求歌《das beste》歌词的意大利语翻译!!谢谢!(已附上中文版歌词),帮忙翻译下!

求歌《das beste》歌词的意大利语翻译!!谢谢!(已附上中文版歌词),帮忙翻译下!,第1张

我找到一个以你为名的宝藏 Ho trovato un tesoro nominato da te

是如此美丽 无价 Che è così bello e prezioso


e non si può valutarlo in modo mondano

在我身旁睡去 Dormi accanto a me

我可以一整晚只注视著你Ti guardo tutta la notte

看著你的睡容 Guardo la tua faccia

听著你呼吸就这样直到隔日醒来 Sento il tuo respiro fino all’alba

每次想到你 Ogni volta che ti pensavo

就会让我专注的忘了呼吸 Che mi fa così attenzione che dimentico di respirare

当你依傍在我身边 Quando mi stai vicina

我几乎无法相信 Non posso credere

像我这样的人 Come un uomo come me


può avere una bellezza come te nella mia vita

在我生命中 遇见你是我最美的邂逅 L’incontro più bellanella mia vita è la vista con te

能被你爱著 是最美好的一件事 Amato da te è la cosa più bella

世上的一切都可以忘却 Posso dimenticare tutto del mondo

只要你留在我身边 Ma tranne te

在我生命中 遇见你是我最美的邂逅 L’incontro più bellanella mia vita è la vista con te

能被你爱著 是最美好的一件事 Amato da te è la cosa più bella

上天把你赐给了我 Dio mi ha regalato te

如此美好的事情 不是每个人都遇得到的

non è che ad ognuno capita quetsa cosa bella

你独一无二的笑容让我爱到无可自拔 Amo il tuo sorriso da morire

就算你是伤人的毒药 Anche se sei il veleno che fa male

我也要留在你身边直到死去 Vorrei restare con te fino alla morta

最不愿见到是你的离去 Quello che non vorrei vedere è la tua partenza

那将会让我的世界彻底毁灭 Che potrà rovinare tutto il mio mondo

当我们彼此爱著对方 就是世上最美丽的事了 Quando ci amiamo, che è la cosa più felice nel mondo

你给我力量 看著你 我眼中没有任何怀疑 Mi dai la forza, ti guardo senza niente dubbio

就算你说了千百个谎 anche se hai già detto centinaia bugie

我还是死心蹋地的相信你 ti credo lo stesso

但最终我还是有一个疑问 ma alla fine ho un solo dubbio

像我这样的人 Come un uomo come me


può avere una bellezza come te nella mia vita

在我生命中 遇见你是我最美的邂逅 L’incontro più bellanella mia vita è la vista con te

能被你爱著 是最美好的一件事 Amato da te è la cosa più bella

世上的一切都可以忘却 Posso dimenticare tutto del mondo

只要你留在我身边 Ma tranne te

在我生命中 遇见你是我最美的邂逅 L’incontro più bellanella mia vita è la vista con te

能被你爱著 是最美好的一件事 Amato da te è la cosa più bella

上天把你赐给了我 Dio mi ha regalato te

如此美好的事情 不是每个人都遇得到的

non è che ad ognuno capita quetsa cosa bella

当我检视生命的过程 Quando rivedo la mia vita

是你带给我平和 做我的避风港 Eri tu che mi hai dato la pace

所有你给予我的 是无尽的美好Tutto ciò mi hai dato è la bellezza

当我不安 你会是我无止尽的旅途 Quando ero incerto, eri il mio viaggio infinito

因为如此 我愿将我的一切 Per questo, vorrei mettermi tutto


nelle tue mani che mi proteggono

在我生命中 遇见你是我最美的邂逅L’incontro più bellanella mia vita è la vista con te

能被你爱著 是最美好的一件事 Amato da te è la cosa più bella

世上的一切都可以忘却 Posso dimenticare tutto del mondo


Ma tranne te

上天把你赐给了我 Dio mi ha regalato te

如此美好的事情 不是每个人都遇得到的non è che ad ognuno capita quetsa cosa bella


Ariel  英语手账  

Movie/book:Memoirs of a geisha

Author: Arthur Golden






看完**更觉作者Arthur Golden文笔之精妙,他的文思在时间有限的视觉空间是无法展现得淋漓尽致的。














"Every step I have taken in my life since I was a child in Gion, I have taken in the hope of bringing myself closer to you”


在观看**之余,不妨拿起Memoirs of a geisha的原版小说学习英语。这本书无疑是良好的阅读和写作学习材料。


Geisha:( ˈgeisha girl ) a Japanese woman who is trained to entertain men with conversation, dancing and singing 艺伎(陪男子说话、表演歌舞的日本女子)

