







1、romantic love 浪漫爱情

2、romantic movement 浪漫主义运动(十八世纪末及十九世纪初西欧掀起的文学艺术运动)

3、new romantic 新浪漫;新浪漫主义

 友情是相知,当你需要的时候,你还没有讲,友人已来到你的身边。他的眼睛和心都能读懂你,更会用手挽起你单薄的臂弯。因为有心情,在这个世界上你不会感到孤独。不由觉得,其实友情一样是浪漫的!我精心收集了关于友情的 英语诗歌 ,供大家欣赏学习!

关于友情的英语诗歌:Friendship is a Diamond

 Friendship is a diamond

 buried in the earth;

 a treasure of great worth

 But first it must be mined

 then faceted and shined

 It takes pick and shovel and strain,

 encompassing time and enduring pain,

 until its grace is seen;

 a glittering gift of love

 that's shared between we three:

 First God,

 and you,

 then me

 ----Sally J Knower











关于友情的英语诗歌:Love and Friendship

        by Emily Bronte

 Love is like the wild rose-briar,

 Friendship like the holly-tree

 The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms

 But which will bloom most constantly

 The wild-rose briar is sweet in the spring,

 Its summer blossoms scent the air;

 Yet wait till winter comes again

 And who will call the wild-briar fair

 Then scorn the silly rose-wreath now

 And deck thee with the holly's sheen,

 That when December blights thy brow

 He may still leave thy garland green

关于友情的英语诗歌:友谊像杯酒 Don‘t wait

 Don‘t wait for a smile to be nice


 Don‘t wait to be loved, to 0

 Don‘t wait for a smile to be nice


 Don‘t wait to be loved, to love


 Don‘t wait to be lonely, to recognize the value of a friend


 Don‘t wait to have a lot,to share a bit


 Don‘t wait for the fall, to remember the advice


 Don‘t wait for pain,to believe in prayer


 Don‘t wait to have time ,to be able to serve


 Don‘t wait for anybody esle pain, to ask for apologies


 Neither separation to make it up


 Don‘t wait Because you don‘t know how long it will take


 Remember:Friendship is like wine,it gets better as it grows old


 相关 文章 拓展阅读:Quotes on Friendship 友情物语

 A faithful friend is the medicine of life — Apocrypha


 Friendship is essentially a partnership —Aristotle (4th century BC)


 What is a friend A single soul dwelling in two bodies

 —Aristotle (4th century BC)



 A friend loves at all times —The Bible: Proverbs 17, 17


 Friendship is Love without his wings! —Lord Byron (1806)


 True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost

 —Charles Caleb Colton (1825)


 The only way to have a friend is to be one —Ralph Waldo Emerson


 Every man passes his life in the search after friendship

 —Ralph Waldo Emerson


 Friends show their love in times of trouble —Euripides (408 BC)


 A good friend is my nearest relation —Thomas Fuller (1732)


 My friend is he who will tell me my faults in private

 —Solomon Ibn Gabirol


 Friendship multiplies the good of life and divides the evil

 — Baltasar Gracian (1647)



 Friends are the sunshine of life —John Hay (1871)


 The best mirror is an old friend —George Herbert


 A sympathetic friend can be quite as dear as a brother

 —Homer (9th century BC)


 Your friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you

 —Elbert Hubbard


 Who finds a faithful friend, finds a treasure —Jewish saying

 谁找到朋友,谁就找到了财富。 ——犹太箴言

 A true friend is the greatest of all blessings, and that which we take the least care to acquire —La Rochefoucauld (1665)



 Love is rarer than genius itself And friendship is rarer than love


 To like and dislike the same things, this is what makes a solid friendship




 1 It is my life's luck to meet you Falling in love with you is thehappiness of my life

 2 Every cloud will kiss Every time you are gentle, I want to showoff

 3 Yuanshui is green! Lishui orchid flowers, miss you! But dare not speakclearly

 4 The first half of my life was wandering When I met you, it was like adeer returning to the forest and a boat landing

 5 Beicheng, look back at Sansheng amber; Xicheng tactic, reincarnated inglass white

 6 When you feel the same way, you will have a lot of joy, goodbye andlove, and smile forever

 7 The world is drunk, and the world is infatuated, infatuated and notregretful

 8 The new moonlight, the soul of music, everything is just a phantom,fleeting

 9 My mate, who looks like you, looks like you in character, but it's allyou

 10 I've been waiting, waiting and waiting Now and don't care, I alreadycare

 11 The east wind leaves thousands of flowers and trees at night, and itblows down The stars are like rain, and BMW cars are fragrant all over theroad

