花样滑冰 figure skating
花样滑冰鞋 figure skate
冰场 ice arena; rink
起滑脚 starting foot
冰刀套 skate guard
花样 pattern
起跳 take off
男子单人滑 men
女子单人滑 ladies
双人滑 pairs
冰舞 ice dancing(包括:规定舞 compulsory dance创编舞 original dance 和 自由舞 free dance)
自由滑 free skating
短节目 short program
特种圆形 advanced figure
半周、半圆 half-circle
旋转 spin
燕式旋转 arabesque spin
倒滑;退滑 back skating
直立滑行 ride
冰上表演 ice show
艺术印象 artistic impression
附加动作 additional move
前一周半跳 axel-paulsen(源自阿克塞尔·保尔森,19世纪挪威花样溜冰选手)
旋转轴 axle of revolution
倒滑压步 back cross over
后内刃 back in
后内括弧形 back in bracket
后内变刃形 back in change
后内圆形 back in circle
后内外勾形 back in counter
后内结环形 back in loop
后内勾形 back in rocker
后内环绕,后内螺旋形 back in spiral
后辅刃 back out
后内括弧形 back out bracket
后外变刃形 back out change
后外圆形 back out circle
后外勾形 back out counter
后外结环形 back out loop
后外环绕,后外螺旋形 back out spiral
环绕图形 spiral figure
单脚蹲转 Haines spin
单脚直立旋转 one-foot upright spin
单脚括弧形 paragraph bracket
单脚结环形 paragraph loop
单个动作 individual part
单人旋转 solo spin
抱身 hand-to-body grip
连接动作 connecting move
连接步 connecting step
步法 footwork
技术水平 technical merit
侧翻举 cartwheel lift
变刃 change of edge
借跳 partner-assisted jump
旋转动作 spinning movement
滑脚 employed foot;gliding foot;tracting foot
滑步 glide
滑弧线 curved stroke
滑区 skating area
编排 combination
硬转身 forced turn
集体动作 group move
外刃 outside;outer edge
内刃 inner edge;inside
右脚外刃 right outside
右脚内刃 right inside
用刀刃蹬冰 stroke from the edge
用刀齿蹬冰 stroke from the point of the skate
握臂 hand-to-arm grip
携手 hand-to-hand grip
稳健 sureness
撑竿式跳 pole vaule jump
横一字 spread eagle
镜子滑 mirror skating
刀齿旋转 pirouette;toe-scratch
刀齿向下 toe of the skate pointing downward
刀齿蹬冰 toe push
双人旋转 pair spin
分腿 split
分腿举 split lift
平刃旋转 flat-foot spin
规定图形滑 skating of prescribed movements
同脚变刃的前进跳跃 forward jump
前刃变后刃半周跳 Mohawk
评分 assign marks
人工冷冻冰场 artificially frozen rink
“6”字形 figure six
“8”字形 curve eight
浮脚 free foot
双人动作 pair move
转体 turn
转体半周 half turn
转体两周 double turn
圆形滑 concentric stroking
同足后内结环一周跳 one-foot Salchow jump
异足后外结环一周跳 half loop jump
后内点冰一周跳 flip jump;toe Salchow
后内点冰“3”字跳 half toe Salchow
(1)花样滑冰(figure skating)。
(2)速度滑冰(speed skating)。
(3)短道速滑(short track speed skating)。
(1)高山滑雪(alpine skiing)。
(2)越野滑雪(cross-country skiing)。
(3)自由式滑雪(freestyle skiing)。
(4)北欧两项(Nordic combined)。
(5)跳台滑雪(ski jumping)。
(3)冰球(ice hockey)。
花样滑冰 figure skating长节目 long program (LP)短节目 short program (SP)正直立转 Upright spin反直立转 backward spin蹲转 sit spin燕式旋转 camel spin跳接旋转 flying spin 也包括 flying camel,flying sit,转三 three turn括弧步 bracket step内勾和外勾 rockers莫霍克步 mohawks捻转步 twizzles大一字步 splits jump鲍步 Ina Bauer燕式步 spirals华尔兹跳 waltz jump阿克谢尔跳(一周半) Axel Jump勾手跳 Lutz Jump后外点冰跳 Toe Loop后内点冰跳 Flip Jump后外结环跳 Loop Jump后内结环跳 Salcow Jump国际滑冰联盟International Skating Union (ISU)冬季奥林匹克运动会 Winter Olympics世界花样滑冰锦标赛 World Figure Skating Championships世界青少年花样滑冰锦标赛 World Junior Figure Skating Championships欧洲花样滑冰锦标赛 European Figure Skating Championships四大洲花样滑冰锦标赛 Four Continents Figure Skating Championships国际滑联花样滑冰大奖赛 ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating
Figure skating is one of the sports on ice Athletes draw figures on the ice with skates and perform difficult movements such as jumping and spinning Figure skating judges will give a comprehensive score based on the quality and artistic performance of the movements, with a maximum of 6 points对照译文:
3字小跳步 Mazurka jump
3字形 figure-three
6字形 figure-six
8字形 figure-eight ; figure of eight
