

Love You More - JLS


First day that I saw you thought you were beautiful看到的第一天,觉得你美丽动人

But I couldn't talk to you, I watched you walk away但是我无法和你说话,只能看着你离开

And it felt like I spent all of that second day trying to figure out what it was that I should have said第二天感觉我花了整整一天,努力想出想要说的话

Third day saw you again, introduced my friend, said all the words I wanted to第三天再见到你,介绍我的朋友,说了所有我想说的话,

On day four and five and six I don't know what you did, but all I could think about was you我不知道第四天、第五天和第六天你在做什么,但是我心里想的都是你

Thought I couldn't want you, more than I did before心想我不能对你祈求太多

But everyday I love you a little bit more但是每天我都爱你多一些

Find myself asking what are you waiting for我问自己到底在等什么

Cos everyday I love you a little bit more因为我每天都爱你多一些

Days they turn into weeks, that's how good this has been日复一日,周而复始,这种感觉多么美妙

Still I can't believe the way this first year has flown我还是不能相信第一年就这么过去了

Still you catch me by surprise, when I look in your eyes当我们面面相视,你依然能带给我惊喜

When you turn and say that you love me你转过身来,说你爱我

Thought I couldn't want you, more than I did before心想我不能对你祈求太多

But everyday I love you a little bit more (and more)但是每天我都爱你多一些(甚至更多

Find myself asking what are you waiting for (what you waiting for)我问自己到底在等什么(你到底在等什么)

Cos everyday I love you a little bit more因为我每天都爱你多一些

(And more)(更多)

Love you more爱你更多

(And more)(更多)

I Love you more爱你更多

(And more)(更多)

I Love you more我更加爱你

Hey hey hey hey嘿嘿嘿嘿

Day one I first laid my eyes on you,第一天我第一次见到你,初次邂逅

Day two I can't help but think of you第二天我对你朝思暮想,情不自禁

Day three was the same as day two第三天和第二天一样

Day four I fell in love with you第四天我已经爱上了你

Day five you're spinning with me第五天你和我一起度过

Sixth day knocked me off my feet第六天你让我兴奋无比,不知所措

Day seven that's when I knew spend the rest of my life with you第七天我知道会与你共度今生

Thought I couldn't want you, more than I did before心想我不能对你祈求太多

But everyday I love you a little bit more但是每天我都爱你多一些

Find myself asking (find myself) what are you waiting for (what are you waiting for)发现自己在问自己(发现自己),你在等待什么(你在等待什么)

Cos everyday I love you a little bit more因为我每天都爱你多一些

Everyday, knowing I'm going to see your face每一天我都知道可以见到你

And that's enough for me (that's enough for me)我感到心满意足(我感到心满意足)

I want you more and more and more everyday每天我都对你更深的思念

(And more)(更多的爱)

I wanna spend my life with you我愿与你共度今生

(And more)(更多的爱)

everyday learn something new每天都尝试新鲜事物

(And more)(更多的爱)

I love you more and more and more everyday每一天我都爱你多一些

(And more)(更多的爱)

Love you more爱你多一些

(And more)(更多的爱)

I love you more爱你多一些

(And more)(更多的爱)

Love you more爱你多一些


樱日和 - 死神(轻快缓慢,听着睡觉还不错)

Only My Railgun 、Judgelight - 某科学的超电磁炮(看多动漫听起来会更有感觉,炮姐有爱啊)

and then - 滨崎步(虽然不是动漫里的,但也很不错的)

逆さまの蝶、蓝染 - 地狱少女(个人认为蓝染更好听些,很有感觉)


恋人を射ち堕とした日 - sound horizon(另外一种风格,有点像叙述故事,但总的来说还不错)

美しきもの - sound horizon(强力推荐,自从搜到这首歌就没有删除过,神曲不解释!)

星之所在 - 伊藤和子 (同上,也是很好听的一首歌,推荐!)

花篝り - 玉置成実

你已不再、记忆の海 - School Days(这部里面的歌都还不错,LZ可以搜来听听)

fake wings - 梶浦由记(很悲伤的一首歌,但我喜欢它的旋律,尤其是开头那段吉他)

Secret Base - 今年的五年二班

悲しい星座 - Fripside

兄弟 - 钢之炼金术师(好听的俄语歌曲)

Promise You - 圣母在上(动漫我没看过,但这首歌还不错)

冰锁 - rurutia(rurutia的声线很特别)

Trinity Cross - 十字架与吸血鬼

黑白之吻 - 黑执事op(大爱夏尔啊!!)

水果篮子 - 冈崎律子(看过水果篮子的都听过吧,但确实好听,安静又温柔,适合听着睡觉啊)


瞳のこたえ - 神幻拍档(很轻快的一首歌)

flower of bravery - 恋姬无双(动漫没看- -)

memoria - fate zero(不错的动漫,不错的歌)


Mellow Melody - sola

柯南里的几首歌还是不错的 time after time、growing of my heart、Secret Of My Heart、…


Tell Me Who You Are》Ldy Lickem ~有超好听的女生伴奏

《It's only the fairly tale》宫村优子 这是日本动漫歌曲、天使女声

《Our Love Will Always Last》俊靛况靛 韩剧最后之舞主题曲,伴奏和间奏超好,歌词也超赞!

《Burning》Maria Arredondo 经典,不多说了

《Because Of You》Kelly Clarkson ……

《We Are One》凯莉 斯威 一句“possible,possible”打动多少人!

《gotta have you》the weepies 小女生风格啦!

《Moon light shadow》 DADA winner 这个超经典,翻唱版本较多,希望大家听她的,比较喜欢她唱的。别听错人的了!dada winner唱的!不要听jake版和舞动精灵版。






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