




1、The most luxurious thing in my life is to meet you on the way, and then help each other, smell the fragrance of flowers together、 In my lifetime, I will only tell you the warmth, but not the sorrow、 I will meet you and accompany you in peace and warmth、


2、Warm the early morning porridge, put down the late night wine, if you still drink in this life, only hope to make a cup with you、


3、I used to be wild and uninhibited, wandering in the rivers and lakes, but I never wanted to meet you、 From then on, I worked in the kitchen of the vegetable market and cooked rice and soup、


4、They say Disneyland is the happiest place in the world、 Actually, they haven’t been next to you before、


5、You are the one who is loved in peace、 You can do anything with confidence and boldness、


6、I’m never mean, but one thing I can’t be generous is that you are mine、


7、Look at my eyes and you’ll find what you mean to me、


8、The most beautiful love, there is no end of time, there is no land, just want to accompany you for life, that’s all、


9、If you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets me、


10、Years of quiet good, just want to count your heartbeat, slowly accompany you grow old、


11、I miss you so much already and I haven t even left yet!


12、 I didn’t think that I could ever trust happiness、 then I met you、


13、I love you now、 It’s cheaper than cabbage in the market、 It can be seen everywhere、


14、You’re mine、 No one can take you away、 I’m so overbearing、 I’m yours、 No one can take me away、 That’s how I give up、


15、Your sweet smile, like a cup of wine for many years, just a mouthful is enough to make me want to stop、


16、I love three things: the sun, the moon, and you、 The sun for the day, the moon for the night, and you forever、


17、And the sunlight clasps the earth, And the moonbeams kiss the sea; What are all these kissings worth, If thou kiss not me、


18、Do you believe in love at first sight Or should I walk past you again


19、You come to me, I feel that one day is like three years, you smile at me, I feel that three autumn has not seen but a day、


20、One word frees us of all the weight and pain in life、That word is love、




I want to see you this summer


All the moments I can share are you、

三、遇见你那天 樱花开满南山。

On the day I met you, cherry blossoms filled Nanshan


All you have to do is stand on my side indiscriminately、


My favorite teenager is you、

六、喜欢有很多种 但是无论那种 我都想给你。

There are many kinds of likes, but I want to give it to you no matter which one

七、我不要短暂的温存 只要你一世的陪伴我想说、时光兜兜转转、我感谢与你的这次相遇。

I dont want to be gentle for a short time、 I want to say that I am grateful for this meeting with you、

八、除了我 每个人都不适合跟你白头到老。

Everyone is not fit to grow old with you except me


I miss you infinitely in my heart


You shine like a star、


Have a hug, touch your head, support your cheeks, and ask for all your favor、


Heartbeat is not the answer、


Investment is risky, but you love me with high returns and no risks


You are all my ideals and expectations for the rest of my life、


Im a kid who secretly likes you、


You are very important, super important, especially important, the most important!

十七、我是九 你是三除了你还是你。

I am nine, you are three, except you or you


Now I miss you so much that I want to jump into your arms、

十九、你的过去我来不及参与 你的未来我奉陪到底。

I have no time to participate in your past and your future、


Take my hand and walk with your eyes closed, and you wont get lost、


When you hear something, its obviously irrelevant, and you will turn several

corners in your heart and think of you、


I like you, without reservation, from my heart、


What can make me running all the way, besides the heavy rain, is you、

二十四、每天醒过来 发现最喜欢的人还是你。

I wake up every day and find that my favorite person is you、



1、First impression of you is most lasting、对你最初的印象、久久难以忘怀。

2、I didnt stop thinking about you all day、 我整天都在想你英文情话。

3、I know you like this song most and I know what you are thinking about ,too, I miss you 、我知道你最喜欢这首歌、我也知道你的心思、我想你。

4、I love you not because of who you are,but because of who I am when I am with you、我爱你、不是因为你是一个怎样的人、而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉英文情话。

5、miss you deeply I feel so lonely、不是因为寂寞才想你、是因为想你才寂寞。孤独的感觉之所以如此之重、只是因为太想你。

6、I miss you so deeply that my love just like a kite has broken its line and won’t stop flying until it reaches you at last、长长的思念、就像风筝断了线、飘啊飘啊、飘到你的身边英文情话。


1、Look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me、


2、i always remember that day,when i met you i love you我一直都记得那一天我见到了你我就爱上了你。

3、You are kindly which is the reason why iove you、你很温柔,这是我爱上你的原因英文情话。

4、Will you accept me I wanna share my life with you、你能答应我的求婚吗我想永远和你在一起。

5、Hasband, every day I immersed in the happiness, my love!老婆、我每天都沉浸在幸福快乐中、我的爱人。

6、Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you、无论你身在何处、无论你为何忙碌、我都会在此守候英文情话。


1、My heart is with you、


2、I miss you so much already and I havent even left yet!


