


















  Recombinant Bovine Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor for External Use〖药品商品名〗外用重组牛碱性成纤维细胞生长因子

  Recombinant Bovine Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor in Eye Drop Form〖药品商品名〗重组牛碱性成纤维细胞生长因子滴眼液

  Recombinant Hepatitis B Vaccine〖药品商品名〗乙型肝炎基因工程疫苗

  Recombinant Human Erythropoietin-ClonBiotech〖药品商品名〗怡宝

  Recombinant Human Erythropoietin For Injection〖药品商品名〗注射用重组人红细胞生成素

  Recombinant Human Erythropoietin Injection〖药品商品名〗重组人红细胞生成素注射液

  Recombinant Human Granulocyte Colony-stimulating Factor Injection〖药品商品名〗重组人粒细胞集落刺激因子注射液

  Recombinant Human Granulocyte/Macrophage Colony-stimulating Factor〖药品商品名〗重组人粒细胞巨噬细胞集落刺激因子注射液

  Recombinant Human Growth Hormone for Injection〖药品商品名〗注射用重组人生长激素〖英文通用名〗Somatropin〖中文通用名〗生长激素

  Recombinant Human Insulin Injection〖药品商品名〗重组人胰岛素注射液

  Recombinant Human Insulin Isophane Injection〖药品商品名〗精蛋白重组人胰岛素注射液〖英文通用名〗Protamine Sulfate〖中文通用名〗硫酸鱼精蛋白

  Recombinant Human Interferon α1b for Injection〖药品商品名〗注射用重组人干扰素α1b

  Recombinant Human Interferon α1b in Eye Drop Form〖药品商品名〗重组人干扰素α1b滴眼液

  Recombinant Human Interferonα2a for Injection〖药品商品名〗注射用重组人干扰素α2a

  Recombinant Human Interferon α2a in Suppository Form〖药品商品名〗重组人干扰素α2a栓剂

  Recombinant Human Interferon α2b for Injection〖药品商品名〗注射用重组人干扰素α2b

  Recombinant Human Interferon α2b Injection〖药品商品名〗重组人干扰素α2b注射液

  Recombinant Human Interferon α- 2b-Livzon Xinbao〖药品商品名〗隆化诺〖英文通用名〗Interferon〖中文通用名〗干扰素

  Recombinant Human Interferon-γ-ClonBiotech〖药品商品名〗伽玛〖英文通用名〗Interferon〖中文通用名〗干扰素

  Recombinant Human Interferon γ for Injection〖药品商品名〗注射用重组人干扰素γ

  Recombinant Human Interferon-γ-Livzon Biotech〖药品商品名〗丽珠因得福〖英文通用名〗Interferon〖中文通用名〗干扰素

  Recombinant Human Interleukin-2 for Injection〖药品商品名〗注射用重组人白细胞介素-2

  Recombinant Human Interlukin-2〖药品商品名〗重组人白细胞介素-2

  Recombinant Human Somatropin Solution〖药品商品名〗重组人生长激素溶液〖英文通用名〗Somatropin〖中文通用名〗生长激素

  Recombinant Somatropin〖英文通用名〗Somatropin〖中文通用名〗生长激素〖所属类别〗激素及有关药物/其它类

  Recombinant Streptokinase for Injection〖药品商品名〗注射用重组链激酶

  Recombinant Streptokinase-Shanghai SIIC-SMU〖药品商品名〗思凯通〖英文通用名〗Streptokinase〖中文通用名〗链激酶

  Recombinated Interferon α-2a〖药品商品名〗基因工程干扰素α-2a

  Recombinated Interferon α-2b〖药品商品名〗基因工程干扰素α-2b

  Recombinat Human Granulocyte Colony〖英文通用名〗Filgrastim〖中文通用名〗非格司亭〖所属类别〗影响血液及造血系统的药物/促进白细胞增生药

  Recombinat Human Granulocyte-Macrop〖英文通用名〗Sargramostim〖中文通用名〗沙格司亭〖所属类别〗影响机体免疫功能的药物/其它类






