我想写关于贾森基德的英语介绍(就是My favorite star) 有没有英语高手帮忙翻译些句子

我想写关于贾森基德的英语介绍(就是My favorite star) 有没有英语高手帮忙翻译些句子,第1张

Jason Kidd (March 23, 1973 -) was born in San Francisco, California, USA (San Francisco, CA), American professional basketball player, the functional point guard, played for the NBA's Dallas Mavericks Early in his career and Jim Jackson, Jamal Mashburn combination known as "Dallas 3J", NBA serving three pairs of the king, three pairs of the total number of historical ranking third in total assists, the second-, third ball hit the first total history III

Jason Frederick Kidd (Jason Frederick Kidd), nicknamed J-Kidd, 1973 March 23, was born in Oakland, California, USA, is an active basketball player Kidd is now in the United States in the NBA's Dallas Mavericks as point guard He has led the Nets reached the NBA Finals twice (2002 and 2003), is considered the best in NBA history to control the game and one point guard Because of its superior technology and comprehensive, Kidd often get in the game a triple-double performance, now a total of 107 career triple-double in NBA history to score ranked the number three pairs of the third list (as of 2011 In March 2)

History of the NBA championship the year 2010 to 2011 the total number of three pairs ranked third (107) ranked second in total assists (11578 times) fifth assists per game (92) ranked third in total steals (2477 times) steals per game XI (205 times) the total number of the third three-point shot in NBA history, only three in his career to get at least 12,500 points, 5,500 rebounds and 7,500 assists players (the other two were Oscar Robertson and Magic Johnson) NBA history, only two in the NBA playoffs (to participate in more than six games) to get an average of three pairs of team performance (2002 Eastern Finals against the Boston Celtics when the average 175 points per game, 112 rebounds and 102 assists, and one is Magic Johnson) NBA history, only four three consecutive seasons in the league in assists per game the first player (the other three were Bob library West, Oscar Robertson and John Stockton) maintained Nets career history, three pairs of numbers, assists, season assists and season three double the number of records




  歌手:Jason Mraz



  绰号: “男巫”

  专辑:2002年《Waiting for My Rocket to Come》

  2004年《Tonight, Not Again:Jason Mraz Live at Eagles Ballroom》

  2005年《Mr A-Z》

  2006年《Selections For Friends》

  2008年《We Sing,We Dance,We Steal Things》



  “ 男巫 ” 倒不是别人送给的绰号,而是Jason Mraz对自己的形容。没有多少人会对这个形容表示怀疑,毕竟对于一个习惯于在夜酒吧里弹吉他吟唱些充满着迷离忧伤调的男孩, “ 男巫 ” 这样的形容恐怕是恰到好处。而一旦浮出水面被主流的 Elektra 唱片公司收编后,Jason Mraz仿佛就不太愿意再用 “ 男巫 ” 来形容自己了,他更愿意将自己打造成一个充满着阳光味道的大男孩,宛如自己的音乐风格:混杂着民谣、拉丁与电子。而这个 27 岁的小伙子之所以在过去的一年里成为美国乐坛的焦点人物,除了一副嗓子加一手漂亮的吉他外,他还坚持原创 —— 美国人总是格外推崇那种会唱会弹又会创作的音乐人 —— 即使有人说大概这还是美国式的个人英雄主义意识在作怪,但一个不争的事实是,美国乐坛已经越来越少这种全能的歌手了!不过对于更多Jason Mraz的拥趸来讲,两张唱片《 Waiting For My Rocket To Come CD 》和《 MrA-Z 》的诱惑力,远不及他的现场( LIVE )来得过瘾:又蹦又跳,嗓音常有意想不到的即兴发挥,甚至还突然颓废一下,再加上那张酷似英国明星休·格兰特的忧郁气质的脸,混杂在一起,还是恰如一个男巫,清新而活力的男巫。

  F & Q


  提问&回答 - 关于Jason Mraz这个人


  Jason 是美国人,但是“Mraz”来自捷克斯洛伐克的语系,意思是frost冰冷。










  托马斯。(全名:Jason Thomas Mraz)



  ◆Java Joe’s是什么地方?那又在哪里呢?