3、Passionate love is a quenchless thirst、


4、Every day without you is like a book without pages、


5、please come to eat and sleep with me, or i will cut my hair to be a monk, and find a place where many monks live in to over my life、


"Summerfling" 是一个英文单词,直接翻译为 "夏日恋曲"。这个词通常用来描述在夏季开始的短暂、浪漫但通常不稳定的恋爱关系。Summerfling 这个词在英语中并不是一个正式的词汇,而是用来描述夏季恋爱的非正式说法。这种恋爱关系通常持续时间较短,可能在夏季结束后就结束。

以下是关于 "Summerfling" 的一些含义和方面:

1 季节性:Summerfling 主要发生在夏季,因为夏季是一年中最轻松、愉快和充满活力的季节。在夏季,人们通常会有更多的时间去度假、聚会和社交活动,这为发展短暂的恋爱关系提供了机会。

2 短暂性:Summerfling 通常持续时间较短,可能从几天到一个月不等。这种恋爱关系的目的通常是为了在炎炎夏日中寻找陪伴、刺激和乐趣,而不是寻求长期的承诺和稳定的关系。

3 恋爱关系:Summerfling 通常涉及双方在夏季期间的恋爱关系。这种关系可能是一对一的,也可能是多人参与的。在这种关系中,双方可能会发展一定程度的亲密关系,但通常不会涉及严肃的承诺和责任。

4 文化差异:Summerfling 的概念可能因文化背景的不同而有所差异。在一些文化中,人们可能会更加重视短期的恋爱关系,而在其他文化中,人们可能会更加重视长期的恋爱关系和承诺。

总的来说,Summerfling 是一种在夏季期间发生的短暂、浪漫但通常不稳定的恋爱关系。这种关系的目的通常是为了在炎热的夏天寻找陪伴、刺激和乐趣,而不是寻求长期的承诺和稳定的关系。尽管 Summerfling 在某种程度上可能被认为是一种轻浮或不负责任的行为,但它仍然反映了人们在夏季寻求快乐和社交互动的愿望。








































1 描写夏天景色的英语作文10句话并翻意


还可以在草地上玩耍, summer camp is fun 英文原文, I like the summer camp! 中文翻译, also very fun I like summer very much, also can join the summer camp in summer, summer camp there are a lot of fun activities,夏令营有很多有趣的活动, you can also learn a lot of extra-curricular knowledge。我很喜欢夏天 You can also play on the lawn, because summer can go swimming: I like summer Like summer, swimming can exercise the body,还很好玩, also can eat watermelon in summer and ice cream:我喜欢夏天喜欢夏天,夏天还能参加夏令营,夏天还可以吃大西瓜和冰淇淋,还可以学到很多课外知识。

2 关于夏天的英语作文怎么写

给你提供一下,主要参照他的格式去写,例如 Firstly ,secondly 等! 希望能帮助到你

Summer is the second season in a year It is beeen spring and autumn The sun of summer is the hottest; the water of summer is the warmest; the places of interests in summer are the most crowded throughout the world

Firstly, summer is students' the most favourite season because their longest vacations of the year are in summer Many of them try to enrich their social and healthy life by participating in a number of interesting outdoor activities, include of camping with friends and family members, going to the beach or swimming at public pools, traveling and sightseeing locally and nationally However, some of them try to make good use of their vacations in gaining their working experiences in summer Other students may try to improve their academic performance by going to their summer schools

Secondly, summer is a pleasant season for all kinds of cold foods and juicy fruits Ice cream is our all time favourite dessert Yeh, I love ice cream so much I have to eat some ice cream almost everyday in summer There are a lot of fresh fruits selling everywhere Watermelon is proudly rated to be the most demanding fruit in the season All kinds of iced drinks are greatly demanded in summer

