




闭上眼 升在半空

不小心 眼神和月光相碰

激起火花 化做满天星星

听他们 喃喃自语

说什么说什么 我全都能懂

一眨眼 月落日升

真痛快 在星球之间兜风

有些的 又有些彷徨



可别让 别让我遭遇爱情

我是浪漫的人 我想你有体会



我是浪漫的人 你知道吗

唱出所有动听的歌 给你听

一眨眼 月落日升

真痛快 在星球之间兜风

有些的 又有些彷徨



可别让 别让我遭遇爱情

我是浪漫的人 我想你有体会



我是浪漫的人 你知道吗

唱出所有动听的歌 给你听

我是浪漫的人 我想你有体会



我是浪漫的人 你知道吗

唱出所有动听的歌 给你听


1、Romantic like a beautifully ornate psalm, people pleasing; romantic like melody one e to believe that the clock back just a beautiful myth, fool young children, but if you can fool me a story, okay终于相信时光倒转只不过是个美丽的神话,骗骗小孩子的,但是如果可以的话,请再编一个故事骗骗我 ,好吗

4、Do you believe in fateIt is a mysterious and beautiful goodness As for us, I just bined form a beautiful picture, if missing one, it panions is a unique happiness红尘有你是一种难能可贵的美丽,与你相遇更是我一生的幸运,有你相伴就是一种惟一的幸福。

10、Many things ents of beauty, let a Jinzun air on January相思无尽,为伊消得人憔悴。良辰美景,莫使金樽空对月。

12、Believe that the beautiful life, is a with you, my life is full of sunshine May the stars in the sky to bring my good wishes to you!茫茫人海,与你相识,让我的生活充满阳光。愿天上的繁星带去我对你美好的祝愿!

15、Your snow thereHear people say, the snowflakes have six, there are five of When you see a five snowflakes, your good wishes will be realized你那里下雪了吗听人说,雪花有六瓣的,也有五瓣的。当你看到一朵五瓣雪花时,你的一个美好的愿望就要实现了。


1At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet。每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。

2Those days an is ent。我不知道该说什么,我只是突然在那一刻很想念她。

13Love e ething eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence。 爱是永恒的,外表可能改变,但本质永远不变。

25Love me little and love me long。不求情意绵绵,但求天长地久。

26You make my heart smile。我的心因你而笑。

27Dont spend time eone nes and hoping that person kno you love love the person who is with you! 如果你没能和你爱的人在一起,那就爱那个和你在一起的人吧!




Love this thing such as drinking ed to things not e are lovers, not lovers


e memory even forget not to drop, also ent of heavy traffic


Life is not a one-fort


eone to love, something to do, something to look for the life, her


Thro him, the result Hes always waiting, and hell never know


Usually crazy and make people laugh and people, but just dont want to be alone


There is only one thing in the world that can withstand the impact of life: a peaceful heart



4I knoance, and you find out you still care for that person。爱情是:当感觉、热情和浪漫统统拿掉之後,你仍然珍惜对方。

21Look into my eyes - you the moment that I eone in the es to a man in this as Ford她的一举一动,她的一颦一笑;她的聪慧,她的声音将我的心俘虏;将我的心俘虏。我不明白个中缘由,但我会爱她到永远。

40Dont struggle so much,best things happen an is e b没有了爱,地球便成了坟墓。

46To lost in something you love is better than to e one who reaches for your hand and touches your heart一个真正的朋友是向你伸出手,触动你心灵的人。

51And time goes by so slowly, and time can do so much而时光难熬,它能改变许多事。


Romanticism (literature)


Romanticism (literature), a movement in the literature of virtually every country of Europe, the United States, and Latin America that lasted from about 1750 to about 1870, characterized by reliance on the imagination and subjectivity of approach, freedom of thought and expression, and an idealization of nature The term romantic first appeared in 18th-century English and originally meant “romancelike”—that is, resembling the fanciful character of medieval romances


By the late 18th century in France and Germany, literary taste began to turn from classical and neoclassical conventions (see Classic, Classical, and Classicism) Inspiration for the romantic approach initially came from two great shapers of thought, French philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau and German writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

