


Table tennis is a popular sport in the world Table tennis ball, the game to 11 points as a board, using five games three wins or four games seven wins

















The History of Table Tennis 乒乓球的历史

Like many other sports, table tennis began as a mild social diversion Descending, along with lawn tennis and badminton, from the ancient medieval game of tennis It was popular in England in the second half of the nineteenth century under its present name and various trade names such as Gossima and Whiff-Whaff After the name Ping-Pong (an imitation of the sound made by the ball striking the table and the vellum bats that were used) was introduced by J Jaques & Son, the game became a fashionable craze 语言点:

1 SIMOL: same old 的缩写 美国口语

2 Freak: 某项活动的痴迷者

3 Serve: 发球

4 First round: 第一局

5 be qualified to do sth: 有资格,有能力做……

6 Come on: 口语中的意思是:少来了! 朋友之间调侃

7 kid: 这里是动词,意思是玩弄,耍弄“don t kid me”口语翻译成“别涮我……”

Table tennis originated in the 1870s in the United Kingdom, as a kind of gossip instead of lawn tennis, leisure sports Today, table tennis has become a high-tech and high-speed competitive sport From the population to participate in the sport, table tennis can be regarded as the first movement in the world, nearly 40 million people worldwide in the movement


I like playing table tennis, playing table tennis not only because of physical activity, eye protection also have a role, especially for students, better prevention of myopiaLengthy close-up look at things, the two will be very tired if we do not rest The vision that we dropped so that the eye muscles oppression of the eyeball, a long time will result in short- sighted From Joozonecom Playing table tennis, eyes to the ball as the goal, kept around from top to bottom- conditioning exercise, can improve the ciliary muscle tension to relax and contraction; eye muscles can also continue activities to promote blood circulation eyeball organizations to improve the eye As sensitivity to eliminate eye fatigue, thus play a role in the prevention of myopia So I like playing table tennis I suggest that the students have time to play table tennis!


Table tennis or more famously known as, Ping Pong, has a long history of approximately 127 years Ping Pong originated in England back in the late 1800s It was transformed into what we now called "table tennis" through the sport "tennis" itself It was meant to be played indoor for the amusement of the upper-class in the Victorian era The name "Ping Pong" came from the sound generated from the game playThe sport's equipment began to reform into what we have right now Like the paddles and the ballsBecause of the increase of the sport's popularity, the sport was introduced into the Olympics in 1988


  乒乓球 是我国的国球,在世界乒乓球坛上占有很重的分量,那么你知道打乒乓球的英文是什么吗下面跟我一起来学习关于乒乓求的英语知识吧。


 play table tennis ;

 play ping-pong


 We usually go to play table tennis out of hours 我们在工作时间之外常常打乒乓球

 Playing ( at ) chess is no fun; let's go to play table tennis 下棋没劲, 还是去打乒乓球吧

 She watched the children play table tennis 她看孩子们打乒乓球

 He likes playing table tennis best of all sports 所有运动项目中,他最喜欢打乒乓球

 Not all the students go in for table tennis 不是所有的学生都爱打乒乓球

 Xiao Li is no match for his younger brother at table tennis 打乒乓球,小李打不过他的弟弟 (比不过)(不如)

 Do you like to play chess / table tennis 你爱下棋(打乒乓球吗)

 The two boys are playing ping - pong 这两个孩子在打乒乓球

 They like playing table tennis, don't they 他们喜欢打乒乓球, 不是 吗

 Do you like to play table tennis 你爱打乒乓球 吗


 I'm bored with cards,but table tennis still distracts me 《21世纪大英汉词典》


 In table tennis, the eyes see the ball coming, judge its speed and direction, and pass this information on to the brain gbcricn

 More recreational, Skinner was fond of teaching animals to play Ping-Pong


关于乒乓球的 英语阅读 :Table Tennis in China中国乒乓球运动

 Table tennis is called ”National Sport" in China It has been developed together with the national sports career since 1949, and it really has brought a lot of encouragements and happiness in the past 50 years The National Table Tennis Team was founded in 1952 It has won more than 100 world gold medals which include the first world gold medal of the PRC, the first women's world gold medal and the first team world gold medal It had also won all the gold medals at the World Table Tennis Championships for three times and at the Olympic Games for two times Of course, it experienced its ebbs But it has been a first class team in the world for more than 50 years, which is a miracle in the world Some of its founders had passed away, and most of the players are old, yet the new comers are growing up and are initiating a new period Yesterday's honor is a flag, it leads today's National Table Tennis Team to continue this miracle in the vigorous world table tennis circle


