歌词求译《パーフェクトスター·パーフェクトスタイル》(Perfect Star Perfect Style)

歌词求译《パーフェクトスター·パーフェクトスタイル》(Perfect Star Perfect Style),第1张



パーフェクトスター 『Perfect Star』

词:中田ヤスタカ 曲:中田ヤスタカ


収録于『Complete Best』


MSN:ktsjk@hotmailcom QQ:530940913

パーフェクトスタイル 『Perfect Style』

I still love キミの言叶が まだはなれないの 『I Still Love 你的话语 还在耳边』

あの日あの场所で 冻りついた时间が 『那一天那个地方 那冻结的时间』

逢えないままどれくらいたったのかなきっと 『曾经的邂逅已经成为过去』

手をのばしても もう届かない 『即使伸出手去 也无法触碰到』

パーフェクトスター パーフェクトスタイル 『Perfect Star Perfect Style』

Perfect Star Perfect Style-Perfume

たぶんね キミは本当は(そう) 全てパーフェクトスター 『也许吧 你真的是这样 如完美的星辰』

つかめない风のように 気楽そうに映るスタイル 『又像难以抓住的风 看起来飘逸的样子』

ありのまま ゆらがのいように 後ずさりなんてできない 『就那样 不能动摇 不能退缩』

今も大切なあのファイル そっと抱きたあのまま 『现在依然珍惜的卡片 偷偷地抱住它』

I still love キミの言叶が まだはなれないの 『I Still Love 你的话语 还在耳边』

あの日 あの场所で 冻りついた时间が 『那一天那个地方 那冻结的时间』

逢えないままどれくらいたったのかなきっと 『曾经的邂逅已经成为过去』

手をのばしても もう届かない 『即使伸出手去 也无法触碰到』

ああ キミの言叶が まだはなれないの 『啊呜 你的话语还在耳边』

あの日あの场所で 冻りついた时间が 『那一天那个地方 那冻结的时间』

逢えないままどれくらいたったのかなきっと 『曾经的邂逅已经成为过去』

手をのばしても もう届かない 『即使伸出手去 也无法触碰到』

パーフェクトスター パーフェクトスタイル 『Perfect Star Perfect Style』

たぶんねキ キミ本当は(そう) 全てパーフェクトスター 『也许吧 你真的是这样 如完美的星辰』

つかめない风のように 気楽そうに映るスタイル 『又像难以抓住的风 看起来飘逸的样子』

爱の前に悩まないように 後もどりなんてできない 『为了爱情 不能苦恼 不能退缩』

今も大切なあのファイル そっと抱きたあのまま 『现在依然珍惜的卡片 偷偷地抱住它』

I still love キミの言叶が まだはなれないの 『I Still Love 你的话语 还在耳边』

あの日あの场所で 冻りついた时间が 『那一天那个地方 那冻结的时间』

逢えないままどれくらいたったのかなきっと 『曾经的邂逅已经成为过去』

手をのばしても もう届かない 『即使伸出手去 也无法触碰到』

ああ キミの言叶が まだはなれないの 『啊呜 你的话语还在耳边』

あの日あの场所で 冻りついた时间が 『那一天那个地方 那冻结的时间』

逢えないままどれくらいたったのかなきっと 『曾经的邂逅已经成为过去』

手をのばしても もう届かない 『即使伸出手去 也无法触碰到』

ああ キミの言叶が まだはなれないの 『啊呜 你的话语还在耳边』

冻りついた时间が 『冻结的时间』

たったのかなきっと 『已经成为过去了呢』

ああ キミの言叶が まだはなれないの 『啊呜 你的话语 还在耳边』

あの日あの场所で 冻りついた时间が 『那一天那个地方 那冻结的时间』

逢えないままどれくらいたったのかなきっと 『曾经的邂逅已经成为过去』

手をのばしても もう届かない 『即使伸出手去 也无法触碰到』

パーフェクトスター パーフェクトスタイル 『Perfect Star Perfect Style』

パーフェクトスター パーフェクトスタイル 『Perfect Star Perfect Style』


英文 encounter


xiè hòu


出自《诗经·国风·郑风·野有蔓草》“野有蔓草,零露漙兮。有美一人,清扬婉兮。邂逅相遇,适我愿兮。 野有蔓草,零露瀼瀼。有美一人,婉如清扬。邂逅相遇,与子偕臧。”


