





1亲近大自然 英语作文 50词








Nature, the environment which human beings live by, is magnificent and unique There si only one earth with super living conditions in the universe We should have cherished nature and preserved it Conversely, however, we have been continually spoiling it, even to a shocking degree Now let's see what we have dong

Thousands of trees have been cut down per year, which has caused soil erosion Hundreds of thousands of tons of CFCS have been left in the higher sky in the last decade which has led to the ozone layer leak above the South Pole that covers an area of that of the United States Million tons of fuel containing nitrogen and sulphur have been consumed per year, which has eventually resulted in acid rain throughout the world

Similarly, ecology has been affected as well And considerable number of species have been extinct as the years go by many creatures which were common in the past are becoming less and less, even rare The Tibet antelope, for instance, is a good example Since the antelopes of Tibet have a part of fur on their body which can be made into a precious cape, driven by some lawless dealers many villagers killed antelopes excessively and shocking for the large suns of fortune Because of this, the number of the antelopes of Tibet has sharply fallen from over one million to less than one hundred thousand And what's more, the number has now decreased by 20 thousand per year Qing Zang Platean, which was their homeland, is their tombs now

This is how


All roads lead to Rome条条大路通罗马。

It is no use crying over spilt milk覆水难收

You cannot eat your cake and have it鱼与熊掌,不可得兼

While the priest climbs a post, the devil climbs ten道高一尺,魔高一丈

Where there is a will, there is a way有志者事竟成。

Water dropping day by day wears the hardest rock away滴水穿石。

To err is human人非圣贤,孰能无过。

Things at the worst will mend否极泰来。

Tomorrow never comes我生待明日,万事成蹉跎

Troubles never come singly福无双至,祸不单行。

The world is but a little place, after all海内存知己,天涯若比邻。 The water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it up水能载舟,亦能覆舟。

There is no royal road to learning书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it世上无难事,只怕有心人。

No man is wise at all times聪明一世,糊涂一时。

No cross, no crown不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹。

Never too old to learn, never too late to turn亡羊补牢,为时未晚。 Man proposes, God disposes谋事在人,成事在天。 Keep good men company and you shall be of the number近朱者赤,近墨者黑。



1、Thanks to the blue sky, because the blue sky to make people happy, chest one Gordian knot, in looking at the blue sky, one quietly opened 译文:感谢蓝天,因为蓝色的天空让人快乐,心中的心结,看着蓝天,一个静静地打开了。2、thanks to the blue sky , because the blue sky wrapped around the earth, wrapped in a human, wrapped in all things, as we hold precious oxygen 译文:感谢蓝天,因为蓝色的天空包裹着地球,包裹在人类之中,包裹在万物之中,我们拥有珍贵的氧气。

3、Thanks to Blue sky, Thanks to the clouds, for if only a deep blue sky is a lonely landscape And when the ever-changing clouds dotted the sky, only beautiful to describe Early in the morning twilight, cloud is wearing a colorful veil, it is charming and moving 译文:感谢蓝天,感谢云彩,因为只有深蓝色的天空才是孤独的风景。当不断变化的云点缀着天空,才是美丽的描述。

清晨的晨光中,云朵带着色彩斑斓的面纱,它美丽而动人。4、Thanks to the green water, because if she and her brothers and sisters disappear, then we and everything will disappear, because we can't live without their moisture, is inseparable from the care, without them, the vitality of the earth will be a silence Thank Green 译文:多亏了绿色的水,因为如果她和她的兄弟姐妹们消失了,那么我们和所有的一切都会消失,因为我们不能没有他们的滋润,无法生存,没有他们,地球的活力将是一片寂静。

谢谢绿色5、Thank the trees, because the old blue sky protection, but the oxygen total a day will be consumed, we rely on oxygen to survive the creatures die, but fortunately there are itemized, it can filter carbon dioxide, producing oxygen supply us Add fresh green spots to feel comfortable and refreshing 译文:感谢树木,因为有蓝天保护,但是氧气总有一天会被消耗,我们依靠氧气生存的生物死亡,但幸运的是有分项,它可以过滤二氧化碳,产生氧气供给我们。加入新鲜的绿色斑点,让你感到舒适和清爽。

