

We all kown that the tree is a kind of important natural resourceBecause trees can help us improve environmentFor example,trees can release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide,This is a very important advantageAnd trees even can protect the water resource When it is raining,trees' roots can absorb the water and keep it not be eroded Of course,trees can beautify our worldTrees have a lot of benefits,so we should plant more trees to improve our envionment and protect the world where we live in


I like tree,because tree is human‘s friendIt help us to clean the air,make us feel comfortableMy very tree is the willow treebecause the willow tree is green and it has

Long branchesIn the sumeer holidayI went to the west lake I see the the willow treeIt was very beautifulIts long branches,so heavy with flowers,almost touched the groundI like the willow tree

#英语资源# 导语植树节是按照法律规定宣传保护树木,并组织动员群众积极参加以植树造林为活动内容的节日。下面是 整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


 Spring returns to the earth, and everything wakes up On March 12, the annual Arbor Day comes again On this day of every year, many people will participate in various tree planting activities to welcome the arrival of spring and beautify their homeland with practical actions

 You know, human beings grow up gradually in the green cradle The mist in the forest, the singing of birds and insects, the fragrant flowers of wild grass, birds and animals have made our ancestors perfect day by day How many green life secrets are hidden in each of our cell genes! From the primitive to the present, people have experienced different stages Although their living standards have improved, they have always been worried about health The lack of green life causes environmental pollution and people's life and health can not be guaranteed Therefore, without green life, there will be no beautiful home and healthy body Therefore, we should cherish green life more

 Cherish the green environment, create a green environment, cherish health, cherish life, and create a beautiful home Everyone likes the green environment Of course, we are no exception!

 Look! On this day, the sky was clear and warm We carried jubilant trees and shovel, and came to Wuxi suburb, Qian Zhou, with great interest We came to an open space, which will be the place where green little life will be bred First of all, the teacher assigned us jobs and explained some key points of planting trees, and then we took action Some are helping the saplings, some are cultivating the soil, and some are stepping on them Facing the spring breeze, every student has a bright smile on his face, not to mention the joy He can't even wipe his face with sweat In the evening, the trees were finally planted, and the students returned home with joy on their faces

 Spring is the season for planting trees I hope you will take action in spring and plant more trees to make the blue sky, white clouds and fresh air of our motherland's mother bluer; At the same time, I hope everyone can take action in the spring of life, plant the small saplings in their hearts, build the great ideal of life, and let the spring have no regrets!


 Yesterday was the annual Arbor Day I wish you a happy Arbor Day! Although it's a little late to wish you a happy arbor day today, I will bless you all

 Speaking of arbor day, I sometimes think of the story that happened on arbor day This is something I can't forget now: on the day of arbor day in 20XX, there was a drizzle That day was the first arbor day activity organized by my community Our family of three also participated in this activity What we planted was an apple tree We planted the apple tree seedling in front of the door of my building My parents and I dug pits, carried water, put saplings and filled soil The three members of our family worked together and soon an apple tree was planted Finally, we hung the iron plate made by a property company for us in advance on the planted apple tree The iron plate engraved with the names of the first arbor day, father, mother and me Uncle security also recorded the whole process of planting trees on our day with a camera

 The apple tree we planted has grown a lot now, and more than a dozen small apples were planted last year! In spring, when it sprouts, I often water and fertilize it I'm so happy to watch the little tree grow up day by day! It is also a thing worth remembering

 Through that tree planting activity, I realized the hard work of landscaping workers I must love flowers and trees At the same time, I also want to drive my classmates and friends to love flowers and trees


 Today is the annual Arbor Day In order to contribute to nature, I went to plant trees with my "best friend" Ruan Shengyan We chose Nanshan So I took two saplings, Ruan Shengyan took water and shovel, and we set off

