

Synopsis: Shuangcheng" is about what happened in Paris and London, two city story Before the French Revolution, a business in Paris, named Manette surgeon because to government expose nobles and USA brothers will be rural a pair of siblings was persecuted to death crime, is held in the privileges of the nobility and the USA brothers framed, Doctor Manette innocent to put the Bastille prison, in captivity for in 18years Later, Marquis StEvremonde who lost their grace, Doctor Manette released only Dr Manette in prison had managed to record their persecution, swore revenge and USA family After being released from prison, and daughter Lu Qian in British London, Lu Qian meets a young French Charles Dyer She didn't know Charles Dyer, that is the Doctor Manette to prison Marquis StEvremonde who 's nephew Dr Manette to her daughter's happiness, agree with Lu Qian and Dyer's wedding In 1789 the French Revolution, alternative, the management of the affairs of the cover in France Bai Le was a revolutionary court arrest, Dyer that in order to rescue cover Bai Le out of jail, ventured to Paris When the victim brother sister Madame Defarge, recognized Dyer the Marquis StEvremonde who descent, determined to send him to the guillotine Dr Manette and Lu Qian after hearing the news, immediately rushed to the Paris, many rescue, but in a court trial in the critical moment, Mr and Mrs Defarge show Doctor Manette hidden in the Bastille prison cell in the indictment, so that Dyer was sentenced to death On the eve of execution, is infatuated with Lu Qian's British lawyer Carle ascended the Dyer and as a result of the look-alike, blended in jail, for Dyer's When a post-chaise with Dyer the couple and Doctor Manette leaving Paris, Carle bravely steps on the scaffold, as his beloved woman laid down his life

France is the history of mankind the last blood In the confusion of the times, is full of not certain; in this chaotic state of humanity, all snarky Shuangcheng down to the French Revolution as the background, through the group for the civilians and the hatred between the conflict, author Dickens just want to convey blood to wash away --- hate, never replace love - aristocratic violence on civilians pain not because the blood of healing, civilians to aristocratic hatred can not substitute for bereaved love


encounter 词典明确指定的“邂逅”专用词,但下面的这些短语和see, meet也是可以滴哈:

come/run across

come/happen on/upon

run across/into

fall upon

使用时最好搭配点副词之类的,如:quite by chance, unexpecteded 等等。



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