  Java Joe’s有很多家,但Jason的音乐事业起步于当地的最后一家咖啡馆,也就是Java Joe’s,这个小咖啡馆位于海滩起始于1956 Bacon St。2001至2002年间,Jason的周四夜场表演很快就成为圣地亚哥居民谈论的焦点。到最后,那些被吸引而来的fans排了长长的队伍把这个小咖啡馆围个水泄不通。每个闻声而来的人都希望能挤进这只能容下125人的小俱乐部。Joe不得不于2002年九月关门了。后来,结束了Java Joe’s的工作,Joe简单布置了Kelly’s PubJason则继续献唱他早期的在Java Joe’s花时间创作的经典作品。在那里,他拥有强大的fans阵营;在那里,Jason也历练成为一位创作者以及一位表演者。







  有的。Jason的行程日志都是他自己张贴在他的官方网站和他的MySpace。2007年9月Jason推出了新站点作为他的博客freshnessfactorfivethousandblogspotcom这里是Mraz内心独白最新动态的最新接触点。同时,他的个人日志也会重发在歌迷讨论区fan discussion at RKOP。


  Jason的事宜都由Bill Silva和Les Borsai负责。拜访Bill Silva Presents可以得到更多信息。








  ◆Jason还在和Tristan Prettyman约会吗?




  Jason Mraz

  PO Box 69A36

  Los Angeles, CA 90069










  ◆Jason Mraz专场音乐会一般持续多久?



  Jason在Little Big Man接受预约。更多信息,请您拜访他们的站点。提问请严肃。http://wwwlittlebigmancom/bandpages/mrazhtml


  你常常能在表演结束后看见Jason就在那。但是,要他和每位出席他现场的歌迷见面,其可能性有,但不会太大。请不要抱有和Jason亲密的见上一面的幻想去看他的表演哦。 (或者乐队其他成员)

  ◆Jason Mraz和George Mraz是什么关系?




  当所有乐评皆连番盛赞他的声音完美的像水晶般晶莹剔透,所有美国网路爱乐者都在悄悄讨论他和今年葛莱美最佳男歌手John Mayer究竟孰优孰劣,并说他的Live表演简直是此乐只有天上有的独一无二精彩演出,你开始好奇的想好好认识这个现在美国乐坛少见的天才型流行/民谣创作歌手—Jason Mraz。来自维吉尼亚朴实小镇,长得眉清目秀乍看有些休葛兰影子的Jason现年26岁,音乐生涯的启蒙者是也来自维吉尼亚的两大美式传统摇滚大角The Agents of Good Root和大卫马修乐团(Dave Matthews Band),但Jason真正接触音乐却是从中学时搬到纽约上美国音乐影艺学院开始。18岁时Jason却发现自己即刻真正想要的是音乐创作,毅然辍学并拾起吉他开始他在曼哈顿的音乐浪人之旅。在落脚加州圣地牙哥并在当地的酒馆常态表演后,Jason遇到影响他最深远的鼓手Toca Rivera,他多样化的部落打击鼓乐让Jason音乐充满惊奇和富变化性,他俩的精彩现场演出也在整个西岸和网路间流传,也因而为Jason赢得一纸Elektra唱片合约。

  这位杰出的创作型歌手这次给我带来了这张每一首歌曲都是成功典范的专辑,专辑的名字巧妙地取为MrA-Z,就成了一张同名专辑。专辑的开场是一首清淡的Life Is Wonderful,旋律相当的catchy,那段拉拉拉的高潮朴实而又深刻。新专辑的第一首单曲Wordplay是Remedy的翻版,有说有唱的表演方式独具Jason Mraz的特色,像这样的说说唱唱在Geek in the Pink中同样可以听到,专辑中还有相当数量的慢歌,Mr Curiosity中Jason Mraz一改先前那种嘻皮姿态,而以深情款款出现。Clockwatching的前奏是我最喜欢的,清新自然,再加上几分诙谐的暂停,中板的节奏带出一种轻松的气氛。接着Jason Mraz又带来了他的浪漫主义,异域味道的Bella Luna在吉他的伴奏下,在Jason Mraz不那么张扬的嗓音下,浮现出一幅翩翩起舞的场景。公认的专辑中最出色的作品之一的Plane,曲到高处,Jason的演唱经过渐进式的上升,到达歌曲在高潮时的顶峰,不紧不慢的演唱,足以证明Jason Mraz是世界上最佳的演唱者之一。长达8分钟的Song For a Friend也是我在专辑的最为喜欢的几首歌曲之一,这首歌曲在最后给人一种结束的感觉的同时,一下子加重的音乐,原来那时真正的高潮才刚刚来到。Jason Mraz的音乐原始,没有浮夸的痕迹,他总能用娓娓道来的方式演唱歌曲,在似乎平淡的歌声中隐藏着激情的燃烧。鲜明的个性也是这位被认为是有些attitude的John Mayer的特色,他同样参与了去年美国总统大选时倒布派的阵营。



