




『壹』 出国留学成绩单中的课程科目翻译



1 Chemical Structure Analysis of Chinese Medicin, 2 Hospital Infection Control and Management, 3 medical Databses and Data Mining, 4 维是啥意思?知道后内加在这两个词后面容Concepts of Computer 5 Common facial and co etic diseas 6 Acupuncture techiniques training 7 Evidence Based Nursing 8 Translation Theory and Thecnicquess, 9 Bone and joint Diseases 10 Child Psychology

『贰』 出国成绩单的英文课程名称问题


『叁』 英文成绩单中AEG是哪几个单词的缩写谢谢

AEG (American English Group)


AEG (American English Group)课程。AEG课程为初级,中级以及高级水平学生提供英语读、写、听和说四种技能的强化培训。其课程设计一是提高学生的语言运用能力, 二是为需要大量阅读的专业学习做准备 强化英语班在TSU大学年历(每学期约8周)中一年举办5次,每学期开学学生接受考试确定英语熟练程度。每学期期末,学生接受期末考试,根据成绩安排进入下学期更高级的英语学习班。该课程共设有听力I、II、III,阅读I、II、III,口语I、II、III及写作I、II、III。这部分的课程,学校根据学生入学成绩的高低来分配,成绩偏低的上I的课程,中等的学生上II的课程,而程度相对较好的则被分配到III的班级中。每学期末及学期初各有一次TOEFL考试,成绩合格者可参加专业课的学习。相反,学习成绩不合格的同学要继续留在AEG学习语言。美国是一个多人种的国家,所以在AEG任教的老师50%是非美国人的教师。在学习期间,我们不光可以学到正宗的美式英语,而且我们可以听到多种的英语口音,这练就了我们应付怪口音英语的能力, 也对于我们今后与老师同学的交流有了很大的帮助。

『肆』 请教英语大虾~~帮我翻译几个英文成绩单上的课程!

1, 2 of the Television literature, radio, television and Literature (to explain the radio and television this is the meaning of the literature……) 3, a few courses name: a business news Introction to Literary Study b c d Introction to Communication Studies e Dramatic Art F television broadcasting literary and artistic creation literary narrative film g h i television director based literary arts writing program j k reporters and editors thought the history of Chinese and foreign film

『伍』 成绩单中"课程性质"以及“必修”、“选修”怎么翻译成英文

课程性质 course character

必修 required (or obligatory)

必修课专 a required (or obligatory) course

选修属 elective

选修课 an elective course

『陆』 英文成绩单中的课程类型PE和O分别指什么


『柒』 翻译英文成绩单,里面有课程性质但是但是不知道必修,选修,公选是要用英文全写还是缩写就可以了

必修课程pulsory course或者required course

选修课程selective course或者elective course

公选课:mon course或者mon required course或者mon core


『捌』 出国英文成绩单翻译中课程性质怎么翻译那个course character肯定不够专业。。。

Course Type

『玖』 急急求帮忙翻译英文成绩单上的课程(悬赏还会追加)!! 请各位大侠帮帮个忙啊!

英语听力 English Listening

英语精读 English Intensive Reading

体育 Physical Ecation

思想道德修养与法律基础 Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Basis of Law

入学教育、军训 Matriculation Ecation; Military Training

经济法概论 Introction to Economic Law

计算机文化基础 Fundamentals of Computer Culture

管理学原理 Principle of Management

高等数学 Advanced Mathematics

专业认识实习 Major Recognization and Practice

中国近现代史纲要 Outline of Modern Chinese History

英语口语 Oral English Practice

微观经济学 Microeconomic Analysis

程序设计(VFP) Program Designing(VFP)

专业知识与形式讲座 Domain Knowledge and Formal Lecture

学年论文 Annual Essay

线性代数 Linear Algebra

女子健美操 Female Aerobics

思想 理论和 重要思想 An outline of Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the Important Thinking of "The Three Represents"

宏观经济学 Macroeconomics Analysis

概率统计 Probability Statistics

中国古陶瓷鉴赏与收藏 Appreciation and Collection of Chinese Ancient Ceramics

涉外礼仪与交际礼节 Courtesy Related to Foreign Affairs and Communication Etiquette

文件检索 Document Retrieval

统计学A Statistics A

体育舞蹈 Physical Dance

世界经济 World Economy

马克思主义基本原理 Fundamental Principles of Marxi

会计学A Accounting A

会计流程实习 Account Flow Practice

国际市场行情调研 Research of Quotations in International Market

国际市场调研与开发 Research and Development of International Market

国际贸易理论 International Trade Theory

音乐欣赏 Music Appreciation

管理运筹与博弈对策 Management Operations and Game Theory

当代世界政治与经济 Contemporary International Economics and Politics

外贸商品学 Foreign Trade Commodity Studies

计量经济学 Econometrics

货币银行学 Moary Banking

国际投资学 International Investments

国际贸易专业实习 International Trade Major Practice

国际贸易实务 International Trade Practice

国际金融 International Finance Program

玉器鉴别与欣赏 Jade Identification and Appreciation

应用写作 Applied Writing

人际交往心理学 Psychology of Interpersonal Relationship

二外(日语) Second Foreign Language (Japanese)

