


I like Harry Potter


Because Harry Potter is very courageous and has a good heart; Have talent, but also have a strong desire to prove themselves


Sorting hat said that he has the qualities of two colleges at the same time Gryffindor and Slytherin both have the desire to prove themselves Because of Voldemort's broken soul, he has the talents that Slytherin values


Harry has the flying talent of the Potter family and is very good at Quidditch Riding a broom for the first time, he was the youngest seeker at Hogwarts in a hundred years He successfully caught the Snitch for the first time and won the competition for Gryffindor College After that, he served as Quidditch captain of Gryffindor College


Harry Potter has many advantages worth learning from, so I like Harry Potter


This book provides pretty much everything we've been promised from the outset: an ending, and a satisfying one at that -- but not without its price Many die, not just the two Rowling mentioned in so many interviews Many beloved characters die, and some of them die "off screen" as it were, so that we as readers aren't even privy to the details of their deaths, or their final moments of life Some of these deaths will bring tears to the eyes of any loyal Potter devotee, I've no doubt of that But as for the main death, the one so many have wondered about Well, that's where Rowling falls back on a few too-worn literary devices, and where she loses one of her stars

I found this book to be far too full of easy short cuts and simplistic cliches to give it five stars Far too many times, Harry and his friends were "mysteriously" saved at the last minute And the real answers to these so-called mysteries will fall much more easily into the hands of die-hard Potter fanatics who've spent hours studying the books and pouring over the fan sites than they ever do into the hands of the characters themselves This is too often frustrating Perhaps it's unfair to criticize or punish Rowling for the perseverance and intelligence of her fans, but the fact is that many of her secrets have been guessed In fact, the few that haven't seem only to surprise because Rowling conveniently has them pop up for the first time in this book Magical objects we've seen many times before suddenly have new and useful -- and VERY convenient -- magical properties People we've only heard of have convenient new information and relevance to the plot

She lost the other star because of omissions Unexplained (and again, very convenient) plot twists, otherwise known as plot holes, are all over the book A book this long that purports to be the end of an epic series should not have this many plot holes and inexplicable events (None of which I can go into detail about without giving up major spoilers -- sorry) And most damning of all, when some of the plot holes are explained, it's done in a manner resembling what the brilliant movie "The Incredibles" referred to as "monologuing" -- when one character (usually the bad guy) sits around explaining the whole plot and nothing bad happens to the good guys while all these lose ends are conveniently tied up For some reason, the villain, no matter how vicious he has been throughout the story, always conveniently waits to attack until the hero's had plenty of time to get all the answers he needs to defeat the bad guy The only change Rowling makes to this shopworn device is that she does it via magical means (Though in her case, the magical mean in question is the Pensieve -- something shopworn in and of itself, considering the number of times it's now been used in this series to convey crucial information) I was also sorely disappointed to realize that she left out a number of things she practically promised fans would be included in this book For instance, many fans have asked her what Harry's parents did for a living She always said she couldn't tell us because it would be too big a plot spoiler for the upcoming novels Well, now the novels are all finished and we still don't know Why didn't she include that in this final book, if it really was supposed to matter so much And why did she leave so much crucial information out of her far too short epilogue

There is no doubt that in Harry Potter Rowling has created a brave and endurable hero, one who will linger in the hearts and minds of readers for generations to come But in this humble reader's opinion, she has also created one for whom the struggle ended a bit too quickly and easily, of whom too many things are left unknown, and for whom answers and help came too readily and too conveniently in the end

Then again maybe I just wanted it to last a little longer Because it's over now, and nothing like Harry Potter is ever happening to this humble reader again

  My favorite great book

My favorite book is Harry Potter and the Philosopher's StoneIt bolongs to Harry Potter which have seven books and it's one of themthe writer of these books is JKRowling who is an great Bratain writer

The content of this book is about that how Harry made friends,Hermione and Ron in Hogwarts And how he fighted against the You Know Who,VoldenortWith the help of his friends ,Harry stopped Voldenort taking away the PHIlosopher's Stone

The theme of this story is about growing,friendship and courage among the children

In my opinion,the reason of why this book became such popular,is of the funny words and interesting magic and so on