 12 If you scold me, I won't be angry I will make myself a cup of medlarand influence you with love

 13 Getting to know you at the beginning of your life is like returning anold friend The moon is bright in the sky, and you miss it most at dusk

 14 You said that you are like jade, and you are like a son Later, thepavilion looks far away, and the night is cool

 15 Although cherry blossoms are beautiful, they only have one season,which is not as gentle as yours They spread in autumn and winter in JessieLi

 16 Whoever forgets first forgets, dumping the country is the old countryLing Ling refused to play, and the shadow was shocking

 17 I am proud of you, I am proud of you Because I have a wife likeyou

 18 You said that there are high mountains and flowing water, and the guestanswers Chunjiang River Later, Zhang Tai swims in metallurgy, and it is MaChuiyang

 19 You fly as far as a bird, and dreams go with you Who knowslovesickness is bitter, except for the moon in the sky

 20 Do my best to love you all

 21 You are the tone of pride in my mouth

 22 There is no one else, but you are everywhere

 23 grow old with each other

 24 May you and your loved ones love each other forever

 25 Falling in love with you is a kind of happiness

 26 To love the most is companionship

 27 28 beauties, where are you

 28 Don't frown, I feel bad

 29 It is my blessing to be with you

 30 It's beautiful, little star


 1 Accept my love, and love each other till we grow old

 2 Love you in my heart, and never move in this life!

 3 I love you, and loving you is my greatest happiness!

 4 Love is the promise of faith

 5 Simple emotion, crazy for you

 6 If you are well, it will be sunny

 7 pe into his heart and be queen alone

 8 Until you have it, it is worth cherishing

 9 The years are colorful and not as good as yours

 10 You are my reason for happiness

 11 If I am king, you will be the second

 12 falling in love with you is always sweet

 13 Warm sunshine shines on you

 14 True love, infatuation for you

 15 If you can't, keep you safe

 16 If you want to hurry, you will be anxious to wait

 17 Life is accompanied by ups and downs

 18 The rest of my life is light, but it is also beautiful!

 19 be willing to melt your heart with your heart

 20 Happy mood, hi for you

 21 Silent night, thinking of you

 22 I love you because it's you

 23 Be happy every day with you

 24 Looking for you in my dream, waiting for you in my dream

 25 Falling in love with you is a kind of happiness

 26 I can't beat you, but I like you

 27 Every smile is still fresh in my memory

 28 How can you be happy when the mountains and rivers are alwayssilent

 29 The drizzle calls you

 30 Hold your hand and bear your worries


 1 Everything about you is put into my mind, and it will always beprofound

 2 A persistent love goes hand in hand

 3 Walk slowly with you until there is no edge in the mountain

 4 At the moment I met you, the vast stars were all reduced to dust

 5 It is a kind of happiness to keep watch over you

 6 I missed you so much when you were away

 7 Give you a smile to make you more mysterious than Mona Lisa

 8 No matter yesterday, today or tomorrow, your world will always have myblessing

 9 The flowers are similar every year, and the people are different; WhenMagpie Bridge meets, I will keep you in my heart!

 10 Love will tie two people together and never separate them

 11 Dear, I love you!

 12 Getting to know each other is a beautiful encounter

 13 Don't deny yourself, you are very kind, very gentle and veryworthy

 14 Every word is a happy memory

 15 I love you, and my true feelings will never change

 16 The best thing is to create tomorrow together

 17 Don't change your mind, don't be suspicious

 18 meet with you, and you are congenial

 19 Life can be as dull as blue sky and clear water Life can also bepoetry, singing along the way As long as we hold hands, every day ishappiness

 20 "You", my favorite person in my life; "You", the person I want most inmy life; "You", I am willing to wait for a lifetime; "You", the only woman in mylife


