

该文由俄罗斯留学(eluosiliuxue86com)我部的我于03月06日我整理《生活俄语词汇:珠宝首饰类俄语词汇》。 宝石 драгоценный камень

订婚戒指 обручальное кольцо

耳环 серьга

红宝石 рубин

黄宝石 топаз

纪念章 медаль

戒指 кольцо

金戒指 золотое кольцо

克拉 карат

蓝宝石 сапфир

链子 цепь

绿宝石 изумруд

猫眼石 опал

人造的 искусственный

手表 часы

表带 ремешок для часов

弹簧 пружина

男表 мужские часы

闹钟 будильник

女表 женские часы

石英表 кварцевые часы

指针 стрелка

手镯 браслет

项链 ожерелье/цепочка

象牙 слоновая кость

小装饰品 бреслок

胸针 брошь

银戒指 серебрянное кольцо

珍珠 жемчужина

珠宝 драгоценный камень

钻石 бриллиант


платиновое кольцо 白金戒指

колье 宝石项链

кулон 宝石坠子

брошь,брошка 别针

бусы 串珠项链

золочёный браслет 镀金手镯

серьги,серёжки 耳环

подвеска 耳饰

сетка для волос 发网

заколка,шпилька,для волос 发针 发卡

жадеит 翡翠

бижутерия 妇女饰品(非宝石和金银)

корунд 刚玉

рубин 红宝石

янтарь 琥珀

янтарный бисер 琥珀串珠

янтарная брошь 琥珀胸针

серьги-клипсы ,клипсы 夹式耳环

резинки для волос 夹头发松紧带

кольцо 戒指

алмаз 金刚石

золотая цепочка 金项链

малахит 孔雀石

сапфир 蓝宝石

булавка 领针

изумруд 绿宝石

агат 玛瑙

чётки 念珠

страз 人工宝石

браслет 手镯

шкатулка (для ювелирных изделий) 首饰盒

горный хрусталь 水晶


наколка 头饰

ожерелье 项链

брелок 小垂饰物

приколка 胸针 胸饰

комплект 一套首饰(项链,耳饰,手镯等)

нефрит 玉石

жемчужное колье,жемчужное ожерелье 珍珠项链

钻石(已加工) брильянт,бриллиант


браслет 镯子;手镯

кулоны 宝石坠子

брошь(брошка) 胸针

медальон 嵌有肖像等的圆形颈饰

бусы 项链;珠串

ожерелье 项链

запонка(запона) 金制或银制小牌

перстень 镶嵌宝石的戒指

колье 宝石项链

серьги 耳环

кольцо 戒指

серьги-клипсы 夹式耳环

шкатулка 首饰匣

俄罗斯https://eluosiliuxue86com近期为大家准备了多个精彩的俄语专题,请访问 《学习俄语词汇》 、 《常用俄语词汇》 、 《生活俄语词汇》 、 《餐饮俄语词汇》 、 《IT通讯俄语词汇》 、 《政法俄语词汇》 、 《工业俄语词汇》 、 《汽车俄语词汇》 、 《其它俄语词汇》 。点击粗体字访问专题。



  罗德岛设计学提供24个艺术专业供学生选择,其中工业设计(Industrial Design)、室内建筑(Interior Architecture)、平面设计(Graphic Design)、摄影(Photography)是较为强势的专业。学生在本科阶段第一年中期确定专业,专业课在大二方才进入教学。





  提供作品集、推荐信、中学的成绩单。本科学生还要写一些Writing Sample,文章不超过650个字。本科申请通过CA系统进行。






  萨凡纳艺术与设计学院,简称SCAD,位于佐治亚州有着200多年的历史古城萨凡纳市。学院是全美最大的艺术学院,也是全球最大的专门艺术大学之一。在全美最热25所大学中,美国萨凡纳艺术与设计学院被卡普兰周报誉为: “最热门的艺术学习中心”。学院开设的课程几乎包括了当今艺术领域的所有专业。





  语言要求:雅思 65;托福 85;PTE 58;SAT或ACT(非必须)






  语言要求:雅思 65;托福 85;PTE 58




口语Part 1:(固定的开场白问题请大家看十天口语Day 2,答题思路请看Day 7)

☆ Do you like rainy days ☆ What’s your favorite kind of weather

☆ What're your favorite kinds of fruit and vegetables (Wellstuff like oranges and tomatoes, coz they're pretty juicy and they look cute, mouthwatering!)

