

Beijing and the northern Chinese city of Zhangjiakou are bidding for the 2022 Winter Olympics The Chinese Olympic Committee sent a formal nomination letter to the International Olympic Committee last Sunday and the bid is supported by the Chinese government,China's official news agency Xinhua reported this week "The bid to host the 2022 Winter Olympics will further improve the development of the Chinese Olympic cause,display the prehensive power of China and push forward the coordinated development of the economies of the o cities," the mittee said in a statement 2012 22年的冬奥会的英文作文,你自己去分析考虑用,用文字写出来就行了。 北京和中国北方城市张家口正在申办2022冬奥会。 中国官方通讯社新华社本周报道,中国奥委会上周日向国际奥委会发出正式提名函,并得到中国 的支持。 “申办2022冬奥会将进一步改善中国奥运事业的发展,展示中国的综合国力,推动两市经济的协调发展,”委员会在一份声明中表示。

Beijing and the northern Chinese city of Zhangjiakou are bidding for the 2022 Winter Olympics

The Chinese Olympic Committee sent a formal nomination letter to the International Olympic Committee last Sunday and the bid is supported by the Chinese government,China's official news agency Xinhua reported this week

"The bid to host the 2022 Winter Olympics will further improve the development of the Chinese Olympic cause,display the comprehensive power of China and push forward the coordinated development of the economies of the two cities

Presidentof the International Olympic Committee Thomas Bach announcing the winning bidto host the 2022 Winter Olympic Games at the 128th International OlympicCommittee session in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The InternationalOlympic Committee has picked Beijing, China, as the host city for the 2022Winter Olympic games The committee came together in Kuala Lumpur, Friday, andpicked Beijing over Almaty, Kazakhstan

China is areliable partner because we always honor our commitment,Wei Jizhong, a senior consultant for the Beijing bid, told the Chinese newsagency Xinhua before the vote The Beijing 2008 Summer Games are a perfectexample






1、The upper part of the emblem resembles a skater and its lower part a skier


2、The ribbon-like motif in between, full of rhythm, stands for the host country's rolling mountains, Games venues, ski courses and skating tracks The ribbons, as artistically expressed in the emblem, give a touch of festivity and are an indication that the Games coincide with the celebrations of the Chinese New Year


3、The emblem's primary colour of blue represents dreams and the future, as well as the purity of ice and snow


4、The colours of red and yellow, which draw on those of China's National Flag, represent passion, youth and vigour


5、The presentation of the words“Beijing 2022”,a nod to the art of Chinese calligraphy and paper-cutting, adds to the harmony of the entire emblem

在“BEIJING 2022”字体的形态上汲取了中国书法与剪纸的特点,增强了字体的文化内涵和表现力,也体现了与会徽图形的整体感和统一性。



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