问题一:与你邂逅 用英语怎么说呢 Encounter / Meet with you
问题二:我的第一次或者我的第一次邂逅,英语怎么说啊,老师 我的第一次或者我的第一次邂逅
My first time or my first encounter
My first time or my first encounter
问题三:你我的邂逅,于我是一种幸福,用英语怎么说啊 The encounter between you and me is a kind of joy for me
问题四:我想这辈子最幸运的就是邂逅你。英文翻译 It's my best luck to meet you in my life
问题五:你是我最错的邂逅,也是我最痛的回忆,用英语怎么翻译 你是我最错的邂逅,也是我最痛的回忆
You is my most wrong encounter, but also my most painful memories
问题六:那次邂逅为我提供了新的可能性用英语怎么说 那次邂逅为我提供了新的可能性_有道翻译
A farmer offers new possibilities for me
邂逅 :
1 rencountre
2 rencounter
3 encounter
4 rencontre
I encountered an old friend at Rome
a chance meeting with a friend
a chance encounter; a chance result
A chance encounter;a chance result
I rubbed up against him in the street yesterday
Many years were to pass before we met up again
The young couple who had separated from each other for a long time bumped into at the meeting
Marking and Allen came together on their way to Harvard University and they fell in love at first sight
Her meeting with this film director was the open sesame to a successful life as an actress
To come upon by chance or arrangement
1 Ethnic 民族的
2 Ecstasy 狂喜的,摇头丸
3 Enrapture 使……着迷
4 Eternity 永恒
5 Essential 本质的
6 Ebb 退潮,衰退
7 Encounter 邂逅
8 Emotion 情感
9 Ensemble 全体
10 Ennui 厌倦,倦怠
11 Episodic 流行性的
12 Endemic 地方性的
13 Eschew 避开,远离
14 Equivocal 模棱两可的,可疑的
15 Espy 看到,认出,发现
16 Etch 蚀刻,鲜明的
17 Ethics 伦理观,道德标准
18 Ethos 民族精神,社会思潮
19 Exude 散发出,渗出
20 Exodus 《出埃及记》,大批的离去
邂 拼 音 xiè 部 首 辶 笔 画 16 五 行 水 五 笔 QEVP [邂]基本解释
[邂]详细解释(形声。从辵( chuò)解声)
[邂]百科解释邂读作xiè,部首是辶, 四角号码是37305,笔顺编号是3535112533112454。 更多→ 邂
[邂]英文翻译encounter by; unexpected meeting
[邂]组词 邂逅 邂遘 邂觏 邂逅相逢 邂逅相遇 邂逅不偶 更多邂组词 [邂]相关搜寻 邂逅 邂逅的近义词 邂逅近义词是什么 邂组词 邂逅不偶 邂逅相遇 邂的成语 邂字开头的成语