☆What’re your favorite kinds of music ☆Do you think children should learn how to play musical instruments(p96)

☆Do you like fresh fruit / vegetables ( You bet! I just can’t get enough of them! They taste good and are wholesome and nutritious as well But stuff like fresh oranges and peaches tend to be reeeeeeeeeally pricey now and I have a pretty tight budget So sometimes I have to think twice about getting ’em, you know…)

☆Is swimming popular in China Why Do you have swimming classes at school (p178)

☆Do you prefer to use emails or letters

☆Who do you send emails to

☆ Do you think telephones are important to our lives

☆ How do you communicate with friends How do young people communicate with elderly people

☆ Do you think gardens and parks are important to a city ☆ Do you think flowers are important to Chinese Do Chinese give friends flowers on festivals Do you prefer to have flowers or vegetables in gardens or at home

☆Do you live in a house or an apartment/flat Which room do you like best Is there anything hanging on the wall How do you decorate your house / flat

☆What type of transportation do you usually take

☆ Do you like watching TV

☆ How was your child routine different from your daily routine now

☆ Do you like advertisements (Day 8: D:favorite ad)Why do we need ads What are the differences between ads in different countries

☆ Do you often go out with your friends or just invite them over to your place

What do you do together

☆ Did you like reading books when you were little

☆ What’s your favorite food Do you prefer to have meals at home or eat out

☆ Who does the cooking in your family Have you ever learned how to cook

☆Do you like home-cooked food

☆ Do you think all family members should learn how to cook (I guess so Otherwise when parents are away the kids can only rely on junk food like burgers or French fries Cooking abilities give them more self-sufficiency…)

☆Do you think holidays are important to our lives (Absolutely! Holidays are like … when we can get away from our daily grind and have some “time out”, you know… when we check out fun spots, hang out with friends and play sports without having to constantly worry about getting our work done They are just so cool…)

☆ What do you often do on weekends (eg, Well…Coz you know I’m a sociable person and really enjoy hanging out with people Friends of mine tend to stop by my place on weekends and we just chat, kick back and relax… or sometimes we cook a light meal together and it’s so fun…)

☆Do you have a driver’s license ( Yup, I got one quite a whole ago coz these days a driver’s license is really essential for getting a job / Nope, coz the traffic in my city is so heavy and messy I’m afraid of driving)

☆ Do you think biking is safe ( Basically, it is because most Chinese are pretty skilled bikers, you know But… these days there’re more cars in cities so yes sometimes biking can be risky, especially at night)

☆Do you like traveling

☆ Do you like shopping ☆ Do you prefer big stores or small ones ☆ Is there anything that you dislike about shopping

☆Do you like watching TV How long do you spent on that each day

☆Do you prefer to study alone or to study with other students / Do you prefer team work or working alone (Team work is more efficient and can really be more effective as well But when I work alone it seems like I tend to be more focused So I guess it just depends on what kind of work it is and what kind of people I work with :D)

☆ How do people in your country celebrate birthday

☆Do you like painting ☆Do you think painting skills are important to kids

☆ Do you like parties / partying Do you like family parties or parties thrown by friends

☆ What do you usually do during holidays And what you don't do during holidays

☆ What's your favorite leisure activity

Do you prefer to type things or to write things on paper (Well, most of the time I just type things, that’s for sure Coz it’s much faster and I can save what I type and edit it later on And most importantly, I can just cut and paste everything…)

What’s your favorite time of a day ( Well, I feel great in the morning coz after a good night’s sleep I feel refreshed and invigorated and definitely do things better)

What kinds of tools or instruments you use at school (things like PCs, test tubes, projectors and digital recorders…)

Are there any sports facilities on your campus (There are tons of them Like stadiums, gyms, soccer fields, tennis courts and swimming pools)

What kinds of facilities are there in your community (We’ve got a wide variety of facilities, like parking lots ,you know, places where you park your car, gyms, clinics, gardens, kids’ playgrounds, convenience stores…)

