

I wanna be immortal

Like a god in the sky

I wanna be a silk flower

Like i'm never gonna die

I wanna live forever

Forever in your heart

And we'll always be together

From the end to the start

That's what we do it for

To reserve a place

It's just another part of the human race

That's what we do it for

To reserve a space

In history it's just

Part of the human race


I'm forever chasing after time

But everybody dies dies

If i could buy forever at a price

I would buy it twice twice

But if the earth ends in fire

And the seas are frozen in time

There'll be just one survivor

The memory that i was yours and you were mine

Everybody dies dies

Chasing after time time

When you love somebody

They'll always leave too soon

But a memory a memory

Can make a flower bloom

We wanna be remembered

Don't wanna live in vein

But nothing lasts forever

This world is in a losing game

I wanna mean something to somebody else

Feel a significance in the real world

It's not enough to live out a lucky life

I'm forever chasing after time

But everybody dies dies

If i could buy forever at a price

I would buy it twice twice

But if the earth ends in fire

And the seas are frozen in time

There'll be just one survivor

The memory that i was yours and you were mine

Everybody dies dies

Chasing after time time

No i don't wanna be afraid afraid to die die die

I just wanna be able to say that i have lived my life

Life life

Oh all these things humans do

To leave behind a little proof

But the only thing that doesn't die is love

Love love love love

I'm forever chasing after time

But everybody dies dies

If i could buy forever at a price

I would buy it twice twice

But if the earth ends in fire

And the seas are frozen in time

There'll be just one survivor

The memories of our life time

Everybody dies dies

Chasing after time time

So keep me alive

So keep me alive

So keep me alive

Immortal - Marina & The Diamonds

I wanna be immortal

Like a god in the sky

I wanna be a silk flower

Like i'm never gonna die

I wanna live forever

Forever in your heart

And we'll always be together

From the end to the start

That's what we do it for

To reserve a place

It's just another part of the human race

That's what we do it for

To reserve a space

In history it's just

Part of the human race


I'm forever chasing after time

But everybody dies dies

If i could buy forever at a price

I would buy it twice twice

But if the earth ends in fire

And the seas are frozen in time

There'll be just one survivor

The memory that i was yours and you were mine

Everybody dies dies

Chasing after time time

When you love somebody

They'll always leave too soon

But a memory a memory

Can make a flower bloom

We wanna be remembered

Don't wanna live in vein

But nothing lasts forever

This world is in a losing game

I wanna mean something to somebody else

Feel a significance in the real world

It's not enough to live out a lucky life

I'm forever chasing after time

But everybody dies dies

If i could buy forever at a price

I would buy it twice twice

But if the earth ends in fire

And the seas are frozen in time

There'll be just one survivor

The memory that i was yours and you were mine

Everybody dies dies

Chasing after time time

No i don't wanna be afraid afraid to die die die

I just wanna be able to say that i have lived my life

Life life

Oh all these things humans do

To leave behind a little proof

But the only thing that doesn't die is love

Love love love love

I'm forever chasing after time

But everybody dies dies

If i could buy forever at a price

I would buy it twice twice

But if the earth ends in fire

And the seas are frozen in time

There'll be just one survivor

The memories of our life time

Everybody dies dies

Chasing after time time

So keep me alive

So keep me alive

So keep me alive

Immortal - Marin

所谓的hip-hop DANCE正是现在最广泛流行的一种街舞类型如果我们以舞蹈的观点来看,它可以分成NEW SCHOOl以及OlD SCHOOl两大类如何去区分这两大类型呢我们可以以年代及动作或是音乐类型来作区分 其实hip-hop就是各种街舞的总称

事实上,我们所谓的breakinG DANCE或是OlD SCHOOl正也是属于hip-hop的一种这种OlD SCHOOl的舞蹈包含著lOCKING(锁舞)popinG(机械舞)breakinG(霹雳舞)WAvE(电流)这些东西(这种霹雳舞式的舞蹈风格著名的团体是Rock Steady Crew)他起源于美国街头的舞者的即兴舞蹈动作这些街头舞者多半是以黑人或是墨西哥人为主或许正是所谓的"穷人的娱乐",这些流行的街舞多半发源自美国纽约的布鲁克林区(这一区住的全是一些穷困的黑人或墨西哥人)这些黑人及墨西哥人的孩子们成天在街上混,跳舞,自然而然的行成各种的派系,也很自然的在他们所跳的舞蹈上发展出不一样的风格

