★楼主你好!打造音乐经典, 不选多的,只选好听的,“水族”音乐达人№流水无情 真诚为您服务★ 9月中文金典榜TOP10(№流水无情 倾情奉献) 排名 歌曲名 歌手名 本周走势 1我和你 (刘欢 莎拉布莱曼) ↑ 08奥运会主题曲《我和你》 2 别说 (李玖哲) ↑ 新专辑《不,完美》 3爱与希望(张信哲) ↑ 新单曲《爱与希望》 4 传说 (薛之谦) ↓ 单曲《传说》 5 满满的都是爱 (梁静茹) ↓ 新专辑《满满的都是爱》 6 离开悲伤 (范逸臣) → 新专辑《无乐不作》 7如果能在一起 (梁静茹) ↓ 新专辑《满满的都是爱》 8 难说再见 (成龙 刘德华) ↓ 08奥运会歌曲《难说再见》 9 梨花香 李宇春 ↑ 单曲《梨花香》 10 风云决 (任贤齐) ↓ 单曲《风云决》 9月华语新贵TOP50(№流水无情 希望你能喜欢) 1 我和你 (刘欢/莎拉布莱曼) 2 传说 (薛之谦) 3 唱给男朋友 (黄圣依) 4 走火入魔 (阿信) 5 记念 (蔡健雅)6 爱不死 (陈晓东) 7 别说 (李玖哲) 8 依赖 (蔡健雅) 9 亚热带巧克力 (袁泉) 10 如果能在一起 (梁静茹) 11 出发 (刘璇) 12 父母 (陈晓东) 13 满满的都是爱 (梁静茹) 14 因兽斗 (卫诗) 15 开天窗 (五月天) 16 不胜依依 (黄圣依) 17 一生的爱 (李冰冰) 18 瓶盖 (林宇中) 19 爱的重量 (李冰冰) 20 桂冠英雄 (陶喆) 21 宝宝睡 (袁泉) 22 离开悲伤 (范逸臣) 23 等等等 (魏如萱) 24 擦肩而过 (郑源) 25 只有回忆 (李冰冰) 26 让爱靠近 (罗中旭) 27 如果你是我 (范玮琪/周华健) 28 失败者的飞翔 (陈绮贞) 29 十项全能 (群星) 30 蝴蝶吟 (蝴蝶组合) 31 纯属意外 (许慧欣) 32 我不是自己 (吴建豪) 33 路一直都在 (陈奕迅) 34 风云决 (任贤齐) 35 爱的直航 (齐秦/谭晶) 36 漂亮** (陈奕迅) 37 回家的路 (莫文蔚) 38 转机 (潘玮柏) 39 势不可挡 (王宝强) 40 我们的爱 (萧亚轩/胡彦斌) 41 浪漫骑士 (唐朝乐队)42 不要说话 (陈奕迅) 43 爱的太晚 (古巨基) 44 原来的自己 (古巨基) 45 勇敢飞 (范冰冰) 46 一路好走 (房祖名) 47 新不了情 (张靓颖) 48 理智与感情 (杨丞琳) 49 最好的未来 (刘若英) 50 一颗心的距离 (范玮琪) 9月日韩流行风T0P50 ☆№流水无情 强力打造☆ 1 我的女孩 <Zayin> 2 I think I <浪漫满屋> 3 北极星愿 <安七炫> 4 No way to say <滨崎步> 5 Kiss <仓木麻衣> 6 阿里阿里 <李贞贤> 7 Wild eyes <神话> 8 独一无二 <李贞贤> 9 对不起不爱你 <张娜拉> 10 东京爱情故事 <小田和正> 11 The way u are <东方神起> 12 最终幻想9主题曲 <白鸟英美子> 13 No1 <宝儿> 14 悲梦 <高耀太> 15 不落的太阳 <张佑赫> 16 因为我是女孩 <Kiss> 17 换掉 <李贞贤> 18 喜欢你 <Sunday Girls> 19 名侦探柯南 <小松未步> 20 发疯 <李贞贤> 21 Drive <东方神起> 22 Knocking On Heaven s Door <野蛮师姐> 23 扣响天堂之门 <《野蛮师姐》主题曲> 24 双鱼座 <Lee an> 25 幸运草 <松隆子> 26 雪之花 <朴孝信> 27 爱上鲨鱼的人鱼 <朴政任 吴率准> 28 10 minutes <李孝利> 29 成人礼 <朴志胤> 30 我不会死的 <李贞贤> 31 Forever <安在旭> 32 雪花 <中岛美嘉> 33 Time after time <仓木麻衣> 34 可以爱你吗 <朴新阳> 35 Waiting <宝儿> 36 Go girl <早安少女组> 37 求婚 <安七炫> 38 Knocking On Heaven s Door <野蛮师姐> 39 First love <宇多田光> 40 Legend(传说) <中岛美嘉> 41 I love you <车太贤> 42 七夕 <Se7en> 43 离别之后 <申承勋> 44 女人的香气 <Seeya> 45 梦的点滴 <松隆子> 46 To Be(完成) <滨崎步> 47 Set it up now <李贞贤> 48 我是男的 <朴志胤> 49 Milky way <宝儿> 50 中毒 <神话乐队> 9月欧美劲爆TOP50 ☆№流水无情 强力推荐☆ 1 Time To Say Goodbye (莎拉布莱曼)2 I Have A Dream (西城男孩) 3 I m With You (Avril Lavigne)4 Holy Virgin 舞动精灵) 5 Stop!Stop!Stop! (圣女天团)6 We Belong Together ((玛丽亚凯莉) 7 My Love(西城男孩)8 God Is A Girl (舞动精灵) 9 Shut Up And Drive (Rihanna)10 I Will Always Love You (Whitney Houston) 11 Pretty Boy (窈窕美眉)12 If You Had My Love (珍妮弗洛佩兹) 13 May It Be (恩雅)14 Baby I Love You (珍妮弗洛佩兹) 15 Rockstar (Nickelback) 16 My Heart Will Go On (席琳迪翁) 17 Yesterday Once More (卡朋特)18 Love Me Tender(猫王) 19 Open Your Heart (麦当娜)20 Flying Without Wings(西城男孩) 21 The Day You Went Away (窈窕美眉)22 World Of Our Own (西城男孩) 23 To Love You More (席琳迪翁)24 Don t Give Up (莎拉布莱曼) 25 Big Big World (Emilia)26 You Make Me Feel (西城男孩) 27 Music (麦当娜)28 Bye Bye Bye (超级男孩) 29 2 Become 1 (辣妹合唱团)30 As Long As You Love Me (Backstreet Boys) 31 Never Say Goodbye (Bon