



走遍美国-The Blind Date ACT I[视频+文本]剧本


Excuse me Can you help me 对不起,你能帮我么?

Sure, what do you want 可以啊,什么事?

Where is 83 Wooster Street Wooster街83号在哪?

That's easy Walk to the corner 很好找。你走到拐角,

Then make a left turn 然后向左转,

Then walk two blocks to the traffic light 接着走两条街到红绿灯,

Make another left to Wooster 再向左转就到了Wooster街了。

Thank you 谢谢你。

To the corner and then a left 走到拐角向左转,对吗?

Yeah A left 是的,向左转。

Hot dog Only seventy-five cents 要热狗吗?只要七十五美分。

No Thank you I have a dinner date 不,谢谢。我要去赴晚餐约会。

555-9470and it's busy 555-9470……占线……

Try again 再试一次。

555-9470and it's still busy 555-9470……还是忙。

Excuse me, ma'am 对不起,夫人。

I'm looking for 83 Wooster Street 我想找Wooster街83号。

Yes Wooster Street is two blocks, 噢,Wooster街是两条街区,

and 83 is to the right, about two houses 83号是在右边,大约过两栋房子就到了。

Thank you, thank you! 谢谢,谢谢!

You're welcome 不用谢。

Who is it 谁呀?

Harry Bennett Is this Susan Harry Bennett。是Susan吗?

Yes, it is Come up 是的,是我。请上来。

I'm on the top floor 我在顶层。

Hello, Harry It's nice to meet you 你好,Harry。很高兴见到你。

Nice to meet you, Susan 很高兴见到你,Susan。

Sorry I'm late 很抱歉我迟到了。

The traffic The parking I was lost 交通拥挤,又找不到停车的地方,而且我又迷路了!

What pretty flowers! Thank you 好漂亮的花!谢谢你。

Oh, please come in 噢,请进来。

Don't worry about being late It's fine 别为迟到担心了,没有关系的。

Excuse the mess I just moved here 请不要介意这儿乱得很,我刚刚搬来住。

Oh, I'd like you to meet my sister-in-law Marilyn 噢,我来向你介绍我嫂子Marilyn。

Marilyn Stewart, this is Harry Bennett Marilyn Stewart,这是Harry Bennett。

Pleased to meet you 很高兴见到你。

Nice to meet you, Harry 我也很高兴见到你,Harry。

Are we too late for our dinner reservation 我们会不会错过晚餐订位的时间?

No, the restaurant will hold our table 不会,餐厅会保留我们的席位。

I know the owner very well 我和老板很熟。

I eat there a lot 我在那儿吃过好多次。

Do you know the phone number of the restaurant 知道那家餐厅的电话号码么?

I'd like to call home 我想打电话回家

and leave the number with the baby-sitter 把餐厅的电话告诉临时保姆。

Sure The number is five five fiveseventeen twenty 没问题,号码是555--1720。

May I use the phone 我可以用一下电话吗?

Five five fiveone seven two oh Hello 555-1720 , 喂

Hi, Michelle It's Daddy 嗨,Michelle。是爸爸。

Can I speak to Betty 我能跟Betty说话吗

I want to leave the phone number of the restaurant我要留餐厅的电话号码给她

Hi, Betty I'll be at five five fiveseventeen twenty 好,Betty。我的电话号码是555-1720。

OK Thanks See you later 好,谢谢。再见。

Well, that's done Shall we go 好了,打完了。我们可以走了吗?

I'm ready See you later, Marilyn 我准备好了。Marilyn,再见。

Have a nice evening 祝你们今晚愉快。

Bye, Marilyn Hope to see you again 再见,Marilyn。希望能再次见面。

Me, too Have fun! 我也是。祝你们玩得愉快!

Thanks 谢谢。

After you 请先走。


  英语话剧剧本 (一)

 领衔主演: M: 猪妈妈 P1: 猪哥哥 P2: 猪二哥 P3: 猪弟弟 W: 老狼

 主要演员: B1:小鸟1 B2: 小鸟2 旁白


 旁白:Long long ago, there were three little pigs with their mother They were very happy and they were very kind to their friends Look! They are coming!


 B1: Hello! Nice to meet you!

 B2: Nice to meet you, too

 B1: It is a nice morning

 B2: Yes, it is! (猪妈妈和孩子出现)

 M: Come on, babies!

 Pp: We’re coming!

 M: Are you happy today

 Pp: Yes

 M: Do you want to dance

 Pp: Yes Music!(音乐响,猪妈妈和小猪一起跳舞)

 P1: Mom, look! We’re so strong! (伸出胳膊,亮出肌肉,三个小猪比健美)

 P2: Yes, I am strong

 P3: No I am strong!

 M: Yes! Yes! My babies! I think you should have your own house!

 Pp: OK! I ’d love to

 M : You can do it!