hip-hop DANCE的演变

而在OlD SCHOOl演变至NEW SCHOOl的关键这可追溯至早期OlD SCHOOl的音乐,其具有非常快的节拍来匹配这些breakinG的动作,而后随著hip-hop音乐的演进人们开始了解 breakinG并不适合这些NEW SCHOOl hip-hop的音乐(因为所谓NEW SCHOOl的音乐比较慢,如果在这种慢板的hip-hop音乐中作风车或排腿(footwork)之类的动作,会觉得一点爆发力都没有,甚至失去其舞感)此时OlD SCHOOl与NEW SCHOOl的舞蹈就开始分家了,那是在1986年左右早期NEW SCHOOl的舞步非常简单,如耳熟能详的 "滑步"(running man) 这在以前MC HAMMER及巴比布朗的vIDEO的中均可见到或许我们可以称当时这种"劲爆"的hip-hop舞蹈为FUNKING DANCE

NEW SCHOOl hip-hop的出现

然而以现在的眼光来看这些MC HAMMER及巴比布朗时期所流行的街舞,也渐渐变成了OlD SCHOOl因为在92年初期时,出现了一个叫做MOP TOP(ElITE FORCE)的黑人舞蹈团体(由HENRY link lOOSE JOINT BUDDHA STRETCH组成),他们发展出一种新风格的hip-hop我称他为"原地性的hip-hop"他不像MC HAMMER及巴比布朗时期的大动作,劲爆,大范围式的移动,更没有霹雳舞中那些在地上类是体操的动作他独有风格在于他注重身体的协调性(我们所谓的律动)他重视身体上半身的律动及增加了许多手部的动作不再像那些旧风格的hip-hop注视大范围的移动以及脚步的动作或许HENRY刚开始时只是一位默默无名的街头舞者,但是当麦克杰克森的一首Remabe the time MTv出现时,大家首次看到这种我所谓的原地性舞蹈这种新风格的舞蹈在这位世界流行音乐之王的MTv出现,马上就掀起了一股风潮我们不敢说是甚么原因使这位HENRY先生一炮而红但是这首Remabe the time中的舞蹈正是他的杰作后来马丽亚凯利的Dreamlover歌曲MTv中,我们看到了一片草原上有一群只穿者裤子的黑人跳著奇怪风格的舞蹈这些舞蹈中夹杂著hip-hoplOCKING(锁舞)popinG(机器舞)WAvE(电流)这些东西却配合著是Dreamlover这种R&B式曲风的hip-hop音乐我们很难相信我们所看到的东西当时我们很难去断定这是甚么样的舞蹈但是,这却是NEW SCHOOl hip-hop发展史上很重要的一节,他是全世界开始流行NEW SCHOOl的起源也是"罪魁祸首"



NEW SCHOOl hip-hop的成熟阶段

正所谓的NEW SCHOOl hip-hop我给他一个定义就是将各种不一样类型的舞蹈串联在一起,以一首轻快慢板的hip-hop或R&B表现出来(这也是NEW SCHOOl初期的一种型态)我们看到这首Dreamlover中这群由Henry带领的黑人舞群,做出了令人难以理解的舞蹈动作,他们把以往只能搭配快节奏的lOCKING(锁舞)在R&B的慢式舞曲节奏中以一种新的感觉去表现它,他们不再做这种一定要类似双节棍般甩手挽般的动作去表现lOCKING(锁舞),他们简化了许多lOCKING(锁舞)的动作并且以标准的hip-hop左右式律动去表现popinG(机器舞)和lOCKING(锁舞),也不时的在舞蹈中加上WAvE(电流)的东西简单的说,就是用新的感觉去诠释这些旧的舞步马上,日本的知名街舞团体兼歌手ZOO所发行的新单曲"叮当叮当"中,也用了这种NEW SCHOOl hip-hop来表现MTv中的舞蹈一不注意这种新风格的街舞已经在全世界流行开来了

后来慢慢的,这位HENRY在马丽亚凯利的歌曲Fantasy以及近期的Honey中阶担任了编舞的工作,其次像之前红及一时以解散的女子hip-hop团体TlC的歌曲Creep及**MIB的MTv我们慢慢发现这种hip-hop已经开始成熟(当然的,这些MTv中大家也可以看到HENRY的踪影)前些时期最著名的的就是TlC的Waterfalls这支MTv,MTv中的"神奇抖肩膀"这个动作使NEW SCHOOl hip-hop又进入了另一个新的阶段

现在的NEW SCHOOl hip-hop DANCE

不得不佩服日本人的头脑,当这种NEW SCHOOl hip-hop在日本开始流行时,日本人发展出它们自己的另一套舞风,同样的这也是另大家难以理解的事情这些日本的hip-hop舞者开始用OlD SCHOOl的音乐跳NEW SCHOOl的hip-hop了NEW SCHOOl的发源在以新的音乐风格表现旧的舞蹈现在却变成以旧的音乐风格来诠释新的舞蹈真的是很奇怪的一件事

