


On September 17, 2021, the Beijing Winter Olympic Games and winter Paralympic Games issued the theme slogan - "towards the future together" 

On October 18, the flame of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games was successfully lit in Greece On October 20, the Beijing Winter Olympic flame arrived in Beijing

 On November 15, the new MV of the theme slogan promotion song "together to the future" of 2022 Winter Olympic Games and winter Paralympic Games was officially launched on the whole platform



Beijing Olympic Games gives the world so many surprises, we show our new image to the world Many Chinese heroes fought for the right to hold the Olympic Games, finally we made it Now we are also successful in winning the right to hold the winter Olympic Games Our insistence helps us to make so many miracles


Beijing has become the only city to hold the summer and winter Olympic Games so far, we are so proud of it But the road to achieve this amazing phenomenon is such tough Early in the 1990s, we started to compete for the vote, but the world did not know our country, the judgers believed that our country was far away from the qualification So we were rejected again and again Thanks to the insistent effort, we won the vote and fulfilled this dream Two days ago, we won another vote for holding the winter Olympic Games Two times to win the rights is such inspiring news, we are creating miracle all the time


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Presidentof the International Olympic Committee Thomas Bach announcing the winning bidto host the 2022 Winter Olympic Games at the 128th International OlympicCommittee session in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The InternationalOlympic Committee has picked Beijing, China, as the host city for the 2022Winter Olympic games The committee came together in Kuala Lumpur, Friday, andpicked Beijing over Almaty, Kazakhstan

China is areliable partner because we always honor our commitment,Wei Jizhong, a senior consultant for the Beijing bid, told the Chinese newsagency Xinhua before the vote The Beijing 2008 Summer Games are a perfectexample





我爱冰壶The game of curling is more than 500 years old The earliest written record of curling — of groups of people sliding stones on frozen ponds and lochs (an arm of the sea that is similar to a fjord) in competition — are found at Scotland’s Paisley Abbey and date back to 1541Curling for men was played at the first Olympic Winter Games at Chamonix, France, in 1924, but curling did not appear again as an official Olympic sport until the Nagano 1998 Winter Games with both men’s and women’s tournamentsHow It WorksAt the Olympic Winter Games, curling consists of two events: a women’s tournament and a men’s tournament Each tournament starts with 10 curling teams Two teams play against each other at a time The game is played on ice, and the two teams take turns pushing 191-kilogram stones towards a series of concentric rings or circles The object is to get the stones as close to the centre of the rings as possibleOne game consists of 10 “ends” (similar to innings in baseball) During each end, each four-person team “throws” (in fact, slides along the ice) eight stones — two stones per person and 16 altogether Team members sweep the ice clean in front of each stone to control the stone’s direction, known as its “curl,” and the stone’s speed The team with the most points — more stones closer to the centre of the rings — at the conclusion of 10 ends, is the winner

Zhao Hongbo who was born in November 13, 1978 got the first

prize for China in 2010 Winter Olympics on February 15, in the

pairs' free skating

Hearing the exciting news, I feel very proud of him As a

Chinese, I'm extremly happy to see the resultEveryone wants to

see a stronger country of his

According to the point, I think I should do something

meaningful and make every effort to help my own

countryThough I couldnot be a sporter, I will use what I

learned to acchive my dream



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