

首先,使用abap中的CONCATENATE方法,会把要连接的字符串后面的空格自动给去掉的,但不会去掉前面的空格,例如CONCATENATE'#''over' INTOval这样val值为“#over”,但如果CONCATENATE'#''over' INTO val那val的值就是“#over”,使用空格在前面不会被删掉的特性的话,那就有可能添加空格了。方法为,先连接前面带有空格,最后带有一个特殊符号的字符串,如“#”,连接后,把#替换成后面连接的字符串的第一个字符就OK。当初连接的时候,后面那个字符串取第一位以后的字符串。这样连接后就可以在前面添加空格。一下为方法:&---------------------------------------------------------------------&Formcondense&---------------------------------------------------------------------连接数据,让每个字符串占20个字符,用于对齐------------------------------------------------------------------------CHAR_NUM要连接<--VAL返回的字符串--flag占位符标识位,如果为M,则占18位,空则为20位----------------------------------------------------------------------FORM condense USING flag char_num CHANGING valDATA: num(20) TYPE c,len TYPE i,slen TYPE i,tem(20) TYPE c,first_num TYPE cif flag = 'M'move'#' to temelsemove'#' to temendifIF char_num <''len =STRLEN( char_num )slen = 20 -lentem =tem+lenMOVEchar_num TO numMOVEchar_num TO first_numnum =num+1CONCATENATEval tem num INTO valREPLACE ALL

condense paris巴黎珂蒂丝这个牌子,是法国护肤品一贯崇尚的纯天然之风,产品非常的简练大方,主要经营护肤品,对于修复肌肤,重返年轻肌肤效果不错,下面一起了解一下巴黎珂蒂丝牌子是什么档次?


女性之美,始于纯自然的深层次的能量。基于这个理念,娜塔莉·拉蔓蒂女士创立了崭新的法式天然护肤品牌巴黎·珂蒂丝(Condensé Paris)。

拉蔓蒂女士曾在一个非常有名的奢侈护肤品集团工作,十年中她领导并成功创始了广受欢迎的Kenzo Ki护肤系列和Flower by Kenzo系列。取得一定成功后,她感悟到她真正想做的,是为女性创造梦想中的完美护肤品。巴黎·珂蒂丝承载了拉蔓蒂女士对理想护肤品的三大理念——天然、有效与舒适。品牌共萃取42种天然活性成分,进行科学配比,加以独特质地,给女性带来难忘的舒适护肤体验。


源自法国巴黎的CONDENS PARIS,特别与全法国仅三家拥有合格GMP执照之一的化妆品制造厂Biocosm合作,提供消费者顶级的品质和效果。该厂素与国际知名品牌保养品长期合作生产制造保养品,因此在业界是相当知名的制造公司。为了提供讲究天然成份产品所需的相关条件,CONDENS PARIS更要求生产过程,制造与包装均须在符合药品生产标准的 Class 10000(每立方公分的空气有10000分子)的清净室内进行。为了因应天然成份产品不加化学防腐剂的原则,CONDENS PARIS除了无细菌污染的真空包装制作过程,更有业界独家的天然防腐剂,以提供消费者纯净自然、最能为人体吸收的保养产品。

优雅浪漫的巴黎孕育了CONDENSE PARIS(巴黎·珂蒂丝)品牌,其以舒适的品牌理念,缔造出独具创新的天然品质及超乎想象的质地,产品运用蕴含柑橘、橙花花朵,绿茶精华等天然萃取精华,芬芳的天然香氛为肌肤带来一种真正的舒适。


优雅浪漫的巴黎孕育了CONDENSE PARIS(巴黎·珂蒂丝)品牌,其以舒适的品牌理念,缔造出独具创新的天然品质及超乎想象的质地,产品运用蕴含柑橘、橙花花朵,绿茶精华等天然萃取精华,芬芳的天然香氛为肌肤带来一种真正的舒适。

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data: a type i

data: b type char100

a = 10

b = a

condense b

Uses of Water

Water is one of the most vital natural resources for all life on EarthThe availability and quality of water always have played an important part in determining not only where people can live,but also their quality of lifeEven though there always has been plenty of fresh water on Earth,water has not always been available when and where it is needed,nor is it always of suitable quality for all usesWater must be considered as a finite resource that has limits and boundaries to its availability and suitability for use

result between and among the various uses

The balance between supply and demand for water is a delicate oneThe availability of usable water has and will continue to dictate where and to what extent development will occurWater must be in sufficient supply for an area to develop,and an area cannot continue to develop if water demand far outstrips available supplyFurther,a water supply will be called upon to meet an array of offstream uses (in which the water is withdrawn from the source) in addition to instream uses (in which the water remains in place)Figure 1 represents the demands on water as a tug-of-war among the various offstream and instream uses