Jovi)32 Take Me To Your Heart (Michael Learns To Rock) 33 Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)34 Lonely (Nana) 35 Shake It Off (玛丽亚凯莉)36 I Believe I Can Fly (R Kelly) 37 Because Of You (98乐队) 38 Seasons In The Sun (西城男孩) 39 The Power Of Love (席琳迪翁)40 Blue Moon (猫王) 41 wake up call (Maroon 5)42 Just Show Me How To Love You (莎拉布莱曼) 43 Because You Loved Me (席琳迪翁) 44 Tonight (西城男孩) 45 Too Lost In You (甜心宝贝)46 FutureSex LoveSounds (Justin Timberlake) 47 You Raise Me Up (西城男孩)48 Bleed It Out (Linkin Park) 49 Fragile Heart (西城男孩) 50 All For You (珍妮杰克逊) (№流水无情 个人最新珍藏7首,旁人请勿Ctrl+C) 1 My heart will go on 2 Love to be loved by you 3How did I fall in love with you 4 Innocence 5 When You're Gone 6beyond the game 7life for rent 以上全是超好听的歌曲,希望楼主喜欢,好听记得加分哦!谢谢 ! “水族“№流水无情 版权所有,抄袭复制一律投诉,并通知管理员封禁
休-格兰特(Hugh Grant)
休·格兰特是一位具有英国贵族气质的英国男星,其风度翩翩的绅士风范一度令全球女性着迷。在就读牛津大学英文系时他爱上演戏,并参与戏剧系制作的《特权》,该片成为他的银幕处女作。毕业后和友人组成剧团,颇获好评。1984年休·格兰特正式在**中露脸,在1987 年以《墨利斯的情人》一片获得威尼斯影展最佳男演员,在1994年演出《四个婚礼和一个葬礼》受到各方注意,也让他成功打入好莱坞的市场,同时也得到英国皇家学院奖的最佳男主角,令他成为热门。1999年他又和朱丽娅·罗伯茨一起主演了《诺丁山》,更是令他大红,成为当红小生。但休·格兰特其实早就厌倦“害羞小生”形象。迈入四十不惑年纪的他,却老是被要求演出同类型角色、在镜头前面装出脸红心跳的小男生模样,让他觉得自己始终在原地打转、毫无进步。所以当《BJ单身日记》的导演拿剧本给他,邀请他担纲演出时,他只有一个条件:“除了纯情男外,一切好说!”而《BJ单身日记》原著作者海伦费汀获知休·格兰特将演出花心上司时,则是忍不住开心的告诉周遭好友,“休·格兰特终于要现出原形啦!”2002年休·格兰特出演了影片《关于一个男孩》,也颇受好评。
作品列表:(一共 52 个作品)
作为导演休·格兰特 Hugh Grant的作品 (数量:0)
作为演员 休·格兰特 Hugh Grant的作品 (数量:51) 牛津之爱 Privileged
墨利斯的情人 Maurice
浪漫骑士 Remando al viento
欲望城 White Mischief
天伦梦醒 Dawning, The
蛇妖 Lair of the White Worm, The
孟加拉之夜 Nuit Bengali, La
Lady and the Highwayman, The
Big Man, The
春光奏鸣曲 Impromptu
亲亲吾子 Our Sons
钥匙孔的爱 Bitter Moon
战栗夜色 Night Train to Venice
告别有情天 Remains of the Day, The
四个婚礼一个葬礼 Four Weddings and a Funeral
相约在今生 Sirens
大冒险 Awfully Big Adventure, An
情比山高 Englishman Who Went Up a Hill But Came Down a Mountain, The
怀胎九月 Nine Months
浮华暂借问 Restoration
理智与情感 Sense and Sensibility
非常手段 Extreme Measures
Happy Birthday Elizabeth: A Celebration of Life
诺丁山/摘星情缘/新娘百分百 Notting Hill
求婚脑震荡 Mickey Blue Eyes
Off the Menu: The Last Days of Chasen's
暴发户 Small Time Crooks
Comic Relief: Doctor Who and the Curse of Fatal Death
Hooves of Fire
BJ单身日记/布里奇特·琼斯的单身日记 Bridget Jones's Diary
第67届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 67th Annual Academy Awards, The
一个男孩 About a Boy
Junket Whore
第74届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 74th Annual Academy Awards
两周情人 Two Weeks Notice
真爱至上 Love Actually
BJ单身日记2/BJ单身日记:爱你不爱你 Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason
101 Biggest Celebrity Oops
"Retrosexual: The 80's"
Total Cops
E! 101 Most Shocking Moments in Entertainment History
Legend of the Lost Tribe
Spotlight on Location: Notting Hill
Being Mick
The 'Billy Elliot' Boy
The Orange British Academy Film Awards
The Orange British Academy Film Awards