A The Romantic Spirit

Rousseau established the cult of the individual and championed the freedom of the human spirit; his famous announcement was “I felt before I thought” Goethe and his compatriots, philosopher and critic Johann Gottfried von Herder and historian Justus Möser, provided more formal precepts and collaborated on a group of essays entitled Von deutscher Art und Kunst (Of German Style and Art, 1773) In this work the authors extolled the romantic spirit as manifested in German folk songs, Gothic architecture, and the plays of English playwright William Shakespeare Goethe sought to imitate Shakespeare's free and untrammeled style in his Götz von Berlichingen (1773; translated 1799), a historical drama about a 16th-century robber knight The play, which justifies revolt against political authority, inaugurated the Sturm und Drang (storm and stress) movement, a forerunner of German romanticism Goethe's novel The Sorrows of Young Werther (1774; translated 1779) was also in this tradition One of the great influential documents of romanticism, this work exalts sentiment, even to the point of justifying committing suicide because of unrequited love The book set a tone and mood much copied by the romantics in their works and often in their personal lives: a fashionable tendency to frenzy, melancholy, world-weariness, and even self-destruction

B The Romantic Style

The preface to the second edition of Lyrical Ballads (1800), by English poets William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge was also of prime importance as a manifesto of literary romanticism Here, the two poets affirmed the importance of feeling and imagination to poetic creation and disclaimed conventional literary forms and subjects Thus, as romantic literature everywhere developed, imagination was praised over reason, emotions over logic, and intuition over science—making way for a vast body of literature of great sensibility and passion This literature emphasized a new flexibility of form adapted to varying content, encouraged the development of complex and fast-moving plots, and allowed mixed genres (tragicomedy and the mingling of the grotesque and the sublime) and freer style

No longer tolerated, for example, were the fixed classical conventions, such as the famous three unities (time, place, and action) of tragedy An increasing demand for spontaneity and lyricism—qualities that the adherents of romanticism found in folk poetry and in medieval romance—led to a rejection of regular meters, strict forms, and other conventions of the classical tradition In English poetry, for example, blank verse largely superseded the rhymed couplet that dominated 18th-century poetry The opening lines of the swashbuckling melodrama Hernani (1830; translated 1830), by the great French romantic writer Victor Hugo, are a departure from the conventional 18th-century rules of French versification; and in the preface to his drama Cromwell (1827; translated 1896), a famous critical document in its own right, Hugo not only defended his break from traditional dramatic structure but also justified the introduction of the grotesque into art In their choice of heroes, also, the romantic writers replaced the static universal types of classical 18th-century literature with more complex, idiosyncratic characters; and a great deal of drama, fiction, and poetry was devoted to a celebration of Rousseau's “common man”


As the romantic movement spread from France and Germany to England and then to the rest of Europe and across to the western hemisphere, certain themes and moods, often intertwined, became the concern of almost all 19th-century writers

A Libertarianism

Many of the libertarian (see Libertarianism) and abolitionist movements of the late 18th and early 19th centuries were engendered by the romantic philosophy—the desire to be free of convention and tyranny, and the new emphasis on the rights and dignity of the individual Just as the insistence on rational, formal, and conventional subject matter that had typified neoclassicism was reversed, the authoritarian regimes that had encouraged and sustained neoclassicism in the arts were inevitably subjected to popular revolutions Political and social causes became dominant themes in romantic poetry and prose throughout the Western world, producing many vital human documents that are still pertinent The year 1848, in which Europe was wracked by political upheaval, marked the flood tide of romanticism in Italy, Austria, Germany, and France

In William Tell (1804; translated 1825), by German dramatist Friedrich von Schiller, an obscure medieval mountaineer becomes an immortal symbol of opposition to tyranny and foreign rule In the novel The Betrothed (1825-1827; translated 1834), by Italian writer Alessandro Manzoni, a peasant couple become instruments in the final crushing of feudalism in northern Italy Lord Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley, who for some most typify the romantic poet (in their personal lives as well as in their work), wrote resoundingly in protest against social and political wrongs and in defense of the struggles for liberty in Italy and Greece Russian poet Aleksandr Sergeyevich Pushkin, whose admiration for the work of Byron is clearly manifested, attracted notoriety for his “Ode to Liberty” (1820); like many other romanticists, he was persecuted for political subversion

The general romantic dissatisfaction with the organization of society was often channeled into specific criticism of urban society La maison du berger (The Shepherd's Hut, 1844), by French poet Alfred Victor de Vigny, expresses the view that such an abode has more nobility than a palace Earlier, Rousseau had written that people were born free but that everywhere civilization put them in chains This feeling of oppression was frequently expressed in poetry—for example, in the work of English visionary William Blake, writing in the poem “Milton” (about 1804-1808) of the “dark Satanic mills” that were beginning to deface the English countryside; or in Wordsworth's long poem The Prelude (1850), which speaks of “ the close and overcrowded haunts/Of cities, where the human heart is sick”