以上来源于: 牛津词典

Zori: (pl:zoris)a traditional Japanese style of flip-flop,origianlly made with a straw sole 草履(一种传统日式人字拖鞋,初时鞋底用稻草制成)。


Futon:a Japanese mattress , often on a wooden frame, that can be used for sitting on or rolled out to make a bed 日本床垫(折叠时可坐,铺开时可卧)

以上来源于: 牛津词典

Kimono:( from Japanese) a traditional Japanese piece of clothing like a long loose dress with wide sleeves, worn on formal occasions; a dressing gown or robe in this style (日本的)和服;和服式晨衣

以上来源于: 牛津词典

Tabi:a sock with a separation for the big toe; worn with thong sandals by the Japanese日本式厚底短袜

以上来源于 WordNet

(注:由于小说作者Arthur Golden是美国人,对日本艺伎文化无法做到原汁原味还原,同名**主创也是美国导演和中国主演,所以文化层面的内容需要辩证看待。)



①脱:When I opened the door for him, he  slipped out of  his shoes and stepped right past me into the house


(同“step out of ”)

②穿:“dress sb”  “help sb into shoes”


①Perhaps this is why when he spoke to me,  tears came stinging  to my eyes


(巧用 无灵主语 “tears”,类似用法见 《面纱》:从原版书到**,值得细品的地道英文 )

②I didn’t want Mother to see me crying, but the  tears pooled in my eyes  before I could think of how to stop them


③Long before Auntie had finished reading this letter, the  tears had begun to flow out of me  just like water from a pot that boils over



①I  froze  there to listen to them


②“I can’t  picture  the girls living anywhere else”


③I  lunch  with a friend most days


④When friends bring photographs from their trips to Kyoto, I often think that Gion has  thinned  out like a poorly kept garden, increasingly overrun with weeds


⑤After Mr Tanaka had left, I tried to  busy  myself in the kitchen, but I felt a bit like Satsu, for I could hardly see the things before me


⑥To me, he seemed to see the sap bleeding from the trunks of the pine trees, and the circle of brightness in the sky where the sun was  smothered  by clouds




aSimile(明喻) :

①Probably it(our tipsy house) would have collapsed if my father hadn’t cut a timber from a wrecked fishing boat to prop up the eaves, which made the house look like a tipsy old man leaning on his crutch


(将“house”比喻成“a tipsy old man”)

②The sea was violent, with waves like stones chipped into blades, sharp enough to cut



Simile:a word or phrase that compares sth to sth else, using the words like or as , for example a face like a mask or as white as snow ; the use of such words and phrases 明喻;明喻的运用

以上来源于: 牛津词典


①One day I asked him, “Daddy, why are you so old” He hoisted up his eyebrows at this, so that they formed little sagging umbrellas over his eyes


(将“eyebrows”比喻成“little sagging umbrellas”)

②His spine was a path of knobs His head, with its discolored splotches, might have been a bruised fruit His arms were sticks wrapped in old leather, dangling from two bumps


(将“spine”比喻成“a path of knobs”,将“head”比喻成“a bruised fruit”,将“arms”比喻成“sticks”)

Metaphor:a word or phrase used to describe sb/sth else, in a way that is different from its normal use, in order to show that the two things have the same qualities and to make the description more powerful, for example She has a heart of stone ; the use of such words and phrases 暗喻;隐喻

以上来源于: 牛津词典

cRhetoric question:

Was life nothing more than a storm that constantly washed away what had been there only a moment before, and left behind something barren and unrecognizable


Rhetoric question: a question to which no answer is required: used esp for dramatic effect An example is Who knows (with the implication Nobody knows) 不必回答, 只为加强语气及效果的反问



Her face was drooping with exhaustion, and the weight of all her clothing seemed as if it might pull her right onto the ground


Hyperbole: a way of speaking or writing that makes sth sound better, more exciting, dangerous, etc than it really is 夸张

以上来源于: 牛津词典


点原文 **推荐|“我的一生最美好的场景,就是遇见你” 获e-book/movie,耐心等待回复哦~

文字|Ariel 图源网络


i came across with you, in my shinest age, i failed to read, neither could you do so,

at that time, we had nothing in common


Like a tender lark, you stepped into my heart, and dwelled on it ever since


but it was beyond my conciousness, i never realized that you have already been there, my limited heart


In the time of the most beautiful season, a dying heart, is waking to dance to your rhythm

i'd rather be a puppet of yours, to be manipulated round and round, over and over again


The most stunning encounter, it's bot about watching the sunset hand in hand, but coming across again after a short smling goodbye

You are always so quiet, like a lazy cat, oh, my tender heart

sugary words are not needed here, sometimes, all i want is softly sweep over your hair and eye on look when you sleep