 Pp: Yes! We can! Yeah! (做成功的动作)

 旁白:The three little pigs make three houses The first pig built his house with some straw The second pig built his house with some sticks The third pig built his house with some bricks They all think their own house is best! But the wolf is coming! He is very hungry! (音乐)

 W: Gu, gu, gu gu gu I’m very hungry Oh, I sniff the pig’s smell Aha! I have a good idea ! (来到第一只小猪的门前敲们) Little pig, little pig , let me come in!

 P1: No! No! Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin

 W :Then I ’ll huff and I ’ll puff ,and I ’ll blow your house down


 P1: Oh! Help! Help! My brother! Please help me! (迅速进入第二只小猪家,马上关门)

 P1: Close the door! (堵着门)

 P2: What’s the matter Don’t be afraid!

 P1: A wolf A big bad wolf

 W: Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in !

 P1p2: No! No! Not by the hair on our chinny chin chins

 W: Then I ’ll I ’ll huff and I ’ll puff ,and I ’ll blow your house down



 P1p2: Oh , my god !Let’s run away, run away ! (跑到第三个小猪家的床底下哆嗦)

 P1: The wolf is very strong!

 P2: He wants to eat us!

 P3: My god, help me! (三只小猪都在床底下)

 W: Little pigs, little pigs Let me come in!

 P1P2P3: No! Not by the hair on our chinny chin chins

 W : Open the door! I can get the house down! (吹三下,没动,鼓足又吹三下,迟疑了一下) Why (最后吹三下,开始喘气了,然后倒地)

 P1p3p2 : Yeah ! We are safe! (歌曲幸福歌)

 旁白:The wolf is very angry ! He has a good idea! He climbs the chimney! The birds tell the three little pigs!

 B1B2: My friends! Look at the chimney! (狼爬上了烟囱)

 P1: How to do What shall we do(开始转着跑)

 P2: Mom!Where are you (哭着说)

 P3: Don’t worry! I know, let’s see if we can blow the big bad wolf

 P1p2p3: OK , 123…

 W : Help! No!

 P1p2p3: The wolf is running! We are succeed! Yeah!

 M: My babies You are good boys How clever you are! (结尾曲。)

 旁白:The big bad wolf was blown far away and he was so frightened of the three little pigs, he never came back As for the three pigs, they lived happily ever after in their house made of bricks

  英语话剧剧本 (二)

 Welcome to The land of Make Believe Perhaps I should tell you this fine town There are a lot of funny-looking people in the Land of Make Believe, some people have long noses, some people have short arms but once upon a time a girl named Cinderella was the funniest

 Scene 1

 Cinderella: (Cinderella enters She has enormous feet She practices a ballet dance She is a bad dancer) I have such enormous feet I look like a seaplane I will never be a dancer I always lose at hopscotch (she tries to hopscotch but falls down), and I have to buy a sock for every toe (She holds up her socks)。 I hate my feet (The 2 Stepsisters enter They are dancing They are good dancers)from www12educn

 Stepsister 1: HA HA… It’s

 Stepsister 1&2: Cinderella BIGFOOT!

 Stepsister 2: Are you still trying to be a ballet dancer like us

 Stepsister 1: With those feet you look more like a clown than a dancer

 Stepsister 1: Cinderella, bring me my coat! (Cinderella brings her coat Her feet are so big that she trips)

 Stepsister 2: Cinderella, I am thirsty bring me some water (Cinderella brings her water; she trips and spills the water The two stepsisters laugh!!!) You are so clumsy! (They exit)

 Cinderella: (Crying) It’s not fair… Why do I have to have these terrible feet Why can’t I be beautiful and graceful like my stupid stepsisters!

 Mother: (Enters carrying an enormous shoe) Cinderella! You left you shoe in the middle of the street I have told you many times… You cannot go around barefoot Your shoe nearly caused a traffic accident

 Cinderella: But Mother those shoes don’t fit my feet They hurt! I want to wear sneakers!

 Mother: Nonsense You are a young woman And young women do not wear sneakers! These used to be your sister’s shoes

 Cinderella: But they are too small!

 Mother: You should be happy that she gave them to you after I bought her a new pair

 Stepsister 1: (The two stepsisters rush in holding an invitation They are excited) Whew! What is that smell

 Stepsister 2: It’s Cinderella again! (Both sisters hold their noses)

 Stepsister 1: I almost forgot, the ball is today…

 Stepsister2: (Interrupting) In the Kings Palace!

 Stepsister 1: We will meet the prince! Have you ever seen his nose It looks like a skyscraper

 Stepsister 2: Well he may not be handsome

 Stepsister 1 &2: but he is rich! (They laugh together)

 Cinderella: I heard that the prince can smell a pizza from a mile away

 Mother: Let me look at that (She grabs the invitation) Oh my goodness It is today We have a lot of work to do Cinderella will help you get ready

 Cinderella: But, why can’t I go to the ball I want to dance

 Mother: What with those feet You have trouble enough walking You might kill someone while you are dancing It is not safe Now girls please get ready (Mother exits)

 Stepsister 1: Hurry Cinderella… Where is my dress…?