What do you do on the Internet

Why do we play music on festivals

Which country do you plan to go to

Do you often go to museums

What’re your favorite sports / What do you do to improve your fitness

What kinds of gifts do you give your friends

How do you get news

Do you like visiting art galleries

How should children improve their handwriting (They can imitate nice examples of handwriting before developing their own style And of course they should practice more and try not to type everything)

Part 2 :11月可能出现的问题


☆Describe a place that has been polluted/ an environmental problem(Day 8:C)

Describe your favorite season

Describe your favorite animal

Describe a tourist spot(natural or man-made scenic spots)


☆Describe a library (Day 8:A)

☆Describe a historical place in your hometown

☆ Describe your favorite part of your city(Day 8: A)

Describe a long journey

(第三部分可能问到:What are the differences between traveling alone and traveling with others)

Describe a good way to improve your health(第三部分可能问到:

What should schools do to help children improve their health PE class, gyms, less homework, more leisure time…

Do you think ads play important roles in improving public health Not really coz there’s soooooooo much fast-food advertising in the media these days…)

☆ Describe a place that has a lot of water ( Day 8 :swimming pool / lake )

☆Describe a picnic or a meal in a park (综合Day 8 park 和 Day 10 a special meal)

☆Describe a trip that was not as good as you planned (Day 8 :C的 a place that has been polluted说这个很合适)

Describe a store you like

Describe a concert hall

Describe a flat / house / home

Describe your favorite place in your city

Describe a museum or an art gallery

☆Describe your favorite season(Day1)


Describe an old man

Describe an organization

Describe a workplace ( 最简单的是说在某个organization 的part-time job或者您在上面一类话题已经准备好的某个store)

Describe a friend(第三部分可能问到:Who are more important to you, family members or friends)

☆Describe a job you wish to do in the future

☆ Describe a person who won a competition (p139)

☆ Describe an intelligent person

☆Describe a family member who you spend the most time with

(第三部分可能问到:Who plays more important roles in raising children, the father or the mother How many generations live together in a typical family in China)

☆Describe a family picture(p190 and p204)

☆ Describe a family friend when you were a child(和上面的几个题完全可以共用一个答案)

Describe a good teacher

Describe a famous person

☆Describe a person you admire or still remember after many years

☆Describe a person you helped before


☆ Describe an exciting sport

Describe your favorite leisure activity

Describe something you do to improve your health

☆ Describe your favorite lifestyle

☆Describe an ad that helped you buy something

☆Describe a vehicle you wish to own(Day8 p185)

☆ Describe your favorite book (just a biography of a famous person Day p138-p145) :p)

Describe your favorite song/piece of music

(第三部分可能问到:Why do stores play background music)

☆ Describe your favorite movie / film

☆Describe a song you heard when you were a child(有个很逗的网站是专门讲这个http://wwwmamalisacom/t=es&p=1744&c=11)

☆Describe a piece of interesting news you learned from a magazine/ ☆Describe an article in a magazine

(第三部分可能问到:Are writing skills important to journalists How do the journalists influence the public views)

☆ Describe an interesting TV program

(第三部分可能问到:Do you think TV programs play educational roles)

☆ Describe a foreign country you wish to live in or a foreign culture you wish to experience (Day 8 Britain)

Describe a habit (watching that TV program)

☆Describe a game you played when you were a child ( but not a sport)(Day 8:D)

☆ Describe an activity / happy event in your childhood(同上)

(第三部分可能问到:What are the differences between the games now and the games in the past)

Describe a creative activity you did when you were a child

Describe an interesting story

Describe a performance

☆Describe a party you prepared for others (Day 8: wedding后面的附加话题)

Describe a photo


☆Describe a change

☆ Describe a piece of work that was done quickly

Describe a piece of good news you heard on the phone

Describe something you did when you studied a foreign language(第三部分可能问:What are the advantages of learning a foreign language

What are the difficulties you met in learning a foreign language)

Describe a success

☆Describe an interesting speech

(这题最大的误区就是以为单词speech非要是Obama那一级的人做的演讲。如果Obama的演讲大家都背那就是等着拿低分。为什么不说个轻松的speech呢?比如十天口语里的一次课堂演讲。第三部分可能问到:Why is public speaking difficult for children Why are people nervous when they give a public speech)

☆Describe something when you cooperated with others (同上)