 The National Table Tennis Team began to join in the World Table Tennis Championships in 1953, the 20th World Table Tennis Championships Then Rong Guotuan won the gold medal in men's singles at the 25th World Table Tennis Championships in 1959 It was the first world gold medal won by a Chinese And since then, the National Table Tennis Team had won more than 100 world gold medals, including 18 gold medals won by Deng Yaping and 11 by Liu Guoliang The National Table Tennis Team had won all the gold medals at the 36th, the 43rd and the 46th World Table Tennis Championships, a miracle in the sports world for a long period Deng Yaping is the greatest women's table tennis player in the world She was born in the city of Zhengzhou, Henan Province She began to learn table tennis at 5 years old, and was selected to the National Table Tennis Team in 1988 She had been world medallist for 14 times, and had kept world No 1 in table tennis for 8 years She is the unique one to continue to hold the title of the Olympic medallist, who won four gold medals including in women's singles and in women's doubles with Qiao Hong at the Olympic Games After 1997, she began her study in the Tsinghua University, the University of Cambridge and the University of Nottingham, and then she gained the bachelor's degree of English Major and the master's degree of contemporary China Research Deng Yaping started her work for the Morality Committee and the Sports-and-Environment Committee of the International Olympic Committee in 2002 One year later, she became an officer for the Market-Ex-ploitation Department of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Organizing Committee When she was busy doing public welfares, she regarded gaining the doctor's degree from the University of Cambridge and serving the motherland and its people with her knowledge as the most inviolable mission of her Now she has married Lin Zhigang, who came from Guangdong Provincial Team and had been a main force in the National Team, for several years They had been in love for many years Their house was near to the Longtan Lake in Chongwen Distrill of Beijing Falling in love at youth, experiencing life together, and determined to be hand in hand forever, they tasted sweet of their love and successes finally The other miracle of the National Table Tennis Team is Liu Guoliang, who won the ”Evergreen Tree" Waldner at just 16 years old and became famous since then Liu Guoliang was born in the city of Xinxiang, Henan Province He was selected to the PLA August First Men's Table Tennis Team in 1986, and to the National Table Tennis Team icy 1991He was the first grand slam in men's table tennis events at World Table Tennis Championships, the World Cups and the Olympic Games in China Using pen-hold grips and fast attacks, Liu Guoliang won all the 4 gold medals in men's team, men's singles, men's doubles and mixed doubles at the 43rd and the 45th World Table Tennis Championships As the medallist winning all the world gold medals in team and men's singles events, Liu Guoliang was given a large advantage to be the head coach of the National Men's Table Tennis Team at just 27 years old When he retired in 2002, he became a coach of National Men's Table Tennis Team At the same time, he started his study majoring in Human Resource and Management at Shanghai Jiao Tong University Then he was appointed to be master of teaching and research group and the head coach of the China National Men's Table Tennis Team in June 23rd, 2003 Now Liu Guoliang is leading the National Men's Table Tennis Team to continue their successes