6、Thanks to the grass, because trees can not be everywhere, and their growth need space, stones, on the roof, can be seen everywhere, they all in their efforts to transform the environment 译文:多亏了草地,因为树木不能无处不在,它们的生长需要空间,石头,屋顶上,随处可见,它们都在努力改造环境。7、Thanks to the flowers, because if there is no their well decorated, the earth will not be more colorful Thank FlowersI thank nature, thanks to his blue sky, his clouds, his green water, his trees, his grass, his gifts of flowers, as well as his own 译文:多亏了这些花,因为如果没有它们的精心装饰,地球就不会变得更加丰富多彩。



Thanks to the blue sky, because the blue sky to make people happy, chest one Gordian knot, in looking at the blue sky, one quietly opened, thanks to the blue sky is because the blue sky wrapped around the earth, wrapped in a human, wrapped in all things, as we hold precious oxygen Thank Blue skyThanks to the clouds, for if only a deep blue sky is a lonely landscape And when the ever-changing clouds dotted the sky, only beautiful to describe Early in the morning twilight, cloud is wearing a colorful veil, it is charming and moving Thank CloudThanks to the green water, because if she and her brothers and sisters disappear, then we and everything will disappear, because we can't live without their moisture, is inseparable from the care, without them, the vitality of the earth will be a silence Thank GreenThank the trees, because the old blue sky protection, but the oxygen total a day will be consumed, we rely on oxygen to survive the creatures die, but fortunately there are itemized, it can filter carbon dioxide, producing oxygen supply us Add fresh green spots to feel comfortable and refreshing Thank TreeThanks to the grass, because trees can not be everywhere, and their growth need space, stones, on the roof, can be seen everywhere, they all in their efforts to transform the environment Thank Green grassThanks to the flowers, because if there is no their well decorated, the earth will not be more colorful Thank FlowersI thank nature, thanks to his blue sky, his clouds, his green water, his trees, his grass, his gifts of flowers, as well as his own。

There is wind,rain and thunder in the nature,which can be seen in different timeAmong them,wind is always around us,we can feel it at anytimeBut it is different in different seasonsIn spring,it's soft and comfortableBut in summer it can be rough and strongRain comes lightly in spring,and it can last for some daysBut in summer it's usually heavy,coming in a sudden and then disappears in a sudden tooThunder usually comes with rain and wind,and it often appears in summer



 The beauty of nature is like a magician To daub on light green, spring to summer with a dark green, and, with dazzling aureate autumn to winter again put on a white coat; Ding-dong of the spring water gently singing tune, spectacular sea in rhythm, those little the singer with the wind also show up their indirect voice; Beautiful picture of nature is the blue sky white clouds, green hills and water, flowers, quiet mountains…

 What a sight!

 However, such a view, so beautiful, because human desire is don’t have much, everywhere is named “tall buildings” tree; Flow of the river is called “car” of water droplets; Beautiful mountain “has been renamed as” factory “; Beautiful blue sky white clouds seemed to fit the nobility, clothed in black

 Oh my god ~! The beauty of the earth’s natural villages Where is she Oh, she is still there, just for old face… These, is she the children are making! The human and the nature can’t coexist As long as we are taking the path of sustainable development, mother nature will not be ill-treated in human ~! But now Human unchecked, makes the natural mother scarred, also sped up the earth’s resources to reduce…

 Stupid human ah, you really are in knowingly ah ~! Preached that environmental protection, and increase the demand, this is the face of love your mother Action! Action! With the practical action to implement environmental protection, for future generations point f!!!!!







 For the behavior of human, nature and the earth mother gave us a words: “who done no wrong, and that could change, be not” People seemed to understand the meaning of this sentence, and began to enjoy the environment of the protection of the environment at the same time, hope in harmony with nature

 Said to the man and nature in harmony, for example, we see a tree to plant a tree, to do everything in our power to our compensation fault before, treat every inch, protect animals…

 People began to afforestation and the protection of animals, is also a lot of propaganda slogans on television People in the desert near to shelter forest, prevent dust storms Remember there is a news said: “an old man near their HuangShanPo value on trees, trees when I was a child, every day he came to see once, pouring water or weeding, seedlings grown up now, he has to go to other places to plant trees, he said, he is old and his son, and his son is old son’s son” Old man planting trees have spent, also Can such a man, what can’t we Wenxin after reports, it is more and more people began to plant trees A lot of naughty children no longer draw out a bird’s nest, but long accompanied by building the bird’s nest at home These things have become common now

 I believe in that way, the earth mother will restore the original beauty, man and nature will become more harmonious to get along, is more prosperous, human life more beautiful! Finally remember a words: “be gentle with the earth _ scientific development, harmonious