 Stepsister 2: And my dress Bring me my shoes…!

 Cinderella: Yes Yes… (She runs around while the stepsisters order her around… she has difficulty keeping her balance) It is not a difficult task Your dresses are here!

 Stepsister 1: Be careful Cinderella

 Stepsister 2: Your BIG feet are stepping on our dresses! (Cinderella dresses the 2 girls)

 Mother: Now are you ready girls Let’s go!

 Stepsister 1: This is going to be so much fun!

 Stepsister 2: We shall dance all night! (They exit)

 Scene 2

 Cinderella: (Looks depressed) Uhhhhh… Now what should I do I can’t dance… I can barely even walk I wish my feet would disappear (She places a blanket over her feet and she starts to cry Fairy appears)

 Fairy: Why are you crying dear child Please don’t cry!

 Cinderella: I cannot go to the Prince’s ball

 Fairy: But why not You are not that ugly Stand up

 Cinderella: No

 Fairy: Please stand up I want to help you (Cinderella stands The Fairy is shocked by her feet) Oh My God!

 Cinderella: (Starts to cry again)

 Fairy: Oh, Don’t cry my dear I want to help you

 Cinderella: But I don’t have an invitation

 Fairy: Well I can solve that! Zip Zap Zoo… (She waves her magic wand and Cinderella is suddenly wearing a beautiful dress)

 Cinderella: It’s beautiful… (She is very happy… she looks down at her feet and becomes upset) But what about these

 Fairy: Hmmmm… I don’t think that I have any shoes that big… wait a moment… (She waves her wand and giant sneakers appear)

 Cinderella: Sneakers… made of glass! (She does a quick dance… and falls down) Oops… Now, how will I get to the ball I don’t have a carriage

 Fairy: Of course… (She waves her wand and nothing happens She tries again and still nothing appears) Ahhh…Take the bus (She hands Cinderella some change)

 Cinderella: Thank you fairy godmother

 Fairy: One more thing You must be home before midnight

 Cinderella: Sure, sure, bye (They exit)

 Scene 3

 Stepsister 1: Who is that funny looking girl

 Stepsister 2: She looks so familiar (She approached Cinderella) Do we know each other

 Cinderella: (Becomes very nervous She looks away and changes her voice) Ah, no I don’t think so Please excuse me I have to go

 Stepsister 1: What a strange girl…

 Prince: (Suddenly the prince, who has been standing alone picking his large nose, approaches the stepsisters) Wow… what a beautiful girl Who is she (The sisters shrug their shoulders The Prince walks to Cinderella) Hello sexy… (He smells her) You smell great! Wanna dance

 Cinderella: I would love to!

 Prince: Ouch you stepped on my foot!

 Cinderella: (The prince can barely walk) Maybe we better sit down for a moment (Just then the clock strikes 12) Oh my… I’ve got to go!

 Prince: But who are you (The prince shouts as he rubs his feet Cinderella runs away But she leaves behind one giant glass sneaker He picks it up and smells it) I am going to find that girl!

 Scene 4

 Stepsister 1: (The two girls are doing their make-up as they look in the mirror, Cinderella is painting her toenails eavesdropping on their conversation) Have you heard the news Remember that strange looking girl at the ball

 Stepsister 2: Yes…

 Stepsister 1: Well the prince wants to marry her, but he doesn’t know who she is

 Stepsister 2: Then how can he marry her

 Stepsister 1: Well she left her shoe behind

 Stepsister 2: So the Prince will marry whatever woman the shoe fits (Suddenly there is a knock at the door It is the Prince The girls bow as they meet him Cinderella of course falls down because of her feet)

 Prince: (He walks in the room and gives a gigantic sniff) Please ladies sit down (He smells each of their feet before he tries to put the shoe on their foot Cinderella watches from the corner)

 Stepsister 1: It fits!

 Prince: Not quite

 Stepsister 2: It’s mine!

 Prince: Too big! (He puts his nose in the air and starts to smell He sniffs all the way over to Cinderella’s feet)

 Stepsister 1: But she wasn’t at the ball…

 Stepsister 2: Yeah she wasn’t at the ball…

 Prince: Please! (She slips it on)

 Stepsister 1&2: It fits!