The Making of a Mobster: 'Mickey Blue Eyes'
Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope
Comic Relief Does University Challenge
美国梦 American Dreamz
Music and Lyrics By
1 美国梦 American Dreamz (2006) Martin Tweed
2 Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope (2005) Himself
3 Great British Losers (2005) Himself (archive footage)
4 Comic Relief Does University Challenge (2005) Himself
5 Travaux, on sait quand ça commence (2005) Le nouveau voisin
6 "Retrosexual: The 80's" (2004) (archive footage)
7 BJ单身日记2:理性边缘 Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason (2004) Daniel Cleaver
8 101 Biggest Celebrity Oops (2004) Himself - #81: Celebrity Arrests (archive footage)
9 Comic Relief 2003: The Big Hair Do (2003) Himself
10 真情角落 Love Actually (2003) The Prime Minister
11 Total Cops (2003) (archive footage)
12 101 Most Shocking Moments in Entertainment (2003) (archive footage)
13 Spotlight on Location: The Making of 'About a Boy' (2003) Himself
14 贴身情人 Two Weeks Notice (2002) George Wade
15 Legend of the Lost Tribe (2002) Blitzen (voice: US version)
16 第74届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 74th Annual Academy Awards (2002) Himself - Co-Presenter: Best Original Score
17 关于一个男孩 About a Boy (2002) Will
18 Being Mick (2001) Himself
19 The Orange British Academy Film Awards (2001) Himself
20 The 'Billy Elliot' Boy (2001) Himself (archive footage)
21 BJ单身日记 Bridget Jones's Diary (2001) Daniel Cleaver
22 Spotlight on Location: Notting Hill (2001) Himself
23 业余小偷 Small Time Crooks (2000) David
24 The Orange British Academy Film Awards (2000) Himself
25 Comic Relief: Doctor Who and the Curse of Fatal Death (1999) The (Handsome) 12th Doctor
26 诺丁山 Notting Hill (1999) William Thacker
27 求婚脑震荡 Mickey Blue Eyes (1999) Michael Felgate
28 The Making of a Mobster: 'Mickey Blue Eyes' (1999) Himself
29 驯鹿大竞赛 Hooves of Fire (1999) Blitzen (voice: US version)
30 Junket Whore (1998) Himself
31 Off the Menu: The Last Days of Chasen's (1997) Himself (with Liz Hurley) (uncredited)
32 Happy Birthday Elizabeth: A Celebration of Life (1997)
33 非常手段 Extreme Measures (1996) Dr Guy Luthan
34 大冒险 An Awfully Big Adventure (1995) Meredith Potter
35 Comic Relief: Behind the Nose (1995) Himself
36 浮华暂借问 Restoration (1995) Elias Finn
37 情比山高 The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill But Came Down a Mountain (1995) Reginald Anson
38 怀胎九月 Nine Months (1995) Samuel Faulkner
39 第67届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 67th Annual Academy Awards (1995) Himself - Presenter: Best Original Score (uncredited)
40 理智与情感 Sense and Sensibility (1995) Edward Ferrars
41 相约在今生 Sirens (1994) Anthony Campion
42 四个婚礼一个葬礼 Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994) Charles (Wedding one)