在动作上,近期的NEW SCHOOl hip-hop变化更多,尤其是在加上WAvE(电流)的东西时,它变得更没有规律如果以观众的眼光来看,似乎跳这些NEW SCHOOl的舞者都是"小儿麻痹"患者,因为身体的扭曲更加厉害,越来越没有在舞蹈中所谓的规律性

hip-hop DANCE的也有地区性

我们可以分成 NEW YORK STYlE与 lA STYlE两种这个两个地区的东西呈现两极化的风格例如NEW YORK STYlE它就是我们一般所看到的身体扭曲变形,各种街舞大串联的风格或许NEW YORK是HENRY的大本营,所以自然而然的这个地区的hip-hop风格也较偏向HENRY的风格,原地性的舞蹈加上身体奇怪的扭曲与lOCKING(锁舞)popinG(机器舞)WAvE(电流)这些东西的大会串,我们不难想像它正是一种黑人的随性作风

而 lA STYlE的hip-hop,它承袭延续了MC HAMMER及巴比布朗时期所流行的街舞大动作及脚步的变化性,也保有了其劲爆的特性只是在动作的变化上增加了许多新的花样也因为hip-hop分成了这两大派系,所以许多舞者或杂志媒体上就不再统称他们为hip-hop DANCE他们称NEW YORK STYlE的hip-hop为NEW SCHOOl而称 lA STYlE的hip-hop为STREET DANCE

到底NEW SCHOOl hip-hop是甚么

总而言之,NEW SCHOOl的hip-hop它包含者各种类型的街舞,包括lOCKING(锁舞)popinG(机器舞)WAvE(电流)以及MC HAMMER及巴比布朗时期的律动只是在NEW SCHOOl hip-hop中看不到breakinG DANCE(霹雳舞)的影子就像前面提到的,它融合了各式的街舞型态,或许我们可以说它是一种集大成的舞蹈然而现在的NEW SCHOOl DANCE包含的范畴又更广了 不仅加入许多种舞蹈融合其中,如popin',BOOGIE(布吉) 取材范围也更广了!国外有些人认为"NEW SCHOOl的动作跟90年代的风车,HEAdsPIN来比较的话显而简单许多" 但NEW SCHOOl的动作也是需要技巧的这就跟霹雳舞中的排腿(footwork)是相近的观念 虽然随性,但却也包含颇多技巧在其中的道理是一样的然而OlD SCHOOl与NEW SCHOOl孰优我们无法去真正的作个区分或比较但是不知甚么时候又会有更新风格的街舞出现,到时我们现在所流行的NEW SCHOOl,又要变成历史又要变成另一种的OlD


House文化 & 独特的---“HDI”的历史 (2)

80年代中期,house音乐在芝加哥红了起来。除了HDI还有Brooklyn Mecca已经连续举办4年,每年都很多人参加。。。。。。


Santiago Freeman (创办人)

Santiago是一个超过20年舞龄的Freestyle House Dancer。他在芝加哥长大,正好80年代中期的时候,House音乐在芝加哥红了起来。Santiago除了HDI之外,他还有举办House Dance活动“Brooklyn Mecca”。至今,Brooklyn Mecca已经连续举办了4年了,每次都N多人去会,无敌赞!Santiago也是Dancer Warrior Project(DWP)的创办人,他这个DWP来头也不小,时代杂志是用“Graceful…Strong…and engaging”来介绍DWP。


REDness (合作人)

早80年代末的Underground Dance Music开始在纽约流行的时候,Red便与众多名DJ合作过许多活动,和他合作的名DJ分别有:Louie Vega,FrancoisK,Danny Krivit,还有Joe Claussel等。(大家去找这些家伙的专辑)。她也是CHMW Freestyle Dance-OFF Competition的创办人之一。

Conrad Rochester (合作人)

Conrad是纽约House Dance的元老人物,也是最成功的Cluing策划人之一,他曾经在Paradise Garage,Club Shelter和Roots干过。而且同时他也曾受到众多大师级DJ的邀请去一同策划大型的Dance Party或者MV。