1、auld lang syne

2、Long live the friendship


auld lang syne




1、auld auld lang syne 友谊地久天长

2、Auld d Lang Syne 友谊地久天长

3、Should auld acquaintanAuld lang syne 友谊地久天长

4、and auld lang syne 友谊地久天长

5、Auld Lang Syne 2 美好时光

6、Auld lang syne- 魂断蓝桥

7、For auld lang syne 亲密的朋友 ; 为了过去的好时光 ; 友谊地久天长 ; 为友谊地久天长

8、Christmas Auld Lang Syne 圣诞

Long live the friendship

一、读音:[lɒŋ lɪv ðə ˈfrendʃɪp]



1、Long live the friendship between American and Chinese people! 





读音:英 [ɔːld; ɑːld]  美 [ɔld] 


1、adj 旧的;老的

2、n (Auld)人名;(英)奥尔德


1、Auld Sharon 名称

2、Joann Auld 标签

3、D Auld 标签

4、Auld Pat 名称

5、Geo Auld 标签

6、Auld Anne 名称

7、Kevin Auld 姓名

8、Anne Auld 标签

9、Bertie Auld 蒂·奥尔德


读音:英 [saɪn]  美 [saɪn] 


1、adv 自那时起;后来;然后;以前

2、conj 从……以来

3、prep 自从

4、v 漂洗

5、n 漂洗


1、AuldLang Syne 离别歌

2、new syne 新同步

3、Syne PH 辛弗林

4、Lionel SYNE 辛恩

5、Tape Syne 磁带同步

6、syne serica 旺了对那片叫做中国

7、syne broadcast 同步广播

8、Lang syne 长期忽视 ; 远视 ; 地久天长 ; 长时间的视线

9、Syne Active 同步对话模式




1、adj 长的;长时间的;远的;长音的;(人)高的;持续的;冗长的;记得牢的;较大量的;远期(获利)的

2、adv 长期地;(某事之前或之后)很久地;(时间名词后)整个时间;远地

3、n 长时间;长音;远期证券;(服装的)长尺寸;长裤

4、v 渴望,盼望

5、n (Long) (美、英、爱)隆(人名)