主要是指偶然的、不期而遇的。 “邂逅”有二层意义,其探源如下: (1)不期而遇。王安石《诸葛武侯》诗:“邂逅得所从,幅巾起南阳,崎岖巴、汉间,屡以弱攻强。”。也指不期而会的人,《诗·唐风·绸缪》:“今夕何夕,见此邂逅。” (2)犹一旦、偶然。《后汉书·杜根传》:“邂逅发露,祸及知亲。”,《三国志·魏志·管宁传》裵松之注引《先贤行状》:“国中有盗牛者,牛主得之,盗者曰:‘我邂逅迷惑;从今以后,将为改过。” 基本解释 [meet(a relative,friend,etc)unexpectedly;meet by chance;run into sb]不期而遇 今夕何夕,见此邂逅。——《诗·唐风·绸缪》 邂逅发露,祸及知亲。——《后汉书·杜根传》 邂逅迷惑。——《三国志·管宁传》 详细解释 1 亦作“ 邂遘 ”。亦作“ 邂觏 ”。1不期而遇。 《诗·郑风·野有蔓草》:“有美一人,清扬婉兮,邂逅相遇,适我愿兮。” 毛 传:“邂逅,不期而会。” 陆德明 释文:“遘,本亦作逅。” 南朝 宋 鲍照 《赠傅都曹别》诗:“邂逅两相亲,缘念共无已。”《警世通言·王娇鸾百年长恨》:“忆昔清明佳节时,与君解逅成相知。”夏衍 《长途》:“这广坦的荒原,使我想起了我们从 广州 退出时在 柳江 船上邂逅的一个旅伴。” 2 欢悦貌。 《诗·唐风·绸缪》:“今夕何夕,见此邂逅。” 毛 传:“邂逅,解说之貌。” 陆德明 释文:“觏,本又作逅,同胡豆反,一音户冓反。邂觏,解说也。《韩诗》云:‘邂觏,不固之貌。’解音蟹,说音悦。” 余冠英 注:“邂逅,爱悦也,这里用为名词,谓可悦的人。” 宋 苏轼 《次韵答章传道见赠》:“坐令倾国容,临老见邂逅。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·公孙九娘》:“入室,则 九娘 华烛凝待。邂逅含情,极尽欢昵。” 3 偶然;侥幸。 汉 王充 《论衡·逢遇》:“且夫遇也,能不预设,说不宿具,邂逅逢喜,遭合上意,故谓之遇。”《魏书·恩幸传·侯刚》:“兼 刚 口唱打杀,挝筑非理,本有杀心,事非邂逅。” 宋 王安石 《高魏留》诗:“邂逅得归耶战死,母随人去亦萧然。” 宋 陆游 《夜读兵书》诗:“成功亦邂逅,逆料政自疏。” 4 意外;万一。 《后汉书·杜根传》:“周旋民间,非绝迹之处,邂逅发露,祸及知亲,故不为也。”《资治通鉴·汉安帝建光元年》引此文, 胡三省 注曰:“邂逅,不期而会,谓出於意料之外也。”《三国志·吴志·吕蒙传》“又劝 权 夹水口立坞,所以备御甚精” 裴松之 注引 晋 张勃 《吴录》:“ 权 欲作坞,诸将皆曰:‘上岸击贼,洗足入船,何用坞为?’ 吕蒙 曰:‘兵有利钝,战无百胜,如有邂逅,敌步骑蹙入,不暇及水,其得入船乎?’”《南史·张邵传》:“若 刘穆之 邂逅不幸,谁可代之?”《资治通鉴·后唐明宗天成元年》“ 知祥 浚壕树栅,遣马步都指挥使 李仁罕 将四万人,骁锐指挥使 李延厚 将二千人讨 绍深 ” 元 胡三省 注:“既浚壕树栅为守城之备,又遣重兵出讨,以兵有邂逅,战苟不利,则退守无仓卒失措之忧。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·太原狱》:“[ 孙 令]乃谓姑妇:‘……汝家本清门,不过一时为匪人所诱,罪全在某。堂上刀石具在,可自取击杀之。’姑妇趑趄,恐邂逅抵偿,公曰:‘无虑,有我在。’” 5 仓猝;突然。 唐 张鷟 《朝野佥载》卷五:“尚书饭白而细,诸人饭黑而麤,呼驿长嗔之曰:‘饭何为两种者?’驿客将恐,对曰:‘邂逅 浙 米不得,死罪。’”《红楼梦》第九九回:“必实无争鬭情形,邂逅身死,方可以过失杀定拟。” 清 葆光子 《物妖志·禽类·鸟》:“今日之别,可谓邂逅矣。” 6 交媾。 章炳麟 《菌说》:“夫妇邂遘,一滴之精,有精虫十数,入啮泡蜑而破之,以成妊娠。”

The wisdom of one word


 Isn't it amazing how one person, sharing one idea, at the right time and place can change the course of your life's history This is certainly what happened in my life When I was 14, I was hitchhiking from Houston, Texas, through El Paso on my way to California I was following my dream, journeying with the sun I was a high school dropout with learning disabilities and was set on surfing the biggest waves in the world, first in California and then in Hawaii, where I would later live


 Upon reaching downtown El Paso, I met an old man, a bum, on the street corner He saw me walking, stopped me and questioned me as I passed by He asked me if I was running away from home, I suppose because I looked so young I told him, "Not exactly, sir," since my father had given me a ride to the freeway in Houston and given me his blessings while saying, "It is important to follow your dream and what is in your heart Son "