Traditionally,water management in the United States focused on expanding or manipulating the country's supplies of fresh water to meet the needs of usersA number of large dams were built during the early twentieth century to increase the supply of fresh water for any given time and placeThis era of building large dams has passedIn the twenty-first century,the finite water supply and established infrastructure require that demand be managed more effectively within the available sustainable supplyWater-use information can be used to evaluate the impacts of population growth and the effectiveness of alternative water management policies,regulations,and conservation activities

The Water-Use Cycle

Water is constantly in motion by way of the hydrologic cycleWater evaporates as vapor from oceans,lakes,and rivers; is transpired from plants; condenses in the air and falls as precipitation; and then moves over and through the ground into waterbodies,where the cycle begins again

The water-use cycle is composed of the water cycle with the added influence of human activityDams,reservoirs,canals,aqueducts ,withdrawal pipes in rivers,and groundwater wells all reveal that humans have a major impact on the water cycleIn the water-use cycle,water moves from a source to a point of use,and then to a point of dispositionThe sources of water are either surface water or groundwaterWater is withdrawn and moved from a source to a point of use,such as an industry,restaurant,home,or farmAfter water is used,it must be disposed of (or sometimes,reused)Used water is either directly returned to the environment or passes through a treatment processing plant before being returned






 博世Comfort Condense冷凝式燃气壁

    节能环保博世Comfort Condense配置的超大面积羽翼式热交换器,充分保证了高效的换热效果, 效率高达106%,采用了先进的冷凝技术,回收烟气中水蒸汽的热量,在降低排烟温度的同时大大减少了有害物的排放。

  超静音运行博世Comfort Condense冷凝式燃气壁挂炉转为追求高品质生活的人士打造,所有细节都本着静音运行设计,特殊的消音罩,配套的消音垫,都是其实现静音运行的基础。

 使用博世Comfort Condense冷凝式燃气壁挂炉,可以在任何时候灵活调节室内温度,配套换热水箱,可以及时获得舒适性极高的生活热水。与太阳能配套使用,可以节省约60%的生活热水费用以及约30%的采暖费用。














How to cook chicken soup

1First of all, proper pot of water, will be chopped Add chicken pieces, water should not have been chicken, remove the fire immediately after the chicken boil wash (cold water to hack, so that after a good stew noodles are not the only bloodstained be annoying);

2, will be cleaned Add chicken pressure cooker, add thick Fasciolopsis, by adding a tablespoon cooking wine (preferably Shaoxing rice wine), a good cleaning Add barbarum, dangshen, Angelica (less released, a small can), red dates (4,5 tablets can be, there will be extra sour soup), meat longans 3, such as fear of lit and can be removed Danggui, plus 5 grams odoratum, jobi meters, plus a little less salt (to make chicken), adding water did not have an inch or so of chicken, covered with lid and the valve, boil on the stove on fire;

3, jet pressure cooker after the pressure in the fire five minutes, and then pressure fire for 10 minutes (which can maintain the soup is the broth, not muddy), pneumatic pressure cooker waiting for clearance to reduce the fire;

4, open the lid after steam release,by adding an appropriate amount of salt and chicken seasoning (depending on personal preference), a pot of tasty soup on the well, go drink!

5, in the case of ordinary stew soup pot, then add more water, not half-way Tim water, otherwise the soup will not mellow; large火炖10 minutes, and then small 1 hours (tender chicken, such as stewing hens time to extend the old one times), seasoning can be;

6, can also be covered by the ceramic container(which most ethanol taste stewed method is commonly used in Cantonese stewed Act), will add good material covered containers Add steamer, the paper yarn available conditional wet seal in the container (first tune good taste), large steamer about two hours accompli;

7, if you are using stew, then do not water by the steam condenses into soup, taste it is full-bodied flavor, stewing and similar;

8, no matter what Don Law, it is advisable to clear re-stewed chicken, in order to avoid too greasy

嘿嘿 选我吧\(^o^)/~





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