  Rectules〖英文通用名〗Chloral Hydrate〖中文通用名〗水合氯醛〖所属类别〗中枢神经系统药物/镇静药、催眠药及抗惊厥药/其它类



  Red Ginseng〖中文名〗红参〖拼音〗Hongshen〖拉丁名〗Radix Ginseng Rubra

  Red Halloysite〖中文名〗赤石脂〖拼音〗Chisshizhi〖拉丁名〗Halloysitum Rubrum

  Redisol〖英文通用名〗Vitamin B12〖中文通用名〗维生素B12〖所属类别〗影响血液及造血系统的药物/抗贫血药


  Red Peony Root〖中文名〗赤芍〖拼音〗Chishao〖拉丁名〗Radix Paeoniae Rubra

  Red Tangerine Peel〖中文名〗橘红〖拼音〗Juhog〖拉丁名〗Exocarpium Citri Rubrum


  Reed Rhizome〖中文名〗芦根〖拼音〗Lugen〖拉丁名〗Rhizoma Phragmitis




  Refresh Plus〖药品商品名〗瑞新〖英文通用名〗Methylcellulose〖中文通用名〗甲基纤维素

red ginseng是红参的意思


young bin是这个牌子的韩文名字的英语写法,中文就是“永斌“

Young bin Skin toner 30ml- 润肤水

Young bin Cream 50g- 面霜



Ginseng 的英式读音是 /ˈdʒɪnsɛŋ/,美式读音是 /ˈdʒɪnsɛŋ/。


Ginseng 指的是人参,是一种植物根部的药用植物,被广泛用于中药和保健品中,具有一定的药用价值。


Ginseng 是一个可数名词,可以用作单数或复数形式。可以用于描述这种植物本身,也可以用于指代以人参为主要成分的药物或保健品。




1 wild ginseng:野生人参

2 herbal ginseng tea:人参茶

3 ginseng extract:人参提取物

4 ginseng root:人参根

5 American ginseng:美洲人参


Ginseng 是一种药用植物,可以用于中药和保健品中。它被广泛认为具有一些药用价值,如增强体力、提升免疫力等。


1 Ginseng is often used in traditional Chinese medicine for its medicinal properties(人参常被用于中药,因其药用效果。)

2 My grandmother drinks ginseng tea every morning for its health benefits(我的奶奶每天早上喝人参茶,因为它有益健康。)

3 The ginseng root is harvested and dried before being used in herbal remedies(人参根在采摘后先晾干,然后再用于草药治疗。)

4 This health supplement contains a blend of ginseng and other herbal extracts(这个保健品含有人参和其他草药提取物的混合物。)

5 The ginseng industry is a significant part of the local economy in some regions(人参产业在某些地区是当地经济的重要组成部分。)

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Other common name(s): traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese herbs


Chinese herbal medicine is a major aspect of traditional Chinese medicine, which focuses on restoring a balance of energy, body, and spirit to maintain health rather than treating a particular disease or medical condition Herbs are used with the goal of restoring balance by nourishing the body


Because of the large number of Chinese herbs used and the different uses recommended by practitioners, it is difficult to comment on Chinese herbal medicine as a whole There may be some individual herbs or extracts that play a role in the prevention and treatment of cancer and other diseases when combined with conventional treatment However, more research is needed to determine the effectiveness of these individual substances

How is it promoted for use

Chinese herbal medicine is not based on Western conventional concepts of medical diagnosis and treatment It treats patients聮 main complaints or the patterns of their symptoms rather than the underlying causes Practitioners attempt to prevent and treat imbalances, such as those caused by cancer and other diseases, with complex combinations of herbs, minerals, and plant extracts

Chinese herbal medicine uses a variety of herbs, in different combinations, to restore balance to the body (see Astragalus, Ginkgo, Ginseng, Green Tea, and Siberian Ginseng) Herbal preparations are said to prevent and treat hormone disturbances, infections, breathing disorders, and a vast number of other ailments and diseases Some practitioners claim herbs have the power to prevent and treat a variety of cancers (see Astragalus, Ginkgo, Ginseng, Green Tea, Siberian Ginseng)

Most Chinese herbalists do not claim to cure cancer They use herbal medicine along with conventional treatment prescribed by oncologists, such as radiation therapy and chemotherapy They claim that herbal remedies can help ease the side effects of conventional cancer therapies, control pain, improve quality of life, strengthen the immune system, and in some cases, stop tumor growth and spread

What does it involve

In China, there are over 3,200 herbs, 300 mineral and animal extracts, and over 400 formulas used Herbal formulations may consist of 4 to 12 different ingredients, to be taken in the form of teas, powders, pills, tinctures, or syrups

Chinese herbal remedies are made up of one or two herbs that are said to have the greatest effect on major aspects of the problem being treated The other herbs in the formula treat minor aspects of the problem, direct the formula to specific parts of the body, and help the other herbs work more efficiently

With the increase in popularity of herbal use, many Chinese herbs are sold individually and in formulas In the United States, Chinese herbs and herbal formulas may be purchased in health food stores, some pharmacies, and from herbal medicine practitioners

