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#英语资源# 导语冬天的天气是寒冷的,我想几乎没多少人喜欢冬天。然而,在我心中,冬天是富有色彩的,是温暖的。下面是 无 整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


 When I got up this morning, the cold wind came again It was gray After a while, big white snowflakes fell from the sky Ah, it snowed It was the first snow this winter!

 I saw the snowflakes falling down one after another, and the snow fell on the roof, which was like wearing a white hat Snowflakes fall on the trees like small silver flowers Snowflakes fell on the playground, which was covered with a thick layer of cotton As soon as the wind blows, the white snow will float and sprinkle, like a white butterfly dancing It's really beautiful

 It snowed even harder when school was over at noon The ground is like a thick soft cotton carpet, creaking when stepping on it Pine trees are like snow towers How well it snowed! It covered the wheat seedlings with a thick quilt, and the wheat seedlings must have a warm sleep

 The snowflakes stopped, and the air seemed to be filtered, especially cool and fresh The playground suddenly became lively Some students were snowball fights, some were snowballing and making snowmen They chased, laughed and patted the snow on each other They seemed not cold at all, and laughter echoed in the campus

 Snow, you have brought great beauty to the earth, vitality to crops, and endless fun to us I love your white snow!


 Snow, this lovely little angel, I don't know when, has come to the world quietly With the wishes of farmers and our joy Until I went to school with my schoolbag on my back and the snow hit my face, I didn't know: "Oh, it's snowing!"

 This is the first snow since the beginning of winter this year The snow is like a small crystal and smooth ice hockey, rolled and rustling by the whistling north wind, looking straight into the collar Oh, it's so cold I quickly put up the collar of my down jacket and jumped to school On the road, the children were not afraid of the cold and shouted happily, "it's snowing, it's snowing!" when it's snowing, the children's hearts are of course happy

 After the second class, the snow is heavy again, and the wind hasn't stopped Snowflakes are like those cut by a skillful girl They are crystal clear The white snow drifted down with the wind and fell on the lawn, flower beds and roof of the campus We could no longer stand the call of snow and hurried downstairs Just stepped out of the corridor, ah, how beautiful! Like catkins, like goose feathers, like pure lilies I face up, close my eyes and spin heartily It's snowing

 In front of the building, the holly tree beside the school flower bed was covered with thick snow Naughty I bent down and licked a little snowflake with the tip of my tongue Somehow, there was a faint sweetness Probably sweet in the heart It's snowing, of course my heart is sweet composition

 It's like a spring breeze all night, thousands of trees and pear flowers bloom The little branches of the Bauhinia tree in the flower bed also have a thick layer of snow What a pink and jade campus! Walking inside, under the snow covered dragon claw tree, the students were naughty to push the tree to drench the snow They were like little snowmen Their hands were red with cold, but their hearts were hot It's snowing, of course our hearts are warm

 Snow promises a good year It snowed and covered the winter wheat with a thick snow quilt When it snowed, the farmers' hearts were of course happy

 Yes, it's snowing, of course people's hearts are happy!


 When it comes to winter, what emerges in many people's minds is the beautiful scene that the earth is covered with a snowflake and is white and pure What do you think I think of heavy coats, thermoss with hot water and cold, dry fingers with ice to purple

 In winter, the number is always a single digit cold temperature, so people have to be fully armed and wear upper layers of warm clothes However, many festivals, such as new year's day, Christmas and Spring Festival, are concentrated in winter These warm festivals reminiscent of family reunion bring some moisture like sunshine melting ice and snow in winter It seems that in addition to the cold impression, there are also warm moments in winter!

 There are many irresponsible owners in the world who discard their pets at will, so stray animals with no shelter and no displacement are often seen on the streets When the cold wind blows on them in winter, they must feel lonely, afraid and uncomfortable They also miss their master who will hold them through the cold winter in the past Winter makes people more aware of their loneliness and loneliness, and they feel doubly cold when they see stray animals

 However, not all stray animals can only shiver alone in winter! I've seen four stray dogs taking a nap next to the waste in the parking lot Although their skinny bodies tremble with cold, their faces are full of serenity I think many animals, including people, are not suitable for living alone and need partners Because as long as we have companions who can keep warm with each other, it's like living in a warm country Even in winter, we can get warm at any time