 Prince: Will you marry me

 Cinderella: Only if you will marry me

 Prince: I will (He leans in a tries to give Cinderella a kiss, but his nose is too big Finally he kisses her hand)


  英语话剧剧本 (三)

 Scene II

 SETTING: old lady B is at Old lady A’s home

 AT RISE: Old lady A is cooking dumplings Old lady B is knocking at the door

 B:              Anyone home

 A:              (Opens the door) What are you doing hereYou must run away with the other nEighbors or you will be eaten by the monster

 B:              I’m too hungry to run Can you please give me something to eat

 A:              All right, all right

 B:              (Eating dumplings) Why don’t you run away like everyone else

 A:              I want to kill the monster because it ate my husband and children

 B:              But it is too difficult

 A:              I don’t care

 B:              Do you have any method to deal with it

 A:              Um, I don’t know

 B:              In order to thank you for giving me this food, I can teach you how to kill the monster

 A:              ReallyHow

 B:              Well, I know the monster is afraid of the color red and loud noise So we can stick some red papers on the door and make loud noise to frighten it away

 A:              So what are we waiting forLet’s do it now

 B:              You are right!It’s getting darker and darker outside

 Scene III

 SETTNG: Outside A’s home

 AT RISE: The monster shows up in front of A’s home

 Monster:    Ha!Ha!Ha!After one year of sleeping, I’m very hungry now It’s time for me to eat a lot of people Ha!Ha!Ha!It’s too bad that everybody runs away Oh, there is a light in that house, there must be people in it (Knocking on the door) Anybody home I won’t hurt you, just open the door (When it sees the red paper on the door) Oh, my god, it’s the color red, I’m afraid of it Stay away from me

 AB:              (Opens the door, and they are wearing red clothes) You bad monster Now it’s your turn to feel afraid (They beat drums and strike gongs)

 Monster:    Oh, my god~ I can’t take it anymore Please forgive me

 A:                You ate all my family How can I forgive you

 Monster:    I’m sorry I will do anything you say if you only let me go

 B:                I think the monster feels very sorry now

 Monster:    Yes, Yes, I ‘m so sorry

 A:                Well, if you go away and never come back, I will forgive you

 B:                Yes, and never eat people anymore

 Monster:    Ok, I promise you I will never eat people and never come here again (They stop beating drums and striking gongs The monster runs away and never comes back anymore)

 Scene IV

 SETTING: In the village

 AT RISE: A、B、C、D、E are talking

 C:              How did you do it

 A:              B told me the monster is afraid of the color red and loud noises

 D:              Wow!How do you know this(To B)

 B:              Actually, I’m a fairy I’m here to help you fight the monster

 E:              Oh, thank you You really did us a big favor

 B:              You're welcome Now you don’t have to be afraid of this monster anymore (Everyone is happy and clapping thEir hands)


新灰姑娘 New Cinderella角色:灰姑娘(戴着深度近视眼镜,满脸雀斑),后母,两个姐姐,王子,小仙女,女孩甲,女孩乙,参加宴会者数人。道具:深度近视眼镜两副,高跟鞋,拖把,鸡毛掸子,梳子,橡皮筋,西瓜车,SKI化妆品,音乐带,镜子,围巾,流星。ACT 1(灰姑娘背对着观众,拿着拖把拖地,身体夸张地跟着音乐律动,再拿起鸡毛掸子清理,后母走出来,刚好清理到她的身边。)Stepmother: Cinderella, what are you doing (生气地)Cinderella: Mum, your dress is a little bit dirty Let me clean it for you (用鸡毛掸子清理后母的裙子。)Stepmother: Stop it! You naughty girl Look at my face (拿出镜子给Cinderella看)You had better clean your face first (怒气冲冲离开)Cinderella: Oh! My face What can I do (望着镜子)镜子:Oh ,the poor girl But you are kindhearted(Cinderella伤心地唱着Star light, star bright)Star light, star bright,First star I see tonightI wish I may, I wish I mightHave the wish I wish tonight(闭眼祷告)(这时,天空滑过一颗流星,接着小仙女跑过来,追着这颗流星。)小仙女:My candy My candy(跑着跑着,掉了一样东西)(Cinderella祈祷完毕,看到地上地东西,捡起来。)Cinderella: What is it SKI ,for beauty Oh, that is for me Thank you very much(双手合十做感谢状)ACT 2(Cinderella背对观众清理房间)大姐:Cinderella, comb my hairCinderella: Yes, sister (将大姐的头发绑成冲天炮)二姐:Cinderella, get me a scarf(拿出一条围巾并绑二姐未在手臂上)(大姐和二姐站起来互看了一眼,并放声大笑。)大姐:You look so funny二姐:You look so funny大姐,二姐:(觉得不对劲)Cinderella!Cinderella: (没戴眼镜,雀斑全消)Yes大姐:Cinderella, you look so different二姐:Cinderella, your face…Cinderella: I made a wish and it came true大姐,二姐:How did you do that(Cinderella 配合滑稽的音效,比手画脚了一番。)大姐,二姐:Oh! I see Go to your room, Cinderella (Cinderella退回房间)大姐:It is easy, isn’t it二姐:Yes Let’s try大姐,二姐:(唱歌)Star light, star bright,First star I see tonightI wish I may, I wish I mightHave the wish I wish tonight(这时,天空掉下一颗巨大的陨石。)小仙女:My ball My ball(跑着,跑着,将陨石捡起并向观众,这时身上掉下一样东西。)大姐:(睁开眼睛)What is it二姐:(从地上捡起来)SK大姐:It works大姐,二姐:(抢着涂抹)Save some for meACT 3Stepmother: Mary! Judy! Where are you It is time to party大姐,二姐:(沮丧地)We are here(大姐,二姐成为大近视眼,脸上并长满雀斑。)Stepmother: Oh, my goodness! What’s the matter with you 大姐,二姐: Mummy! Help usACT 4Cinderella: (唱Star light, star bright并闭眼祷告)(这时,天空滑过一颗流星)小仙女: My candy! My candy!Cinderella! Stop singing the songHere are the car and the dressBe sure to come back before twelveCinderella: Thank you, my angel!ACT 5(宴会上,大家快乐地跳着舞)王子:My fair lady May I have this danceCinderella: Yes, please(王子和Cinderella跳着DISCO)Stepmother: Who’s that大姐:She is so beautiful二姐:I wish I were the girl大姐:Don’t make any wish, stupid girl(钟敲响12下) 时钟报时:Dang! Dang! Dang! It is 12 o’clock!Cinderella: Oh! I have to leave now(冲忙跑走,掉了一双鞋子。)王子: Hey! Don’t be so rush What’s your nameACT 6(在街上,王子看到女孩子就请她试穿鞋子。)王子:Please try it on女孩甲:(试穿后)It is not my size女孩乙:(试穿后)It is not mine大姐:Let me try it(但穿不下)二姐:It is my turn(也穿不下)王子:(看到Cinderella)Lady,would you please try it onCinderella:Oh! It’s my shoe王子:You are the girl in the partyCinderella:Yes, I am。Thank you for bringing me the shoe(跑走,并唱着Star light, star bright)王子:Wait! Wait! I am the prince Marry me!小仙女:(穿着Cinderella参加舞会地衣服)I do I do小仙女:(拉着王子地手不由自主一直大叫I do )Cinderella,!Stop singing the song and making any wish 63


