November 24,1859 was a special day in London On that day,many Londoners rushed to a bookstore to buy a book that was just published The first printing of 1,250 copies sold out on the firet dayThe popular book was The Origin of Species by British naturalist Charles Darwin In the book,Darwin argued that different forms of life could change over time because of natural selectionThis means that only those who are best suited to their environment will live and reproduce
1859年11月24日是伦敦的一个特殊的日子。这一天,许多伦敦人赶到书店买了刚刚出版的一本书。 第一次印刷的1250册在当天就销售一空。这本畅销书是由英国博物学家查尔斯达尔文所著的《物种起源》。在这本书中,达尔文认为,生命的不同形式因自然的选择可以随着时间的推移而变化。这意味着,只有那些最适应生存环境的生物才能繁衍下去。
Darwin supported his arguments with examples he found during his around-the-world trip in The 1830sThe book laid the foundation of modern biology It changed how other scientists understood the appearance of life on Earth
A hundred and fifty years later, Darwin's theory of natural selection still has great influence in the world of science But some people have a question:since medicine and modern life have made people healthier, are we still evolving by natural selection
The answer is yes, according to Stphen Sterns and his team of Yale University researchersThey did a study on 2,238 women in the US They found that shorter, heavier women have more children than thinner,taller ones This trend runs among their female children and grandchildren So if this continues, women in 400 years will be about 2cm shorter and a klio heavier
的答案是肯定的,根据耶鲁大学的Stphen Sterns(斯蒂芬斯特恩)和他的研究团队对2238名美国妇女所作的研究,发现身材较矮小,体重较重的妇女往往比瘦高的妇女有更多的孩子,而且这个趋势一直往她们的女儿和外孙女延续。如果这种情况持续下去,400多年后的妇女将变矮2厘米,增重1公斤。
Sterns' findings are supported by other scientistsFor example, John Hawks at the University of Wisconsin humansThose variations allow people to drink milk, fight disease and improve brain development