The most beautiful season, the shinest age, the most stunning encouter, and you, the most impressive in my heart


I'M right here waiting for you, in the time of the most beautiful season

[词典] encounter; [书] meet (a relative, friend, etc) unexpectedly; run into sb; meet by chance; rencounter;


A man I chanced to meet proved to be a most unusual character

Das Beste ——Silbermond Ich habe einen Schatz gefunden, und er traet deinen Namen So wunderschoe und wertvoll, mit keinem Geld der Welt zu bezahlen 我找到一个以你为名的宝藏 是如此美丽 无价 无法用世俗的价值来衡量 Du schlaest neben mir ein, ich kann dich die ganze Nacht betrachten, sehn wie du schlaest, hoere wie du atmest, bis wir am morgen erwachen 你在我身旁睡去 我可以一整晚只注视著你 看著你的睡容 听著你呼吸就这样直到隔日醒来 Du hast es wieder mal geschafft, mir den Atem zu rauben, wenn du neben mir liegst, dann kann ich es kaum glauben, dass jemand wie ich, so was schoenes wie dich verdient hat 每次想到你 就会让我专注的忘了呼吸 当你依傍在我身边 我几乎无法相信 像我这样的人 怎有如你般美好出现在我生命中 Du bist das Beste was mir je passiert ist, es tut so gut wie du mich liebst! Vergess den Rest der Welt, wenn du bei mir bist! Du bist das Beste was mir je passiert ist, es tut so gut wie du mich liebst! Ich sag’s dir viel zu selten, es ist schoen, dass es dich gibt! 在我生命中 遇见你是我最美的邂逅 能被你爱著 是最美好的一件事 世上的一切都可以忘却 只要你留在我身边 在我生命中 遇见你是我最美的邂逅 能被你爱著 是最美好的一件事 上天把你赐给了我 如此美好的事情 不是每个人都遇得到的 Dein Lachen macht süchtig, fast so als waere es nicht von dieser Erde Auch wenn deine Naehe Gift waere, ich w ürd bei dir sein solange bis ich sterbe Dein Verlassen würde Welten zerstoeren, doch daran will ich nicht denken Viel zu schoen ist es mit dir, wenn wir uns gegenseitig Liebe schenken Betank mich mit Kraft, nimm mir Zweifel von den Augen, erzaehl mir 1000 Luegen, ich würd sie dir alle glauben, doch ein Zweifel bleibt, dass ich jemand wie dich verdient hab! 你独一无二的笑容让我爱到无可自拔 就算你是伤人的毒药 我也要留在你身边直到死去 最不愿见到是你的离去 那将会让我的世界彻底毁灭 当我们彼此爱著对方 就是世上最美丽的事了 你给我力量 看著你 我眼中没有任何怀疑 就算你说了千百个谎 我还是死心蹋地的相信你 但最终我还是有一个疑问 像我这样的人 怎有如你般美好出现在我生命中 Du bist das Beste was mir je passiert ist, es tut so gut wie du mich liebst! Vergess den Rest der Welt, wenn du bei mir bist! Du bist das Beste was mir je passiert ist, es tut so gut wie du mich liebst! Ich sag’s dir viel zu selten, es ist schoen, dass es dich gibt! 在我生命中 遇见你是我最美的邂逅 能被你爱著 是最美好的一件事 世上的一切都可以忘却 只要你留在我身边 在我生命中 遇见你是我最美的邂逅 能被你爱著 是最美好的一件事 上天把你赐给了我 如此美好的事情 不是每个人都遇得到的 Wenn sich mein Leben überschl鋑t, bist du die Ruhe und die Zuflucht, weil alles was du mir gibst, einfach so unendlich gut tut Wenn ich rastlos bin, bist du die Reise ohne Ende, deshalb leg ich meine kleine groesse Welt in deine schü tzenden Haende! 当我检视生命的过程 是你带给我平和 做我的避风港 所有你给予我的 是无尽的美好 当我不安 你会是我无止尽的旅途 因为如此 我愿将我的一切 放在你保护我的双手中 Du bist das Beste was mir je passiert ist, es tut so gut wie du mich liebst! Vergess den Rest der Welt, wenn du bei mir bist! 在我生命中 遇见你是我最美的邂逅 能被你爱著 是最美好的一件事 世上的一切都可以忘却 只要你留在我身边 Ich sag’s dir viel zu selten, es ist schoen das es dich… gibt! 上天把你赐给了我 如此美好的事情 不是每个人都遇得到的


I am most happy is in the most beautiful time to meet you


I am most happy is in the most beautiful time to meet you


全部释义和例句>>Eighteen years old, the most beautiful but met you


全部释义和例句>>Eighteen years old, the most beautiful but met you



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