《威尼斯商人》 是英国戏剧家莎士比亚创作的戏剧,是一部具有讽刺性的喜剧。大约作于1596~1597年。该剧的剧情是通过三条线索展开的:一条是鲍西亚选亲;一条是杰西卡与罗兰佐恋爱和私奔;还有一条是“割一磅肉”的契约纠纷。









音乐剧:Peter and the Wolf (彼德与狼) (Ladies and getlemen Good afternoonToday I’ll tell you a story It

is “Peter and the Wolf”) Peter: Good morning everyone What a fine day! How beautiful the

green lawn is! Bird: Good morning, Peter Peter: Good morning, Bird Bird: It’s a fine morning, isn’t it! All is calm All is beautiful Duck: I’m a duck, you see Peter forgot to lock the door Now I’m free How I want to have a good bath in the pool! (Duck jumps into the pool) Bird: Hi! Who are you You can’t fly Duck: Aren’t you a bird! You can’t swim You see I can Bird: You are a fool Duck: I’m clever You are a fool Bird: You are a fool Duck: I’m clever You are a fool (At this time, a black cat is coming quietly) Cat: Yeh They are quarrelling So I have no trouble catching them

Look at me, please Peter: Take care, Bird Be careful, Bird (So the bird flies away) Duck: You are a thief Why don’t you catch that bird Bird: You are a robber Why don’t you rob me Cat: Should I go to catch the bird Should I I’m afraid when I get there, the bird will fly away Grandfather: Peter, you see It is very dangerous here The duck is

running into the pool If a wolf comes, what should you do then Peter: I’m a young pioneer I’m very brave How can I dare a wolf (A few minutes later A very big, cruel wolf comes siletly The black cat runs away quickly) Cat, Bird: Oh,! Wolf! Duck: Oh! My dear The wolf is coming Let me run quickly (How can a bird run so fast! Look, the wolf has caught the bird, and

eaten him up) Wolf: How I am satisfied! But I still want to catch the bird and the black cat (Now Peter and the grandfather see what has happened They have a

good idea now) Peter: Bird Please fly over the wolf’s head You can fly around and

around him But you should be careful enough Bird: Wolf Wolf Can you catch me You are a fool! Can you catch me Catch me! (The wolf is so angry that he jumps up and down At this moment Peter and his grandfather throw a rope and catches the wolf) Cat, Bird, Grandfather: Beat him Beat him Don’t let him run away (At this moment A group of hunters get to the forest Listen, they

are shooting at the wolf) Peter: Oh, no Bird and I have caught the wolf Don’t kill him Let

him alive Please help us to send him to the zoo Peter, Grandfather,Hunters, Cat, Bird: Oh! Oh! Let’s go to the zoo

Let’s go to the zoo (Now please look at the group: Peter, Grandfathe, Hunters,Bird and

Cat They are dragging the wolf and sending him to the zoo How

happy they are!


三人英语话剧剧本 篇1

 Three Times’ Beating Monster

 人物:T唐僧S:孙悟空 E:猪八戒


 B:白骨精(何平) B1:B变成的村姑 B2:B变成的太婆B3:B变化成的老头

 T: Emitofo,do you know where we are now

 S: Bajie,map!

