





含义:God is oath 上帝就是誓约。

变体:Lizzy 是Elizabeth的昵称,还可以变化为Liz,Liza,Lizzie,Lizbeth等等。






at ten o'clock dance




Roast boast toast coast

Roast 以字母r开头,把r跟中文拼音的rou肉联系起来记忆,烧烤是烤肉。所以你就记住了roast是烧烤的意思



Coast以字母c开头,把c跟英文单词sea联系起来记忆, 带c的coast 就是海岸线的意思



ab +单词

abnormal absent

意思于原单词相反。normal 是正常的,那么abnormal就是不正常的。sent是送出的那么absent就是没送出,那就是缺席的


再比如nation是词根 意思为国家

national 就是它的形容词




四,把所要背的单词分组,比如每组100个,共50组。第一天,背第一组的100个;第二天不要急着前行,先用比前一天快一倍的速度把第一组的单词过一遍,然后再看第二组的单词;几天以后再复习第一天的单词,以此类推。这样做虽然可能影响背单词的进度,但能有效地巩固所学的内容,以“滚雪球”的方式加深记忆。 人会遗忘,最好的方法是在你正要遗忘的时候复习一下,这相当于对原来记忆进行刺激,会使快要忘记的东西记得很牢。这个方法因人而异,你可以根据自己的记忆力情况,决定复习的周期。如果怕雪球越滚越大,到后来每天的任务越来越艰巨,你也可以先把要背的所有单词都背一遍,采取每第二天只复习前一天的内容方法,等全部背完一遍后再从头来第二遍。 


这是依靠重复某种生理活动来强迫大脑认知的方法,对于大多数人来说是有效的。 当然每个人的习惯各有不同,有的喜好大声朗读所背单词,有的钟爱在白纸上边背边写所需记忆的单词,更有甚者把单词录成卡带,每曰听之方可入眠。真可谓“单词人人会背,各有巧妙不同”。 




对于许多学生朋友来说,背单词不只是为提高词汇量,而更多的是为了应对考试。无论是参加英语四、六级,还是TOEFL或者GRE,检验英语水平的试金石还在于对词汇的运用与解读能力。因此通过大量地接触真题与模拟题,我们才能知道每个单词的“精华”在哪里,从而体会到背单词的乐趣。 此外,另一种有效的检验方法就是通过阅读英文书籍、报刊,来寻找记忆中“似曾相识”的单词。要想所背的单词“刻骨铭心”,还是要靠实践、记忆单词双管齐下,大量的背诵必须和平时的阅读、写作、口语联系起来。 




把每天要背的单词写在纸上,左边写英文,右边写中文意思。先扫视一遍,然后遮住中文意思,进行回忆,没有记住的就做个记号。第二遍只扫视有记号的,然后遮住中文意思,再回忆,没有记住的再做记号。一直到所有单词都记住为止。那些记号最多的单词也就是最难的,今后复习时可以作为重点。这种方法还有一个好处,你可以先从英文背中文意思,然后可以反过来,看着中文回忆英文拼写。 特别提醒 每天背诵的数量和时间要根据自己的具体情况定,背诵要选择一天中头脑清晰、精力充沛的时候进行。此外,记住背单词的三大宗旨:(1)是贵在坚持;(2)是要遵循人的记忆规律,循环复习比一次性记忆有效;(3),背诵的词汇只有真正运用到听、说、读、写各方面,才算“修成正果”。以上方法,你可以取长补短、综合运用;选择适合自己的方法最重要。







