



 They saw many honest faces go by that were not intelligent enough; many that were intelligent, but not honest enough; many that were both, but the possessors were not poor enough, or, if poor enough, were not strangers There was always a defect, until I came along; but they agreed that I filled the bill all around; so they elected me unanimously, and there I was now waiting to know why I was called in They began to ask me questions about myself, and pretty soon they had my story Finally they told me I would answer their purpose I said I was sincerely glad, and asked what it was Then one of them handed me an envelope, and said I would find the explanation inside I was going to open it, but he said no; take it to my lodgings, and look it over carefully, and not be hasty or rash I was puzzled, and wanted to discuss the matter a little further, but they didn't; so I took my leave, feeling hurt and insulted to be made the butt of what was apparently some kind of a practical joke, and yet obliged to put up with it, not being in circumstances to resent affronts from rich and strong folk


 When I was twenty-seven years old, I was a mining-broker's clerk in San Francisco, and an expert in all the details of stock traffic I was alone in the world, and had nothing to depend upon but my wits and a clean reputation; but these were setting my feet in the road to eventual fortune, and I was content with the prospect


 My time was my own after the afternoon board, Saturdays, and I was accustomed to put it in on a little sail-boat on the bay One day I ventured too far, and was carried out to sea Just at nightfall, when hope was about gone, I was picked up by a small brig which was bound for London It was a long and stormy voyage, and they made me work my passage without pay, as a common sailor When I stepped ashore in London my clothes were ragged and shabby, and I had only a dollar in my pocket Thismoney fed and sheltered me twenty-four hours During the next twenty-four I went without food and shelter


 You know, I even kept my old suit of rags, and every now and then appeared in them, so as to have the old pleasure of buying trifles, and being insulted, and then shooting the scoffer dead with the million-pound bill But I couldn't keep that up The illustrated papers made the outfit so familiar that when I went out in it I was at once recognized and followed by a crowd, and if I attempted a purchase the man would offer me his whole shop on credit before I could pull my note on him


 About the tenth day of my fame I went to fulfil my duty to my flag by paying my respects to the American minister He received me with the enthusiasm proper in my case, upbraided me for being so tardy in my duty, and said that there was only one way to get his forgiveness, and that was to take the seat at his dinner-party that night made vacant by the illness of one of his guests I said I would, and we got to talking It turned out that he and my father had been schoolmates in boyhood, Yale students together later, and always warm friends up to my father's death So then he required me to put in at his house all the odd time I might have to spare, and I was very willing, of course


 "Right, it was the What Cheer; went there at two in the morning, and had a chop and coffee after a hard six-hours grind over those Extension papers, and I tried to persuade you to come to London with me, and offered to get leave of absence for you and pay all your expenses, and give you something over if I succeeded in making the sale; and you would not listen to me, said I wouldn't succeed, and you couldn't afford to lose the run of business and be no end of time getting the hang of things again when you got back home And yet here you are How odd it all is! How did you happen to come, and whatever did give you thisincredible start"



That morning we talked a lot


Over the past ten years,my hometown has changed


This box weighs five pounds


五年级英语作文 篇1


oh! spring in coming

look! all the things are reviving the world is colorful the trees and grass are green flowers are beautiful some are red some are yellow

some are purple the birds are flying in the blue sky the bees are singing they are very busy they are making honey the butterflies are dancing in the garden the children are playing games

i like spring

五年级英语作文 篇2

Summer opened his eyes and saw a beautiful painting Outside the rain next stop, the rain fell to the ground, gathered into a shallow stream The creek emerge a small bubble, and then disappeared, like hide and seek, really interesting I thought: how did these bubbles form Suddenly, a little rain falls on my face, it is cool, it can be really naughty A tree in the rain painful to wash the bath, the leaves become more green; a blossoming flowers in the rain gently swing, more bright, and showing a vibrant life

Summer opened his eyes and knew they were calling I thought: do not they not Really want to send ice sticks to give them moisturizing voice

Summer eyes see a colorful world




五年级英语作文 篇3



黄老师在黑板上写下了标题“Goldilocks and three bears”。真正的英语课堂开始了。这篇英语短文,其实是一篇童话,在黄老师讲到主角Goldilocks品尝汤味儿的时候,拿出了三个水杯,假装是汤碗,开始喝汤了。第一碗汤很冰,当黄老师喝下汤时,“啊!”叫了起来,还张开了嘴巴,摇晃着身体,眼神也象被冰住似的,瞪着眼睛,只往前看,看样子,黄老师就像是在寒冷的冬天被冻住了,她说“This soup is too cold ”。黄老师继续品尝了下一碗汤,“呀!”黄老师又大叫一声,接着用手扇风到嘴里,脸蛋微红,舌头都伸出来了,可想而知,这碗汤肯定很烫,黄老师又像到了夏天,天热的都可以在地上煎鸡蛋了,黄老师说“This soup is too hot! ”,黄老师尝了尝最后一碗汤,竟一下把所有的汤,都倒进了嘴里,喝了个精光,还不忘舔舔嘴巴周围,看看还有没有剩余的汤汁,也许,黄老师又到了春天或者秋天,不冷也不热。这时,她又做了个享受的表情,并说“This soup is just right ”我们都笑开了。