S形接续步 serpentine step
阿克塞尔·鲍尔森跳 Axel Paulsen jump
半转体 semi-pivot
鲍尔森跳 Paulsen jump
变刃前(的)牵引 pull before exchange of edge
变刃型曲线滑行 serpentine
冰刀 ice skate blade
冰刀刃 edge
冰上芭蕾 ice ballet
冰上表演 ice show; ice revue
冰上高跳 ice high jump
冰上节目 ice show; ice revue
冰舞 figure dance; ice dancing
冰鞋 skating boots; skates
并立背后握手姿势 Kilian position
不转体(的)变刃 rockover
步法变化 variability of the steps
侧翻举 cartwheel lift
侧面停止 hockey step
长平刃 long flat
场地利用 utilization of area
撑杆式跳跃 pole-vault jump
成比例(的)图形 proportional size of circle
单个动作 individual part
单脚三字型 paragraph three
单脚蹲转 Jackson Hanes spin ; Jackson Hanes waltz
单脚结环形 loop change loop; paragraph loop
单脚括弧形 bracket change; paragraph bracket
单脚平刃旋转 flat foot spin
单脚平转 flat foot spin
单脚双3字形 paragraph double-three
单足直立块转 upright spin
刀齿旋转 pirouette
点冰脚 push-off leg
蹬离冰面 push off
动作难度系数 factor
蹲冰转弯 wendung
蹲踞躬身转 lay-back sit spin
蹲踞旋转 Jackson Hanes waltz
菲利浦跳 Flip jump
附加动作 additional move
钩手跳 Lutz jump
惯量主轴 principal axis of inertia
规尺圆 pivot circle
规定的成套舞蹈 prescribed pattern dance
过分扭转身体的动作 contortion of body exaggerated
后内点冰一周(菲利浦跳) Flip jump
后内钩手不点冰一周 Pat Lowe jump
后内接后外钩手一周跳 Walley jump
后内结环形 inside back loop
后内结环一周跳 Salchow jump
后内刃转 natural rotation
后内外钩一周跳 Walley jump
后外钩点冰一周跳 Lutz jump
华尔兹旋转 waltz spin
滑半圆 semi-pivot
滑冰技巧 acrobatic roller
滑冰运动的流行 epidemic of skating
滑的失去控制 go to a skid
借力跳 partner-assisted jump
记录表 score table
记录处 scoring office
记录单 card
记录卡片 marking card
记录设备 monitoring device
记录员 secretary
记录装置 recording device
见习裁判 probationary judge
结环形 loop; pig’s ear
空中转体半周 revolution of 180(du) in the air
空中转体一周 revolution of 360(du) in the air
跨步跳 leap
括弧步 bracket step
括弧跳 bracket jump
括弧形 bracket
连接动作 linking movement
卢茨跳 Lutz jump
马祖卡跳 Mazurka jump
梅普斯跳 Mapes jump
莫霍克跳 Mohawk jump
内钩手形 fore in rocker
内刃圆形 in circle; inside circle; inside figure
内一字 inside spread eagle
帕特·洛跳 Pat Lowe jump
跑跳步 run step
起跳脚 push-off leg
前进变刃 forward change
前进单脚括弧形 forward paragraph bracket
前进内转 forward in; forward inside
前进外转 forward outside
前进小跳 bunny hop
前内3字形 fore in three
前内8字形 fore inside circle eight
前内变刃 fore in change
前内规尺 forward inside pivot
前内结环形 fore in loop; inside forward loop
花样滑冰是技巧与艺术性相结合的一个冰上运动项目。运动员在冰上滑行中做出各种姿势的跳跃和旋转,裁判员根据动作评分,决定名次。 花样滑冰的竞赛项目,包括单人滑、双人滑和冰上舞蹈。单人滑分男女两种,除完成规定图形、规定自由滑外,还可由运动员自选音乐,在规定时间内完成一套自由滑动作。规定图形是在冰上滑出各种规定的图形花样;自由滑是用结合跳跃和旋转的各种不同的步法,随着音乐的韵律和节拍,在规定的时间内滑出优美的动作。单人滑的规定图形有十七种,共八十二种滑法,世界比赛只滑其中的九种图形,并将其分为三组。用抽签的方法,从两组中确定其中一组的三个图形进行比赛。 规定自由滑共有四组,每组七个规定动作。每次比赛只滑其中一组由国际滑联规定。 双人滑内容除凌晨人滑的动作外,还包括双人旋转、托举、跳跃、和双人步法等双人协同、配合完成动作。 阔步舞蹈不允许有典型的双人滑动作,只允许在冰上做一些步伐和姿态的表演。
滑冰在向速度方面发展的同时,也随之变化着花样。出现花样滑冰是近百年的事。由于十八世纪欧洲冶铁工业的发展,铁制冰刀代替了骨制冰刀,但刀身下面没有沟漕,因此只能滑螺旋线、屈膝大一字、燕式平衡及各种切替步等简单动作。尽管如此,冰上的花样滑法引起了人们的极大兴趣。 美国的芭蕾舞表演艺术家杰克逊海因斯别出心裁地把滑冰运动与舞蹈艺术揉为一体,赋予了花样滑冰以新的面貌。1863年,他来到欧洲,在斯德哥尔摩、柏林、布达佩斯、彼得堡、赫尔辛基等城市作巡回表演;1868年,他来到世界名城奥地利的维也纳 ,在冰场上他伴随着音乐,穿着冰鞋,跳起了当时最流行的华尔姿舞、玛组卡舞和卡德里舞,特别是他表演的吨蹲踞旋转,以敏捷的步伐和优美的舞姿轰动了维也纳,奥地利国王约瑟夫一世大加赞赏。于是,许多人纷纷拜他为师,并成立了花样滑冰俱乐部,开始了专门的练习,还进行了一些比赛。1868年,召开了第一次美洲美洲滑冰代表会议,决定了一些有关花样滑冰的竞赛方法。从此,花样滑冰运动开展得更广泛了。 1872年奥地利人举行了世界第一次花样滑冰比赛。1882年,奥地利花栗滑冰选手弗列依和他的妻子在维也纳冰场手拉手跳起了双人舞,在场的人都为他们新颖的动作和协调的配合所吸引。此后,双人滑诞生了。 1892年在荷兰的阿姆斯特丹召开了第一次各国滑冰协会代表的联席会议。荷兰、德国、奥地利、匈牙利、英国、瑞典等国十六名代表参加了会议,制定了竞赛规则,并决定率处举行一次世界速度滑冰、花样滑冰锦标赛及欧洲供给样滑冰、速滑锦标赛。成立了国际联合会,会址设在瑞士的达沃斯,并规定每两年举行一次代表大会。 1896年在俄国彼得堡举行了第一次世界男子单人花样滑冰锦标赛,当时仅有四人参加。1906年在瑞士达沃斯举行了第一次世界女子单人花样滑冰锦标赛。 1908年在伦敦举行的奥运会花样滑冰比赛中,俄国选手巴宁夺得了男子单人滑冠军。他在这届比赛中设计和制造了第一双现代供给样滑冰刀。由于冰刀的改革,为供给样滑冰技术的发展开辟了新的前景。同年,在俄国彼得堡举行了第一次世界双人花样滑冰锦标赛。1952年在法国巴黎举行了世界冰上舞蹈锦标赛。世界花样滑冰锦标赛从1896年至于982年已举行过七十二届;冬季奥运会花样滑冰比赛至1980年已举行了十三届。频繁的国际比赛,大大促进了冰上运动的广泛开展。