 Man is the product of nature, people rely on natural and survival, it is known In the process of survival and development, people should live in harmony with nature But now, due to the expansion of the population, especially the human greed, unchecked for the nature, nature is badly damage, polluted water, reducing the green, gone part of the life, even threatening the survival of mankind itself

 Man is closely related to nature The survival is dependent on natural resources Drinking water Heating of coal The burning oil Cooking gas… Notting have is not directly or indirectly derived from natural sources

 Earth resources rich again, also have to do Therefore, the human to the use of natural resources, especially non-renewable resources, must be reasonable exploitation, effective use, to protect natural resources, the parched and fishing, kill the limited horizon, just drink my thirsty, ultimately hurt will be human beings, between human and natural resources, should find a way of sustainable, to protect the natural resources

 Should be in harmony between human and nature, and has been recognized by more and more people, accept and to practice, why want to harmony, this the truth clearly, intensive land for human beings with nature, nature will revenge on human, it has to be embodied from many natural disasters

 Since many people praise, drunk and linger in the midst of them, with their spiritual pen, writing a succession of good poems These, how many people have made amazing! Love nature, into the natural Close to nature Natural writing, it will be your best choice








Living in the concrete jungle, we have to admit that our busy extravagant lives are corroding our souls little by little Only by being close to nature can we recover our vitality and go back our true selves Breathing in fresh air, elling the fragrance of flowers and listening to the sounds of birds and streams, we can release our tensions and listening to the sounds of birds and streams, we can our tensions and cleanse our minds of the tiresome things around us Form the journey of water, we can understand the circle of life Also, we can learn to be kind people from the peace of mountains We can learn a lot as we enjoy the cozy atmosphere of nature We may consider nature as a great book, and noting in the can delight us as much as it!

自然资源-Natural Resources

Natural Resources

Nature has provided us with many kinds of resources Al most everything we use in our everyday life es from Nature The food we eat, the water we drink, the clothes we wear, the concrete and bricks to build our houses, the materi als to make bikes we ride, etc, all e originally from Nature

People have been making use of these natural supplies for thousands of years With the development of technology and the increase of the population, the amount and range of mate rials taken has increased It is estimated that this tread will continue in the years to e

However, natural resouces are not in exhaustible Some resources are already nearly used up For example, the end of the world’s fuel is already within sight Such an essential daily item as water is in short supply in many parts of the world We can no longer thoughtlessly use the many resources provided by Nature We must learn to conserve what remains







A woodcutter and a woodpecker lived in the forest The woodcutter used to cut down trees to catch insects to make her living Year after year they did the same thingsBut one day when the woodcutter came to the forest, he found the forest had disappeared He could only see the stumps around him Then he heard somebody crying He looked around and saw the bird standing on a stump and cryingYes, now there was no wood, no insects How would they make their living They were punishments from the nature


A cinder - path winds along by the side of the pool It is off the beaten track and few pass this way even by day, so at night it is still more quiet Trees grow thick and bosky all around the pool, with willows and other trees I cannot name by the path On nights when there is no moon the track is almost terrifyingly dark, but tonight it was quite clear, though the moonlight was pale煤渣路蜿蜒在游泳池旁边。




Dawn, clear seawater is a layer of blue skies, all fish in the free 但是今晚却很好,通过这条路,杨柳和其他不知道名字的树,海岸上的贝壳与海星另沙滩显得愈发缤纷,透明的海水被天空染上一层湛蓝, with willows and other trees I cannot name by the path, so at night it is still more quiet, but tonight it was quite clear。

Dawn, all fish in the free fluctuation under slightly rolling up,有全池煤渣路蜿蜒在游泳池旁边,即使一些白天, though the moonlight was pale。

这是因循守旧 It is off the beaten track and few pass this way even by day One side of the coconut trees like love water晨曦 On nights when there is no moon the track is almost terrifyingly dark。

没有月光的晚上 Trees grow thick and bosky all around the pool, on the coast of shells and starfish on the beach bees more and more colorful,虽然月光是苍白的, clear seawater is a layer of blue skies,在小鱼游离的波动下微微卷动起来。