43 The Changeling (1994) Alsemero
44 战栗夜色 Night Train to Venice (1993) Martin Gamil
45 告别有情天 The Remains of the Day (1993) Cardinal
46 莎士比亚名剧动画 "Shakespeare: The Animated Tales" (1992) Sebastian (voice)
47 苦月亮 Bitter Moon (1992) Nigel
48 春光奏鸣曲 Impromptu (1991) Frederic Chopin
49 Our Sons (1991) James
50 The Trials of Oz (1991) Richard Neville
51 The Big Man (1990) Gordon
52 Champagne Charlie (1989) Charles Heidsieck
53 浪漫骑士 The Lady and the Highwayman (1989) Lord Lucius Vyne
54 "Till We Meet Again" (1989) Bruno de Lancel
55 Nuit Bengali, La (1988) Allan
56 The Dawning (1988) Harry
57 Remando al viento (1988) Lord Byron
58 白蛇传说 The Lair of the White Worm (1988) Lord James D'Ampton
59 Nocturnes (1988) Chopin
60 莫里斯的情人 Maurice (1987) Clive Durham
61 欲望城 White Mischief (1987) Hugh
62 Lord Elgin and Some Stones of No Value (1986) William Hamilton/James
63 "Ladies in Charge" (1986)
64 The Dream Lover (1986) Robert Drover
65 "The Last Place on Earth" (1985) Apsley Cherry-Garrard
66 Honour, Profit & Pleasure (1985) Burlington
67 "The Detective" (1985)
68 Jenny's War (1985) Peter Baines
69 Privileged (1982) Lord Adrian (as Hughie Grant)
1 美国梦 American Dreamz (2006) Martin Tweed
2 Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope (2005) Himself
3 Great British Losers (2005) Himself (archive footage)
4 Comic Relief Does University Challenge (2005) Himself
5 Travaux, on sait quand ça commence (2005) Le nouveau voisin
6 "Retrosexual: The 80's" (2004) (archive footage)
7 BJ单身日记2:理性边缘 Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason (2004) Daniel Cleaver
8 101 Biggest Celebrity Oops (2004) Himself - #81: Celebrity Arrests (archive footage)
9 Comic Relief 2003: The Big Hair Do (2003) Himself
10 真情角落 Love Actually (2003) The Prime Minister
11 Total Cops (2003) (archive footage)
12 101 Most Shocking Moments in Entertainment (2003) (archive footage)
13 Spotlight on Location: The Making of 'About a Boy' (2003) Himself
14 贴身情人 Two Weeks Notice (2002) George Wade
15 Legend of the Lost Tribe (2002) Blitzen (voice: US version)
16 第74届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 74th Annual Academy Awards (2002) Himself - Co-Presenter: Best Original Score
17 关于一个男孩 About a Boy (2002) Will
18 Being Mick (2001) Himself
19 The Orange British Academy Film Awards (2001) Himself
20 The 'Billy Elliot' Boy (2001) Himself (archive footage)
21 BJ单身日记 Bridget Jones's Diary (2001) Daniel Cleaver
22 Spotlight on Location: Notting Hill (2001) Himself
23 业余小偷 Small Time Crooks (2000) David
24 The Orange British Academy Film Awards (2000) Himself
25 Comic Relief: Doctor Who and the Curse of Fatal Death (1999) The (Handsome) 12th Doctor
26 诺丁山 Notting Hill (1999) William Thacker
27 求婚脑震荡 Mickey Blue Eyes (1999) Michael Felgate
28 The Making of a Mobster: 'Mickey Blue Eyes' (1999) Himself