 The cold of winter often makes people feel afraid and afraid But as long as you feel and look carefully, you can find full happiness and happiness Whether it's getting together with family during the Spring Festival or holding a warm bag in the palm of your hand, it's more valuable because of winter Even the trivial things of drinking hot boiled water and getting into a warm quilt are very warm because they happen in the cold winter


 The first snow in spring is always warm and dry On the road, poor pedestrians, roadside is empty, warm to warm in school

 Into the school, a burst of heating on the face, it is love, is the teachers love of students

 The first snow in spring, in short, have flourishing Gone with the snow, how beautiful! The first white butterfly in spring, dancing in the wind A long time, has become a snow

 The snow stopped, the pedestrian is still so small White butterfly wings, flew away Brave! Brave! White butterfly is back, looking for it brave

 The first snow in spring is always naughty Its there, theres it over there too What it likes, is the peoples hair, soft, really fun!


 Winter, has been lurking, quietly lurking

 He wanted to come to the world, but he didn't dare face to face with the people who had already made preparations for the cold winter He had to test people again and again and let the temperature rise and fall to test the thickness of people's cotton padded clothes After all, he couldn't hold his breath and crept forward carefully People, pets and plants vaguely felt that the smell of winter was getting stronger, but no one knew whether he really came Winter, after all, is still so naughty In such a serious journey, I don't forget to tease people People don't know whether they should change into thicker clothes when facing the sudden intensity of cold Once people wear it, he takes the cold back all at once At this time, people felt that it was not so cold again The hateful winter smiled "hee hee" on the way to the world He was tired of testing this trick He simply took a big step and approached people step by step He felt that the world was a jumping ball in his own hands

 Finally, the cold wind came with winter The sun came out later in the morning than before, and said goodbye to people early in the afternoon Every morning, accompanied by the cold wind, I go to school, that is, I wrap myself in clothes The whizzing breeze will still get into my clothes from a small gap, making me feel the "closeness" of the wind to me No one will like this "closeness" I can only shrink my neck and body and continue to move forward Hey, the passers-by are almost the same as me Often at this time, I can feel that my appearance is ridiculous

 The ice in Qingshui River is getting thicker and thicker, and there are still several wickers on the willows that are not half hydrated The grass is withered and yellow in the cold wind, but the pine and cypress are still the same spirit as usual, as if only they can resist the cold in the whole world Sometimes I see my neighbor's pet dogs Even they wear red sweaters The people on the street gradually became scarce The little girl put on a scarf and the little boy put on a cotton hat and put his hand in his sleeve

 Winter is really coming with cold wind


 "Thousands of miles of yellow clouds are twilight in the daytime, and the north wind blows wild geese and snow one after another" no, it's the first snow since the beginning of winter today

 During the break, someone shouted, "look, it's snowing outside!" as soon as they heard this, everyone gathered by the window in a swarm I saw the snow outside dancing lightly and slowly falling down like a sky girl scattered flowers When the students saw this situation, they were all fully armed and rushed out of the classroom like an arrow to the playground It snowed harder and harder Suddenly, the playground, lawn, teaching building, tree and car were covered with a thick layer of snow clothes, and there was a piece of snow everywhere

 Although it is snowing, the students on the playground are enjoying the happiness brought by the snow Some of them are making snowmen Look, how big the snowman is; Some are having snowball fights excitedly Oh, they are asking me to support them; Some are building fortresses Although they are "fortresses", they are not strong at all They fall down with a gentle push; Some write with their fingers on a piece of unspoiled snow The students all had a good time!

 I reached for a few snowflakes, which were lighter than feathers and more crystal clear than jade It is hexagonal and looks like a blooming flower At this time, there will be a fresh and moist smell when you smell it with your nose Soon the little snowflake melted into a drop of water When stepping on the white snow, the snow particles like white granulated sugar will make a "creak" sound and form a wonderful symphony

 It snowed harder, but the students had no idea of going back to the classroom You listened to their cries and laughter spread all over the campus Jingling bell, the class bell rang The students reluctantly returned to the classroom We really look forward to having a good time

 The first snow since winter made us very happy It's really "suddenly, like the spring breeze of the night, thousands of pear trees bloom"


 At lunch today, someone told us that it was snowing outside When we heard it, we hurried outside As soon as we saw it, it really snowed Although it wasn't so big, it was the first snow in 2021 Everyone was very happy and talking After a while, we saw president Zhang President Zhang's expression was very happy, It seems that it will rain!

