3.14白色情人节寓意是什么 白色情人节什么意思

3.14白色情人节寓意是什么 白色情人节什么意思,第1张








白色情人节,(英语:White Day;日语:ホワイトデー),订于3月14日,一般认为是对于西方情人节的延续,最早起源于公元三世纪时的罗马。



“白色情人节”这个日子无法考证是从哪一年开始的。不过可以确定的是,一定先有西洋的2月14日情人节,才有白色情人节。因为“白色情人节”是3月14日。这个日子之所以订在3月14日,也许是因为在2月14日若你收到异性表达爱意送的情人礼物,而你也对对方有好感,就要在3月14日回送一份礼物,表示me too——“我也爱你”。

根据日本全国饴菓子工业协同组合的解说,「白色情人节」定在3月14日的原因是由于公元三世纪时,罗马帝国皇帝克劳狄二世在首都罗马宣布废弃所有婚姻的承诺,下令全国男子都要从军。一名叫华伦泰(Sanctus Valentinus)的神父没有遵照这个旨意而继续为相恋的男女举行婚礼。事情被告发后,华伦泰神父被捸捕,最后在公元270年2月14日这天被送上了绞架被绞死。而在一个月后的3月14日,这对受到神父帮助的恋人宣誓恋情将至死不渝,为纪念这天,于是定为白色情人节。














白色情人节(英语:White Day;日语:ホワイトデー;),订于3月14日,为纯粹的商业营销手段产物。

3月14日是白色情人节。白色情人节流行于日本、中国台湾等地区,是我们所知道的西方情人节的延续,在送礼方面也不同:具体为2月14日男方送女方一份礼物,主要是玫瑰花或者巧克力。(只是中国大陆和英美法)3月14日白色情人节,就该轮到女方送男方礼物了。(日本,中国台湾是刚好相反的,2月14日是女生送巧克力,3月14日是男生回礼~) 在日本,通常欲告白的女方会在情人节(2月14日)的时候送礼给心仪的对象,而收到礼物的一方,则会在3月14日回礼并告诉女方自己的心意。亚洲部分地区的年轻人亦会庆祝这个节日。

又叫返情人节,指的是在情人节收到礼物,则在一个月后的 3月14日 回馈礼物,当然仅仅是回馈你想回的那个人。














根据日本全国饴菓子工业协同组合的解说,「白色情人节」定在3月14日的原因是由于公元三世纪时,罗马帝国皇帝克劳狄二世在首都罗马宣布废弃所有婚姻的承诺,下令全国男子都要从军。一名叫华伦泰(Sanctus Valentinus)的神父没有遵照这个旨意而继续为相恋的男女举行婚礼。事情被告发后,华伦泰神父被罗马政府捸捕,最后在公元270年2月14日这天被送上了绞架被绞死。而在一个月后的3月14日,这对获救的恋人宣誓恋情将至死不渝,为纪念这天于是另定为白色情人节。但是这个解说是完全没有历史根据的。




皇后恋曲 纯手工曲奇是“白色情人节”的主要礼物,来源于英国的音乐家爱德华·埃尔加夫妇的爱情故事,因为爱德华的作曲灵感就是来源于他妻子所制作的纯手工曲奇——皇后恋曲,所以纯手工曲奇所代表的是女生对男生的温柔、体贴、及爱意,所以成为了女士回礼给男士的重要礼物



“白色情人节”源于欧洲国家,于上世纪70年代被日本人所接受并广泛流传。逐渐地,“白色情人节” 流行于日本、韩国、中国台湾省等地区,是我们所知道的西方情人节的延续。






“白色情人节”这个日子无法考证是从哪一年开始的。不过可以确定的是,一定先有西洋的2月14日情人节,才有白色情人节。因为“白色情人节”是 3月14日。这个日子之所以订在 3月14日,也许是因为在2月14日若你收到异性表达爱意送的情人礼物,而你也对对方有好感,就要在3月14日回送一份礼物,表示 me too“我也爱你”。


