

Get along with people

Dear Students:

In society, people get along is extremely important, someone speech "touching", someone speeches are ", "a word out the same name, someone said, someone say not heard, so some of you heard, some failure "No successful individuals, only successful team", want to face the strong, successful people, you should know how to work with people, the first to let the man himself into a popular person

1 image

In with someone and beauty is human eternal topic, along with society's development, people to beautiful demand more and more is also high, we don't have to wear brands of clothing, but clean and neat, pure and fresh bright beautiful is needed, because this is the basic etiquette, is also a kind of respect for others

2 Sincere

As the saying goes: a man without believe and not made Trust each other, to get the trust and understanding, and the ability to get others welcome and be friends "Having money is not necessarily the wealth, but friends it is the wealth of the lifetime", let a person contact sincere, to enjoy the abundance

3 praise

Mouthful of good words, the eyeful of good man, full of the hands of the good thing, can bring full of joy To tell the truth as dialogue, said dialogue as good a good word to say, let person move than words Learned to look for and find others for their virtues and strengths, to praise others, others just like you Praise others is magnified the advantage of others, can be better to learn other people, "feet," has short a director, take everybody's long, longer than the "

4 positive

As the sun, as the positive to where where bright, like the moon, the negative 15 different Talk to give a person with hope, encourage others strenuously, progresses, positive enterprising, "as long as you work hard, you'll do!" If often give a person said negative, the discussion disappointing people or things, will not happy, as time passes, you'll become unpopular people

You have to work with a exciting, happiness can help others Choose passion float in the sky, or heaves a sigh, the results are not the same

5 inclusive

The angry is that taking the other's mistake to punish oneself, change others is to change yourself Tolerance is not submit to humiliation, but personal growth, is mature performance, "growth" difficult to mature Real life, sometimes happen to make himself can't bear to control yourself, can make anything drastic, but with time, you will find a sudden loss of that also is that big of a deal Prime minister belly inside, it is that can do something great man will be a tolerant attitude According to

I believe that in the future as long as the way we learn, change with image, positive and optimistic, treats people sincerely, inclusive of others, you will become one of the most popular people, you can achieve the life ideal and dreams







二. 真诚


三. 赞美



积极的人像太阳,照到哪里哪里亮,消极的人像月亮,初一十五不一样讲话时要给人以希望,鼓励别人发奋、上进、积极进取, “只要努力,你一定行!”如果经常给人说消极的、议论令人失望人或事,都不会开心,久而久之,你就会成为不受欢迎的人了





