了我重要的人生价值观。


原文地址: https://hunlipic.com/langman/3362324.html

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