Before choosing a mixture of herbs for a patient, the traditional Chinese practitioner will typically ask about symptoms and examine the patient, often focusing on the skin, hair, tongue, eyes, pulses, and voice, in order to detect imbalances in the body

What is the history behind it

Native cultures all over the world have traditionally used herbs to maintain health and treat illnesses Chinese herbal medicine developed with Chinese culture from tribal roots By 200 BC, traditional Chinese medicine was firmly established, and by the first century AD, a listing of medicinal herbs and herbal formulations had been developed

The classic Chinese book on medicinal herbs was written during the Ming Dynasty (1152-1578) by Li Shi-Zhen It listed nearly 2,000 herbs and extracts By 1990, the latest edition of The Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China listed more than 500 single herbs or extracts and nearly 300 complex formulations

As Western conventional medicine spread to the East, some traditional Chinese medical practices began to be regarded as folklore However, since 1949, the Chinese government has supported the use of both traditional and Western medicine Chinese herbal medicine first came to wide-spread attention in the United States in the 1970s, when President Richard Nixon visited China Today, at least 30 states license practitioners of Oriental medicine and more than 25 colleges of Oriental medicine exist in the United States

What is the evidence

Some herbs and herbal formulations have been evaluated in animal, laboratory, and human studies in both the East and the West with wide-ranging results Research results vary widely depending on the specific herb, but several have shown activity against cancer cells in laboratory dishes and in some lab animals

There is some evidence from randomized clinical trials that some Chinese herbs may contribute to longer survival rates, reduction of side effects, and lower risk of recurrence for some cancers, especially when combined with conventional treatment Many of these studies, however, are published in Chinese, and some of them do not list the specific herbs that were tested Some of these journal articles do not describe how the studies were conducted completely enough to determine whether they use methods comparable to those used in Western clinical research However, there are some notable exceptions, such as the PC-SPES, a mixture including several Chinese herbs that has been studied in considerable detail in US clinical trials (see PC-SPES) More controlled research is needed to determine the role of Chinese herbal medicine in cancer treatment and prevention

Are there any possible problems or complications

Because of the variety of herbs used in Chinese herbal medicine, there is a potential for negative interactions with prescribed drugs Some herbal preparations contain other ingredients which are not always identified The FDA has issued a statement warning diabetics to avoid several specific brands of Chinese herbal products because they illegally contain the prescription diabetes drugs glyburide and phenformin FDA warnings have been issued for PC-SPES and production of that product stopped because the Chinese herbal products also contained prescription drugs (indomethicin, diethylstilbestrol and warfarin)

Similar concerns have been raised about Chinese herbal products for other diseases, which have been found to contain toxic contaminants and prescription drugs such as diazepam (Valium) Tests of Chinese herbal remedies by the California Department of Health found that nearly one third contained prescription drugs or were contaminated with toxic metals such as mercury, arsenic, and lead Concerns about Chinese herbal products have been raised in other countries as well The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare reported that some Chinese herbal products contained contaminants which caused severe liver and thyroid problems that were fatal in some cases

Of the more than 5,000 medicinal plant species in China, a small number are potentially toxic (poisonous) to the human body Toxic herbs may mistakenly be harvested and shipped for herbal medicines and cause harmful reactions in those who take the medicines In addition, the herbal formulas used are often complex and difficult for manufacturers and practitioners to formulate correctly For example, an herbal product intended to promote weight loss confused two Chinese herbs with similar names and mistakenly used the wrong one, resulting in severe kidney damage that was fatal in some cases

Although the long history of traditional Chinese herbal medicine is sometimes interpreted as evidence of safety, it is important to note that many of these herbs are no longer produced and used as they were in the past The historical safety of using low doses of an herb for a short period of time under close supervision of a traditional practitioner does not assure safety when these herbs are used in high doses and concentrated forms over a longer period without medical guidance, not does it address concerns of intentional or inadvertent contamination of these herbs with toxic substances or prescription drugs during the manufacturing process

Practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine licensed by a state board can provide advice on sources of herbs less likely to contain dangerous contaminants Because some herbs used in traditional Chinese medicine may cause dangerous interactions with conventional medications, patients should talk with their doctor before using any of the herbs

Additional Resources

More Information from Your American Cancer Society

The following information on complementary and alternative therapies may also be helpful to you These materials may be ordered from our toll-free number (1-800-ACS-2345)

Guidelines for Using Complementary and Alternative Methods

How to Know What Is Safe: Choosing and Using Dietary Supplements

American Cancer Society Operational Statement on Complementary and Alternative Methods of Cancer Management



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