《forever autumn》 So, the season of the fall begins Down the crossroads in a sleepy little inn By the fire when the sun goes down But the night bees you And the secrets of the rain Forever autumn And the season of the fall begins Out the nightlands when the thunderstorm sets in The secrets clear in the cloudy night But the night bees you And the secrets of the rain, they will stay the same And the time will e soon With the secrets of the rain, and the storm again Coming closer every day, forever autumn And the season of the fall begins Past the passingbell, past willow weeping A ripple forms on the brinks of time But the night bees you And the secrets of the rain, they will stay the same And the time will e soon With the secrets of the rain, and the storm again Coming closer every day, forever autumn To Autumn  by John Keats J               1      Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,      Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun,      Conspiring with him how to load and bless      With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;      To bend with apples the moss’d cottage-trees,      And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;      To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells      With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,      And still more, later flowers for the bees,      Until they think warm days will never cease,      For Summer has o’er-brimm’d their clammy cells               2      Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store      Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may find      Thee sitting careless on a granary floor,      Thy hair sort-lifted by the winnowing wind;      Or on a half-reap’d furrow sound asleep,      Dows’d with the fume of poppies, while thy hook      Spares the next swath and all its ined flowers      And sometimes like a gleaner thou dost keep      Steady thy laden head across a brook;      Or by a cyder-press, with patient look,      Thou watchest the last oozings hours by hours              3      Where are the songs of Spring Ay, where are they      Think not of them, thou hast thy music too,      While barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day,      And touch the stubble-plains with rosy hue;      Then in a waiful choir the all gnats mourn      Among the river sallows, borne aloft      Or sinking as the light wind lives or dies;      And full-grown lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn;      Hedge-crickets sing; and now with treble soft      The red-breast whistles form a garden-croft;      And gathering swallows itter in the skies 作者简介: 济慈,英国19世纪浪漫主义诗人。1816年发表处女作《哦,孤独》,1818年长诗《安狄米恩》出版,受到著名诗人拜伦和雪莱的重视与鼓励。他写出了大量脍炙人口的名篇,如长诗《伊莎贝拉》和抒情诗《希腊古瓮颂》、《夜莺颂》、《秋颂》等,奠定了他在英国文学史上的崇高地位。 -  找了好多,你自己看着挑吧,1秋天是有落叶的季节路上的枫叶掉了一地看起来桔**的一片我喜欢走在上面像是地毯的感觉因为我爱地毯但是我家没有秋天是有候鸟的季节有一次我看见城市大楼顶上的一群海鸥在迁徙有一些在追回落队的但是门前的鸽子和乌鸦他们从来不迁徙因为他们爱吃快餐秋天有很蓝的天空天空很高可能是天空的胸怀在秋天敞开了可能是经历过夏天的风吹雨打它释然了2秋天何其芳震落了清晨满披着的露珠,伐木声丁丁地飘出幽谷。放下饱食过稻香的镰刀,用背篓来装竹篱间肥硕的瓜果。秋天栖息在农家里。向江面的冷雾撒下圆圆的网,收起青鳊鱼似的乌桕叶的影子。芦蓬上满载着白霜,轻轻摇着归泊的小桨。秋天游戏在渔船上。草野在蟋蟀声中更寥阔了。溪水因枯涸见石更清冽了。牛背上的笛声何处去了,那满流着夏夜的香与热的笛孔秋天梦寐在牧羊女的眼里。3<秋思>在秋的街头我无法找到雨巷无缘邂逅 有着丁香一样撑着油纸伞的姑娘在杨柳依依的河畔也无处寻觅春的踪迹繁华的都市闯入耳朵的尽是汽笛无法听到的永远是鸟鸣虫唱 包括秋蝉4《秋晚的江上》 刘大白归巢的鸟儿,尽管是裷了,还驮著斜阳回去。双翅一翻,把斜阳掉在江上;头白的芦苇,也妆成一瞬的红颜了。(一九二三年)《鸽子》 胡适云淡天高,好一片晚秋天气!有一群鸽子,在空中游戏。看他们三三两两,回环来往,夷犹如意,——忽地里,翻身映日,白羽衬青天,十分鲜丽!(一九一八年)《秋晨》 于赓虞别了,星霜漫天的黑夜,我受了圣水难洗的苦孽,你方从我的背上踏过,欢迎啊,东曙,你又已复活!在这最后的瞬间,我睁眼双手抱住太阳的脚,看叶颤,花舞,听市声沉醉,直到落下欢欣的眼泪!(一九三四年)《沪杭车中》 徐志摩匆匆匆!催催催!一卷烟,一片山,几点云影,一道水,一条桥,一支橹声,一林松,一丛竹,红叶纷纷:艳色的田野,艳色的秋景,梦境似的分明,模糊,消隐,——催催催!是车轮还是光阴?催老了秋容,催老了人生!(一九二八年)《私语》 徐志摩秋雨在一流清冷的秋水池,一颗憔悴的秋柳里,一条怯懦的秋枝上,一片将黄未黄的秋叶上,听他亲亲切切喁喁唼唼,私语三秋的情思情事,情语情节,临了轻轻将他拂落在秋水秋波的秋晕里,一涡半转,跟着秋流去。这秋雨的私语,三秋的情思情事,情诗情节,也掉落在秋水秋波的秋晕里,一涡半转,跟着秋流去。(一九二二年七月二十一日)《秋月呀》 徐志摩秋月呀!谁禁得起银指尖儿浪漫地搔爬呵!不信但看那一海的轻涛,可不是禁不住它玉指的抚摩,在那里低徊饮泣呢!就是那:无聊的云烟,秋月的美满,熏暖了飘心冷眼,也清冷地穿上了轻缟的衣裳,来参与这美满的婚姻和丧礼。(一九二二年十月六日)《秋月》 徐志摩一样是月色,今晚上的,因为我们都在抬头看——看它,一轮腴满的妩媚,从乌黑得如同暴徒一般的云堆里升起——看得格外的亮,分外的圆。它展开在道路上,它飘闪在水面上,它沉浸在水草盘结得如同忧愁般的水底;它睥睨在古城的雉堞上,万千的城砖在它的清亮中呼吸,它抚摸着错落在城厢外内的墓墟,在宿鸟的继续的呼声里,想见新旧的鬼,也和我们似的相依偎的站着,眼珠放着光,咀嚼着彻骨的阴凉:银色的缠绵的诗情如同水面的星磷,在露盈盈的空中飞舞。听那四野的吟声——永恒的卑微的谐和,悲哀揉和着欢畅,怨仇与恩爱,晦冥交抱着火电,在这幽绝的秋夜与秋野的苍茫中,“解化”的伟大在一切纤微的深处展开了婴儿的微笑!(一九三0年十月)《秋天的梦》 戴望舒迢遥的牧女的羊铃,摇落了轻的树叶。秋天的梦是轻的,那是窈窕的牧女之恋。于是我的梦静静地来了,但却载着沉重的昔日。哦,现在,我有一些寒冷,一些寒冷,和一些忧郁。(一九三一年一月)《霜花》 戴望舒九月的霜花,十月的霜花,雾的娇女,开到我鬓边来。装点着秋叶,你装点了单调的死,雾的娇女,来替我簪你素艳的花。你还有珍珠的眼泪吗?太阳已不复重燃死灰了。我静观我鬓丝的零落,于是我迎来你所装点的秋。(一九三五年十月)《秋》 杜运燮连鸽哨都发出成熟的音调,过去了,那阵雨喧闹的夏季。不再想那严峻的闷热的考验,危险游泳中的细节回忆。经历过春天萌芽的破土,幼芽成长中的扭曲和受伤,这些枝条在烈日下也狂热过,差点在雨夜中迷失方向。现在,平易的天空没有浮云,山川明净,视野格外宽远;智慧、感情都成熟的季节啊,河水也像是来自更深处的源泉。紊乱的气流经过发酵,在山谷里酿成透明的好酒;吹来的是第几阵秋意?醉人的香味已把秋花秋叶深深染透。街树也用红颜色暗示点什么,自行车的车轮闪射着朝气;塔吊的长臂在高空指向远方,秋阳在上面扫描丰收的信息。(一九七九年秋)《江南草》 李季菊花怒放的秋天,我第一次来到了江南。虽然我来也匆匆,去又忙忙,但你的美丽却一千倍地超过了我的想象。望着你那花团锦绣的城市,最美丽的画卷都失去了颜色;漫步在风光明媚的水乡,就是传诵千古的绝吟也显得苍白。你的美丽使我感到羞愧:词囊里竟找不到一个形容你的词藻。人们说:“上有天堂,下有苏杭”,天堂只不过是人们按照你的模样编织的幻想。我知道秋日里还不能显出你的神奇美妙,我见到的也只是你那千里花香中的一棵草。可是,我就要回去了,我就要带着这片草叶回去了。我要把这片草叶带到沙漠上,我要把这片草叶带回我的家乡。我要把它种在戈壁滩上,我还要对我的乡亲们这样讲:“用我们的汗水灌浇它吧,让我们的大戈壁也变得像江南一样!”(一九五七年八月)《秋歌——之一》 郭小川秋天来了,大雁叫了;晴空里的太阳更红、更娇了!谷穗熟了,蝉声消了;大地上的生活更甜、更好了!海岸的青松啊,风卷波涛;江南的桂花啊,香满大道。草原的骏马啊,长了肥膘;东北的青山啊,戴了雪帽。呵,秋天、秋水、秋天的明月,哪一样不曾印上我们的心血!呵,秋花、秋实、秋天的红叶,哪一样不曾浸透我们的汗液!历史的高山呵,层层迭迭!我们又爬上十丈高坡百级阶。战斗的途程呵,绵延不绝!我们又踏破千顷荒沙万里雪。回身看:垒固、沟深、西风烈,请问:谁不以手抚膺长咨嗟?风中的野火呵,长明不灭!有多险的关隘,就有多勇的行列。浪里的渔舟呵,身轻如蝶!有多大的艰难,就有多壮的胆略。我曾随着大队杀过茫茫夜,此刻又唱“雄关漫道真如铁”。我曾随着战友访问黄洋界,当年的白军不知何处死荒野!只有江河的流水长滔滔,只见战斗的红旗永不到!只有勇士的豪情日日高,只见收获的季节年年到。哦,秋天来了,大雁叫了;晴空里的太阳更红、更娇了!……哦,谷穗熟了,蝉声消了,大地上的生活更甜、更好了!……(一九六二年九月二十九日)《秋歌——给暖暖》 痖弦落叶完成了最后的颤抖荻花在湖沼的蓝睛里消失七月的砧声远了暖暖雁子们也不在辽琼的秋空写它们美丽的十四行了暖暖马蹄留下踏残的落花在南国小小的山径歌人留下破碎的琴韵在北方幽幽的寺院秋天,秋天什么也没留下只留下一个暖暖只留下一个暖暖一切都留下了