1、long 长整形变量

2、long position [金融] 多头 ; 长仓 ; 多头头寸 ; 好仓

3、Long lasting 持久性 ; 长期性 ; 长久性 ; 持久

4、long ton 英吨 ; 长 ; 幼吨

5、long filename 长文件名 ; 长档名 ; 文件名

6、Long Mode 长模式 ; 长形式 ; 长标准样式

7、Long Harbour 大滩海峡

8、Long put 买入认沽权 ; 买入看跌期权 ; 买入卖权




1、n 友谊;友爱;友善

2、n (Friendship)人名;(英)弗兰德希普


1、Friendship Highway 中尼公路

2、Romantic friendship 浪漫友情

3、friendship group 友谊型群体 ; 友谊团体 ; 友好集团

4、Friendship Zone 友谊区

5、Friendship Link 友情链接 ; 友情连接 ; 权重友情链接

6、Seeking friendship 寻求友谊

7、friendship network 情感网络 ; 朋友网络 ; 友谊网络 ; 友情网络

8、friendship circle 友谊之圈

9、Online Friendship 网络交友

关于友谊的英语作文_第1篇: In life, in school, if you don't have friends, what would you do Change is me, I will feel life is very boring, not happy at all In school, if you have a good friend says, without a pen, a friend will lend it to you, no book friend will lend you, friends will play with you, by the time class is over have won't do topic, friends will teach you, have something sad, friends will comfort you If you don't have friends, forget to bring something, no one to lend you, farewell is next class, can only be a person sitting next to look at it very happy to play with friends, this kind of mood is how uncomfortable! Without a friend, your life will be dull and boring Without a friend, when you are a person at home, finished my homework, you is how lonely, maybe you can only at home watching TV, but TV can't talk with you again, then how much do you need a bosom friend! Friendship is very precious Friendship is the direction of the soul, friendship is sincere friend, friendship is the glow in the dark, friendship like a candle in the dark, they like the way forward Friendship and a ray of sunshine in the winter Yang, bring us warm Friendship is a cup of cool water under heat, gives me a cool and pleasant Believe that time is higher than wealth, above all is love, and friendship is the most precious love Hope everyone the most want to cherish own friends, don't wait for friends leave you, just know to cherish 在生活中,在学校里,如果你没有朋友,你会怎样换做是我,我就会觉得生活非常无味,没有一点儿快乐。 在学校,如果你有好朋友的说,没有带笔,朋友会借给你,没有本子朋友会借给你,下课时,朋友会跟你玩,有不会做的题,朋友会教你,有伤心的事,朋友会安慰你。如果你没有朋友,忘了带东西,没人借给你,告别是下课时,只能一个人坐在旁边看着别人非常开心的跟朋友玩,这种心情是多么的难受啊!没有朋友,你的生活会单调、乏味。 没有朋友,当你一个人在家时,做完作业,你是多么的孤独,也许你只能在家里看电视,但电视又不能跟你谈心,这时你是多么需要一个知心朋友啊!友情是非常珍贵的。友情是灵魂的方向,友情是诚信的良友,友情是黑暗中的光芒,友情如黑暗里的一根蜡烛,照说宛们前进的道路。 友情和冬阳里的一缕阳光,带给我们温暖;友情是烈日炎炎下一杯清凉的泉水,带给我凉爽与惬意。相信,时间高于财富,高于一切的就是爱,而最珍贵的爱就是友情。希望每个人最要好好珍惜自己的朋友,不要等到朋友离开了你,才懂得珍惜。 关于友谊的英语作文_第2篇: Friendship is an umbrella of two figure, is a table on the two pairs of eyes; Friendship is like a curved warm harbor, quietly to soothe tired sailing; Friendship is crossing the sea, see each other eyes of tacit understanding, is unexpected Since have the friendship, I no longer lonely, lonely We are always side by side, hand in hand, walking along the street at dusk, running in the romance in the rain We are always on the same table, focused on learning Sometimes silence, their respective; From time to time to discuss with each other, "quarrel" We will always be on a park bench, or talk to each other in the heart trouble and sorrow, be considerate comfort; Or will be happy to tell each other, and then laugh Since I no longer have the friendship, weak When the fall in the road of life, and his heart was dominated by "give up" this idea completely However, at this time, my friend will pick up, remind me to be strong, long life, is no thorns, if be tripped, has languished, choose to give up, how can feel the successful happiness These words, made me hopeful again From then on, whenever you fall, I will stand up, will it as a test of fate, believe not far from success Since have the friendship, I have found the "intended-and not to take a hint when a hint is not intended" feeling For the same question, we often have the same opinion We worship the same star, like the same color, love the same kind of writing style Also, we are also cherish the friendship Friendship let us have a happy, confident, brave, insist! 友谊是一把伞下的两个身影,是一张桌子上的两对明眸;友谊似一弯温暖的海港,静静地抚慰着疲惫的帆船;友谊是穿越人海,互视对方双眼的默契,是不期而遇的缘。 自从拥有了友谊,我不再孤单、寂寞。我们总是肩并肩,手牵手,漫步于黄昏的街头,奔跑于浪漫的雨中。我们总是在同一张桌子上,专注地学习。时而沉默不语,各忙各的;时而互相探讨,“争吵”激烈。我们总会在公园的长椅上,或向对方倾诉心中的烦恼与忧愁,得到体贴的宽慰;或将快乐的事告诉对方,然后一起开怀大笑。 自从拥有了友谊,我不再软弱。当在人生之路跌倒时,心中被“放弃”这个意念完全占据。可是,这时,朋友将我扶起,提醒我要坚强,漫漫人生路,岂能无荆棘,若被拌倒,就一蹶不振,选择放弃,又怎能体味到成功的快乐呢这些话,令我又充满希望。从此,每当跌倒,我都会自己站起来,将这当作命运的考验,相信成功不远。 自从拥有了友谊,我找到了“心有灵犀一点通”的感觉。对于同一个问题,我们时常会有相同的见解。我们崇拜同一个明星,喜欢同一种颜色,热爱同一种写作风格……还有,我们都同样珍惜着这份友谊。 友谊让我们得到了快乐、自信、勇敢、坚持!



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