Those are all about my favorite book

This book provides pretty much everything we've been promised from the outset: an ending, and a satisfying one at that -- but not without its price Many die, not just the two Rowling mentioned in so many interviews Many beloved characters die, and some of them die "off screen" as it were, so that we as readers aren't even privy to the details of their deaths, or their final moments of life Some of these deaths will bring tears to the eyes of any loyal Potter devotee, I've no doubt of that But as for the main death, the one so many have wondered about Well, that's where Rowling falls back on a few too-worn literary devices, and where she loses one of her stars

I found this book to be far too full of easy short cuts and simplistic cliches to give it five stars Far too many times, Harry and his friends were "mysteriously" saved at the last minute And the real answers to these so-called mysteries will fall much more easily into the hands of die-hard Potter fanatics who've spent hours studying the books and pouring over the fan sites than they ever do into the hands of the characters themselves This is too often frustrating Perhaps it's unfair to criticize or punish Rowling for the perseverance and intelligence of her fans, but the fact is that many of her secrets have been guessed In fact, the few that haven't seem only to surprise because Rowling conveniently has them pop up for the first time in this book Magical objects we've seen many times before suddenly have new and useful -- and VERY convenient -- magical properties People we've only heard of have convenient new information and relevance to the plot

She lost the other star because of omissions Unexplained (and again, very convenient) plot twists, otherwise known as plot holes, are all over the book A book this long that purports to be the end of an epic series should not have this many plot holes and inexplicable events (None of which I can go into detail about without giving up major spoilers -- sorry) And most damning of all, when some of the plot holes are explained, it's done in a manner resembling what the brilliant movie "The Incredibles" referred to as "monologuing" -- when one character (usually the bad guy) sits around explaining the whole plot and nothing bad happens to the good guys while all these lose ends are conveniently tied up For some reason, the villain, no matter how vicious he has been throughout the story, always conveniently waits to attack until the hero's had plenty of time to get all the answers he needs to defeat the bad guy The only change Rowling makes to this shopworn device is that she does it via magical means (Though in her case, the magical mean in question is the Pensieve -- something shopworn in and of itself, considering the number of times it's now been used in this series to convey crucial information) I was also sorely disappointed to realize that she left out a number of things she practically promised fans would be included in this book For instance, many fans have asked her what Harry's parents did for a living She always said she couldn't tell us because it would be too big a plot spoiler for the upcoming novels Well, now the novels are all finished and we still don't know Why didn't she include that in this final book, if it really was supposed to matter so much And why did she leave so much crucial information out of her far too short epilogue

There is no doubt that in Harry Potter Rowling has created a brave and endurable hero, one who will linger in the hearts and minds of readers for generations to come But in this humble reader's opinion, she has also created one for whom the struggle ended a bit too quickly and easily, of whom too many things are left unknown, and for whom answers and help came too readily and too conveniently in the end

Then again maybe I just wanted it to last a little longer Because it's over now, and nothing like Harry Potter is ever happening to this humble reader again

范文:The contradiction between good and evil in Harry Potter's novels is mainly divided into two clues: the first is the opposition between good and evil represented by Harry and Voldemort, and the second is based on Harry's own struggle against evil as a dark line 

It is precisely because the setting of the story has Harry's self struggle that makes his heroic image more full I feel that evil can never overcome justice


《Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone》tells the story of a boy whose parents died when he was a child Harry Potter is the descendant of a magician


His parents were killed by a bad wizard in the magic world, but when the bad wizard also tried to kill Harry Potter, he was stopped by a huge force








Do you know Harry Potter It's one of my favorite readings The hero Harry Potter is a student in a magic school He wears glasses and has no parents, and now he is sixteen years old

He is very brave and known to everyone, because he is the only person who will not die by devil When I read the book, I feel very excited and interested

So I have read it again and again, each time I have different feelings Do you like Harry Potter If you haven't read the book, read it now and you'll find a wonderful world



Harry Potter series aremy most favorite books There are seven books in total Last year, my father bought them for me as the new year gift When I first read them, I liked them inmediately The stories about Harry Potter are so exciting and adventurous Harry Potter is a kind, brave and strong kid that he is never afraid of any difficulties Besides, I admire him having two good friends They always help him andnever leave him, no matter how bad the conditions are I am happy to see Harry Potter overcome all difficulties and live a happy life in the end




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