



 A father's love


 Daddy just didn’t know how to show love It was Mom who held the family together He just went to work every day and came home; she’d have a list of sins we’d committed and he’d scold us about them


 Once when I stole a candy bar, he made me take it back and tell the man I stole it and that I’d pay for it But it was Mom who understood I was just a kid


 I broke my leg once on the playground swing and it was Mom who held me in her arms all the way to the hospital Dad pulled the car right up to the door of the emergency room and when they asked him to move it saying the space was reserved for emergency vehicles, He shouted, “What do you think this is A tour bus”


 At my birthday parties, Dad always seemed sort of out of place, He just busied himself blowing up balloons, setting up tables, and running errands, it was Mom who carried the cake with the candles on it for me to blow out


 When I leaf through picture albums, people always ask, “What does your Dad took like” “Who knows He was always fiddling around with the camera taking everyone else’s picture I must have a zillion pictures of Mom and me smiling together”


 I remember when Mom told him to teach me how to ride a bicycle I told him not to let it go, but he said it was time I fell and Mom ran to pick me up, but he waved her off I was so mad that I showed him, got right back on that bike and rode it myself He didn’t even feel embarrassed and just smiled


 When I went to college, Mom did all the writing He just sent checks and a little note about how great his lawn looked now that I wasn’t playing football on it


 Whenever I called home, he acted like he wanted to talk, but he always said, “I’ll get your mother”When I got married, it was Mom who cried He just blew his nose loudly and left the room All my life he said, “Where are you going What time are you coming home No, you cannot go”


 Daddy just didn’t know how to show love, unless…


 Is it possible he showed it and didn’t recognize it


 A special letter


 Dear World:


 My son starts school today


 It's going to be strange and new to him for a while, and I wish you would sort of treat him gently


 You see, up to now, he's been king of the roost


 He's been boss of the backyard


 I have always been around to repair his wounds, and to soothe his feelings


 But now--things are going to be different


 This morning, he's going to walk down the front steps, wave his hand and start on his great adventure that will probably include wars and tragedy and sorrow


 To live his life in the world he has to live in will require faith and love and courage


 So, World, I wish you would sort of take him by his young hand and teach him the things he will have to know


 Teach him - but gently, if you can


 Teach him that for every scoundrel there is a hero; that for every crooked politician there is a dedicated leader; that for every enemy there is a friend


 Teach him the wonders of books


 Give him quiet time to ponder the eternal mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun, and flowers on the green hill


 Teach him it is far more honorable to fail than to cheat


 Teach him to have faith in his own ideas, even if everyone tells him they are wrong


 Teach him to sell his brawn and brains to the highest bidder, but never to put a price on his heart and soul


 Teach him to close his ears to a howling moband to stand and fight if he thinks he's right


 Teach him gently, World, but don't coddle him, because only the test of fire makes fine steel


 This is a big order, World, but see what you can do


 He's such a nice little fellow




  by Abraham Cowley

  Let tulips trust not the warm vernal rain,

  But dread the frosts and still their blooms restrains

  So when bright Phoebus smiles with kindly care

  The moon not sullied by a lowering air,

  Early the beauteous race you'll wondering see,

  Ranged in the beds ,a numerous progeny

  The tulip with her painted charms display

  Through the mild air,and make the garden gay

  The tulip which with gaudy colours stained

  The name of beauty to her race has gained

  For whether she in scarlet does delight

  Chequered and streaked with lines of glittering whit

  Or sprinkled o'er with purple charms our sight;

  Or widow-like beneath a sable veil

  her purest , the varied agate's veins

  From every flower the beauty's prize obtained



















  Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam,


  Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home!


  A charm from the skies seems to hallow us there,


  Which seek through the world, is ne'er met with elsewhere,


  Home! Home! Sweet, sweet Home!


  There's no place like Home! There's no place like Home!



  I gaze on the moon as I tread the drear wild,


  And feel that my mother now thinks of her child,


  As she looks on that moon from our own cottage door,


  Through the woodbine, whose fragrance shall cheer me no more


  Home! Home! Sweet, sweet Home!