 In the afternoon, we got up We all saw the snow getting bigger from the window I was more excited After leaving the dormitory door, some of us stretched out our hands, some looked up at the sky, looked at the snowflakes floating down from the sky, and some went to catch snowflakes

 After two classes, the ground was covered with a vast expanse of white snowflakes, and the snowflakes became smaller I thought it would not snow in a while! But I was wrong When I had another class, I saw the snow from the window again, and it was bigger than when I came to the classroom in the afternoon After class, we all played outside, and some students made the snow into a ball to have a snowball fight!

 Today is the first snow in 2021 We can all be happy!


 In the afternoon, as soon as we baked the fire, white snowflakes fell one after another "Ah, it's snowing!" the snow is not big The snow flakes are very small They are almost invisible, just a small white dot We children ran out excitedly, touched the cold snow with our hands, and felt the joy of snow

 After a while, the snow became bigger and bigger, and the snow spots became bigger and bigger With the increase of snowflakes, the ground is gradually covered with snow-white blankets, the trees are covered with white clothes, and the whole world has become silver white! It's beautiful! "Go out and play with the snow!" the children rushed out and felt happy

 Before long, it was white all around Grab a handful of snow and hold it in your hands You can feel it cold and wet


 The first snow in 2021 came later than usual It was still clear yesterday and became a vast expanse of white the next day

 In the morning, as soon as I got up, I felt particularly dazzling When I opened the curtains, I knew that it was the light from the snow The snow in the sky is still falling At first, the snow was very small, floating like silver powder; Slowly, the snow became heavier and heavier, stirring the sky and the earth dark, showing the power of winter Snow is as white as a goose, as big as a snowflake, and falling like flowers snow! How powerful, how bold, how beautiful, how natural and unrestrained! Only you, snow, are the protagonist of winter I am willing to appreciate the gift of nature - the baptism of snow I love snow If I taste it carefully, it will be interesting When the snow poured down, it was white all over the sky

 I went downstairs, oh, what a silver and plain world, full of poetry and painting

 I looked at the snow quietly It fluttered and fell leisurely Snowflakes, as light as smoke, as white as silver and as moist as jade, kiss the long departed earth Snow, as naughty as a butterfly, fell on the house, on the branches, and hit the faces of pedestrians from time to time The branches on both sides of the road were covered with snow A cold wind blew through, and the branches shook uncontrollably by the wind The snow on the branches was shaken off by the wind, but the branches were immediately full of "white flowers", and the evergreen pines were also covered with snow crowns

 I walked in the snow and couldn't bear to leave my dirty footprints on the holy snow; I walk in the snow and listen to the "creak" sound of stepping on the snow; I walked in the snow and listened to the "rustle" of snow The scenery is intoxicating!

 The first snow in 2021 is very beautiful The poet can't write his power, the painter can't draw its charm, and the sculptor can't carve his natural and unrestrained! I love the first snow in 2021


 Wait and wait, hope and hope I finally looked forward to the first snow this winter

 There is no class in the afternoon because of the snow I made an appointment with some friends and found a hill with thick snow and many trees

 We dug out several snow slides on the snow mountain on the side of the hill, and we stepped on the snow into ice I was the first one to experience it As a result, just half of the people fell into a pit and I fell upside down The partners laughed beside them It turned out that they prepared it carefully for me At that time, touching my hot hip, my heart instantly fell to the bottom of the cliff I was determined to revenge

 While they were happily playing with the snow slide, I planned a big "conspiracy" in my heart I found a big tree, dug a hole under the tree and transported the snow under the tree to another tree to make a snowball Then put the soil on the ground and cover it with a thin layer of snow I told some friends who didn't hurt me about it, and then I proposed to have a snowball fight One person has five lives, three people in each group After we were divided into groups, my two iron brothers and I chose the tree under which I hid a lot of snowballs while watching little snow The other group chose a place with more snow but no snow From the beginning, they fell into the trap we designed Seeing that they fell into the trap, we rushed into mass action We won the game by a large margin Don't mention how great it is

 I really enjoyed myself today I hope the snow will be heavier in the future and let's have a better time

1 美好时光用英语怎么说

一、beautiful time



1、Music not shapes my mentality but also brings me a lot of beautiful time


2、O We had a beautiful time this evening


二、wonderful time



1、They had a wonderful time and so did I


2、My girlfriend and I had a wonderful time last night



precious time



1、A family break allows you to spend precious time together


2、Don't idle away your precious time


3、I am sorry that I have wasted you precious time


4、It provides for more precious time for bonding


5、Occupy your precious time, deeply thank you!