☆Describe a science class(http://7412595132/searchq=cache:49HpoQ3bya0J:wwwscience-classnet/+science+class&cd=1&hl=zh-CN&ct=clnk,页面左侧全都是不同的science class)

Describe an important letter you wrote to another person (这个可以共享上文或者下文的任何一个事件的描述)

☆Describe a skill you wish to learn

Describe an important stage in life

☆ Describe some advice your received before(有很多可能性,不过最容易准备的应该是决定出国的过程中你的父母和朋友给你的建议,参考“十大弱智话题的第3题)

☆ Describe a conversation (同上)

☆Describe an event(可以用Day 8 F的任何话题)

☆ Describe an important plan for the future

☆ Describe a situation when you needed help (同上)

Describe a letter you received

Describe a sports event

Describe a great achievement your country has made

☆Describe a course you hope to take if you have time

Describe a lecture


Describe a piece of furniture ( “十大弱智话题”第八个)

☆ Describe a piece of jewellery (http://wwwclogaucouk/这个网站有一段珠宝,每个链接点开之后都有详细介绍…)

☆Describe a toy(Day 8: kite)

Describe your favorite clothes for special occasions

(第三部分可能问到:Why do employees wear uniforms in some companies )

Describe something that you want to buy in the future

☆Describe a piece of electronic equipment/ an electronic device you wish to buy(Day 8:E)

Describe something that helps you learn English(这个有很多人会说MP3,但是如果你说iPhone可以帮你学英语就肯定没有人跟你一样,Day 8)

☆ Describe your favorite clothes for special occasions(Day 8:traditional clothing)

Describe a gift you gave another person

Describe a painting

Describe a sculpture

弱智卡片(Day 10)

☆Describe a traffic jam(十大弱智话题的第1个)


What do you think of children driving Well, it would be reaaaaaaaally risky for average kids to drive alone Maybe it's fun if their parents are with themBut anyway, the risk is soooooo realWhat are the causes of traffic jams

Will traffic jams be even more important in the future)

Describe something that made you wait for a long time(同上)

Describe a good law

☆Describe a person who’s good at cooking(Day 10)

(第三部分可能问到:Do you think it’s important for kids to learn cooking skills Yup They will be more independent if they do And it would definitely be more economical than going to restaurants if they could cook meals for themselves Do you like home-cooked food )

☆ Describe a shop

☆ Describe a restaurant (见Day 10(下)的第3个题餐馆)

Describe an educational visit

Describe an important decision that you made (第三部分可能问到:Why do people have goals)


-中央圣马丁 CSM MA Design: Ceramics/Furniture/Jewellery 课程时长: 2年英国留学珠宝设计院校有哪些 入学要求: 相关专业本科或有相关从业经历,雅思65,作品集 学习计划课程简介: CSM这门MA课程分为陶瓷、家具和珠宝三个方向。从这个分类方式,不难看出中央圣马丁的这门珠宝设计课程,并不是传统意义上人们所认为的时尚珠宝、配饰方向,而是把珠宝作为创意思维的承载品,使得创作者得以通过其进行艺术的表达。 -伦敦时装学院 LCF MA FashionArtefact 课程时长: 1年(15周) 入学要求: 相关专业本科学位(平均分75分以上),雅思65以上,作品集 学习计划课程简介: 伦敦时装学院的时尚手工艺品课程融合了时尚、手作与创意,以及得益于伦敦时装学院在时尚产业方向细致的课程划分。学生在此课程中,除却能够获得作为珠宝设计师最顶尖和前沿的知识及技能上的培养,更重要的是课程能提供的产业人脉联系,以及各学科间的互动交流-以模拟现实中珠宝设计师在时尚产业中的操作。 -坎伯韦尔艺术学院 Camberwell MA Visual Arts: Designer Maker 课程时长: 2年 入学要求: 相关专业本科学位,雅思65以上,作品集 学习计划课程简介:与圣马丁以及伦时不同,动辄几十门各色艺术设计以及管理类课程,坎伯韦尔要显得"沉静不争"许多。除却手工艺品制作课程,坎伯韦尔的其它硕士课程涉及的几乎都是纯艺或是文物保护方向。从这里并不难推断出,坎伯韦尔的珠宝设计,是把珠宝饰品作为艺术品在创作。



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