五年级英语作文 篇4

As an old saying goes, "spring" This semester I have made the new plan

This semester, I'm going to get rid of some bad habits I am a Chinese representative, but I not to be able to change a bad habit of always: I listen to the class very fast, but when the teacher asked, in fact, I usually can answer up, but I am timid, afraid to bold hands Even if the teacher said: "wrong it doesn't matter" I still can't raise your hand So in this semester, I will try to break the following five years of my bad habits

First of all, I'm going to each class at least for one hand, the accumulated, one semester I can correct the bad habit In this way, the teacher can like me

Also, this term we mathematics textbooks, other students all have already learned a third, so, I have been a bit behind other students, because of this, I have to work harder, more oil, so my grades will not lag behind Now, I need to start doing more extracurricular practice, I am determined to not be a problem to beat, I will use my efforts to prove, I'll catch up, let the teacher to me sit up and take notice

And I want to get rid of a bad temper, is the classmates to ask me questions, I always do their own thing, don't listen to him, I think it is not respect others From another Angle to think, if I come to ask questions, how sad thing it is being rejected!

I have a flaw, that is, sports is not good, every time to the final, achievement is to pass the exam Because I at ordinary times less exercise, just cause sports achievement is not good enough, so in this sunny spring, I want to exercise more, to do a good job of the health care As long as I every day so, I think I should be able to level again

Ok, don't say, my new term plan to say the last three days and three nights! I have to do now is get rid of bad habits and bad temper, so you can do a cla








五年级英语作文 篇5

I have a little dog Its name is Googlo He is three years old He has two big eyes They’re black He has one blue ear and one black ear He is clever I like my Googlo He can jump and run He can

play football He likes some fruit I love my dog--Googlo

我有一条小狗。它的名字是Googlo它是三岁。它有两只大眼睛。它们是黑色的。它有一只蓝耳朵和一只黑耳朵。它很聪明。我喜欢我的Googlo 它会跳和跑。它会踢足球。它喜欢一些水果。我爱我的狗—Googlo

五年级英语作文 篇6

I love grandma, grandma is also very love me Although my grandma is very dote on me, but never allow me to do wrong things, especially the moral behavior is very strict to me Whenever I with big deceit small, grandma always again and again make sense to me, there is always a way of explaining things so I taught her to convinceThis is my grandma, I love my grandma!



五年级英语作文 篇7

Have you ever imagined a world without trees Try it, and you will see the whole world dry up and look like a broken tortoise shell At night, the temperature would drop sharply Living creatures could not run away and it would be as if they lived in hell

There are some effective steps we can take now to protect trees First, strict laws must be enforced Second, the government should offer subsidies to people who plant trees

Most important of all, every citizen must develop an awareness of the importance of trees and remember: no trees means no living things




五年级英语作文 篇8

My family is a harmonious family, There are 5 members in my family They are my grandpa、grandma、mother、father and I My grandpa is 58 year old He is a very happy man His hair is short I look like him My grandma is happy too She wants to have a pair of sandals Two days ago she had one My mother is beautiful woman My father is a handsome young man He wants to have many shoes and jumpers My grandpa likes running My grandma likes singing My mother likes driving and my father like drawing My family is harmonious, because my mother takes care of my grandpa and grandma very well I love my grandpa、 grandma、father and mother very much, and they all love me too I have a happy family

I love my family!



五年级英语作文 篇9

Winter was gone,spring comesI love spring best,because it's very beautifulIn spring,the weather is aways sunny and rainy,it's not cold and not hot,it's warmer and warmerThe flowers begin to open and the trees begin to turn greenThe birds are singing in the sky,they are happyThe animals will go out to playMany people like to go out and enjoy the sunshineI like wearing my sweater and jeans, I like to fly kites,plant trees and see the beautiful flowers Spring is colorful,I think it's a wonderful season What's your favourite seasonPlease tell me(约90字)

英语是:"I've already given you the cheapest price"


already 英[ɔ:lˈredi] 美[ɔlˈrɛdi]

adv 早已,已经; 先前;

[例句]They had already voted for him at the first ballot


cheapest 英[tʃi:pɪst] 美[tʃi:pɪst]

adj 廉价的( cheap的最高级 ); 低俗的; 劣质的; 收费低廉的;

[例句]His best selling line is the cheapest lager at £ 199


price 英[praɪs] 美[praɪs]

n 代价; 价格,价钱; 价值; 赏金;

vt 定价; 标价; 问…的价格; 给…定价;

[例句]They expected house prices to rise




一般就是 一个包装里这么装2块,所以用了each,each只是解释里面2块的每块大约重量的



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