Combining artistic skills with figure skating is a sport ice Heineken taxiing athletes in a variety of positions agility and spin moves under score referees decide rankings Figure skating competitions, including single skating, ice dance and double slide Two single skating men and women, in addition to completing graphics Free Figure regulations, but also by the demand music players, in a specified time to complete a Free Figure action Graphic ice slid off the various provisions in the graphic pattern; Free Figure rotation is combined with agility and the various steps, with the rhythm and beats of the music at the time skidded off the graceful movements Graphics is the single skating 17, a total of 82 kinds of slide, the slide only nine games graphics will be divided into three groups Using the method of drawing lots from a group which identified two of the three graphics Games Free Figure provides a total of four groups, each of the seven moves Competition is only one of each slide Guojihualian provided by the group Double slide in addition to the morning skating movements, it also includes 84 rotating, lift, jump, and 84 other 84-step coordination with the completion of action Allowed to dance with their typical 84-slip movement, allowing the ice to do some pace and profile of performances Origin and Development of figure skating to speed skating at the same time, however, changes with tricks There are nearly 100 years of figure skating Since the 18th century, European metal fabrication industries, metal ice skates instead of ice skates bone system, but did not add the following ditch channels Therefore only spiral slide, the first big knees, Yan balance, and various simple Kirikae further action Nevertheless, the ice Huayanghua law was a matter of great interest American Ballet performing artists try to put Jackson Hayes rubbed skating movement and dance as one given a figure skating with a new outlook In 1863, he went to Europe, Stockholm, Berlin, Budapest, St Petersburg ;1868 Helsinki and other cities for the tour, he came to the world the city of Vienna, Austria Along with his music market in the ice, wearing skates, in the spring of 1730, then the most popular dance posture Martinsen Kadri dance groups and dance cards, In particular, he performed tons SJS rotation to the quick pace and beautiful dancing sensation Vienna, Joseph King Austria life much appreciated So many people have worshiped him as a teacher, established the figure skating club and began a special exercise There has also been some competition In 1868, held the first American representatives of American skating, figure skating competitions and decisions on some of the methods Since then, more extensive campaign of figure skating Austrians were first held in 1872 in the world figure skating tournament 1882, Austria Hanakuri ice skater Sykora skating rink in Vienna, according to his wife and leapt into the outstretched hands in public, They are new to the scene and coordinated with the action attracted After 84 slide was born 1892 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands held the first joint meeting of representatives of national skating association Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Britain, Sweden, and