 When we came to Nanshan, we began to look for a place After looking for a while, Xiao Ruan found a wonderful place There was plenty of sunshine and fertile soil It seemed that this was the land of I looked at it, Said, "let's do it So I took up the shovel and dug it up In order to make the tree strong, I dug a hole 30 centimeters deep and 20 centimeters in diameter, and just excavated the first spade The fragrance of the earth came up to my nose It was delicious Digging a little bit always made a dig It made me angry I was hard boiled, and I dug up and dug for a while Be accomplished, but I was sweating and weak limbs I sat on the ground, I picked up the kettle and greedily sucked the water, ah! It's so comfortable At this time, the breeze blows, and the woods make a loud noise, as if the woods are playing a welcome symphony for us I think we should add new members to them, and they will thank us again After a rest, my energy is replenished We started working again, Xiao Ruan said, "you put the tree and I'll water it "When we said we would do it, I picked up the saplings and put them in the first dug pit, filled the soil first, and then stepped on the soil to fix the saplings, and Xiao Ruan immediately poured water on them Ha ha, it was a great success We both clapped hands at the same time, and there was an unspeakable joy in our hearts I think this is what people often call a sense of achievement! Touching the saplings, we reluctantly went down the mountain On the way, my heart began to daydream that in another 20 years, this little tree I planted will grow into a towering tree I couldn't help laughing

 It seems that today is a harvest day We must also be a qualified little guard of environmental protection


 Today is the anniversary of Dr Sun Yat Sen and also the arbor day on March 12 In order to commemorate Dr Sun Yat Sen's contribution to the country, the people of the motherland set today as a day to add new green to the motherland

 It's spring now In the morning, Xiao Hong and I went to the suburbs to plant trees We walked happily on the road We saw beautiful flowers, tall trees and a fiery red sun hanging in the air The sun was shining on my head, and drops of sweat fell from my head

 When I got there, I took out a small shovel and dug a tree pit in a sunny place Then I put a small sapling in Xiao Hong held the small tree I picked up the shovel and filled in the soil In this way, the small sapling was planted Xiaohong went to the river to fetch water with a bucket When she came back, she slowly poured the water into the tree pit I was so tired that I was sweating I wiped the sweat on my head with a towel Xiao Hong looked at me and laughed, and a passing bird also laughed

 The tree planting task was completed When Xiaohong and I left, we were worried that someone would destroy the small tree, so we tied a red scarf on it, which said "love greening and defend the motherland" At this time, a bird stopped on the sapling, as if to say to me: "children, I will build a nest on it!" The little tree also seemed to say to me, "little master, don't go You have added more greening You will be rewarded by your mother"


 Today is Arbor Day After dinner, my cousin and I prepared the shovel bucket, and our uncle rushed to take us to plant trees Uncle pulled the car, carrying a bundle of small saplings and tree planting tools The three of us didn't want to take the car Following the car, the group set out in high spirits

 Walking on the path in the field, the warm spring breeze brushed my cheek, itching and very comfortable At the destination, uncle asked us who would dig the pit I grabbed the shovel first and dug it However, I made enough effort to eat milk and only dug a little land that was as big as my palm My uncle grinning happily over the shovel and soon he dug a hole I carefully put the saplings into the pit and straightened them Cousin hurriedly helped fill the pit Half of the pit was outside, "strong, don't fill it up, you have to water it!" Looking at my cousin's busy appearance, I laughed and shouted Look at my little cousin She's not idle You see, she is staggering towards us with a small basin, her little face red Uncle quickly picked it up and poured it into the pit Ha, it's just wet enough for a layer of soil We all laughed, and our cousin smiled shyly After watering, we have to step on the soil "Look at me, invincible strong feet!" My cousin shouted, rushed up with a vigorous step and frantically stepped on the soil around the small tree Seeing this, I quickly shouted, "Zhuang Zi, slow down, don't step on it!" "No, don't worry!" My cousin is so naughty I have nothing to do with him I had to take my cousin to plant another tree

 After being crazy for a while, my cousin came to plant trees with us Before long, a row of lovely little trees stood by the path Looking at the little tree planted by myself, I realized the hard work and silently wished: little tree, I hope we can grow together and grow into a towering tree as soon as possible Under the spring breeze, the little sapling seemed to hear my wish, nodded and thanked us

 Bathed in the spring, we sang and walked on the way home: " Dear partner, dear little tree, may we share the sunshine and rain, and may we cherish this beautiful time until we grow into towering trees"


 Today is Arbor Day on March 12 Under the leadership of my father and mother, my classmate Yin Zezhou and I went to forest lake to plant trees

 Dad drove his car and slowly left the prosperous urban area and came to the quiet suburbs The willows beside the road spit out fresh green buds, and the fresh air slipped into my nostrils We are in a very happy mood

 Unknowingly, we came to the forest lake Many little friends planted trees with their parents We followed the adults to the tree planting place, and quickly grabbed two shovel, two small seedlings and a bucket, found a vacant land and began to plant trees