英文 encounter


xiè hòu


出自《诗经·国风·郑风·野有蔓草》“野有蔓草,零露漙兮。有美一人,清扬婉兮。邂逅相遇,适我愿兮。 野有蔓草,零露瀼瀼。有美一人,婉如清扬。邂逅相遇,与子偕臧。”


主要是指偶然的、不期而遇的。 “邂逅”有二层意义,其探源如下: (1)不期而遇。王安石《诸葛武侯》诗:“邂逅得所从,幅巾起南阳,崎岖巴、汉间,屡以弱攻强。”。也指不期而会的人,《诗·唐风·绸缪》:“今夕何夕,见此邂逅。” (2)犹一旦、偶然。《后汉书·杜根传》:“邂逅发露,祸及知亲。”,《三国志·魏志·管宁传》裵松之注引《先贤行状》:“国中有盗牛者,牛主得之,盗者曰:‘我邂逅迷惑;从今以后,将为改过。” 基本解释 [meet(a relative,friend,etc)unexpectedly;meet by chance;run into sb]不期而遇 今夕何夕,见此邂逅。——《诗·唐风·绸缪》 邂逅发露,祸及知亲。——《后汉书·杜根传》 邂逅迷惑。——《三国志·管宁传》 详细解释 1 亦作“ 邂遘 ”。亦作“ 邂觏 ”。1不期而遇。 《诗·郑风·野有蔓草》:“有美一人,清扬婉兮,邂逅相遇,适我愿兮。” 毛 传:“邂逅,不期而会。” 陆德明 释文:“遘,本亦作逅。” 南朝 宋 鲍照 《赠傅都曹别》诗:“邂逅两相亲,缘念共无已。”《警世通言·王娇鸾百年长恨》:“忆昔清明佳节时,与君解逅成相知。”夏衍 《长途》:“这广坦的荒原,使我想起了我们从 广州 退出时在 柳江 船上邂逅的一个旅伴。” 2 欢悦貌。 《诗·唐风·绸缪》:“今夕何夕,见此邂逅。” 毛 传:“邂逅,解说之貌。” 陆德明 释文:“觏,本又作逅,同胡豆反,一音户冓反。邂觏,解说也。《韩诗》云:‘邂觏,不固之貌。’解音蟹,说音悦。” 余冠英 注:“邂逅,爱悦也,这里用为名词,谓可悦的人。” 宋 苏轼 《次韵答章传道见赠》:“坐令倾国容,临老见邂逅。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·公孙九娘》:“入室,则 九娘 华烛凝待。邂逅含情,极尽欢昵。” 3 偶然;侥幸。 汉 王充 《论衡·逢遇》:“且夫遇也,能不预设,说不宿具,邂逅逢喜,遭合上意,故谓之遇。”《魏书·恩幸传·侯刚》:“兼 刚 口唱打杀,挝筑非理,本有杀心,事非邂逅。” 宋 王安石 《高魏留》诗:“邂逅得归耶战死,母随人去亦萧然。” 宋 陆游 《夜读兵书》诗:“成功亦邂逅,逆料政自疏。” 4 意外;万一。 《后汉书·杜根传》:“周旋民间,非绝迹之处,邂逅发露,祸及知亲,故不为也。”《资治通鉴·汉安帝建光元年》引此文, 胡三省 注曰:“邂逅,不期而会,谓出於意料之外也。”《三国志·吴志·吕蒙传》“又劝 权 夹水口立坞,所以备御甚精” 裴松之 注引 晋 张勃 《吴录》:“ 权 欲作坞,诸将皆曰:‘上岸击贼,洗足入船,何用坞为?’ 吕蒙 曰:‘兵有利钝,战无百胜,如有邂逅,敌步骑蹙入,不暇及水,其得入船乎?’”《南史·张邵传》:“若 刘穆之 邂逅不幸,谁可代之?”《资治通鉴·后唐明宗天成元年》“ 知祥 浚壕树栅,遣马步都指挥使 李仁罕 将四万人,骁锐指挥使 李延厚 将二千人讨 绍深 ” 元 胡三省 注:“既浚壕树栅为守城之备,又遣重兵出讨,以兵有邂逅,战苟不利,则退守无仓卒失措之忧。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·太原狱》:“[ 孙 令]乃谓姑妇:‘……汝家本清门,不过一时为匪人所诱,罪全在某。堂上刀石具在,可自取击杀之。’姑妇趑趄,恐邂逅抵偿,公曰:‘无虑,有我在。’” 5 仓猝;突然。 唐 张鷟 《朝野佥载》卷五:“尚书饭白而细,诸人饭黑而麤,呼驿长嗔之曰:‘饭何为两种者?’驿客将恐,对曰:‘邂逅 浙 米不得,死罪。’”《红楼梦》第九九回:“必实无争鬭情形,邂逅身死,方可以过失杀定拟。” 清 葆光子 《物妖志·禽类·鸟》:“今日之别,可谓邂逅矣。” 6 交媾。 章炳麟 《菌说》:“夫妇邂遘,一滴之精,有精虫十数,入啮泡蜑而破之,以成妊娠。”