B Nature

Basic to such sentiments was an interest central to the romantic movement: the concern with nature and natural surroundings Delight in unspoiled scenery and in the (presumably) innocent life of rural dwellers is perhaps first recognizable as a literary theme in such a work as “The Seasons” (1726-1730), by Scottish poet James Thomson The work is commonly cited as a formative influence on later English romantic poetry and on the nature tradition represented in English literature, most notably by Wordsworth Often combined with this feeling for rural life is a generalized romantic melancholy, a sense that change is imminent and that a way of life is being threatened Such intimations were early evinced in “Ode to Evening” (1747) by William Collins, “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” (1751) by Thomas Gray, and The Borough (1810) by George Crabbe The melancholic strain later developed as a separate theme, as in “Ode on Melancholy” (1820) by John Keats, or—in a different time and place—in the works of American writers: the novels and tales of Nathaniel Hawthorne, which probe the depths of human nature in puritanical New England, or the macabre tales and melancholy poetry of Edgar Allan Poe

In another vein in American literature, the romantic interest in untrammeled nature is found in such writers as Washington Irving, whose Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent (1819-1820), a collection of descriptive stories about the Hudson River valley, reflects the author's knowledge of European folktales as well as contemporary romantic poetry and the Gothic novel The Leather-Stocking Tales by James Fenimore Cooper celebrate the beauty of the American wilderness and the simple frontier life; in romantic fashion they also idealize the Native American as (in Rousseau's phrase) the “noble savage” By the middle of the 19th century the nature tradition was absorbed by American literary transcendentalism, chiefly expressed in the essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau

C The Lure of the Exotic

In the spirit of their new freedom, romantic writers in all cultures expanded their imaginary horizons spatially and chronologically They turned back to the Middle Ages (5th century to 15th century) for themes and settings and chose locales ranging from the awesome Hebrides of the Ossianic tradition, as in the work of Scottish poet James MacPherson (see Ossian and Ossianic Ballads), to the Asian setting of Xanadu evoked by Coleridge in his unfinished lyric “Kubla Khan” (1797) The compilation of old English and Scottish ballads by English poet Thomas Percy was a seminal work; his Reliques of Ancient English Poetry (1765) exerted a significant influence on the form and content of later romantic poetry The nostalgia for the Gothic past mingled with the tendency to the melancholic and produced a fondness for ruins, graveyards, and the supernatural as themes In English literature, representative works include Keats's “The Eve of St Agnes,” the Gothic novels of Matthew Gregory Lewis, and The Castle of Otranto (1764) by Horace Walpole The Lay of the Last Minstrel (1805), by Scottish writer Sir Walter Scott, and his historical novels, the Waverley series (1814-1825), combine these concerns: love of the picturesque, preoccupation with the heroic past, and delight in mystery and superstition

D The Supernatural

The trend toward the irrational and the supernatural was an important component of English and German romantic literature It was reinforced on the one hand by disillusion with 18th-century rationalism and on the other by the rediscovery of a body of older literature—folktales and ballads—collected by Percy and by German scholars Jacob and Wilhelm Karl Grimm (see Grimm Brothers) and Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen From such material comes, for example, the motif of the doppelgänger (German for “double”) Many romantic writers, especially in Germany, were fascinated with this concept, perhaps because of the general romantic concern with self-identity Poet Heinrich Heine wrote a lyric apocryphally titled “Der Doppelgänger” (1827; translated 1846); The Devil's Elixir (1815-1816; translated 1824), a short novel by E T A Hoffmann, is about a double; and Peter Schlemihl's Remarkable Story (1814; translated 1927), by Adelbert von Chamisso, the tale of a man who sells his shadow to the devil, can be considered a variation on the theme Later, Russian master Fyodor Mikhaylovich Dostoyevsky wrote his famous novel The Double (1846), an analysis of paranoia in a humble clerk


By about the middle of the 19th century, romanticism began to give way to new literary movements: the Parnassians and the symbolist movement in poetry, and realism and naturalism in prose

See also American Literature: Poetry; American Literature: Prose; Brazilian Literature; Danish Literature; Dutch Literature; English Literature; French Literature; German Literature; Italian Literature; Latin American Literature; Polish Literature; Portuguese Literature; Russian Literature; Spanish Literature; Swedish Literature

Contributed By:

Robert J Clements

Microsoft ® Encarta ® Encyclopedia 2003 © 1993-2002 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved



Oh, How much I miss you! If the passionate refreshing breeze knows my heart, it can tell you that I miss you and care you for my life’s time If graceful white cloud knows my heart, it can tell you I love you and would be together with you forever


Do you understand the feeling of missing someone It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears


I know you like this song most and I know what you are thinking about ,too, I miss you


Those days when we were together appear in my mind time after time, because they were so joyful, happy, blest, disappointing, sad and painful I miss you ,and miss you so mach……


Do you know there is someone thinking of you and caring you all the time Your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling stars hanging on the curtain of my heart


Listening to my heart beating Seeing how much I love you ,I dare to admit how much I love you When thinking of you, I hope you can receive the passionat words I left for you!