 E: (摸出,递给S)

 S: Look,boss (凑近T)……(T、S一齐转向E)

 T: Bajie!How Many times I have told you, don’t bring these pictures of beautiful girls!

 E: Oh, boss!Forgive me(伸手拿回)

 T: (缩手)I’ll keep it for you until we reach the west

 E: But……

 T: Emitofo,nothing is lust,lust is nothing! Map

 E: (递)HereEm…… we have arrived in White Tiger Mountain!Ah I can’t walk on any more!(坐)My stomach doesn’t allow So

 S: Fat Pig!

 E: Monkey,if you dare to say these two words once again,I will ,I will……

 S: You will what(凶相)?

 E: (软禁)I will help you catch fleas(跳蚤)。

 S: Hm!

 T:(轻咳)Wukong,factually,I am a bit hungry Could you go to get me some food

 E: You see , boss is hungry,too!

 T: Baijie!Don’t forget who ate my last meal!

 J: But boss,if a monster comes while brother monkey is away……

 T: Em……It is a problemWukong,do you have any idea

 S: No problem!(安装)(B已躲在一旁偷看)

 J: This is……?

 S: Electric net!I have learnt the energy of electricity from boss’s books So I made this No monster can approach you if you stay in it!

 T: Em……Wukong, you are becoming more and more scientific! Emitofo, knowledge is power!

 S: Bye!(走)

 T: Let’s play cards!(三人开始打牌)音乐《斗地主》

 B: Hm!Hm!Electric netYou are too childish(变成B1)

 B1: (接近三人,望着)Can I join you

 J: I’m sorry,lady We are playing Fighting Against landowner and three people are enough

 B1: (在一旁观看)Oh,Chance! Bomb!

 T: Bomb(打出)

 B1: Double King!

 T: Oh…I win! Em……,Lady,you are a boss-hand Come in and teach me!(准备开电网门)

 S: (回来,看见B1)Oh,monster!(上前就打)

 B1: (倒)Ah……

 T: (气愤)Wukong! Look what have done! She is my teacher!

 S: She is a monster!

 T: Nonsense!(深呼吸)

 S: Oh,please don’t……

 T:It’s too late!(唱)Once more……you open the door…(泰坦尼克主题曲,走音离谱)

 S: Please,Please,oh,no……(痛苦抱头)

 T: (呛住,咳)Wukong,I’m disappointed with you!

 B: (真身出现)Hm!Sun Wukong, I’ll teach you a lesson!(变成太婆)

 B2:Hello,have you seen my daughter

 T: Daughter…(连忙挡住地尸体)No,sorry!(陪笑,B2想看后面是什么,T挡)

 S: (咬牙切齿)You monster, I’ll beat you into hell!(S追打B2,B2躲至T身后,S打,不想打到T头,T晕,S再打死B2)

 E&J: Are you Ok, boss(扶T)

 J: Look,(伸食指)how many

 T:Two……(晕乎乎地)Sun Wukong, game over!(变成B3)

 B3: (看到B1,B2尸体)Oh…,my daughter, my wife! Who did it!!(哭喊)

 S: I’ll kill you, monster!(打)

 T: (想阻止,未及)You,you……(险些晕,E,J扶住 )You have killed three lives!

 S: No,they are not human beings!They are created by monster!

 T: MonsterYou are a real monster!Never let me see you,go!!

 S: (悲,离去)(音乐,营造 "假"悲伤气氛)《人鬼情未了》

 J: boss, brother Monkey is……

 T: Dont mention that guy any more!

 B: (出现) Ha,ha,ha!(三尸体B1,B2,B3在B招手后"飘"走)

 T: (惊)You are……

 B: How foolish you are ,Mr Tang!(E,J去阻斗,被击退)

 B: (抓住T)Ill enjoy your meat and blood,ha,ha……

 S: (悄悄走到B后,打B,B晕)A thousand years later

 T: Wukong

 E: Oh,Brother Monkey!

 J: Our hero is back!

 T: I,I cant understand……What happened

 S: Boss,your IQ needs increasing! This monster changed its appearance into three shapes in order to cheat you!

 T: How,how did you find out

 S: (沉默)……Monkeys intuition(直觉)

 T: Wukong(S不理T)I admit my mistake this time(S仍不理)Im sorry(小声)

 S: What

 T: Im sorry

 S: Em Louder,please

 T: I……am……sorry……(S 捂耳)(音乐响)《敢问路在何方》(这个放伴奏)


三人英语话剧剧本 篇2

 A Play:

 Buying Medicine

 By Liu Qinglin

 Characters: X ------ Xiao Fei

 S ------- Shopkeeper

 D- ---- Doctor Li

 O- -----Others ( O1, O2 O3 -----)

 Ws ------ Wounded soldiers ( W1, W2,W3 -----)

 H -----He zhenwu, a Japanese spy

 W- ---- Woman

 J ------ Japanese


 ( At an old temple lie some wounded soldiers D is examining their wounds)