外贸英语函电 Foreign Trade English Correspondence

跨国公司经营管理 Transnational Business Management

国际市场营销(双语) International Marketing (Bilingual)

国际贸易电子模拟 Electronic Analogue in International Trade

国际经济学 International Economics

摄影艺术作品赏析 Photograpthic Art Works Appreciation

国际物流管理 International Logistics Management

国际贸易前沿问题 Current Issues in International Trade

财政学 Finance

I was born in Beijing, and am a typical Beijing girl When I was growing up, the general comments from my teachers, classmates and friends are: gentle, kind, polite, warm-hearted, strong, diligent, brave, has a strong desire to do better in what she does, caring and has self respect But I think that I could do better if I try harder I spent most of my childhood with my grandparents from my father's side because my parents often needed to go and look after my other grandparents, who are from my mother's side Now that I come to think of it, my childhood days are carefree and also very happy What I remember the most from my childhood is the small park that I often go to In the park there is a secret forest path, that my friends and I discovered together It leads to another village, where there are golden rice fields which stretches to the horizon, as well as the orchards and vegetable gardens that are filled with ripe fruits and vegetables I always like to go and play there in the early autumn days The blue sky, the pure white clouds, and the gentle breeze of wind are like music to my ears, as my skirt lifts gently with it Even now I still yearn for those innocent days

My school life is also very colorful I was an introvert and very shy during those times, and liked to think about things alone In primary school I was really good at mathematics, and once I got third place in the entire school I like reading literature works, and looking at movies I extremely like trying to fathom the feelings and mental behaviours of characters in a book, or a TV programme I'm really good at writing essays, and my essays in the secondary schools' entrance examination was near full marks I like sports a lot, so my physical education scores are also very good I would always get some awards during the annual athletics' sports games I love to participate in the school's community service activities, such as going to old people's rest homes to help, learning sign languages to help care for the disabled people and children with disabilities etc Even though my parents have not trained me in one particular skill during my childhood, I still like music and have learnt to play on the piano, the harmonica, the flute, the guitar by myself, only that I'm an amateur in all of them I love dancing and have learnt to enjoy it, I like to practise yoga and aerobics I also like to sing, to photograph any parts of life worth remembering recording, to travel to different places and have fun, and the Chinese tea culture and cooking and so on

My family is not very well-off It is only at a general level like most other families in Beijing Sometimes because of my school fees my parents have to cut their own spending costs, my heart hurts from just thinking about it I think that I will only be able to repay them better by not losing my determination and by maintaning that self-confidence in it Whenever I am at home, I would do the housework instead of getting my parents to do it I would also use the skills and knowledge that I have learnt about nutrition to help my parents cook more healthy meals, hoping that they will be more happy and relaxed

After the graduating from high school, I managed to get into xx university, and I'm in my second year this year to read the university second year Actually I've always hoped that I could work in a hospital ever since I was young because I always think that hospital work is very pure and simple , not those that work in the offices that would always hide their true selves I don't like a complex and camouflaged life I've always believed that if I learn my nursing skills well and carry a sincere heart to face each patient then I will definitely be approved by others That's certainly the way it is now and it has be proved by others who did the same I don't day dream that I will have a high paying job or that I will live a luxurious life in the future, but I hope that the life of my inner self will always be colorful

I sometimes think that I'm still like a child and have the innocence of one, but I have already stepped forward into the society Sometimes I will be faced with an ugly and unjust as well as a complexed problem about relationships and society, and I will be scared and helpless and will shrink back So I try and avoid these as much as possible I will always walk in a bright and positive direction as I like a world filled with love and kindness

As you can see from above, I am a girl of this type


Hexi college female college students the tendency of sports elective course investigation and analysis

河西学院体育学院 甘肃 张掖734000

Hexi college sports institute gansu zhang ye 734000


Abstract: adopting questionnaire, literature and mathematical statistics method of female college students in hexi college sports courses tendency was conducted and the results showed that most of the female college students tend to aerobics and badminton, but by teachers and the limits of the site conditions, and make students choose the volleyball, table tennis and basketball, etc don't like project


And put forward concrete Suggestions, which for college PE curriculum reform in hexi public to provide the reference

体操   [tǐ cāo] [体操]基本解释




张天翼 《移行·欢迎会》:“这么著,他就得跟那位大人物回省里去发迹,再也不在这师范学校当什么体操教员了。” 魏巍 《谁是最可爱的人·挤垮它》:“在阵地上跳舞,作柔软体操。”


广义的“体操”是对所有体操项目的总称。现代奥运会体操项目设有竞技体操(artistic gymnastics)、艺术体操 (rhythmic gymnastics)和蹦床(trampoline gymnastics)三个大项,除此以外还有竞技健美操(aerobic gymnastics)、技巧运动(acrobatic gymnastics)等非奥项目。狭义的体操是“竞技体操”,它是体操的一个分支,简称为体操。这是一项在规定的器械上,完成复杂、协调的动作,并根据动作的分值或动作的难度、编排与完成情况等给予评分的运动。 更多→ 体操


drill; exercise; gymnastics

[体操]相关搜寻 团体操 自由体操 广播体操 体操的操有什么成语 艺术体操 辅助体操 兵式体操



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