Thousand of time I have thought of you My heart is going high into the air and flying with my blessing towards you I don’t care loneliness I am satisfied when you are happy and I am happy when I think of you!


I miss you not because of my loneliness but I do feel lonely when I miss you Only when I miss you deeply I feel so lonely

8、长长的思念,就像风筝断了线,飘啊飘啊,飘到你的身边。 (来源:英语 http://photoenglishcncom)

I miss you so deeply that my love just like a kite has broken its line and won’t stop flying until it reaches you at last


It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can’t be expressed with any choice of words


In such a soft and warm season, please accept my sincere blessing and deep concern for you


For our ever-lasting friendship, send sincere blessings and warm greetings to my friends whom I miss so much


Wish you a happy new year and a good fortune in the coming year when we will share our happiness, think of our good friends, and our dreams come true!


Wish to meet my angle again lovely girl in my dream!


Do you fear a love fool who is loving you so deeply


I am too happy to stand faint!


The moonlight stands for my heart!


How are you getting on I hope that the word will become more beautiful because of you!


You are everything when you are with me, and everything is you when you are not


I don’t know whether I really love you, but I know I cannot lose you If the earth is going to be destroyed I want to tell you that you are the only one I want to see


I can meet a person in a minute, like a person in an hour and love a person in a day, but it will take me a whole life to forget you


Every day I miss you It is a hard time for me to miss you but it is even harder not to do so In such a contrary mood, I miss you deeply! A happy Valentine’s Day to you!


I will make you happy when you are depressed I will make you delighted when you are in great sorrow!


Because of loving you so much that I stood aside Although my figure left you away, my heart didn’t Today I have made up my mind to say “I love you”


As long as you are willing, please let me know what I can do for you When you are unhappy and want to cry on somebody’s shoulder, I will stand before you immediately


I pray for the swan goose, the moonlight and the spring breeze for thousands of times, wishing the swan goose can bring my miss to you; the moonlight can convey my greeting to you ; the spring breeze can send my care to you!


You and I remains the same in different time, at different places,among different people; time is changing, space is changing and everything is changing except my miss to you!


Coffee is lonely without cups I am lonely without you


My heart beats for you every day I am inspired by you every minute, and I worry about you every second It is wonderful to have you in my life


You know my loneliness is only kept for you, my sweet songs are only sung for you


If living on the earth is a mission from the lord… living with you is the award of the lord…


Was your father a thief Because he stole the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes Equipped with that pick-up line, you can be certain to score in the universal language of love So say the authors of a new top 10 list of pick-up lines which have been translated from English into Czech, French, Italian, Spanish and German by the publishers Chambers

“你的父亲是个小偷吗?因为他从天上偷了星星放在你的眼睛里。”——如果你能说出这样的情话,那你一定可以捕获梦中情人的芳心;近日,英国著名出版社Chambers Harrap用6种语言出版了《10大情话手册》,它们分别是捷克文、法文、意大利文、西班牙文和德文。

Taking inspiration from its new range of pocket-sized phrasebooks, Chambers compiled its own list of the definitive top 10 pick-up lines The UK publisher picked the lines from the assorted phrase books and compiled their own light-hearted list, to assist vacationers heading out to European destinations this summer

受到口袋书籍这一时尚潮流的启发,Chambers Harrap在《10大情话手册》列出了最具诱惑力的10大时尚情话,并将其由英文翻译成共6国语言。小巧的《10大情话手册》方便读者随身携带,特别为那今夏去欧洲度假的英国人开始一个轻松旅程增添浪漫色彩。

Anna Stevenson, from Chambers Harrap, said "The French and Italians are especially renowned for their romantic ways but it seems that chat-up lines are the same no matter what language you are speaking" "Our chat-up lines show budding English- speaking Romeos how to impress the girl of their dreams whatever country she is from, but it also allows British women to wise up to the charms and cheeky ways of foreign suitors," said Stevenson

来自Chambers Harrap出版社的史蒂文森表示:“法国和意大利人的浪漫全球闻名,但无论你说何种语言,情人间的甜言蜜语都是相通的。我们的情话手册不仅适用于那些情窦初开的英国小伙子追求异国他乡的心上人,同样适用于英国女子在网络聊天室里与来自国外的爱慕者搭讪。”

If their top-rated suggestion does not have the desired effect, then try in one of six languages to say: "Didn't it hurt when you fell from heaven" Or maybe: "You must be tired because you've been running through my mind all day" Scraping in at Number 10 in the romance parade comes "The only things your eyes haven't told me is your name"




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