http://wwwverycdcom/topics/95354/ 专辑中文名 : 动感节拍 专辑英文名 : Aerobics Music 艺术家 : 纯音乐 资源格式 : MP3 版本 : 劲爆健美操韵律 美丽不再是传说 苗条身材不是梦 发行时间 : 2003年 地区 : 大陆 简介 : 唱片制作: 日本DSD发烧母带技术重新处理 唱片出品: 广西文化音像出版社 ISRC CN-F36-03-305-00/AJ6 压缩码率: 192K CBR 专辑介绍: 健美操是一项深受广大群众喜爱的、普及性极强,集体操、舞蹈、音乐、健身、娱乐于一体的体育项目。健美操起源于1968年,1983年美国举行了首届健美操比赛,1984年首届远东区健美操大赛在日本举行。由于两次大赛的成功,1984年起健美操运动在世界各地全面兴起。 随着人民生活水平的不断提高,健美操所特有的保健、医疗、健身、健美、娱乐的实用价值受到越来越多的人们的重视,吸引了不同年龄的爱好者参与,形成了一定规模的消费群体。各级电视台纷纷制作以健美操竞赛、普及为内容的专题节目,其收视率远远超过其他节目。 健美操大致包括:舞蹈类健美操、拉丁健身操、街舞健身操、艺舞健美瘦身操、踏板健身操、伸拉健身操、有氧搏击健身操、轻松瘦大众健身操、芭蕾形体操、瑜珈健身操等等。 本专辑属舞蹈类健美操,选用国际流行健美操及欧美各大健身俱乐部领操舞曲,适合男女老少不同性别、不同年龄、不同身体状况层次,渴望年轻、美丽、健康的人群。结合现代人生活节奏快的特点,结合运动生理学,运动心里学,运动美学等原理,尤其侧重于女士们,高效燃烧脂肪的有氧热舞,集美肚皮、美腹、细腰、美臀、性感热舞于功效一体,跳出美丽、跳出健康、跳出苗条身材、跳出好心情、跳出青春活力跳出性感热辣女人味,绽放前所未有迷人与光彩。 不用羡慕明星、名模的身段,因为现在你也可以带着他们的身段教练回家。 还等什么,开大你的音量,“大家准备好了吗?快来随我一起跳,不许偷懒哦~你、你、还有你、看什么看,就是说你呢bygood,别东张西望的;四月惊雷,精神点,别又刚吃饱火锅醉醺醺的;大黑猫,健美操不是走猫步,改过来;E老师,跟着我跳吧,脸就变白啦;抒情年代,把你嘴里叼的那个大烟卷给我吐掉顶你个肺,大家有点内涵,认真点行吗?预备,One Two Three For 一二三四五六七”Come On 专辑曲目 : 01Spring(4 Jays Cut)春天(4只鸟) (动感间,带您一起有氧运动) 021、2、3、4 (放松全身每一个细胞,音乐响起,动起来) 03It's Fresh 新鲜 (深呼吸,跟着节奏:1、2、3、4、5、6、7) 04Funky Beat 独特的节拍 (汗水尽情流淌,身体自己支配) 05MrFriday Night 周五先生的夜晚 (来这个运动前先热身吧) 06Dura Dura 嘟哈 (跟着教练,踏着节拍,奔放的跳动跃) 07Mental Journey 精神之旅 (调节呼吸,平衡一下缓冲) 08You Gave Me Love 给我你的爱 (协调身体,竭尽全力,练出健康的推动力) 09Le Numero 数字动感 (不要偷懒,动起来,纤美的身材不是梦) 10Jam 乾扰 (电声音乐,激烈节奏,让您尽情舞动) 11Arriva Progressiva 步进的旋律 (随着激烈的音乐起舞,忘我浑然,忘却疲劳) 12Spring(Holiday Cut)春天(节日之声) (有柔有钢,健体修身) 13Let Me Walk Upon The Danceflook 让我跳起来 (踏点、放松、调节、蓄动的时刻)
自由广场舞24步健身操音乐是chipz - bang bang,歌词如下:
bang bang bang
bang bang bang
i've been looking at you
you've been looking at me
friends are watching us too
it's so easy to see
man this place is getting hot tonight
and i've got the feeling so will we
everybody's screaming one two three
bang bang bang
catch me if you can
if you get me started
we could have a party
bang bang bang
catch me if you can
if you get me started
we could have a party tonight
hey yo hey yo let's go
catch me if you can
bang bang bang
catch me if you can
bang bang bang
aha catch me if you can
bang bang bang
i say catch me if you can
bang bang bang
if you're feeling the same
we shouldn't waste any time
let's get down with this game
cause tonight is the night
man this place is getting hot tonight
and i've got the feeling so will we
everybody's screaming one two three