1月14日 Diary Day 日记情人节

2月14日 Valentine’s Day 传统情人节

3月14日 White Day 白色情人节

4月14日 Black Day 黑色情人节

5月14日 Yellow &Rose Day 玫瑰情人节

6月14日 Kiss Day 亲亲情人节

7月14日 Silver Day 银色情人节

8月14日 Green Day 绿色情人节

9月14日 Music &Photo Day 相片情人节

10月14日 Wine Day 葡萄酒情人节

11月14日 Orange & Movie Day **情人节

12月14日 Hug Day 拥抱情人节


White Valentine 1999年

片名 :白色情人节

导演 / 编剧 : 梁允浩

主演 : 朴信阳、全智贤

更多外文片名: Hwaiteu ballenta-in(South Korea)

导演: 梁允浩 Yun-ho Yang

编剧: Eun-kyeong Lee

主演: 朴信阳 Shin-yang Park Hyun-jun、全智贤 Gianna Jun Jung-min、全茂松 Mu-song Jeon

影片类型: 爱情

片长:101 min










英文:White Day

阿拉伯语:يوم أبيض

俄语:Белый день

希腊语:∧ευκή Ημέρα


Used to send female 214 male, 314 for boys return

Do not pay attention to now, the couple were each sent an IM conversation between

12 year Valentine's Day

I do not know is because of people's loyalty to the faith of love, or on the speculation business, now in year, on the 14th of each month, together with the traditional St Valentine's Day, has 12 different Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day Diary (diary day)

January 14 On this day, couples will love each other enough for a full year record of violations of the diaries, as a symbol of the two will work together through the coming year, leaving more memory better

And the single girls in the beginning of the new year, enjoy themselves and the people have expressed plans to write in their diaries, in the hearts of sowing the seeds of love

White Day (White Day)

March 14 is White Day Everyone should be very familiar with, the popular explanation is that if boys and 214 girls received presents, at one month after it should have a reply to the White Day White popular in Japan, Korea, Taiwan and other regions is that we are aware of the continuation of the Western Valentine's Day is also the first "non-mainstream" Valentine's Day, but also other "non-mainstream," the pilot of Valentine's Day In fact, the birth of White Day is a fully-fledged "commercial plot"

White Day first born in 1977, from Japan, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City, dessert (fruit) manufacturers "Wansheng Village Church" initiated in order to preach the party received a token in return should give each other sweets as a means of promotion , the first holiday known as the "free candy day" (Day AverageャンをるDay gifts) Since 1980, because of the sugar used in candy is white, so as "White Day"

Shortly afterwards, a chocolate manufacturers find that they can make a profit on this holiday and, therefore, begin the promotion of white chocolate, and now, in this day in return, in addition to candy and white chocolate, but also including other types of gifts

At present, about Valentine's Day and White Day, the first man in the end is a gift or gifts to the woman is no longer an open question, the focus of this is the holiday so that both men and women love the yuan can have a mind to play with the timing of self-expression, the corresponding There are, of course, can also take the opportunity to make a profit

Black Valentine's Day (Black Day)

恶搞like, like April 14, Valentine's Day is black First name probably will be able to listen to know the meaning of a fraction with "光棍节" almost, it is said that this section comes from Korea

It seems that this Valentine's Day is not a过情人节from the crowd怨念: Although not the world can ever lovers, and even once owned, or旷男怨女Who can not be isolated过情人节 "Black Valentine's Day" is the single people who belong to lovers of the day Neither the previous two months, they may receive a small gift sweet, no one can send chocolates, but on April 14 that day, everybody together, encourage each other, come on up, turn grief into strength, but also look terrific on the surface very Cheers to the elimination of the lonely sense of languishing

Is to say, but they can also single happy day, people make their own holidays to live in a world full of black, wearing black suits, black hats, black shoes, made of noodles to eat black beans , do not add a cup of coffee creamer, coffee and enjoy the bitter flavor, so that a temporary hell with love!