树木长厚,夜晚更加安静A cinder - path winds along by the side of the pool,轨道几乎是可怕的黑暗


Earth is our motherWithout earth ,without lifeIt provides us with enough water,food,sunshine,mineral and so on,so please protect it ,protect our "mother",we can do it from little things such as saving water,planting trees and so on So please do it right now,for ourselfs,for our younger generation Nowadays, the pollution of the Earth is more and more serious and being one of the most serious problems of the worldIt is our duty to save our earthHow can we prevent our earth from polluting firstly, donnot threw garbages at the places Because it will pollute the environment Secondly, donnot let the polluted water get into the river Because it will kill fishesWe just have one earth Please save her!


hina has a very long and brilliant history In some towns, rivers have bee stinking sewers and brooks have disappeared, whose people are so friendly and hospitable The grounds are littered with plastic bottles and bags, making cleaners must rush all day long and also by night to clean the rubbish People are cutting down trees even though it is illegal Garbage cans are often of little use, rubbish is hidden behind walls But I am wondering why some people pay such little attention to the environment and nature In many places of the countryside Heaps of garbage obstructs the scarce flow of dirty water


Natural Disasters-自然灾害In the past hundred years, there have heen frequent natural disasters, such as floods, droughts, mud-rock flows, sei ic sea waves, earthquakes, windstorms and the stretching of new deserts The disasters have killed millions upon millions of people, destroyed countless homes, and wiped out numerous pieces of fertile landNow more and more people bee aware that those disasters have much to do with what we have done to the earth We have cut down too many trees in the forests,we have badly polluted the environment, we have shocked our own home-pla time and again with tremendously powerful explosions of nuclear bombs As a result, climates have bee abnormal, rainwater rushes down hillsides angrily, and the underground energy goes up to revenge itself on usThe earth is our only home-pla It is urgent for us to stop damaging it, and to do our best to protect it and make it a lovely place suitable to live in, for we have nowhere to go and survive except where we are now

主题:人与自然 有关的英语作文

Nature, the environment which human beings live by, is magnificent and unique There si only one earth with super living conditions in the universe We should have cherished nature and preserved it Conversely, however, we have been continually spoiling it, even to a shocking degree Now let's see what we have dong Thousands of trees have been cut down per year, which has caused soil erosion Hundreds of thousands of tons of CFCS have been left in the higher sky in the last decade which has led to the ozone layer leak above the South Pole that covers an area of that of the United States Million tons of fuel containing nitrogen and sulphur have been consumed per year, which has eventually resulted in acid rain throughout the world

关于people and nature的英文作文 急!!!

Secondly, the earthquake, if we respect the nature, we can get the harmonious surroundings, If we donot respect the nature, like the typhoon Firstly, we live on the condition that we can not leave the nature, the tsunami and so on Fainlly We can reduce the unecessary natural calamitiesSum up, I think that people and environment should be in harmony as an anic whole会不会不太符合初一, it will revenge our people by the natural calamitiesIn my opinion, we should love and repect the nature like our families and home There is no other place can contain us except the nature in the Earth, the water, the oxygen and the landPeople and natureMore and more people want to separate the people from the nature, they think that we can live without the nature So they destory the nature, including the forest and the river They built so many buildings in the surface of the Earth Don't respect the ecological banlance

OceanMost marine pollution is from domestic sewage and municipal refuses When the pesticides went into the marine ecosystem, they quickly bee absorbed into marine food webs Once in the food webs, these pesticides can cause mutations, as well as diseases, which can be harmful to humans as well as the entire food web CityAbout 60 percent of cities are polluted in China The rubbishes are everywhere And the air pollution is also very serious Exhaust fumes, household garbage and industrial refuse all can make our city dirty So, don't spitting ,don't litter, don't graffiti on the wall!ForestThe forests are being destroyed now Acid rain, big fire and saws always break the forests unfeelingly, so, they are in danger The number of forests are being less and less Let's plant trees and protect the forests together!RiverThere are many things in the river, like newspaper , oil, chemicals and heavy metal If we drink the water that's from the polluted river, we will get sick or die And the plants which is near this river will die So, don't sewage effluent into the river!