Ejoe Wilson生于1970年,他是世界上最有影响力的House Dancer之一。他参与过的关于House文化的纪录片也有不少,像Check Your Body at the Door,还有Maestor等等。参与过众多明星的MV和巡回演出,像MC Lyte,Jungle Brothers,Will Smith,还有Mariah Carey等。目前来说他是一个太空人(意思是坐飞机到处跑),去推广House,人家对他的描述是---“The Truth”。而说到Ejoe,必须要谈到他的特有的Style,在Jackin的基础上结合了Floorwork,Lofting,Capoeira和杂技。这种Style不知道现在有多少人为止着迷,甚至模仿着。Ejoe不但是Dance Fusion(House鼻祖大集合)的成员,他也是纽约House Dance活动“Soulgasn”的创办者,同时他也是出名的舞蹈公司Beyond Phenomenon的艺术指导。


这个不得不提,HDI几乎号召了世界上所有最棒House DJ,当中包括DJ Spinna, the Martinez Brothers, Quentin Harris, Filsonik, DJ Sabine, Bryan Coxx, Chip-Chop Ninja and Pang-Lo。(大家也可以去搜索以下这些DJ的名字,去下载他们的作品)


2007: House Dance (Shuho Chiba); Vogue (Javier Ninja); Hustle (Sergia Anderson & Raul Santiago); Experimental (Future)

2008: House Dance (Shuho Chiba); Vogue (Javier Ninja); Hustle (Sergia Anderson & Raul Santiago); Experimental (Future); Waacking (Aus Ninja)

HDI Group Choreography Contest(齐舞)

我只知道2008年的的冠军是一支来自日本大阪的全女打,“Soul Flower”。


2007: Conrad Rochester (House Dance); Junious Brickhouse (House Dance); James “Cricket” Colter (Experimental); Archie Burnett (Vogue); Marjory Smarth (Hustle)

2008: Hector Xtravaganza (Vogue); Akim Funk Buddha (Experimental); Voodoo Ray (House); David Husney (Hustle); Tyrone Proctor (Waacking)


每年HDI举办的时候,都会请一些无敌叼的大师去授课,地点在麦哈顿的Alvin Ailey Studio那里。

07年的授课老师有:Brian “Footwork” Greene, Ejoe Wilson, Marjory Smarth,Archie Burnett

08年的授课老师有:Akim Funk Buddha, Tyrone Proctor, Sergia Anderson, Ejoe Wilson,Archie Burnett



Check Your Body at the Door

这是佛罗里达州立大学舞蹈系教授DrSally Sommer拍摄的,关于House舞蹈动作词汇收集的纪录片,当中出现的House Dancer有:Archie Burnett, Willie Ninja, Ejoe Wilson, Marjory Smarth and Conrad Rochester。Check your Body at the Door也是早期纽约House文化发展最具说服力的纪录片。

How Do I Look

这是之前获得国际纪录片大奖的“Paris is Burning”(“Vogue”那文章中我有说明)的后续作品,由Wolfgang Busch导演。这部片子是记录了从1997-2004年以来的舞厅文化,以及那些已经被时尚界和国际关注和尊重的舞者们。

Dance For Peace

这是一个非盈利机构拍摄于2008年的一个纪录短片,导演是Kumari Singh,这片子是记录第三世界国家的最底层的青少年的生活为题材。里面讲述到Urban Dance在南非的青少年圈子中的广发流行。

I wanna be immortal

Like a god in the sky

I wanna be a silk flower

Like i'm never gonna die

I wanna live forever

Forever in your heart

And we'll always be together

From the end to the start

That's what we do it for

To reserve a place

It's just another part of the human race

That's what we do it for

To reserve a space

In history it's just

Part of the human race


I'm forever chasing after time

But everybody dies dies

If i could buy forever at a price

I would buy it twice twice

But if the earth ends in fire

And the seas are frozen in time

There'll be just one survivor

The memory that i was yours and you were mine

Everybody dies dies

Chasing after time time

When you love somebody

They'll always leave too soon

But a memory a memory

Can make a flower bloom

We wanna be remembered

Don't wanna live in vein

But nothing lasts forever

This world is in a losing game

I wanna mean something to somebody else

Feel a significance in the real world

It's not enough to live out a lucky life

I'm forever chasing after time

But everybody dies dies

If i could buy forever at a price

I would buy it twice twice

But if the earth ends in fire

And the seas are frozen in time

There'll be just one survivor

The memory that i was yours and you were mine

Everybody dies dies

Chasing after time time

No i don't wanna be afraid afraid to die die die

I just wanna be able to say that i have lived my life

Life life

Oh all these things humans do

To leave behind a little proof

But the only thing that doesn't die is love

Love love love love

I'm forever chasing after time

But everybody dies dies

If i could buy forever at a price

I would buy it twice twice

But if the earth ends in fire

And the seas are frozen in time

There'll be just one survivor

The memories of our life time

Everybody dies dies

Chasing after time time

So keep me alive

So keep me alive

So keep me alive

Immortal - Marina & The Diamonds



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