bang bang bang
catch me if you can
if you get me started
we could have a party
bang bang bang
catch me if you can
if you get me started
we could have a party tonight
watch out here we go
catch me if you can
catch me if you can
bang bang bang
bang bang bang
aha catch me if you can
bang bang bang
i say catch me if you can
bang bang bang
man this place is getting hot tonight
and i've got the feeling so will we
everybody's screaming one two three
bang bang bang
catch me if you can
if you get me started
we could have a party
bang bang bang
catch me if you can
if you get me started
we could have a party tonight
bang bang bang
catch me if you can
if you get me started
we could have a party
bang bang bang
catch me if you can
if you get me started
we could have a party tonight
恰恰:one two three qiaqia one 既然是教学听音乐的节拍应该没问题这个我就不细讲了。
伦巴:初学者one two three four one 对高徒就是当把& a加上 one & a two后面也是加上& a
桑巴:one a two three four 如果动作是连贯的或是特殊处理的 你喊one two three four 关键看你的步子。
牛仔:one two three a four 对高徒加上切音慢、慢、快、啊、慢、快、啊、慢。 每分40-44小节。
斗牛:音乐为旋律高昂雄壮、鲜明有力的西班牙进行曲。节奏为2/4拍,每分钟60~62小节。一拍一步,八拍一循环,。音乐非常的澎湃激昂,通常是2/4拍或6/8拍, 以进行曲的节奏表现。有些斗牛舞曲是3/4拍,但竞赛时一例采用9,/4拍‘拍速为每分钟62小节o2/4拍:通常是一拍一步。3/4拍:通常是一拍一步。6/8拍:通常是三拍一步
音乐的节奏,拉丁舞的节拍(我也是学拉丁舞的),例:(伦巴 ONE——TWO——THREE——FOUR——ONE),(恰恰 ONE,TWO,THREE恰恰ONE),(牛仔 啊ONE啊TWO啊THREE啊FOUR)。
Rocket To The Moon - Emilie Simon
Baby, Baby, whatcha' gonna do
Bany, Baby, I leave it up to you
Baby, Baby, it's your move
Are you gonna take this ride
What do you say
Baby, Baby, don't be late
I've got no time, I'm in a rush
I'm in a rush
I'm a rocket to the moon
I'm headed to the stars
The world is microscopic
I see it from afar
I'm saving you a seat
I know just what you need
You're always on the ground
Baby, Baby, I'm pushing you away
Baby, Baby, you don't have to stay
Baby, Baby, if you do
You'll know that what I say is true
Baby, Baby, don't be late
I've got no time, I'm in a rush
I'm in a rush
I'm a rocket to the moon,
I'm leaving very soon
You may press the button
Anytime you please
I'm ready to depart
You know where we are
And I know where to go
Baby, Baby, whatcha' gonna do
Baby, Baby, I leave it up to you
Baby, Baby, whatcha' gonna do
I'm a pioneer
I am the first
Woman on the earth
To make you feel this way
I'm saving you a scat
I know just what you need
You're always on the ground
A rocket to the moon
A rocket to the moon