Valentine's Day Yellow Rose (Yellow and Rose Day)

May 14 is Valentine's Day, if you have to 5 months, do you or no progress has been made, on this day wearing a yellow shirt or yellow suit, yellow curry rice to eat, everyone is told: "I am still available (I still single)! "imply the best Spring fills the air with warmth, will be wearing a yellow body, is quite consistent with the seasonal atmosphere Roses in May is the season of germination, fit out and pleasant weather, many couples have chosen this day to the outdoor相携Ta-Qing, May 14 so there is also "Rose Valentine's Day" was

Valentine's Day at the Rose is also a day for example, give red roses is love talk; send white roses that are still hesitant outstanding; if sent a bouquet of yellow roses, that is to say, see you cough

Valentine's Day kiss (Kiss Day)

June 14 of course, can not escape Valentine's Day kiss, this is a lovers belong to the important holiday in pairs, at this day, couples are no longer shy, you can openly kiss the scale used to express the depth of each other's love Of course,花前月下, such as a romantic candlelight dinner atmosphere, a kiss Oh De Ding Qing but helpful! In this day, all over the world will have different kinds of "kissing contest" was held

Valentine's Day Silver (Silver Day)

And July 14 is a silver Valentine's Day is to go home with your loved one give How I Met Your Mother Know, or introduce you to the other by the well respected elders opportunities Of course, this day of all expenses, by the "elders cute" foot the bill, but you'd better make sure that the elders are very familiar with this holiday Valentine's Day is also a couple of silver each other silver gifts, jewelry day银戒traditional practices are engaged, so you have to buy this one right, to wear at the hands of the witness as a sweet mood

Green Valentine's Day (Green Day)

August 14, called Green Valentine's Day, this is not what to environmental protection, green Valentine's Day of course, thick forests and not from the relationship Hot summer afternoon, and you may wish to make a trip to the other half of the forest cool and refreshing trip to enjoy the outdoor nature, healthy and happy through the day

Music Valentine's Day Valentine's Day with the photograph (Music Day & Photo Day)

The name of the super-long Valentine's Day will be September 14 at that day Music Valentine's Day is the day to organize large-scale social activities轻歌曼舞days, your sweetheart will also introduce to friends, colleagues recognize a good opportunity And single family, but also to take this opportunity to see if there is no activity at the scene of the object of their choice Many couples enjoy in this day of clear blue sky in this photo, so September 14 is also known as the "Valentine's Day Photos"

Valentine's Day wine (Wine Day)

October 14, the day轻啜wine lovers to celebrate the autumn poetic Usually choose to小两口romantic and unique restaurant for dinner, and then talk to each other on the future planning, as well as topics such as the common goal

Orange Film Festival and the lovers on Valentine's Day (Orange Day Movie Day)

November 14, Valentine's Day movie that day, the couple can not even get two movies, perhaps look at an exciting action film vent stress, and then moving back a piece of romantic love each other拭泪water After reading the two also added water, and a glass of orange juice full health bar! Single person that day to a cup of orange juice, of course, happy to drink a glass or two of the没人管also Fruit juice appears to be to want to come out of the holiday

Embrace Valentine's Day (Hug Day)

December 14, the lover you want and how long it can hold in the open embrace of the occasion, declared to the world the love you both, and let the cold winter has become particularly warm Especially those who have been sweet to celebrate February 14 Valentine's Day-ting Warren couple, to the end of the year can still embraced, also witnessed two complex as ever

Happy White Valentine's Day!














  Of Love


  The stage is more beholding to love, than the life of man For as to the stage, love is ever matter of comedies, and now and then of tragedies; but in life it doth much mischief; sometimes like a siren, sometimes like a fury


  You may observe, that amongst all the great and worthy persons (whereof the memory remaineth, either ancient or recent) there is not one, that hath been transported to the mad degree of love: which shows that great spirits, and great business, do keep out this weak passion You must except, nevertheless, Marcus Antonius, the half partner of the empire of Rome, and Appius Claudius, the decemvir and lawgiver; whereof the former was indeed a voluptuous man, and inordinate; but the latter was an austere and wise man: and therefore it seems (though rarely) that love can find entrance, not only into an open heart, but also into a heart well fortified, if watch be not well kept


  It is a poor saying of Epicurus, Satis magnum alter alteri theatrum sumus; as if man, made for the contemplation of heaven, and all noble objects, should do nothing but kneel before a little idol, and make himself a subject, though not of the mouth (as beasts are), yet of the eye; which was given him for higher purposes


  It is a strange thing, to note the excess of this passion, and how it braves the nature, and value of things, by this; that the speaking in a perpetual hyperbole, is comely in nothing but in love Neither is it merely in the phrase; for whereas it hath been well said, that the arch-flatterer, with whom all the petty flatterers have intelligence, is a man's self; certainly the lover is more For there was never proud man thought so absurdly well of himself, as the lover doth of the person loved; and therefore it was well said, That it is impossible to love, and to be wise Neither doth this weakness appear to others only, and not to the party loved; but to the loved most of all, except the love be reciproque For it is a true rule, that love is ever rewarded, either with the reciproque, or with an inward and secret contempt