 The bum then asked me if he could buy me a cup of coffee I told him, "No, sir, but a soda would be great" We walked to a corner malt shop and sat down on a couple of swiveling stools while we enjoyed our drinks


 After conversing for a few minutes, the friendly bum told me to follow him He told me that he had something grand to show me and share with me We walked a couple of blocks until we came upon the downtown El Paso Public Library


 We walked up its front steps and stopped at a small information stand Here the bum spoke to a smiling old lady, and asked her if she would be kind enough to watch my things for a moment while he and I entered the library I left my belongings with this grandmotherly figure and entered into this magnificent hall of learning


 The bum first led me to a table and asked me to sit down and wait for a moment while he looked for something special amongst the shelves A few moments later, he returned with a couple of old books under his arms and set them on the table He then sat down beside me and spoke He started with a few statements that were very special and that changed my life He said, "There are two things that I want to teach you, young man, and they are these:


 "Number one is to never judge a book by its cover, for a cover can fool you "He followed with, "I ll bet you think I m a bum, don t you, young man"


 I said, "Well, uh, yes, I guess so, sir "


 "Well, young man, I ve got a little surprise for you I am one of the wealthiest men in the world I have probably everything any man could ever want I originally come from the Northeast and have all the things that money can buy But a year ago, my wife passed away, bless her soul, and since then I have been deeply reflecting upon life I realized there were certain things I had not yet experienced in life,one of which was what it would be like to live like a bum on the streets I made a commitment11 to myself to do exactly that for one year For the past year1 have been going from city to city doing just that So, you see, don t ever judge a book by its cover, for a cover can fool you


 "Number two is to learn how to read, my boy For there is only one thing that people can t take away from you, and that is your wisdom " At that moment, he reached forward, grabbed my right hand in his and put them upon the books he d pulled from the shelves They were the writings of Plato and Aristotle-immortal classics from ancient times


 The bum then led me back past the smiling old woman near the entrance, down the steps and back on the streets near where we first met His parting request was for me to never forget what he taught me

 I haven't

问题一:与你邂逅 用英语怎么说呢 Encounter / Meet with you

问题二:我的第一次或者我的第一次邂逅,英语怎么说啊,老师 我的第一次或者我的第一次邂逅

My first time or my first encounter


My first time or my first encounter

问题三:你我的邂逅,于我是一种幸福,用英语怎么说啊 The encounter between you and me is a kind of joy for me

问题四:我想这辈子最幸运的就是邂逅你。英文翻译 It's my best luck to meet you in my life

问题五:你是我最错的邂逅,也是我最痛的回忆,用英语怎么翻译 你是我最错的邂逅,也是我最痛的回忆

You is my most wrong encounter, but also my most painful memories

问题六:那次邂逅为我提供了新的可能性用英语怎么说 那次邂逅为我提供了新的可能性_有道翻译


A farmer offers new possibilities for me





















That encounter is the most beautiful accident, suddenly think, no, we are the scenery in this warm picture


Meeting you is the most precious fate in my previous life; meeting you is the most beautiful encounter in my life


A prosperous encounter, a quiet ending


We met at the right place, but at the wrong time


Sit by the window and watch the window It's orderly and can't be seen clearly Time is like water, flowing through fingertips and sliding countless times


This city is so lonely, bustling but lonely, bustling but lonely, footsteps stay, but can't wait to meet


In the youth of the years, inadvertently met with you


Meet, meet in the corner of the inadvertent


Interpersonal predestination, is in life encounter, but also in life loss


Years of circulation, finally can not hold the red make-up to the merciless face


We did not meet in advance, but met the promise of a lifetime


The meeting of the world of mortals is the most beautiful scenery


The beginning of fate begins with fate, and the flow of fate surges and finally becomes a beautiful encounter


Encounter is the most beautiful time, in the sea of thousands of people, but I found you at a glance


Inadvertent encounter, inadvertent separation, life is always like this, very helpless


Man meets nature, I meet beauty


Well, it was just an encounter But I met the beauty that I had never seen before


In your eyes, meet endless beauty Smoothes the time trace, lets the time become a beautiful feast!


Poetic life, there will always be a beautiful encounter!


In the numerous affairs of the world, I want to meet with beauty and spend my time together


Thank God for making me know you In this beautiful season, this beautiful meeting


There are many encounters in life, but there may be one or two good ones


Beautiful encounter, let me have a crazy love for you


I'm very lucky to miss so many people in this one billionth probability, but finally I know you


Meet the beauty, enjoy the beauty, wish you grow like sunflower to the sun, and finally get Chang'an city flower


The green tree is a beautiful scenery Plant a seed and meet the beauty under the tree


Some late arrival, missed meeting, missed a lifetime of love


Do not pursue a lifetime together, only pursue a beautiful encounter


That summer is a whole encounter weather, moonlight is so beautiful, it is the meeting with you at night



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