浪漫满屋主题曲:《Oh baby I》合唱版(演唱:Mike Angelo、Aomiz sucharat)
《Oh baby I》单人版 (演唱:Mike Angelo)
Every night a chance I get and wanna combine its just you
With you Baby, I wanna be your lady
I really like the way you making me feel
You keep it so tight , making me feel right
Was it baby girl gets it too to get some light
To me it like a sun and minimam
I need you in my life
The girl is really a princess when she looking to your eyes
I feel nice
You should be my king
You keep it real, it’s not a surprise
OH baby I
Like that time I will by
Half that girl and let it why
Cause it to the mountain sight
OH baby I
take mine get you a car to you May
may I can just call it the morning light
can your just give me another try
The light you always keep the conversation will
Sometimes it's finely
Sometimes it's hardly
when you look at me
I can't resist you
Your lips are so fine
It let it dip by
all that what you gave make me feel you deep inside
To me its like a sand and sea
I need you by my side
I seek wanna to take further , maybe across that bay
You have the chance like I am seek
If you are the one that meets for me
2012年,主演泰剧《命定天堂》,凭借该剧获得 Mekkala Awards 2012年度最佳男主角奖;同年12月,主演泰剧《善德之源》,凭借该剧获得Dara Daily Great Awards 2012年最具潜质男星奖。
2015年3月,主演泰剧《Kiss Me》(泰版《一吻定情》)饰演TenTen;6月,出演**《万万没想到:西游篇》;2016年,主演网络自制剧《亲爱的,公主病》和都市情感剧《美味奇缘》。2017年,主演电视剧《游泳先生》和《我的奇妙男友2》。
2004年Golf&Mike作为表演嘉宾参与Bird Thongchai McIntyre's For Fan Fun Fair Concert开幕表演,年底受邀参加日本组合News在东京国际论坛的演唱会。
主演泰版《浪漫满屋》的人气男星Mike在发布会上承认,前女友Sara刚产下的孩子的确是他的孩子。 Mike表示自从知道sara怀孕就做好要做爸爸的准备,在产期也有去探视。孩子出生后亲自抱过,看第一眼就直觉确定是自己的孩子,并承诺会一直照顾母子,就算去验DNA也只是让家人安心。并曝光Mike儿子和女友照片,小家伙的眼睛虽然被打上了马赛克,但仍能看出长得非常的帅气,粉嫩嫩的脸蛋长得像老爸,女友一头长长的卷发,有着泰国人的高鼻梁和大眼睛,在Mike的陪伴下许生日愿望,看上去非常的温馨幸福。Mike当爸爸的消息曝光后,网友纷纷送上祝福的同时,更称赞Mike是好男人。出生于1989年的mike11岁进入娱乐圈,曾是全亚洲最大娱乐集团GMM超人气兄弟组合GOLFMIKE,后又与山下智久组团GYM,单飞后主攻电视**。因出演泰版《浪漫满屋》中狂拽邪魅的男主角而在中国走红。