 中国队从1953年开始参加第20届世乒赛。在1959年第25届世乒赛上,容国团夺得男单冠军,这是中国人首次获得世界冠军。从1959年起,容国团为中国夺得第一个世界冠军以来,到现在中国乒乓球队共夺得一百多枚金牌,其中邓亚萍一人夺得18枚金牌,刘国梁一人夺得11个冠军。中国乒乓球队分别在36届、43届、46届世乒赛上囊括了全部金牌,创造了世界体坛罕见长盛不衰的历史奇观。邓亚萍是世界乒乓球历史上最伟大的女子选手,她出生于河南省郑州市,5岁起就随父亲学打球,1988年进人国家队,先后获得14次世界冠军头衔;在乒坛世界排名连续8年保持第一,成为唯一蝉联奥运会乒乓球金牌的运动员,并获得4枚奥运会金牌,其中包括单打和与乔红组合的双打,在世界乒乓球历史上创造了“邓亚萍时代”。1997年后,她先后到清华大学、英国剑桥大学和诺丁汉大学进修学习,并获得英语专业学士学位和中国当代研究专业的硕士学位;2002年邓亚萍在国际奥委会道德委员会以及运动和环境委员会两个委员会担任职务;2003年,邓亚萍成为北京奥组委市场开发部的一名工作人员。在热衷于各项公益事业的同时,邓亚萍把完成自己在剑桥大学的博士学位、掌握更多的相关知识,更好地为祖国和人民服务,更有效地为北京奥委会出力,当作自己最神圣的任务。如今,邓亚萍已经和相恋多年的男友,前国家队男乒骁将,广东队的林志刚登记结婚,并把新家安在了北京崇文区的龙潭湖附近。从少年相恋到风风雨雨,再到牵手白头,如今的邓亚萍,可谓爱情事业双丰收。在当代中国国家乒乓球队创造另一个奇迹的就是男子乒乓球队的刘国梁,他在16岁时就战胜号称世界乒坛常青树的瑞典名将瓦尔德内尔,从而一战成名。他出生于河南省新乡市,6岁时开始学打乒乓球,1986年进入解放军八一男子乒乓球队,1991年进入国家乒乓球队。在他的乒乓球职业生涯中,刘国梁是中国第一位世乒赛、世界杯和奥运会“大满贯”获得者,在第43届至45届世乒赛,直板快攻选手刘国梁获得男团、男单、男双和混双全部4个项目的冠军,囊括了乒乓球团体和单项的所有世界冠军头衔于一身,这一特殊身份是他27岁就能担当中国国家男子乒乓球队主教练的优势之一。2002年退役,担任中国国家乒乓球队男队教练并在上海交大管理学院注册,学习 人力资源管理 专业,2003年6月23日出任中国国家乒乓球队男队教研组组长兼男队总教练。如今,刘国梁正在用他的智慧带领着中国男子乒乓球队续写着中国乒乓球运动的辉煌。

 China founded professional table tennis competitions in 1999 It has two classes, t e China Table Tennis Super League and China Table Tennis League The China Table Tennis Super League requests high-level players, thus many foreign players want to play in it just like the football players' dream of playing in the five world league competitions In 2005, 14 foreign players (including the Athens Olympic Games medallist Liu Chengmin, the world silver medal winner Zhu Shihe, the German famous World Cups medallist Boll, the Denmark famous World Championships medallist Maze and the Japanese player Fukuhara Ai ) joined in the China Table Tennis Super League This made the China Table Tennis Super league became the top-level table tennis competitions in the world What's more, many international table tennis championships have been held in China in recent years It not only shows China's level and strength in table tennis but also improves the internationalization of the China Table Tennis Super League The president of International Table Tennis Foundation Sharara said that he supported China Table Tennis Association to develop China Table Tennis Super League in to a world-level match Out of this, table tennis is popular in China and has a broad foundation among Chinese people In China, you will see table tennis and its players everywhere, not only in the residential areas, but also in parks and squares Both elder people and children can do it more or less Maybe that's why table tennis is called the “National Sport" in China

 乒乓球在中国国内也于1999年开始创办职业联赛,分为乒乓球超级联赛和乒乓球甲级联赛,由于中国乒乓球超级联赛的竞技水平较高,和 足球 运动员都梦想加盟世界五大联赛一样,国外乒乓球选手也以加盟中国乒超联赛为荣。2005年的乒超联赛汇集了雅典奥运会男单冠军柳承敏、世界单打亚军朱世赫、世界杯冠军德国的波尔,世锦赛黑马丹麦的梅兹以及日本的福原爱等14名其他协会的优秀运动员〔这使得中国的乒超联赛真正成为了当今世界上最高水平的乒乓球比赛。此外,近年来很多国际乒联主办的比赛都放在中国举行,这些都显示出中国乒乓球的水平和实力,也推进了中国乒超联赛国际化的步伐。连国际乒联主席沙拉拉也表示,非常支持中国乒协把中国乒超联赛打造成国际化的精品赛事。另外,乒乓球在中国具有广泛的群众基础,广大国民喜爱乒乓球运动者甚多。无论在城市中高楼林立的居民社区,还是人们休闲娱乐的公园,广场,都可以看到乒乓球台的存在和人们挥拍奋战的身影,上至六七十岁的花甲老人,下到六七岁的孩童都可以挥上几拍,这也是乒乓球在世界上被称为中国国球的原因。

1 乒乓球比赛口号

2 羽毛球用英语怎么说

3 打乒乓球的口号

4 会员用英语怎么说

5 热血用英语怎么说

6 打破用英语怎么说


原文地址: https://hunlipic.com/langman/456425.html

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