Ennio Morricone所创作出的经典乐章,让人们难以忘怀。甚至有人形容闭上眼睛开这部**就像听一场音乐会一样过瘾。不管是新奇浪漫爱情主题的Playing Love,还是在风浪中随波飞舞的Magic Waltz,抑或是爵士鼻祖弹奏的那首充满挑衅的The Crave,还有1900精彩炫目的Enduring Movement,大师老莫的才华在华彩飞扬的乐章中展现无遗。
“Take a piano The keys begin, the keys end You know there are eightyeight of them, nobody can tell you any different They are not infinite You are infinite And on these keys the music that you can make is infinite I like that That I can live by”——这是我认为整部**中最经典的台词,因为这句话最可以体现1900的心灵世界,他将钢琴和音乐视为生命,或者说他就是钢琴,钢琴就是他。他从一出生就在船上,他没有下过船,没有到过陆地,因此他对陆地没有期盼、没有好奇。然而当他心爱的姑娘出现时,他为了爱决定下船,他说了这样一段话:“Its voiceIt's like a big scream,telling you that life is immenseOnce you've finally heard it then you will really know what you have to do to go on livingI could stay here foreverThe ocean would never tell me a thingBut if I get off,live on landfor a couple of years,then I'd be normal,just like the othersAnd then,maybe one day I will make it to the coast,look up,see the ocean and hear it scream本以为,他意识到了生活的无边与美好,本以为,他体会到了海所不能带给他的东西,本以为,他会如他所说的那样义无反顾的下船去,可是,到最后关头,他还是反悔了,他到底是不会也不能离开,他不会出卖钢琴,因为那是他的命!
My claws are buring ,bady,I get tip-toes,tip-toes
Hasta la vista,baby
Alright lady drop that spatula or you’re scrambled
Go ahead ! Make my day
Well,I guess I showed you
Show me more
Oh Jason,the kids
I can kiss the kids later
You know I read an article that said that two career couples should really make a special effort to always remain frisky
At breakfast
At all meals
What’s the matterYou grys aren’t getting’ enough
Michael, a lot of kids would get smacked for a remark like that
Come on dad,you can’t hit me you’re a liberal humanist
Could be an accident
Could be a dream come true
Mom, can’t we sell Carol and get a tape deck for the Volvo
Mike,you give new meaning to the word vacuous
Oh yeah
What was the old meaning
I rest,my case
Ben!Ben!What’s so funny Ben
That Phyllis George,she’s screwed up again
Hey,what’s thatyou’re reading about
Well it says here that as the universe expands,all matter is degenerating into a state of total disorganization
Thank god I thought it was just me
So what are you grys doing tonight”The House of Sweat”,yeah great!
Hey look can I talk to you grys later,yeah,bye
Mike,what is “The House of Sweat”
Well , you know
It’s that new under twenty dance club on Geravo Turnpike
Yeah, and it sounds like a great idea, mom
It’s a safe whol some place for teens to congregate
And the larger the group, the smaller their brains get
Oh come on Maggie!
Yeah!come on Maggie!
Yes,well,time to go wait for that school bus
You know if I hurry I can still get a seat in the non-smoking section
Good day!Bye Ben,andi love you !
Later Ben!
I still have some paper work to do before my nine o’clock gets here,
And if you start feeling frisky and you have 8 or 10 seconds before I work,
You know where to find me
Ben ,what are you doing here you ‘ll miss the bus
What’s the matter,honey
Dad didn’t know how to do my elbow
Ohlet me see
Oh1 dad did a great job on these cuts
Superman bandids it words
Oh I get it ,he diidn’t kiss it
And say I love you ,little pumpkin head
It was all so clinical
Mom ,how come you had to go back to work
I didn’t have to Ben,I wanted to
Come hereBen ,imagine you had to spend 15 years in this house
Without ever going out to play You’d go crazy,wouldn’t you
Well believe it or not ,a lot of grown-ups feel the same way about work
That’s sick, mom
Ben ,I know this has been a gib change for all of us
And I worry about not being here for you because
You ‘re the youngest
And I worry about not being herefor Carol because she’s a girl, and she needs here mother
And I worry about not being here for mike, to keep him from accidentally blowing something up
And Ibelieve me I worry about leaving your father here to cope with all you monsters
You shouldn’t worry so much ,mom, you’ll make yourself crazy
I love you ,little pumpkin head
It’s always the same dream, Coc
I am on a subway, and this moman sits across form me ,beautifl woman!
And I look at here ,she looks at me
I lick my lips ,she licks her lips
Rachel: Ooh, I was kinda hoping that wouldn't be an issue [Scene: Monica's Apartment, everyone is there and watching a Spanish Soap on TV and are trying to figure out what is going on]
Monica: Now I'm guessing that he bought her the big pipe organ, and she's really not happy about it
Chandler: (imitating the characters) Tuna or egg salad Decide!
Ross: (in a deep voice) I'll have whatever Christine is having
Rachel: (on phone) Daddy, I just I can't marry him! I'm sorry I just don't love him Well, it matters to me!
(The scene on TV has changed to show two women, one is holding her hair)
Phoebe: If I let go of my hair, my head will fall off Chandler: (re TV) Ooh, she should not be wearing those pants Joey: I say push her down the stairs Phoebe, Ross, Chandler, and Joey: Push her down the stairs! Push her down the stairs! Push her down the stairs!
(She is pushed down the stairs and everyone cheers)
Rachel: C'mon Daddy, listen to me! It's like, it's like, all of my life, everyone has always told me, 'You're a shoe! You're a shoe, you're a shoe, you're a shoe!' And today I just stopped and I said, 'What if I don't wanna be a shoe What if I wanna be a- a purse, y'know Or a- or a hat! No, I'm not saying I want you to buy me a hat, I'm saying I am a ha- It's a metaphor, Daddy!
Ross: You can see where he'd have trouble
Rachel: Look Daddy, it's my life Well maybe I'll just stay here with Monica
Monica: Well, I guess we've established who's staying here with Monica
Rachel: Well, maybe that's my decision Well, maybe I don't need your money Wait!! Wait, I said maybe!!
要体现“可以读书的(咖啡)吧”,就用a book cafe
这个cafe不一定是“咖啡吧”,之前写(咖啡)吧也是为了突出“吧”,就是指休闲的喝东西的地方。有个用法相近的“网吧”,就叫internet cafe。我不太赞成用bar,虽然也有很多人用这个单词,但bar指的是“酒吧”,一般在bar里要喝酒精饮品。