 Mom and dad gave us a demonstration, told us how to grasp the soil, first we should grasp the shovel with both hands, and push the back with the foot on the shovel, then we can dig the pit deeper and deeper We dug up according to the instructions of our parents I just dug a few times and felt tired and hot I quickly took off my coat and went to battle light

 It was not easy to dig the pit deep Unexpectedly, the more tired task is still waiting for us We put the young trees into the pit and had to fill in the soil bit by bit After watering the trees Although Yan Zezhou was bigger than me, he always asked me to carry water I walked carefully with buckets in my hands, lest the water flow out and take a rest Finally, I mentioned it to the small tree and let the small tree drink water

 Finally, we wrote our name on the sign and tied it to the tree with a red rope We took a group photo with the small tree we planted The small tree seemed to be a friend of mine, laughing with me

 I had a good time today I'll come and see my little tree more when I have a chance in the future


 It was fine on March 12 , 2001 I got up early that day All the students in our school went to the hill to plant trees

 We arrived at the hill at eight o'clock The teacher asked each of us to plant at least six trees Then we started digging , planting and watering We all worked so hard that we could finish our tasks ahead of tim e Among us , Wang Lin , our monitor set a good example for us Though he was ill , he worked harder When he finished his task , he went on to help others without even a little rest He was wet all over after work “ I must learn from him ,” I said to myself Looking at the lines of the young trees , we smiled happily , forgetting our tiredness


 In many countries it has long been the tradition to hold an annual tree or forest festival The origin of such celebrations dates back to antiquity and is in the dawn of religious feeling and awe for what trees represented However, Arbor Day, as it is commonly known today, is of American origin and evolved from conditions peculiar to the at Plains It was first observed in Nebraska in 1872


 Every year, March 12 is Arbor Day This year's Arbor Day, I have become a primary school student The school brigade organized us to participate in tree planting activities in the suburbs to improve the students' ability to take care of nature since childhood Awareness of caring for the environment

 It was a fine morning and the sun was shining on the earth After we drove to a suburban underground car, I held a shovel, bucket and carrying seedlings with my classmates Come to the open space and start planting trees I'm the first group Our task is to water the young trees Shi Ruoqi is the second group Their task is to fertilize the young trees Yu Dongli is the third group Their task is to dig holes for small trees Loosen the soil and plant small saplings Everyone is busy doing what they should do and is doing it in full swing In high spirits There was a happy smile on everyone's face When they finished the tree species, it was our group's turn to water the saplings We went to the river to carry a bucket full of water to water the saplings As if watching the white water pour into the mouth of the young trees, they drank happily and said, "thank you for your hard work With your careful care, we will grow into useful talents to make human beings in the future" I was very happy and more proud, I think that many years later, the small saplings planted here by my classmates and I will grow up one by one and become a large green and dense forest What kind of mood will we have when we come here again! It is precisely because of people who love and care about nature like us Our world will become better and greener

 This Arbor Day activity has really increased my knowledge and learned that only by loving nature, flowers and trees and living in peace with them, our world will be more beautiful and rich


 On this year's Arbor Day, the school launched a new green environmental protection activity We all took an active part in this meaningful activity

 In the afternoon, we came to the small trees on campus with buckets and environmental placards When we began to water the trees, the teacher told us: "everyone should be light when watering or hanging placards The small trees are sleeping Don't wake them up" As soon as the teacher's voice fell, the students were busy Some were watering the small tree, some were cleaning up the garbage for the small tree, some were hanging placards for the small tree with light hands and feet, and others were going to pick up water

 As soon as I was disbanded, I rushed to the pool When I got there, I was stunned There were so many people and everyone scrambled to be the first I didn't want to fall behind I hurried forward to fetch water for the little tree I ran back and forth with the bucket for many times I was so tired that I was sweating and out of breath Looking at my "love tree" drinking water happily, I was not so happy The little tree stretched out and nodded to me with a smile I carefully hung the placard I made by myself on its chest: everyone is responsible for protecting the environment!

 I'm a little guard of green environmental protection I'm proud! I'm proud! I'm happy!

Trees are very important to us Do you know why Let me tell you


Trees take in carbon dioxide from the air and make oxygen That's important People and animals need oxygen to live Many small animals and inserts live in the trees Some of them also get food from trees Trees can also stop water and soil from going away If we have a lot of trees, we stop deserts from being large I think this is very important You know, trees are green They can make our country even more beautuful


Trees are our good friends We should plant more trees and take good care of them




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