That encounter is the most beautiful accident, suddenly think, no, we are the scenery in this warm picture


Meeting you is the most precious fate in my previous life; meeting you is the most beautiful encounter in my life


A prosperous encounter, a quiet ending


We met at the right place, but at the wrong time


Sit by the window and watch the window It's orderly and can't be seen clearly Time is like water, flowing through fingertips and sliding countless times


This city is so lonely, bustling but lonely, bustling but lonely, footsteps stay, but can't wait to meet


In the youth of the years, inadvertently met with you


Meet, meet in the corner of the inadvertent


Interpersonal predestination, is in life encounter, but also in life loss


Years of circulation, finally can not hold the red make-up to the merciless face


We did not meet in advance, but met the promise of a lifetime


The meeting of the world of mortals is the most beautiful scenery


The beginning of fate begins with fate, and the flow of fate surges and finally becomes a beautiful encounter


Encounter is the most beautiful time, in the sea of thousands of people, but I found you at a glance


Inadvertent encounter, inadvertent separation, life is always like this, very helpless


Man meets nature, I meet beauty


Well, it was just an encounter But I met the beauty that I had never seen before


In your eyes, meet endless beauty Smoothes the time trace, lets the time become a beautiful feast!


Poetic life, there will always be a beautiful encounter!


In the numerous affairs of the world, I want to meet with beauty and spend my time together


Thank God for making me know you In this beautiful season, this beautiful meeting


There are many encounters in life, but there may be one or two good ones


Beautiful encounter, let me have a crazy love for you


I'm very lucky to miss so many people in this one billionth probability, but finally I know you


Meet the beauty, enjoy the beauty, wish you grow like sunflower to the sun, and finally get Chang'an city flower


The green tree is a beautiful scenery Plant a seed and meet the beauty under the tree


Some late arrival, missed meeting, missed a lifetime of love


Do not pursue a lifetime together, only pursue a beautiful encounter


That summer is a whole encounter weather, moonlight is so beautiful, it is the meeting with you at night




















“约会地点”~~ rendezvous

“美丽的约会”~~ sweet date

“美丽的邂逅”~~a romantic encounter

“美好的回忆”~~warm recalls

“梦想中的餐厅”~~ a dreaming cafeteria

“梦想的约会地点”~~ a dreaming rendezvous



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