29 驯鹿大竞赛 Hooves of Fire (1999) Blitzen (voice: US version)
30 Junket Whore (1998) Himself
31 Off the Menu: The Last Days of Chasen's (1997) Himself (with Liz Hurley) (uncredited)
32 Happy Birthday Elizabeth: A Celebration of Life (1997)
33 非常手段 Extreme Measures (1996) Dr Guy Luthan
34 大冒险 An Awfully Big Adventure (1995) Meredith Potter
35 Comic Relief: Behind the Nose (1995) Himself
36 浮华暂借问 Restoration (1995) Elias Finn
37 情比山高 The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill But Came Down a Mountain (1995) Reginald Anson
38 怀胎九月 Nine Months (1995) Samuel Faulkner
39 第67届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 67th Annual Academy Awards (1995) Himself - Presenter: Best Original Score (uncredited)
40 理智与情感 Sense and Sensibility (1995) Edward Ferrars
41 相约在今生 Sirens (1994) Anthony Campion
42 四个婚礼一个葬礼 Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994) Charles (Wedding one)
43 The Changeling (1994) Alsemero
44 战栗夜色 Night Train to Venice (1993) Martin Gamil
45 告别有情天 The Remains of the Day (1993) Cardinal
46 莎士比亚名剧动画 "Shakespeare: The Animated Tales" (1992) Sebastian (voice)
47 苦月亮 Bitter Moon (1992) Nigel
48 春光奏鸣曲 Impromptu (1991) Frederic Chopin
49 Our Sons (1991) James
50 The Trials of Oz (1991) Richard Neville
51 The Big Man (1990) Gordon
52 Champagne Charlie (1989) Charles Heidsieck
53 浪漫骑士 The Lady and the Highwayman (1989) Lord Lucius Vyne
54 "Till We Meet Again" (1989) Bruno de Lancel
55 Nuit Bengali, La (1988) Allan
56 The Dawning (1988) Harry
57 Remando al viento (1988) Lord Byron
58 白蛇传说 The Lair of the White Worm (1988) Lord James D'Ampton
59 Nocturnes (1988) Chopin
60 莫里斯的情人 Maurice (1987) Clive Durham
61 欲望城 White Mischief (1987) Hugh
62 Lord Elgin and Some Stones of No Value (1986) William Hamilton/James
63 "Ladies in Charge" (1986)
64 The Dream Lover (1986) Robert Drover
65 "The Last Place on Earth" (1985) Apsley Cherry-Garrard
66 Honour, Profit & Pleasure (1985) Burlington
67 "The Detective" (1985)
68 Jenny's War (1985) Peter Baines
69 Privileged (1982) Lord Adrian (as Hughie Grant)
《K歌情人/共谱恋曲 Music and Lyrics 》 (2007) Alex Fletcher
《美国梦 American Dreamz 》 (2006) Martin Tweed
《 Humbert Balsan, producteur rebelle 》 (2006) Acteur 'Travaux, on sait quand ça commence' (archive footage)
《 Travaux, on sait quand ça commence 》 (2005) Le nouveau voisin
《 Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope 》 (2005) Himself
《 Comic Relief Does University Challenge 》 (2005) Himself
《BJ单身日记2/BJ单身日记:爱你不爱你 Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason 》 (2004) Daniel Cleaver
《 Love Hollywood Style 》 (2004) Himself
《 "Mioch versus Goderie" 》 (2004) Himself (1 episode, 2004)
《 "Retrosexual: The 80's" 》 (2004) (archive footage)