2 《美好时光》英语作文,80~100词

My happy time

My happy time was with you I love you, not because of who you are, but I like the way I am

with you

We were just staying right here The river at that time was so beautiful, we played in the boat, you laugh, you sang, we were so happy, the sun shine makes the river shine, you iled to the river, I looked straight at you, you looked like an angel

Now, you were gone, only left me here, by the river, I was thinking about you, those fallen leaves were still with me, but you, were gone

3 英语作文 我记忆中最美好的时光 带翻译

Slumped on the front of the desk, despite the wind on her hair "provocative" Less than a month away from the test of time, the mood tense moments exist, quickening the pace of learning, the day immersed in the sea of books, struggling to score points beeen, might well have fotten what it's like happy, think Here, the heart can not help but sour again Several children ran bounce from my window, with a very satisfied ile, long ago, I also think they like that Opened the drawer and pulls out the pressure at the bottom of that this Clas ates, suddenly, all the memories are vivid, one has a picture in my mind quickly emerge Opened the first page, she, me very excited Then she looked at the photo, she was reading to my funny message, I could not help but laugh I want to just indulge myself for a while, put aside work and let his thoughts drift back to the past She is my best friend school Classroom, playground, cafeteria 。

we have traveled together every corner of the campus, mutual mitment to each other is a friend forever I remember, we were not good results, sometimes by the teacher to get critici , but somehow, they score no matter how unbearable, every day we are still laughing At that time, we both hated the same teacher - our art teacher He would often draw badly because we blame us Everyone says the corner of his eye can kill you, because his eyes were very bright, not even think about all the little tricks to escape his eyes In his class, the students behaved like a naughty like a kitten I once with friends on the toilet, in the toilet, and she expressed dissatisfaction together for art teacher, unfortunately, this time, with the art teacher bumped She must have heard I am at a loss, she drew my hand, quickly fled the toilet This is over, this is over I kept talking Then, she suddenly said, okay, but not much art class, usually with her and saw the opportunity not many Although she said, but I could feel she was also afraid Yes, okay, I said calm We looked at each other, can not help but laugh (Read the article Net: plain now busy stressful life, at least I've ever had the good times, and now can not understand, so what Life, just have a good time, is enough to make his own recollection of life, is not it? 呆呆的坐在窗前的书桌上,任凭风对自己头发的“挑衅”。


拉开抽屉,翻出压在最底层的那本同学录,顿时,所有的往事都历历在目,一幅又一幅的画面在我的脑海里快速浮现。 翻开第一页,是她,我兴奋不已。



我记得,我俩的成绩并不好,有时会受得到老师的批评,但不知怎的,无论分数又多么的不堪,我们每天也还是嘻嘻哈哈的。 那时,我们都恨透了同一个老师——我们的美术老师。


在他的课上,在调皮的学生也乖得像一只小猫似的。 一次,我同朋友一起上厕所,在厕所间,和她一起表达对美术老师的不满,不巧,这时,与美术老师撞了个满怀。





( 文章阅读网:ing 我的家庭我很高兴我能拥有幸福的家庭 在我的家庭里有四个人 他们是我的爸爸,我的妈妈,我的姐姐和我 当寒假来临时我们经常去度假因为那样我们可以享受冬天的气息 Two:Sport And Health In many countries,sport is a good healthy lifestyle。

Many people love sports , like playing basketball and playing football ,riding a bike,skateboarding。

and eating healthy food every day。This lifestyle helps them keep very healthy。

If you don't exercise and don`t eat 。

5 关于大学宿舍美好时光的英语作文

For most university students, dormitory life is a new experience Most students have never lived far away from their parents before ing to university They have always had their parents to depend on for advice and guidance, and when they bee university students, their lives begin to change There are striking difference beeen home life and dormitory life Student must begin to be responsible for their own action They must depend on themselves to get up in the morning on, time for class, to eat properly, to keep their clothes and themselves clean ,and to set aside an appropriate amount of time for study and relaxation They must also learn to take care of their money, making sure to preserve enough for both necessities and for funIn general, there are both good and bad points about life in student dormitory Often, dormitoryrooms are all and crowded This lack of space can limit one's privacy and make itdifficult for students to concentrate on their studies On the other hand, in a dormitory, student have a great deal more freedom thanthey might have at home They can act according to their own will and desire than to that of parents。



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