  《Waiting for My Rocket to Come》

  专辑歌手:Jason Mraz

  专辑名称:Waiting for My Rocket to Come






  01 You and I Both

  02 I'll Do Anything

  03 Remedy (I Won't Worry)

  04 Who Needs Shelter

  05 Curbside Prophet

  06 Sleep All Day

  07 Too Much Food

  08 Absolutely Zero

  09 On Love, In Sadness

  10 No Stopping Us

  11 Boy's Gone

  12 Tonight, Not Again

  《Tonight, Not Again:Jason Mraz Live at Eagles Ballroom》

  专辑名称:Tonight, Not Again:Jason Mraz Live at Eagles Ballroom



  01 Tonight, Not Again

  02 Not So Usual

  03 Dialogue

  04 No Doubling Back

  05 You And I Both

  06 Absolutely Zero

  07 1000 Things

  08 Common Pleasure

  09 Curbside Prophet

  10 Sleeping To Dream

  11 Unfold

  12 No Stopping Us (live version)

  13 The Remedy (I Won't Worry)

  14 After An Afternoon

  15 Too Much Food

  《Mr A-Z》

  演唱歌手: Jason Mraz

  专辑名称: Mr A-Z

  发行日期: 2005年7月26日

  专辑语种: 英语


  发行公司: Atlantic / Wea


  01Life is Wonderful


  03Geek in the Pink

  04Did You Get My Message

  05Mr Curiosity


  07Bella Luna


  09O Lover

  10Please Don't Tell Her


  12Song For a Friend

  《Selections For Friends》

  演唱歌手: Jason Mraz

  专辑名称: Selections For Friends

  发行日期: 2006年12月12日

  专辑语种: 英语


  发行公司: Atlantic / Wea

  "Selections For Friends" 特别收录Jason在2006年7月于Schubas Tavern和Montalvo Winery两个show里表演过的很棒的歌曲。在Schubas 酒吧的演出是一场以最简单形式的独唱为特色的表演(jason弹吉它自呤吧),而在Montalvo 葡萄酒酿造厂,则是一次以完全不插电表演方式的乐队演出。


  01 Welcome to Schubas: The E Minor EP in F Sharp

  02 Did You Get My Message Audience Rehearsal

  03 Did You Get My Message

  04 Snakes in Schubas

  05 Childlike Wildlife

  06 Welcome to Saratoga: Older Lover Undercover

  07 Sleeping To Dream

  08 God Rests In Reason

  09 Life Is Wonderful

  10 Did You Get My Message

  11 Please Don't Tell Her

  12 Song For A Friend

  13 10,000 Motherfuckers

  We Sing We Dance We Steal Things专辑 1499美元

  Track List: (AVAILABLE 5/20/08)

  1 Make it Mine

  2 I’m Yours

  3 Lucky ft Colbie Caillat

  4 Butterfly

  5 Live High

  6 Love for a Child

  7 Details In Fabric ft James Morrison

  8 Coyotes

  9 Only Human

  10 The Dynamo of Volition

  11 If It Kills Me

  12 A Beautiful Mess


  We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things is the forthcoming album by Jason Mraz, scheduled for release on May 13, 2008 Progress of the recording of the album has been documented on the YouTube series “Crazy Man’s Ju-ju” which contain clips from San Diego and London, where most of the album was formed The album will also feature collaborations with James Morrison on the track “Details in the Fabric” and with Colbie Caillat, on the track “Lucky”

  During the Fuse TV special “Where Music Meets Film,” aired on February 4, 2008, Jason states “this is the opening track on the new record” before performing “Make It Mine”

  “I’m Yours” is the first single from the album and was made available on iTunes, Zune Marketplace, and Amazoncom on February 12th, 2008

  It was recently announced that the album will be preceded by three EP’s released monthly We Sing was released on March 18th We Dance was released on April 15th The third installment, We Steal Things, will be released as part of a digital bundle through iTunes, JasonMrazcom, and AtlanticRecordscom upon the release of the album The third EP will only be released along with the new studio album May 13th, 2008

  According to jasonmrazcom, the We Sing EP contains unique, intimate recordings of the songs “I’m Yours,” “Live High,” “If It Kills Me” and “Beautiful Mess”

In delivering his lecture, Jason makes sure not to include more things than the students can understand

在做他的演讲的时候,贾森 确保不(在他的演讲中)包含, 比学生能够理解的,更多的东西




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