 D: Good evening, everyone

 Ws: ( Together) Good evening, Dr Li

 D: Hello, let me examine you

 W1: I’m all right There’s no need to do so ( W1 is about to fall down)

 D: (Helps him up) Your leg discloses you! Let me have a look Ah, it’s going worse Let me put some

 medicine on you

 W1: No, it isn’t necessary There is little medicine left Go to look after that young man He has a high

 fever He seems fainted

 D: ( Takes W2’s temperature ) So he has! He needs an injection but we have none Feed him these last three pills with warm water What else can I do There’s no medicine left

 W3: Don’t worry, Doctor I am young and strong I am all tight now I’ll go and buy some medicine

 D: No, you are not all right Your leg will bleed when you move Lie down and have a good rest

 W4: So you can let me go I can run very fast The enemy cannot catch me

 ( Just then, Xiao Fei comes in)

 X: Be quiet everybody You must have a good rest This is order, you know

 W1: But there’s no medicine left

 X: That’s why I’m here I’ve come to fetch the list I’ll go to town to buy medicine

 D: Have you got any money

 X: No

 D: ( Takes off her gold ring) Take this with you Perhaps you can change it for medicine

 X: No, I can’t take it , because it is given to you by your future husband who gave up his life to the revolution a few days ago It mustn’t go to other people’s hands

 D: But how can you get the medicine without money

 X: Don’t worry I’ll manage Goodbye

 D and Ws: Be careful!


 ( Music) ( Xiao is walking on the way like a businessman He sings as he goes

 When he Passes a corn field, he sees He Zhenwu the Japanese spy robbing a woman)

 W: Help! Help!

 H: You needn’t cry There’s nobody else here Let me marry you and make yourself noble

 W: You Japanese spy! No one will marry you

 H: Otherwise I’ll kill you! ( He raises his gun and the woman catches hold of his wrist They start a fight Finally, H knocks W down Just then X arrives)

 X: Stop! Don’t bully Chinese woman!

 H: It’s none of your business! Go away

 X: I would rather stop you ( H raises his gun towards X X kicks it away They begin a fight W puts on his clothes W and begins to pull H’s leg X knocks H down)

 X: (To W) Quick! Help me tie him up

 W: You are bleeding Let me do first aid

 X: It doesn’t matter Pull him into the corn fields

 H: Please spare my life I won’t do that again

 ( W takes up the gun and is about to shoot)

 X: Don’t do that If the Japanese hear the shot, they’ll come

 H: Thank you, sir But please let me go

 X: Let you go You’ll continue to kill and bully Chinese! ( X puts his socks into H’s mouth) Wait here And lend me your pass and bike Don’t try to run away (They go down)

 Scene 3

 (Music) (X is riding a bike toward town He sings as he goes along)

 J1 and J2: Stop! Show me your pass

 X: Here you are!

 J1 & J2: ( After reading it) Hi! Salute ( They Salute) ( X goes through the town gate and after some time stops at a drug shop and knocks at the door)

 S: Who’s it

 X: It’s me, a customer

 S: (To O1) Go to answer the door

 O1: come in, please You are the only customer for these days

 S: What can I do far you

 X: ( Hands him the pass) We Japanese assistant soldier need some medicine Here is the list

 S: Oh, so much medicine! Do you have enough money

 X: We’ll send you the money in a few days’ time Quick, this is order ( Shows him his gun)

 S: All right! All right!

 S: ( To O1) Quick! Give him the medicine

 O1: All right ( Hands it to X) Here you are

 X: I have to go now Bye-bye

 S: ( To O1) Quick! Close the door

 O1: All right ( He closes it)

 S: ( Makes a telephone call) Hi! This is No1 Medicine Shop Just now, a man came in and took a lot of medicine away Perhaps he belongs to the Eighth Route Army Stop him, quick!

 ( X rides his bike fast Soon he arrives at the gate, J1 is receiving a phone call J2 signs him to stop X rides towards him and knocks him out J1 begins to short at him Soon he arrives at a bridge, where two soldiers stand X kills them with two shots A crowd of soldiers rush towards him He run into the corn field H has just frees himself and is about to leave)

 J3: Oh, here he is!

 js: (Together) Don’t move! Hands up!

 H: I’m sorry I’m not Eighth -----

 J4: Tie him up ( They tie him up and beat him)

 H: Ouch! I belong to Japanese army

 J5: Don’t listen to him He’s lying Put him in our car Let’s go (They go down)

 X: (X goes through the corn field and comes up to a street He meets some Japanese and fights them He kills some of them and enters a lane Finally he arrives at the temple D and Ws come to welcome him)

 D: Here comes our hero

 Ws: Congratulations

 X: Thank you, everybody

 ( The end )

三人英语话剧剧本 篇3

 L:梁山伯 Z:祝英台 M:马文才 旁:旁白

 旁:话说梁山伯和祝英台三年前一同来到刚刚成立的武汉新东方书院学习英语。梁山伯酷爱口语师从口语老师邓大付学习美国口语,尤其擅长模仿马丁?路德?金的演讲。(旁白暂停,邓英文"I have a dream ")。祝英台一心梦想出国,梦想有朝一日成为BBC主持人(旁白暂停,祝英文"this is BBC…)最终祝英台以托福和GRE高分的成绩被哥伦比亚大学录取。在祝英台临走的那一天,梁山伯十八里相送在天河机场与祝英台缠绵告别。

 L: Yingtai ,I love you so much and I’ll miss you so much!