3 描写夏天的英语作文有翻译

I like to spring vibrant, I like fruit of their labor to fall, I also like the land of ice and snow in winter, but my favorite was vigorously summer He came to earth with a warm center of the earth, to show a scene of prosperityYou vigorous walking, walking down the street, people are buying clothes and shoes, booming, bustling, festive extraordinary to see the girls walking on the street, their clothes are fashionable, bright colors, almost no re-sample I think summer is the girls of the world, is to show the beauty of the seasonYou vigorous walking, into the garden, garden flower disappointing fight Yan open, whether it is the Queen of peony flowers, all flowers or no name, are happily greet summer girl, willow by winds, fluttering shook, like summer girl that flowing hair, how beautiful ah! This is a unique scenery summer because summer is beautifulYou vigorous walking, walking in the market, cries, bargaining sound, together into one, very lively, look purple eggplant, Pie Zhaozui, which is red you ile! That sparkling grape purple, glistening apricot, peach red bite tastes, crisp raw, sour, summer fruit described as paradiseYou vigorous walking, into the fields, sunflowers are facing the open summer girl, put her beautiful iling face dedicated to summer girl Four underground struggle Cicada not miss this great opportunity also for five years, stripped of her clothes that one gold, into the tree, "cicada, cicada" to call, to show it was beautiful summer girl singing, frog hiding grass, quack barking, positive girl summer a summer ensemble hymn it!Xia, a lively summer; summer, a beautiful summer; I praise you, a charming summer我喜欢生机勃勃地春天,我喜欢果实累累地秋天,我还喜欢那冰天雪地地冬天,但我最喜欢那轰轰烈烈地夏天。



4 描写夏天的英语作文 翻译(简短)

The summer is arrivingMy favourite season is summer I like swimming in the summer, I like eating the cold drink in the summer, in the summer although it is very hot, but may hear “the insect sonata”



5 关于夏天的60词英语作文(带翻译)

When it es to summer, my favourite thing to do is just hanging out at the beach Let the breeze goes through my hair, my clothes and every inch of my skin Let the sun shines onto my whole body and gives me warmth I like to play beach volleyball with my friends It doesn't matter whether I lose or win, but whether we enjoy ourselves or not Summer is such a great time in the year!

在夏天,我最喜欢的事情就是在海边闲逛。 让微风穿过我的头发,我的衣服和我的每一寸肌肤。 让太阳照耀到我的全身,给我温暖。 我喜欢和我的朋友打沙滩排球。不管我是否输或赢,但我们是否玩得很开心。 今年夏天是一个美好的时光!

6 写春天夏天的英文作文

Among the four seasons, summer is my favorite When summer es, it bees hotter and hotter We can go swimming with our friends and family We can also enjoy ice-creams, cold drinks, watermelons and some other delicious food Some schools usually hold sports meeting We students can take part in some interesting and exciting events All of us always have a good time But the main reason is that a long and happy holiday is waiting for us During the summer holiday, we can go to visit some places of interest, such as the Great Wall, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Lu Shan mountain and West Lake But I like to go to the beaches Because there I can enjoy the sun, swim or dive in the sea or play with sand

All in all, summer gives me a colorful life I like it very much!

7 关于夏天的英语作文50字

My favourite season My favourite season is summerIn summer,I can wear skirt and shirtI can swim in the swimming pool with my friendSwimming gives me cool feelings and makes me happyAnd I can eat ice-creamI like eating ice-creamI like summer very muchDo you like summer?我最喜欢的季节是夏天在夏天,我可以穿短裙和文化衫我可以和我的朋友们在游泳池里游泳游泳给我带来清凉的感受,使我很快乐并且我可以吃冰激淋我是很喜欢吃冰激淋的我很喜欢夏天你喜欢夏天吗?。

8 英文作文写景的怎样写

Summer 浪漫夏日

Summer afternoon—summer afternoon; to me those have always been the o most beautiful words


Summer is the glorious time of the year when most of us can put on our shorts and short-sleeved shirts and actually feel the air and sunlight on our skin; when we don't have to turn up the heat in the morning when we get up;but also when we lay hot and sweaty in bed, unable to sleep at times (those of us who don't have air conditioning, anyway);when we get the sunburn and the heatstroke and all those wonderful things


Summer is a sailor in a rowboat and ice-cream on your dress when you're four years oldSummer is a man with his coat off, wet sand beeen your toes, the ell of a garden an hour before moonriseSummer is silk itself,a giant geranium and music from a flute far awary!

夏日是一叶小舟上的船夫,是你四岁时不小心沾在裙子上的冰淇琳。夏日是 着上身的男人,是浸入你脚趾间的湿漉漉的沙子,夏日还是朝阳初升前一小时的那花园里的清香味。夏日就是那丝绸段,那盛开的天竺葵,以及从远方飘来的悠悠长笛声!

No matter how we see it, summer has a magic that we can't deny—all four seasons do Here to those who have addressed that magic:enjoy your summer!

不管我们如何看待它,夏季总有着那么一种我们无法否认的魔力—每个季节独有的魔力。谨以此节目献给那些演绎着夏日 魔力的人们:请尽情享受你们的夏日乐趣!



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