《 101 Biggest Celebrity Oops 》 (2004) Himself - #81: Celebrity Arrests (archive footage)
《真情角落/真爱至上 Love Actually 》 (2003) The Prime Minister
《 "4Pop" 》 (2003) Himself (2 episodes, 2003-2004)
《 Comic Relief 2003: The Big Hair Do 》 (2003) Himself
《 Total Cops 》 (2003) (archive footage)
《 101 Most Shocking Moments in Entertainment 》 (2003) (archive footage)
《两周情人 Two Weeks Notice 》 (2002) George Wade
《关于一个男孩 About a Boy 》 (2002) Will
《关于一个男孩 About a Boy 》 (2002) singer: "Killing Me Softly With His Song"
《第74届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 74th Annual Academy Awards 》 (2002) Himself - Co-Presenter: Best Original Score
《 Legend of the Lost Tribe 》 (2002) Blitzen (voice: English version)
《BJ单身日记/布里奇特·琼斯的单身日记 Bridget Jones's Diary 》 (2001) Daniel Cleaver
《 Spotlight on Location: Notting Hill 》 (2001) Himself
《 The Orange British Academy Film Awards 》 (2001) Himself
《 Being Mick 》 (2001) Himself
《 The 'Billy Elliot' Boy 》 (2001) Himself (archive footage)
《暴发户 Small Time Crooks 》 (2000) David Grant
《 The Orange British Academy Film Awards 》 (2000) Himself
《求婚脑震荡 Mickey Blue Eyes 》 (1999) Michael Felgate
《诺丁山/摘星情缘/新娘百分百 Notting Hill 》 (1999) William Thacker
《驯鹿大竞赛 Hooves of Fire 》 (1999) Blitzen (voice: US version)
《 The Making of a Mobster: 'Mickey Blue Eyes' 》 (1999) Himself
《 Comic Relief: Doctor Who and the Curse of Fatal Death 》 (1999) The (Handsome) 12th Doctor
《 Junket Whore 》 (1998) Himself
《 Off the Menu: The Last Days of Chasen's 》 (1997) Himself (with Liz Hurley) (uncredited)
《 Happy Birthday Elizabeth: A Celebration of Life 》 (1997)
《非常手段 Extreme Measures 》 (1996) Dr Guy Luthan
《理智与情感 Sense and Sensibility 》 (1995) Edward Ferrars
《怀胎九月 Nine Months 》 (1995) Samuel Faulkner
《浮华暂借问 Restoration 》 (1995) Elias Finn
《第67届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 67th Annual Academy Awards, The 》 (1995) Himself (uncredited)
《情比山高 Englishman Who Went Up a Hill But Came Down a Mountain, The 》 (1995) Reginald Anson
《大冒险 Awfully Big Adventure, An 》 (1995) Meredith Potter
《四个婚礼一个葬礼 Four Weddings and a Funeral 》 (1994) Charles (Wedding one)
《相约在今生 Sirens 》 (1994) Anthony Campion
《战栗夜色 Night Train to Venice 》 (1993) Martin Gamil
《告别有情天 Remains of the Day, The 》 (1993) Cardinal
《钥匙孔的爱 Bitter Moon 》 (1992) Nigel
《亲亲吾子 Our Sons 》 (1991) James
《春光奏鸣曲 Impromptu 》 (1991) Frederic Chopin
《 Big Man, The 》 (1990) Gordon
《浪漫骑士 Lady and the Highwayman, The 》 (1989) Lord Lucius Vyne
《 "Till We Meet Again" 》 (1989) Bruno de Lancel
《浪漫骑士 Remando al viento 》 (1988) Lord Byron
《蛇妖 Lair of the White Worm, The 》 (1988) Lord James D'Ampton
《孟加拉之夜 Nuit Bengali, La 》 (1988) Allan
《天伦梦醒 Dawning, The 》 (1988) Harry
《欲望城 White Mischief 》 (1987) Hugh
《墨利斯的情人 Maurice 》 (1987) Clive Durham
《 "The Last Place on Earth" 》 (1985) Apsley Cherry-Garrard
《牛津之爱 Privileged 》 (1982) Lord Adrian