other representatives from 16 countries attended the meeting and formulated the rules of the game Speaking at a rate of the world and decided to speed skating, figure skating championships and the European supply skating, speed skating championships Establishment of the International Federation, at a venue in Davos, Switzerland, and provides Congress is held once every two years Russia was held in St Petersburg in 1896 in the first men's World Figure Skating Championships, then only four participants 1906 in Davos, Switzerland, at the first world women's single figure skating championships 1908 Olympic figure skating tournament held in London, the Russian player Nanzishanrenhua BA Ning won the championship In this year's competition, he designed and produced the first modern supply-skating knife Since the reform of ice skates, skating to supply technology for the development of new prospects The same year, held in St Petersburg, Russia in the first 84 World Figure Skating Championships 1952 in Paris, France at the World Ice Dance Championships As for the 4982 World Figure Skating Championships from 1896, has held 72 sessions; Winter Olympics figure skating competition has been held for 13 to 1980 Frequent international competitions, greatly promoting the widespread launch of the ice sports
英 [sket] 美 [sket]
1、Famous marathon ice-skatings athlete Xiao Erde undertook on ice stadium a series of ice-skating first-rately to experiment and slip smoothly run
2、In the future the international standard skating rinks in the center can be used for ice sport competitions in China
3、I also like swiming, skating and skiing
4、You know how I love sledding, skiing, and ice-skating!
5、Next to skiing my favourite sport is skating
6、You know I love sledding, skiing and ice-skating!
英 [sket] 美 [sket]
A:Hey John, nice skates Are they new
B:Yeah, I just got them I started playing ice hockey in a community league So, I finally got myself new skates
A:What position do you play
B:I’m a defender It’s a lot of fun You don’t have to be able to skate as fast on defense
A:Yeah, you’re a pretty big guy I play goalie, myself
B:Oh, yeah Which team
A:The Rockets
B:Really I think we play you guys next week Well, I have to go to practice See you later
A:All right, see you later
英 ['asket] 美 ['asket]
1、He turned his ankle while ice-skating
2、The village party secretary Li Bao-liang, said January 15 at 4 pm, the village children aged 9 and small partners, Jun-Tao Li Chao public ice-skating when the Yellow River, Li Chao accidentally fall into the Yellow River in the congregation
该村支书李保良说,1 月 15 日下午 4 时许,村里 9 岁儿童李超众和小伙伴李俊涛在黄河边冰面上溜冰时,李超众不小心掉入黄河中。
3、Where's that book you're reading with two women who are ice-skating
4、I went ice-skating with some friends from work
5、I'm not very fond of ice-skating
6、In Korea, I can make the snowman and the ice-skating
7、But I thought you were going ice-skating
滑冰ice skating;skating;skate;skiing;
速度滑冰speed skating;r Eisschnell-Lauf;speed skin theing;
花样滑冰Figure skating;twinkle toes skating;r Eiskunstlauf;Skating;
滑冰场skating rink;rink;
滑冰航行skate sailing
滑冰姿式skating position
滑冰 [huá bīng] [滑冰]基本解释
[滑冰]百科解释滑冰(skating),亦称“冰嬉”,很多人认为,滑冰是从外国传来的“洋玩意”,事实上,早在宋代,我国就已经有了滑冰运动,不过,那时不叫滑冰,而称之为“冰嬉”。“冰嬉”包括速度滑冰、花样滑冰以及冰上杂技等多种项目。 更多→ 滑冰
[滑冰]近义词 溜冰 [滑冰]相关词语 雪橇 溜冰 滑水 雪车 冰刀 冰鞋 冰球 滑雪 冰壶 艺术体操 花样滑冰 [滑冰]相关搜寻 滑冰场 滑冻的滑有哪些成语 滑冻的滑四字成语 花样滑冰