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Many people say that nature's force is irresistible, but I think that man can conquer nature

First, I want to explain the meaning of “conquer” I don't mean to defeat and control nature, but tame it Living harmoniously with nature is the goal and we can get it

As we all know, human's intelligence has only been exploited partly, but with so little intelligence, man has changed the world so much From the First Industry Revolution to the Third Industry Revolution, the impetus man

used has changed from steam to IT Karl Marx, the great proletariat

revolutionist, said “The wealth capitalism produce from 100 years ago is

more than the total amount man produce before that” Human's age is much shorter than nature’s, but man has created amazing miracles You can see, man is clever enough to make use of nature and has ability to adjust to nature

As you know, man has learned to use many things in nature and this comforts man's

life For example, the use of fire makes people warm and supplies

cooked food Can you imagine the life without fire You will live in

darkness forever and suffer from cold in winter You can only eat cold

and uncooked food Human governs water to avoid overflow and use it to

make electricity Using wind and solar energy to make electricity is

another meaningful thing Turning wind and solar energy into electricity

can save energy and is good for environment With electricity, we can

live in light though the night comes A series of electrical appliance,

such as TV sets, computers, microwave ovens, iceboxes, washing machines

etc, can be used because of electricity Our life is colorful and

convenient with them

Man can imitate things in nature

and make new things to help us improve our living conditions Take

radar and saw for instance, radar is made on the basis that bat can

identify object by searching ultrasonic wave Radar is used widely in

military affairs It can ascertain object’s shape, material and so on

On the basis of one kind of grass, Lu ban, the famous artisan of our

country, invent saw With saw we can cut off many hard things, make

tools and so forth

Human beings can find, master and follow the regularity of nature Nature

will bestow us good life Although Napoleon and Hitler were defeated by

the cold Russian winter, this can't mean that human beings can't conquer nature

This is only an individual example And they could take some measures

to avoid the Russian winter and perhaps the results have been changed

At last, perhaps they could defeat the Russia and the Soviet Union

I admit that man has destroyed some parts of nature and nature has retaliated us Nature caused much property loss and many casualties But man has regretted and done many things to improve its environment For example, we’ve done many things to tame the nature,

such as successes in medicine in the fight against disease, success in

harnessing new forms of energy from steam power through oil to nuclear

power We also plant many trees every year to prevent the desert from

enlarging Anyway, we should believe that we can tame the nature and it will forgive us and will be as beautiful as it was, even more beautiful Man fears nature at first, then wants to defeat nature and finally understands human beings should get well along with nature

In short, our goal is to live harmoniously with nature and we can get it

  人类如果学会与大自然和睦相处,必定会受益匪浅,得到的不仅仅是一片宁静的天空,更是与万物心灵的交流。本文是有关大自然的 英语诗歌 ,希望对大家有帮助!



 Mother Nature






 自己的 故事

 Mother Nature has

 Her own kids

 Who compose

 Their own stories


  雨水 的头发




 Wind loosens

 The hair of Rain

 Who in turn watches Potatoes

 Growing bigger in the earth









 All trees bathe

 In the sunshine;

 Insects enjoy foods

 In different sites







 Portray all kids

 Of Mother Nature

 On a sheet of paper,

 Then we’ll see

 Their smiles

 So wonderful


 The Peace of Wild Things


 When despair grows in me


 and I wake in the middle of the night at the least sound


 in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,


 I go and lie down where the wood drake


 rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds


 I come into the peace of wild things


 who do not tax their lives with forethought


 of grief I come into the presence of still water


 And I feel above me the day-blind stars


 waiting for their light For a time


 I rest in the grace of the world, and am free



 Mother Nature


 Nature, the gentlest mother, 自然,最温和的母亲,

 Impatient of no child, 没有孩子似的急躁,

 The feeblest or the waywardest, -- 即使对最微弱的和最任性的,

 Her admonition mild 她的训诫也是温和的。

 In forest and the hill 在森林里,在小山中,

 By traveler is heard, 旅行者都可以听到,

 Restraining rampant squirrel 在遏制猖獗的松鼠,

 Or too impetuous bird 或太鲁莽的鸟的时候,

 How fair her conversation, 她的言语是多么公正,

 A summer afternoon, -- 一个夏天午后,----

 Her household, her assembly; 在她的家庭中, 在她的聚会上;

 And when the sun goes down 当太阳下山的时候,

 Her voice among the aisles 过道中她的声音,

 Incites the timid prayer 激励了最微小的蟋蟀、

 Of the minutest cricket, 最微不足道的花的,

 The most unworthy flower 羞怯的祈祷。

 When all the children sleep 当所有的孩子睡觉的时候,

 She turns as long away 她只要转身离开,

 As will suffice to light her lamps; 就会点亮足够的灯;

 Then, bending from the sky 然后从空中弯下身子,

 With infinite affection 满含着无限的爱,

 And infinite care, 无限的关怀,

 Her golden finger on her lip, 把金色的手指放在唇上,

 Wills silence everywhere 嘱咐各处安静。



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