The high altitude in 14-25 kilometres of distance earth surface, has formed the ozonosphere , this ozonosphere surrounding in the earth outer-ring space because of accepting the reason why the sun ultraviolet ray irradiates, exactly being an umbrella on which human being rely for existing This it is most people to know that to the ozone all Human being knows that ozone still is before more than 150 years really , Dr brings forward bad smell coming into being in the solution and spark discharge in water and electricity by Germany chemist my deceased Beiyin first , identical with smell coming into being in the Nature lightning queen, my deceased Beiyin doctor thinks that whose smell is similar to naming the person OZEIN from this for the Greek OZEIN (intention "smelting bad") (Ozone) Ozone in Nature, distributes mostly in spur floor 20 Km- - 50 Km atmosphere , we call it an ozonosphere Ozone in ozonosphere is that the ultraviolet ray makes out mainly Everybody knows , ultraviolet ray in sunray divides long wave and short wave two kinds, think that the oxygen molecule in atmosphere (contain 21%) accepts short wave when the ultraviolet ray irradiates, the oxygen molecule is able to break up able atom state The oxygen atom block of wood stability pole is strong , the pole is easy and reaction happened in matter other If (H2O) reaction generates water with hydrogen (H2),with carbon (C), reaction generates a carbon dioxide (C02) Have formed ozone right away when same , comparing with oxygen molecule (O2) reaction, (O3) Ozone forms the queen, because of whose specific gravity greater than oxygen, meeting gradually the bottom to the ozonosphere falls alight , (rise) in the process of build-down with the temperature change, the more the ozone block of wood stability tend towards the irradiation accepting the long wave ultraviolet ray again, restores obviously, once again for oxygen The ozonosphere is the dynamic balance having kept this oxygen and ozone mutual change Have the number ozone after all within so extensive area Estimate to be smaller than atmosphere 1/100,000,p If all ozone of middle concentrates atmosphere have three centimetres infertile layer together, only Then, there exist woollen cloth in if earth surface have ozone The answer is affirmative The sun ultraviolet ray has almost 1% parts to may reach the floor presumedly Especially in air pollution lighter forest, is intermountain , the ultraviolet ray of coast on every side is more, ozone that existence enriches comparatively Besides, the thunder and lightning effect also produces ozone , scatters in the face of the earth Exactly because of so-called, thunder storm afterwards, people feels the air briskness , people also is ready to go round outskirts forest , intermountain , coast to suck nature fresh air , the at the same time enjoying natural beautiful scenery, let the body and mind come to an once unhesitatingly "taking bath" , this are the ozone effect, therefore somebody says ozone is one kind of clean brisk gas (Ozone has the extremely strong oxide , a little ozone may make person feel the spirit gets roused; But, too strong oxide sex also makes the person have the free radical killing and wounding the effect , the detailed idea) Atmosphere the ozonosphere has three effects mainly One is 3063 following mum ultraviolet rays protect the effect , ozonosphere wavelength in being able to absorb a sunlight , is all UV of part of UV B (wavelength 290 ~ 300 mums) sums C (wavelength mainly <290 mums =, protect on earth human being and animal and plant dispense with hurting meeting with the short wave ultraviolet ray Radiation arrives at the floor only when long wave ultraviolet ray UV-A and a few medium wave ultraviolet ray UV-B can , the long wave ultraviolet ray is much slighter than medium wave ultraviolet ray than to hurting of living things cell Therefore the ozonosphere can be existed just like a piece of space suit protects on earth living things multiply for It's two is to heat an effect , ozone absorbs ultraviolet ray in sunlight and the person is changed for the thermal energy heats atmosphere, temperature structure has a peak because of this effect atmosphere in altitude 50 kms retinue , the earth warms up a tier there being existing a litre in 15 ~ 50 kms in the sky Be exactly that ozone existence having stratosphere just now because of existence , because but the celestial body outside the earth ozone and oxygen doing not existing therefore stratosphere doing not existing also right away The atmosphere temperature structure has important effect to the atmosphere circulation , the altitude also coming from ozone distributes this one phenomenon origin It's three is the greenhouse gas effect, before troposphere upper part and the stratosphere bottom, be this one altitude very low in the air temperature, the ozone effect same very important If this one altitude ozone falls off, driving force that can produce messenger surface air temperature go down Therefore, ozone altitude distribution and change are extremely important Ozone is a colourless gas , has peculiar bad smell, need "ozone" because of it That the charged particle flying out from the sun enters atmospheric layer, makes oxygen molecule nuclear fission become the oxygen atom , the part oxygen atom and the oxygen molecule combine but again becoming the ozone molecule Atmosphere from floor 15 ~ 50,000 rice altitudes stratosphere, has concentrated on earth about 90%'s ozone , this has been an "ozonosphere"在距离地球表面14-25公里的高空 ,因受太阳紫外线照射的缘故,形成了包围在地球外围空间的臭氧层,这臭氧层正是人类赖以生存的保护伞。这就是大多数人对臭氧的全部认识。人类真正认识臭氧还是在150多年以前,由德国化学家先贝因(Schanbein)博士首次提出在水电解及火花放电中产生的臭味,同在自然界闪电后产生的气味相同,先贝因博士认为其气味类似于希腊文的OZEIN(意为“难闻”),由此将其命名为OZEIN(臭氧)。




大气臭氧层主要有三个作用。其一为保护作用,臭氧层能够吸收太阳光中的波长3063μm以 下的紫外线,主要是一部分UV—B(波长290~300μm)和全部的UV—C(波长<290μm=,保护地球上的人类和动植物免遭短波紫外线的伤害。只有长波紫外线UV-A和少量的中波紫外线UV-B能够辐射到地面,长波紫外线对生物细胞的 伤害要比中波紫外线轻微得多。所以臭氧层犹如一件宇宙服保护地球上的生物得以生存繁衍 。其二为加热作用,臭氧吸收太阳光中的紫外线并将其转换为热能加热大气,由于这种作用 大气温度结构在高度50km左右有一个峰,地球上空15~50km存在着升温层。正是由于存在着 臭氧才有平流层的存在。而地球以外的星球因不存在臭氧和氧气,所以也就不存在平流层。 大气的温度结构对于大气的循环具有重要的影响,这一现象的起因也来自臭氧的高度分布。其三为 温室气体的作用,在对流层上部和平流层底部,即在气温很 低的这一高度,臭氧的作用同样非常重要。如果这一高度的臭氧减少,则会产生使地面气温 下降的动力。因此,臭氧的高度分布及变化是极其重要的。


表示各种组织或机构的缩略词 。

APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) 亚太经贸合作组织 。

IOC (International Olympic Committee) 国际奥林匹克委员会 。

ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 国际标准化组织 。

OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) 欧佩克,石油输出国组织 。

WTO (World Trade Organization) 世界贸易组织 。

表示各种系统的缩略词 。

BBS (Bulletin Board System) 电子布告栏系统或(Bulletin Board Service)电子布告服务 。

GPS (Global Position System) 全球定位系统 。

GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) 全球移动通信系统。 

CIMS (Computer Integrated Manufacturing System) 计算机集成制造系统 。

DOS (Disc Operating System) 磁盘操作系统 。

ITS (Intelligent Transportation System) 智能交通系统 。

NMD (National Missile Defense) 国家导弹防御系统 。

TMDE (Test, Measure and Diagnostic Euipment) 试验、测量与诊断设备。





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