  There's no place like Home! There's no place like Home!



  An exile from home, splendor dazzles in vain;


  Oh, give me my lowly thatch'd cottage again!


  The birds singing gaily, that came at my call-


  Give me them, and the peace of mind, dearer than all!


  Home! Home! Sweet, sweet Home!


  There's no place like Home! There's no place like Home!



  Diane Ackerman/迪安阿克曼

  The word “discovery” literally means, uncovering something that’s hidden from view But what really happens is a change in the viewer The familiar offers comfort few can resist, and fewer still want to disturb But as relatively recent inventions such as the telescope and microscope have taught us, the unknown has many layers Every truth has geological strata, and you can’t have an orthodoxy without a heresy

  The moment a newborn opens its eyes, discovery begins I learned this with a laugh one morning after delivering a calf When it lifted up its fluffy head and looked at me, its eyes held the absolute bewilderment of the newly born A moment before it had the even black nowhere of the womb, and suddenly its world was full of colour, movement and noise I’ve never seen anything so shocked to be alive



  Love Your Life


  Henry David Thoreau/享利大卫梭罗

  However mean your life is, meet it and live it ;do not shun it and call it hard names It is not so bad as you are It looks poorest when you are richest The fault-finder will find faults in paradise Love your life, poor as it is You may perhaps have some pleasant, thrilling, glorious hours, even in a poor-house The setting sun is reflected from the windows of the alms-house as brightly as from the rich man's abode; the snow melts before its door as early in the spring I do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there, and have as cheering thoughts, as in a palace The town's poor seem to me often to live the most independent lives of any May be they are simply great enough to receive without misgiving Most think that they are above being supported by the town; but it often happens that they are not above supporting themselves by dishonest means which should be more disreputable Cultivate poverty like a garden herb, like sage Do not trouble yourself much to get new things, whether clothes or friends, Turn the old, return to them Things do not change; we change Sell your clothes and keep your thoughts




You are strong

Life sometimes seems too hard and difficult to understand but no matter what obstacles are standing in your way right now you have the power to overcome them Sometimes your strength lies in stubbornness and determination but even more often it is hidden in your ability to go around obstacles and learn from the previous mistakes Be strong as a fire that crushes everything in its way and like water that finds a way around any obstacle with gentle determination and a peaceful flow。


You are THE BEST at being yourself


You have unique gifts and talents that no one else in this world has Sometimes we feel that we need to be someone else in order to fit in, be a better mother or wife, or portray an image that we believe everyone else will love No matter how hard you try to be someone else you will never be good enough You will do the best and be the happiest only if you stop living by someone else’s standards and start using your unique potential to shine like a light in this world。






An ant is a wise creature for itself, but it is a shrewd thing in an orchard2 or gardenAnd certainly men that are great lovers of themselves waste the public Divide with reasonbetween self-love and society; and be so true to thyself, as thou be not false to others; spe-cially to thy king and country It is a poor centre of a man's actions, himself It is rightearth For that only stands fast upon his own centre; whereas all things that have affinitywith the heavens, move upon the centre of another, which they benefit The referring of allto a man's self is more tolerable3 in a sovereign prince; because themselves are not onlythemselves, but their good and evil is at the peril of the public fortune But it is a desperateevil in a servant to a prince, or a citizen in a republic For whatsoever affairs pass such aman's hands, he crooketh them to his own ends; which must needs to be often eccentric tothe ends of his master or state Therefore, let princes, or states, choose such servants ashave not this mark; except they mean their service should be made but the accessory Thatwhich maketh the effect more pernicious is that all proportion is lost It were disproportionenough for the servant's good to be preferred before the master's; but yet it is a greaterextreme, when a little good of the servant shall carry things against a great good of themaster's And yet that is the case of bad officers, treasurers, ambassadors, generals, andother false and corrupt4 servants; which set a bias upon their bowl, of their own petty endsand envies, to the overthrow of their master's great and important affairs And for the mostpart, the good such servants receive is after the model of their own fortune; 


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