 Z: I love you, too! Don’t worry Shanbo I only love you in this wild world I’ll marry you as soon as I’m back Wait for me just for two years

 L: I’ll kiss you across the Pacific Ocean

 Z: I’ll kiss you from the other side Wait for me BoBo


 L: Oh, Sweetie, Yintai I miss you so much, miss you every minute every second Oh my dear Are you listening to me

 Z: Listen, Liang Shanbo I’m calling to tell you that I loved you But I think you’d better find a better girl

 L: What Pardon

 Z: Because I’ll get married

 L: Married to who

 Z: To 英俊潇洒风流倜傥玉树临风的Ma Wencai He is so handsome So rich, even richer than Yu Minhong And he is good at 葵花宝典。I love his money and I love his body

 L: What are you talking about You wait and see I’ll give you some color to see see I’ll kill you! I will kill you in America!

 Z: America You can come to America Hahahaha

 旁:祝英台的无端背叛深深伤害了梁山伯脆弱的心灵,他发下毒誓:不杀祝英台誓不为人。于是重新来到新东方书院学习托福和GRE当然他没有忘记用老生证可以优惠20块钱。为了能飞越重洋去杀掉祝英台,他每天提醒自己有一个梦想。 I say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream

 I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and lives out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal I have a dream that one day I will kill Zhu Yingtai right in America It is a dream that deeply rooted in my heart In my heart


 L: Zhu Yingtai, long time no see, huh Who am I I’m Liang Shanbo I’m here to kill you

 Z: Liang…shanbo Oh, Wencai He is crazy He will kill me

 M: You! Get out of here

 L: You! Get out of here!

 M: 电话来了。Hello, I’m in wuhan Ok ok I’ll come right now

 Z: Please don’t go Just stay, please He’ll kill me

 M: I know! But if I stay, he’ll kill me by the way

 Z: You told me you were good at 葵花宝典?

 M: Sorry, I’m not good at 葵花宝典。 I’m just good at 新华字典。

 Z: Oh, you liar Just get out of here!! (to Liang Shanbo) Oh, darling, you must kill me

 L: Yes, I have to Because I hate you more than I can say

 Z: (sing)When we were young, we listened to the MP3, you said you’d love me forever Don’t kill me, ok Shanbo I qiu qiu ni

 L: No door! (sing) Where you go, whatever you say, I’ll be right here killing you I only know I was born to love you or to kill you Now I can’t love you, the only choice is to kill you

 Z: 曾经Once upon a time, there was a true love in front of me, I didn’t cherish it If I was to meet him again, I wish to say I love you If you would ask me how long I would love him, I should say ten thousand years That man is you The only man I love in this wild world is you Only you(sing)

 L: The only woman I want to kill is on-ly you!!

 Z: Please, you know I love you I love you just like laoshu ai dami I want to marry you

 L: hehehe Really

 Z: Oh, of course Please don’t kill me!!!!

 L: To kill or not to kill is a question I don’t know Who can tell me I put her life in your hands Everybody here, please tell me kill or not kill

 (to kill)

 L: You hear this I ‘m sorry But don’t worry , I’ll go to heaven together with you

 Z: All right kill me, then we’ll become two butterflies in the beautiful garden(sing)


 Z: 亲爱的你别杀我,杀了我你也没有好结果

 L:亲爱的我也不想杀 可是大家非得要我杀

英语小品剧本 -- 孙悟空vs猪八戒

An English play---- Pig Guy has been defeated by Monkey King


Master, are you tired Let’s have a rest


I am fine Let’s have a rest later Look! There is a house over there



Daddy, mommy, I, I …


Honey, hurry up The spirit is coming soon




Master, here we are



Excuse me, sir I am the monk from the east Can we stay over here tonight


Oh, you are the monk from the east Sure Sure, come in, please ……



Master, please save my daughter, save my family…


Don’t be sad, madam Take it easy What happened



Master, there is a spirit here He wants to marry my daughter, tonight We are all

afraid of him


Calm down, sir My apprentice has great capability Maybe, he can help you



Alas! , master, there have been many people who boast to be very capable But every

time, they were defeated by the spirit You’d better keep away tonight



What Is the spirit really so strong I’d like to see how great he is All of you

just stay inside Don’t come out no matter what happens





Darling, here I am



Darling, don’t be so shy! Please come to me Come on, we will be a couple




Darling, don’t be afraid Although I am ugly, I am so powerful I am sure that I

can make you happy



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