  By how much the more, men ought to beware of this passion, which loseth not only other things, but itself! As for the other losses, the poet's relation doth well figure them: that he that preferred Helena, quitted the gifts of Juno and Pallas For whosoever esteemeth too much of amorous affection, quitteth both riches and wisdom


  This passion hath his floods, in very times of weakness; which are great prosperity, and great adversity; though this latter hath been less observed: both which times kindle love, and make it more fervent, and therefore show it to be the child of folly They do best, who if they cannot but admit love, yet make it keep quarters; and sever it wholly from their serious affairs, and actions, of life; for if it check once with business, it troubleth men's fortunes, and maketh men, that they can no ways be true to their own ends


  I know not how, but martial men are given to love: I think, it is but as they are given to wine; for perils commonly ask to be paid in pleasures


  There is in man's nature, a secret inclination and motion, towards love of others, which if it be not spent upon some one or a few, doth naturally spread itself towards many, and maketh men become humane and charitable; as it is seen sometime in friars


  Nuptial love maketh mankind; friendly love perfecteth it; but wanton love corrupteth, and embaseth it



  (1) 古希腊神话,传说地中海有魔女,歌喉动听,诱使过往船只陷入险境。

  (2) 原文为“Flries”,传说中的地狱之神。

  (3) 安东尼,恺撒部将。后因迷恋女色而战败被杀。克劳底亚,古罗马执政官,亦因好色而被杀。

  (4) 埃辟克拉斯(前342--前270年),古罗马哲学家。

  (5) 古希腊神话,传说天后赫拉,智慧之神密纳发和美神维纳斯,为争夺金苹果,请特洛伊王子评判。三神各许一愿, 密纳发许以智慧,维纳斯许以美女海伦,天后许以财富。结果王子把金苹果给了维纳斯。





白色情人节,(英语:White Day;日语:ホワイトデー),订于3月14日,一般认为是对于西方情人节的延续,最早起源于公元三世纪时的罗马。


白色情人节流行于日本、中国台湾等地区,在送礼方面也不同:具体为2月14日男方送女方一份礼物,主要是玫瑰花或者巧克力(只是中国大陆和英美法),3月14日白色情人节,就该轮到女方送男方礼物了,(日本,中国台湾是刚好相反的,2月14日是女生送巧克力,3月14日是男生回礼) 在日本,通常欲告白的女方会在情人节(2月14日)的时候送礼给心仪的对象,而收到礼物的一方,则会在3月14日回礼并告诉女方自己的心意。亚洲部分地区的年轻人亦会庆祝这个节日。


期盼和幸福。 White白色:保护感、充满灵性、神圣、和平、纯洁、真实、诚挚和力量、清洁、清纯、浪漫、爽朗、潇洒、高贵、明白、纯粹、澄明、清爽、尊敬、纯净、简洁、谦卑、精密、清白、青春、出生相传,2月14日,男孩送女孩给礼物(一般为玫瑰花)。经过一个月的考虑和考察,到了3月14日,如果女孩回赠男孩礼物(一般送巧克力),就表示女孩认可男孩,可以谈恋爱了。 因此3月14日又称为白色情人节。







  其实,白色情人节即White Day,起源于日本的民间传说:2月14日ValentineDay原本是女孩子对男孩子诉诸情意的日子,由女孩子送情人节朱古力给男孩子。










  Valentine(圣瓦伦丁)这个英文字的字义是数个圣人名字, 最有名的两位殉教者均为克劳第斯(Claudius)帝时代的人, 纪念日为2月14日, (St Valentine's Day)圣瓦伦丁纪念日除了被认为是鸟类选择伴侣和交配的日子外, 亦可解释为情人节所选出的情人, 亦或在情人节通常以带有伤感或滑稽之内容来赠送恋人的匿名信或卡片, 还有就是情人节所送的礼物。

  而此节日就从欧洲开始流传到世界其它地方。现在白色情人节是男生对女生表达心意的日子 。





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